Fan Fiction

Mmz: arts and sculpture chapter 10

For aarti n nikuds☺☺☺?????

Nandini and Radhika were discussing about her past with Anuj. Radhika stated Anuj had some resemblance with Arjun without knowing the fact he was Anuj’s son. Radhika told Nandini had a quite strong to taken the decision she would live all alone her life afterward.

” First of all who said I am alone. I am with my family and my daughter. And;…..she thought for some time , hesitated to say or not; finally said , ” it is you who is adamant to live your life all alone. Why can’t you leave past and come out of it?”

Radhika was shocked hearing Nandini. She never expected this turn. She closed her eyes as some fresh tear drops fell on Nandini’s saree , who felt it. But already decided to make her daughter come out of her past trauma. Nandini patted her with love and affection. Though Nandini never felt any awkwardness or loneliness in her life; that didn’t mean it was an easy task. There were time she too felt absence of her love, Anuj. There were time she wanted to be tied in marital knot , when others talked about their happy marital life. She couldn’t guarantee that she never missed her love. It was not easy; but Radhika made it simpler for her. She had baby Radhika with her, to forget everything; but who would be with Radhika??Who knows if Mala didn’t fall bed ridden, would she have such right on Radhika; what she had on her now?? At first, that time was her young time, she didn’t feel lonely , might be effect of youthfulness ; but when time passed eventually at a stage you would need a partner to share your joy and sorrow.

The fate she faced, she never wanted her baby to face. Many people’s happiness was intertwined with Radhika only . To be more specific, Laxmi’s family. They still felt guilty for radhika’s restlessness. They still felt responsible for her loss of bubbly nature, chirpiness. The relation of friendship which they wanted to take another level, cost her happiness. Abinash, Sanyukta and Laxmi tried many ways to get her back to old self but in vain. They solely pointed out that was their mistake, to let their son Varun committing such mistake. That left a deep impression in Radhika’s heart which made her numb. But what pricked Nandini most was, as a mother she knew her daughter inside out. She still waited for him, still believed in his words. She become more stubborn with due time. That year was most painful; to divert her mind Nandini made Radhika to get into research of history and sculpture. Arts and sculpture fascinated Radhika from childhood. This time she took a oath to make her daughter shine again, with the help of her friends.

She made Radhika sleep carefully who was in deep slumber now. She went out of room as Radhika opened her eyes. She aware what all wanted; but she was not ready to accept the fact Varun would ever make fake promises. She took out his photo , below her pillow; some tear drops fell on photo , ” they said you forgot me. But I don’t believe. Please come back soon before I will become a mess from confusions of my heart.”


Anuj was very happy after talking Arjun. Moreover his happiness had no bound after listening DAD from his son. He called professor Ryan Strauss who helped him to make Arjun sent India on the name of research. Ryan Strauss was friend of Elena at first; later he preferred Anuj’s ideology and friendship more. Eventually both shared a great bonding.

” What’s up Mr. Mehera? You sounds very happy.” Mr Strauss asked eagerly.

” Thanks to you for keeping my request. I got my son back.” Anuj replied Happily.

” That’s really a good news. So what’s your further plan now?” Mr Strauss asked further.

” nothing much now . I am planning to visit India . After all now all I want to see my son, to hug him, to talk with him endlessly.” Anuj said excitedly.

” And what about the pretty lady? I must say you lost your chance.” , Mr Strauss emphasized on Nandini. He completely aware about her and adored her by listening about her from Anuj.

” Sure !! how can I forget her when I will visit India. It’s been years, 20 years precisely, I didn’t see her. How she is doing? If still she remembered me or not, I am curious too. What will be her reaction when she’ll see me? If she resent me or angry over me, I want to know.”, Anuj said with flow like he was in his own bubble.

“Seems like you still not over her. You cherish that love. Envy you man; if then you didn’t involved your heart completely, truly; you may be over of it. But seeing your situation I must say, it’s a true love from both side. Because its long 20 years and you still sounding that fresh. Hope I will meet that lady.” Mr Strauss said dreamily.

“I hope so. These hopes make me alive till now.” Anuj replied smiling.

“Good luck friend. I wish you happiness now.”

“Thanks!! I will contact you when I will be in India. Bye.”

Anuj took out 20 year old painting of Nandini and his determination to see her once again grown double. He was the happiest person now. One side his love Nandini and other side his life, his son ; he got a chance to meet both. Anuj was a good painter, which quality inherited in Arjun so well.

In India, Arjun’s guest house

his thoughts 

” you just look like those artisan’s creation on the walls of temple; who is elegant, beautiful: yet hard like rock. I never understand what’s going on inside you, after my million tries. Why you shut the door of your heart so tightly, that I got bruised before opening it, only from knocking. I wish those statues might get live someday by some magic; so then I would be able to read you, understand you.” 

Arjun was going through Radhika’s old photos. He didn’t know why that particular sea beach photo attracted him more toward her. Yes somehow he sorted out his exact feeling for Radhika with the help of Ed. Ed was a great help to make Arjun realize his feelings. He enlarged that particular photo where Radhika sat near sea, the cool breeze blew her hair, sea water touched her feet and her unblinking stare on sunset, toward horizon like she wanted to find some peace through this. He looked that picture and took his brush to paint on his canvas.

” what ? where did she go?” Laxmi shouted on phone , shocking Ed who stood near her.

” This girl, I have to do something , this time more diligently. God knows what’s gotten into her” She cursed few words under her breath.

” Calm down dear !! what happened? You are scaring me now with your silent cursing and glaring.” Ed told rolling his eyes.

” Nothing !! just I am worried about Radhu, so I reacted high.” Laxmi said off minded placing her palm on her forehead. ” she again went to Puri, to sat near sea beach.”

” So !! what’s problem ? she must be like that place. Even Albert likes sea.” Ed replied casually.

” you don’t understand.” She said little high. ” There is no similarity how Arjun…. I mean Albert likes sea, and how Radhu likes. I know why she goes frequently. I need to take some serious step now.” Laxmi said worriedly.

” how can I understand, when you don’t say clearly without jumbling up things.” Ed retorted back when his phone rang , ” what? Even you went.” He said Laxmi that Arjun too went sea. What’s wrong with those peoples.. a big question stay unanswered. Ed messaged Arjun about Radhika and went with Laxmi.

Arjun was waiting outside of Jagannath temple. Though his belief was returning on god slowly, he still didn’t go inside any sanctum from his childhood. Once went Lingaraj temple just to see sculptures, not inside main sanctum to see the deity. He heard, lord Jagannath was black and ugly. But when he view the faces of devotees, pilgrims who come outside after seeing the god were filled with some kind of eternal joy; some unknown peace reflects on their faces which changed his perspective. Seeing whose face, the mortal human beings face become unexplainable; how great that god deity is !! how incredible !! he promised himself he will go inside temple when he would come with Radhika for their sculpture study. That day he didn’t want to divert here and there; after getting message from Ed that Radhika too at puri.

After good half an hour he saw Radhika was coming out of temple. But looking little bit low. She was looking like a zombie who only walked without showing any emotions. What happened to her ? he again try to read her, but failed. He started to follow her without calling her. After sometime both reached at sea. Like before Radhika sat on looking horizon with blank stare.

Arjun sat near and spoke little loudly, “peace is not something you wish for; it’s something you make, something you are, something you do, and something you give away. It is beautiful.” Radhika turned and surprised seeing Arjun nearby. He smiled contented, ” that is something I learnt from you.”

” how are you here?”, She asked with a faint smile.

” That’s not important. It’s important why a person like you, who know how to spread happiness, contentment is so restless. I always try to read you, but failed. What you think so deeply?” Arjun asked with all the care he had like he could feel her pain.

“Nothing much !! just game of life. Some random thoughts about here and there.” She replied with a sigh.

” Does that random thought has a little place on my name too ? I will be glad if you think a nano drop about me.”, He said to make the moment little lighter by tracing back her hairs behind her ears. She was startled with that sudden move , got up suddenly. He chuckled unseen and stood up with her.

” Yes !! you are my friend too. So I think about you sometime.”, she said while looking again horizon.

“And what I know friends supposed to share joy and pain with each other. When will you open yourself? As a friend I can’t see you in such state.” He asked by turning her to face him. He looked through her eyes, “you shut yourself so harshly, so tightly that even your eyes stop reflection.”

“When you will say me everything, maybe I will be able to say you?” , She said directly looking into him. His hands fell of from her shoulder. Both stood silently looking sea waves crashing their feets. One can’t reflect in water. Only those who found the internal peace lies within can give it to others.

Laxmi was pacing inside radhika’s room, waiting for her with a huge tension in mind and heavy heart. Ed was talking with Dilip and Nandini in living room. He knew Arjun would return with Radhika. The moment they came, Nandini looked their agonized state. She sent Radhika to her room ,as Laxmi was waiting from hours. Arjun stayed to talk with Nandini. As soon Radhika entered Laxmi blasted out this time , ” what is this Radhika ? for how long you planned to stay like this?”

“What’s wrong with you suddenly? Why are you behaving weird”, Radhika asked shocked seeing sudden confrontation from her friend who never called her full name until and unless she was angry.

” That I should ask you !! why you ran away from situations. Why you always went that sea beach place? Do you think I don’t know the reason?” Laxmi asked serious.

” you know; Then why ask?”, Radhika replied casually and crossing her to the washroom. Laxmi held her before she move to anywhere.

” That I know. But I want to hear from you directly.” Laxmi said while Radhika maintained silence. ” what do you want to prove by doing all this?? You only make us feel guilty always by doing this. I admit , yes we were wrong to persuade you; but what you are doing with yourself is no less than torturing yourself and torturing us.”

” For god’s sake stop it , now.”, Radhika was moving outside.

“You are selfish Radhika. You only think about yourself. Have you ever thought how would be your father and Nandu aunty, when they saw you like this.”, Laxmi said disappointed.

” Please Laxmi !! enough . I don’t want to hear anything now.”

” Why don’t you have courage to listen all this now, when you acted same? Varun bhai was your past. He never deserved you. Then why can’t you leave that past?” Laxmi said like pleading.

” Varun was not only my past. He subsides in me always. I don’t want to discuss about him now.” Radhika said by lowering her face.

“Why should not I talk about him? He is responsible for your misery. He was my brother; but what he did, I forget I have a brother once. Then why can’t you? Is he that much important to you; so you don’t thin k about us. Coward man.” Laxmi hissed with anger.

“Not a single word about Varun”, Radhika warned.

“Why not? What he is to you now other than a pain?” Laxmi stated irked.

“Whatever, Varun is still my husband. You better don’t forget that.” Radhika glared Laxmi and turned opposite. “You leave now, please.” Laxmi was shocked that Radhika still considered her brother as her husband. She didn’t want to argue further, too. She went to doorstep , halted shockingly. Laxmi could utter shockingly, “Arjun, when did you come here.” Radhika turned to see Arjun whose eyes only glued with Radhika, showing various emotions.


p.s.   I just showed a glimpse of Radhika’s past. It has many more deep story behind it. With due time I will tell you. Hope you like this part. Thank you for reading. Happy reading.


Want to spread fragrance of positiveness,compassion

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