Hola everyone! This is my first fan fiction story based on MMZ. Hope u like it. Please ignore the typos and grammatical errors. Happy reading:)
She sighed quietly looking at the moon from the window. There was an unexplained tiredness in those hazel doe eyes, a numbness that has taken over her entire existence. The storm going in her mind was making her feel restless with each passing second. Did she do anything wrong?
She was an orphan, left by her parents at an orphanage “ASHA” when she was only a month old. At first she was never intrigued by the fact as to what must be the reason for her being abandoned by those people who had brought her into this world. She was too busy playing and living her life with her friends to let this thought cross her mind. But when she was 7, she saw some of her friends leave the orphanage after being adopted by some kind-hearted people. Sometimes they did drop by to visit her and tell their happy tales about how their new found parents were pampered them, sent them to a big school, gave them beautiful clothes to wear and so on. Listening to their experiences at their new adobe, she too had an urge to get those things in her life. But sadly her didn’t let her enjoy that bliss.
When she turned 10, she was sponsored by an anonymous benefactor. It meant that she had to stay at the orphanage and that no one could adopt her, while her needs will be taken care of. She always interacted with her sponsor through letters who never returned her greetings. She felt like Judy Abbott of ‘Daddy-long-legs’ but that was it. She wasn’t lucky like her to meet him. She toiled hard at shaping her career so that one day her sponsor might get glad and finally pay her a visit but that day never came by.
Years rolled by and after successfully completing her studies she now worked as a genetic counselor which required her to go back into people’s history to check for possible genetic diseases. It may sound simple but in reality it was pretty difficult and was easy to make mistakes. Nevertheless she loved her job as it provided her some sort of identity which she didn’t have till now. She had politely requested her sponsor to not provide for her anymore as she was now capable of taking care of her. And he gave his consent through his secretary.
But then an unexpected thing happened. The head of Khanna Enterprises, Mr. Arun Khanna visited her in the premises of her office on the pretext of a marriage proposal for his son. She was perplexed as to why a billionaire wanted an orphan like her to be his daughter in law. When asked he simply told her that he was searching a suitable match for his son when he happened to see her one fine morning helping a blind man cross the road. He instantly liked her and got all her details. He even visited “ASHA” and had a chat with the warden to know about her childhood. He was impressed to know that she donated a part of my salary there too, that suggested him that she values those who helped her in her bad times and wasn’t ungrateful. He was adamant that she accepts the proposal and hence persuaded her to meet his daughter and son whom he had raised single handedly after his wife passed away.
His daughter was chirpy and bubbly and made her feel welcome and loved. They instantly became best friends.
But same couldn’t be said about his son a.k.a her husband Neil Khanna, the CEO of Khanna Enterprises. He had the most gorgeous black eyes that held such an intensity that made her feel stuff that she hadn’t encountered in her whole life. He had soft black hair and a sharp jaw to go with it. Despite his killer looks, his personality hurt her. He never glanced at her during those functions preceding their marriage and always had a permanent frown fixed on his handsome face. He never smiled at her but she knew he did at others. He had this cold heart and everytime he looked at her, he shot daggers at her for agreeing to this marriage and ruining his life.
Maybe she became too selfish when she found the joy of belonging to a family, hence she didn’t deny the proposal. But he could have done that right? He could have said no to this marriage. He never answered her queries and always remained aloof. All her trials of having a civil conversation ended in disappointment.
She didn’t want Neil to instantly have feelings for her. No she wanted them to be friends at least if they’re going to stay in this marriage for a lifetime. Is it too much to ask? Does the problem lies in her that no one wants her? First her birth parents, then her sponsor and now her husband… Though her father in law and his sister immensely loved her, but when she saw those coal black eyes filled with fury, her heart broke into several pieces. She thought how her life has changed drastically in these two weeks of marriage and now her future seemed very uncertain.
Neil hadn’t returned yet from his office. She decided to lie down on the bed and closed her eyes. But she knows sleep won’t come, it never does…
Can u guess who is she?
Please do tell me through your comments whether I should continue or not because they would motivate me to write the story further…
If any of you are interested then you can also check out my 3 shot on edkv~
Keep smiling?
Excellent Nupur
I feel its Sam
pls post the next one soon 
Thank u so much Gauri?
Good guess!
good narration,and i guess its sam….and neil’ sister is radhika…you should definetly continue this…welcome to our home mmz…
Thanks for the warm welcome Chinmayi? I absolutely adore the fandom of Mmz and the way u people interact. It’s sooo sweet!
Good guess and thanks again?
Well start… I guess it is Samaira. Keep going dear.. Ur plot s nice. ?
Good guess and thank u so much Sathya di?
ofcourse samaira………..wow nupur nice plot n my fav couple nesam I like this plot plz continue m waiting for next update
Good guess and thank u so much amita?
It’s amazing indeed
loved it
it’s really superbbbbbbbb dear
I loved her feelings
pls do cont
I think it’s Sam
loved it 
Good guess and thanks a ton for liking it so much suga?
amazing start dear..the girl I guess is sam and rads is Neil’s sister..waiting for nxt..plz post soon..
Good guess and thank u so much pankh?
I think it as radz ………who so ever but it was nice
I won’t say anything now but good guess and thank u so much for commenting shreya?
Thank u so much subha?
The girl was sam and neil’s sister would be radhika. But a good start write more
Good guess and thank u so much S.v?
awesome dear..I guess rads is the girl and Neil doesnt love her as he might be in love wid Sam..jst guessing..waiting to know more…plz continue and update asap
Good guess and thank u so much ritu?
Nice start dear…waiting for next one…
Thank u so much lakshmi?
I think Sam is the girl and radhika is her sister . I like ur ff chappy was awesome

Good guess and thank u so much sammy?
Good guess and thank u so much sammy?
Aren’t u the writer of my lost world ragsan fanfic? What happened why did u stop it mid way?
Yeah nupur I will write it soon just busy with mmz page sorry for making you all wait ..will post it in next 2 days

No problem Sammy. Will surely wait for it
It’s Sam……………..plzzzzzz continue…………..and Neil’s sis is Rads………….is there Arjun in this story ????????
Good guess and thank u so much aasthu?
Very nice start..
Please continue.. 
Thank u so much sweetie?
Your name is so sweet?
Aww!!Thank you so much Nupur..
I like your story and I think it’s Sam.
Good guess and thank u so much brin?
I think it is sam and radhika is the sister. I loved it please update soon
Good guess and thank u so much kavina?
Awesome nupur?. I guess it’s sam
Good guess and thank u so much bhabya?
Pls don’t say it’s radhika…i felt like that…i like raneil bond most but don’t know why if I think about pairs as lover I love ardhika…let Arjun b here for rads….
Thank u so much rosie for commenting. Do wait to know who she is till the next update and I hope I don’t disappoint u?
Lovely….I guess its radz…mind blowing episode… waiting for next one….tc?
Good guess and thank u so much supriya?
Wah.. super start Nupur.. it was all emotional abt her.. I mean Rads… I guess its Rads coz of narration.. but I wish 2 be Sam n I want 2 be Sam. hahah I like Nesam n Ardhika .. and rads to be Neil1 sister.Raneil bond as best buddies is my fav. now am soooo eager 4 Arjun’s intro..
Thank u so much jessie and I hope u don’t get disappointed in the next chapter?
Loved it, waiting for the nxt
Thank u so much gianna?
Thank u so much gianna?
Already uploaded d next chapter
Awesome, wowwww nupur…excellent plot…sorry for late comment. ..I think the girl is samaira n Neil’s sister is radhika…plzzzz continue dear. .I’m in love with this story already. ….keep it up honeyyy. eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads. Muaaaaahhhhhh
Thank u so much roma?
No problem comment when u are free dear! Seriously m smiling so much right now after reading ur lovely comment. Thanks again and I. have uploaded the next chapter!
Love u loads too!