Fan Fiction

MMZ a different story (part 3)

Hi guyzzzzz here is the 3rd part of my update I hope I am very happy to see ur comment guyzzz I am over whelmed wid ur love guyzz I am lucky to have u ppl around mee tank u tank u so much here is the 3rd part

Recap arneil and rasam dinner
Radhika told that she will move out and do higher studies once she will get a job neil jst dropped the spoon frm his hand arjun was unable gulp his food frm his mouth they were shocked to listen to those words they were not ready to get convinced then arjun came up wid an idea.
If ur feeling guilt to stay wid us like tis y cant u join as assisstant in our event management company we will pay u like we pay our other employs and u can stay as pg in our house the whole problem is solved nesam were super happy wid tis plan. As radhika told she want to study further she neil told chashni ill arrange an admission for u in sams clg . as her academic year did not start yet it is easy to get admission so dnt get tensed sam was jumping in happiness she was super happy bcz radhika is gng to stay wid them and they both will go sam clg radhikas eyes got numb by seeing their luv towards her she went hugged sam told sammy ur the best ting hpnd to me in my life I donno hw I shld tank u guyzz u stood by in my difficult tyms u ppl are really very sweet I tank god daily for giving me ppl like I donno what gud deeds I have done in my previous birth to meet ppl like u on tat day I thought I lost everything in my life my family my love but today I gpt my family back in the form of u guyzzz I find my sister in sam and a bro in neil arjun was scared to listen tat she will call him as her brooo but she told a best frnd as arjun I am blessed to have u ppl.

Then suddenly sam said oh my chasni darling stop being senti u said we a re a family r8 hen y r u tanking us tis much . stop being senti nw its party tym soo letzz go ang party in boom box café it will be fun

Arjun and radhika were not intreseted in gng but neil said sammy ur d best yes letzzz go and party he said sammy nw a dayzz ur using ur brain not bad ah my company is gud sammy said u idiot ill not leave I have brains but u dnt have brain at all nw stp wasting tym in pulling my leg go get ready or else we will be late. Radhika is tis necessasry nw she told ofcourse chashni its necessasry we have to party hard

Radhika said sammy I have a prob . sammmy asked nw wats ur prob everyting is set I dnt want u to give any stupid reasons for avoiding to cum to pub radhika said I dnt have a proper dress to wear for a pub sammy . Sam said tats it u can wear mine nw prob is solved go get ready lyk a gud grl here arneil are also getting ready neil got dressed in a ripped jeans and an peach v neck t shirt . arjun wore a black jeans and and white v neck shirt
Here rasam are getting ready radhika wore black colour knee length sleeveless frock which was sticking to her body showing her curves perfectly she left her hair she was luking very s*xy. Sam wore an pink color short frock she also left her hair she was luking very hot in tat gown .

Here boyzz are w8ing for the girls in living rum then the girls came downstairs and asked the boyzz lets make a move the boyzzz were unable to take their eyes off frm the girls they were luking stunnig neil said chashni and sammy are luking like a party to our eyes sam and radhika said neil to gether arjun jst smilied at them they 4 reached the pub in 30 mins it was written as couple entry sooo sam immediately said I and neil wll form as one pair aru and radhika form another pair arjun was very happy listening tis even radhika was also happy listening to sam but she did not express her joy outside . silently the couples mmade an entry inside the pub. As soon as they entered the pub nesam went to the dance floor they were dancing like mad while radhika and arjun sat together in a corner radhika askred arjun u also go and join them I am fyn arjun told no radhika I dnt like to go and dance like these ppl I am also fyn tis hpnds wid me every tym we 3 cum here they both drink and dance like mad and I will sit in a corner lyk tis once they are dne ill take them but tis tym I am happy I have a company to pass my tym radhika jst smiled then arjun said radhika letz order sum drink. Radhika said arjun I dnt drink alcohol arjun said ok then ill have beer and u have coke radhika simply noddedd nesam observed tis so as thesetwo are very mischevious and naughty . they thought of mixing alcohol in radhikas drink and they were successful in tat plan .nw radhika was also dancing lyk mad she was not in her sense at all . she did not dance alone she pulled arjun wid so arjun had to dance wid her aftersum tym she was tired she asked arjun to cum and sit wid her . then she started blabbering sumting sumting then suddenly she asked arjun did u luv anyone he said no. Then radhika said even I didn’t kiss anyone then letzz do it nw arjun spit his drink out and he started coughing . Arjun was abt to protest she jumped and sat on his lap then they shared an intense eye lock then she moved forward to kiss him but arjun being a good biy he turned hi face so he jst got a peck frm radhika. After tat radhika jst rested on arjuns shoulder she was not even in her senses to walk tis tym sam also drank a lot but neil jst controlled himself wid jst 2 3 shots soo he was steady and stable but sam she was not even able to stand up . Then the boyzzz had to carry these girls in their till car they placed them in the car they started driving to home in the mean time arjun was similing ang blushing remebring the incident wid radhika . They reached home in 30 mins again both the boyzzz carried rasam to their room. They removed their heels and covered them wid blankets . here arjun was in radhikas room and neil was in sams room both were staring their lady loves wid so much of love and affection in their eyes then arjun touched his forehead wid radhika and left the room and was abt to go to sams room to check her then he saw neil kissing sam on her forehead he was very happy to seee neils affection towards his little sister . He said neil plzz don’t leave my princess I knw even she likes u plzz confess ur feeling before its too late . then duo left to their respective rooms they threw thereselves on the bed they were unable to sleep contiously thinking about their lady lovess slowly they also went to deep sleep

PRECAP boyzzz making fun of girls drunken state. Rasam feeling embarssed ehile boyzz pulling their legs and rasams plan to take revenge

Guyyzzzz nxt update may be delayed as it is not ready sorry for dissapointing u guyzz


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