Hello guyzz I am back wid another episode
Again ill becum irregular in updating bcz my classes will start frm tmrw so
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz forgive me for that but I promise u guyzz tat I can post atlest 2 epsidoes a mnth
Ok plz ignore my typos and grammatical mistakes
Tank u for ur lvly commentss guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I am blessed to have u ppl love u all tc muah
THE episode starts wid the couples njoying in the lawn while the elders watching them frm the terrace and feeling happy seeing their kids together
Down radhika and sam were discussing abt piyalis idea both radhika and sam are intrested in managing the fashion house but they also wanted to do higher studies they were unable to decide then they asked arneil to suggest them sumting arneil told them do wat ur heart says
Then girls decided to manage the fashion house bcz anyhope at the end they have to take care of the bussiness only soo the girls decide to manage the glitzz fashion house. The girls went running to nandini and prerna to say wat they hace decided .
Sam and rads : maa we decided to manage the fashion house as we both are intested in managing tat
Nandini and prerna felt very happy listening to their decision
All gathered in the garden they all were sitting ang chatting mean while radhika and sam bought tea and few snacks for every one nandini tasted radhikas and sams fuud and praised them a lot she gave radhika shagun also radhika got a bangle frm nandini and sam got a chain frm prerna they were very happy getting the gifts frm them arneil said tis is not fair ur pampring only ur DILs wat abt us. Then nandini and prerna gave sum money to arneil tey also hugged them . Then prerna said tat sam and radhika drped the plan of suding mba and they decided to join the glitzz fashion house
All were happy listening to their decision they wished tem gud luck.
The day ended like tat having dinner and sum family tym . at the end of the day prerna asked neil arjun sam and radhika wen will they get married the couples jst blushed but didn’t say anyting
Then nandini said tat atleast we shld get them engaged arneil were abt to protest but their parents didn’t listen to them. Then radhika said I have to tell u sumtng plz dnt miss understand me I want to invite my badepapa and badi ma if u all wnt mind.
Nandini and arjun smiled and said ye bhi koi puchne ki baath hoti hai
Radhika tanked them
Nandini : I and arjuns father will personally call them dnt get worried
Radhika : tank u maa
Prerna enquired a date for their engagement
It after 15 days everyone were happy as they got enough time for preparations after finalizing the date everyone divided their wrk and they were busy wid their wrks sam and radhika were busy wid deciding clothes for them and their boys nandini and sam busy wid bs glitzz and engagement preps boys busy wid the hall and catering raghu and rajiv were busy in inviting the guests.
Nxt everyone gathered in the hall radhika called her cousin in india and asked them show his family I want to talk to them nandini also asked them ( they made a video call ) nanidini spoke to radhikas gaurdians they were happy to hear abt her enagaement but they were still angry on radhika and said tat we dnt knw who tis girl is she jst luks like our radhika but our radhika is dead on the day wen she eloped frm mrg so plzz dnt call us and disturb us again and again
After the phn call radhika was broken into pieces she could hear those bitter wrds frm her family .
Arjun sam and neil tried to cheer her up . at n8 she did not even cum for dinner Prerna took dinner to her room fed her and made her sleep and came and all other discussed hw to cheer her up and also hw to unite radhika and her family. They all went to bed
Nxt day all came down for breakfast radhika also came down all were surprised seeing her behaviour she came the same old chirpy radhika sam took her aside and asked radhika I knw its not easy to frget them stop acting infrnt of us we all wid u .
Radhika: sam I dnt want to loose another famiily for the family who disowned me
Sam kissed her on her forehead and said we all r always wid u chashni
Sam said tis to her family they alll felt very happy tat radhka is trying to move on but arjun understood shez jst pretending to be strng but shez broken frm inside.
Finally the day came it was theor engagement day everyone were on their toes rasam were busy getting ready even boys also . nandini and prerna were taking care of arrangements raghu and rajiv were inviting the guests .
Finally it was time for ardhika and nesam to cum radhika was dressed up in red colour long gown wid loose hair and a diamond set arjun was dressed up in black tuxedo
Sam was in lavender colour lng frocl neil is dressed up in navy blue colour tuxedo .
They both were escorting rasam when the couples came on the stage every one were spell bound to see them they were luking heavenly . then they started the the cermony they exchanged the rings .
It was tym for couple dance nw nandini and raghu were dancing prerna and rajeev
Sam and neil and radhika and arjun nw it was tym to exchange the partners
Nandini and neil
Arjun and prerna
Rajeev and sam
Raghu and radhika
They all were happy and njoying their dance
Guests were also njoying the arrangements in the hall
It was tym for dinner
Everyone had fud and gusts greeted the couples they strated leaving the hall
Nw the function came to an end nandini and prerna called panditji for mrg date
Precap : couples reaction on mrg
Guyz I am sry I knw it’s a small update but I am really very sorry
Pacca nxt update will be a longer one
Hi it’s gud. Thou I feel sad for rads
tank u dear
Awsome update…waiting for next one 🙂
Awesome episode, waiting for the next update. 🙂
It’s nice.. waiting 4 nxt one
tank u @ rite
tysm @brin
tysm @ jessie
Awesome Natasha..hope Radhika’s family forgives her soon 🙂
Nice episode dear.. Waiting for next one.. Luv u..tc…
awesome episode…….
Awesome Natasha, loved it
tank u so much gauri di
tank u so much lakshmi
tank u so much subha
tank u so much giana
I loved it
Nice one dear.. 🙂
tank u kavina
tanku manu di
tank u sweetie
loved it dr..amazing
tank u
hey nitu darling its awesome n emotional epi…loved it..hope rads guardian forgive her soon n aradhika get their ashirwad…
tank u di
Awesome, lovely episode nitu dearrrr…lil sad for rads but very excited for ardhika n nesam marriage..
Keep it up honeyyy. eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads. Muaaaaahhhhhh 🙂 ♡♡♡