Fan Fiction

MMZ- Jealous, Betrayal, Mistake, Redemption- introduction in POV

Radhika POV

Today is my sister and my best friend wedding, I remember when we were little, I was bullied a lot, my friend would always save me from the bully, when I cry, he would always comfort me, he was my rock my everything, he knew my favorite color, my favorite ice cream, my favorite hobbies, and what I wanted in my future career, I saw Arjun, yes my best friend as my potential husband, but I was wrong. I was going to propose to him, but I didn’t know how to tell him, I was very nervous to approach him, Neil he is also my friend, I told Neil about my growing feelings for Arjun, he said imagine me as Arjun and propose to me, so I went on one knee and said, I love you so much, you are my world my everything will you marry me and Neil said yes. I ask Neil will Arjun want to marry me, he said, I’ve seen how Arjun cares for you and the way he looks at you, he’s in love with you. I thanked Neil for giving me the confidence. I thought I would propose to him next day, I wish I had propose to him right away, because after getting out of the bed, I knocked on my sisters door and open it and saw my sister Bonnie and my best friend Arjun in bed naked, my heart broke to pieces, how could my sister do this, she knew how I felt about Arjun. I ran to my room, locked the door and cried. Now they are going to get married and it is too late for me to confess my feeling for him, I’m trying to be strong but this is killing me inside. All I know is I need to leave far, far away from them, and never come back.

Arjun POV

Today I am getting married, but I’m not happy about it. Outside I am showing my smile face but inside I’m broken. The one I really wanted to marry was Radhika, I was going to propose to her but when I saw Radhika propose marriage to Neil, my heart shattered, I was jealous how could Radhika do this to me, but then it was all my fault, I should have confess my feeling to her along time ago, I ran off and bumped in to Bonnie, she saw tears in my eyes, she ask me what was wrong, I was too shatter to speak, she took me to the room, she said, I know what will make you feel better. She takes an alcohol bottle under the bed, have a drink, she said, it will make you feel better, so I drank, what a big mistake that was, when I drank I saw Radhika she was seducing me and I let her, I so desperately wanted to make love to Radhika, only I didn’t know I was making love to Bonnie, you know how alcohol clouds you mind, that’s what happen to me. When I woke up, I saw Radhika’s shatter face, I realize I was naked and made love to the wrong girl. Radhika ran off to her room, I wanted to go to her and say sorry but then I thought about how Raneil were going to get married. I told Bonnie this was a big mistake, this should not have happen, I put my clothes on and left. Now I have no choice but to marry Bonnie, my life is ruin, I am marrying the wrong woman.

Bonnie POV

I didn’t plan this, it just happen, we were both drunk, you could say destiny gave me the opportunity to break Ardhika up, he was telling me that he was going to propose to Radhika but she loves Neil and they are getting married, but that could not be right because my sister told me she was going to propose to Arjun, I know I could have clear this matter to Arjun, but I thought this is the chance, I can get Arjun to sleep with me and break Ardhika’s bond. So I seduced Arjun, he thought I was Radhika, I didn’t care, I let him make love to me. You want to know why I did this, well I was jealous of Ardhika bond, I always felt like a third wheel. Arjun was taking my sister away from me. I was craving for my sisters attention, I wanted her to focus on me rather than Arjun, I wanted that sister bond, I felt Arjun took my sister away so that is why I did this, When my brain was clear, I say my sister’s shatter face, she ran off to her room, I really felt guilty but what can I do I was jealous it took control of me. Arjun said this was a mistake this should not have happen, he put is clothes on and left. I was crying why this jealous is controlling me, its not like I love Arjun, I want attention not from Arjun but my sister, and now she’ll never talk to me.

Precap: Bonnie is pregnant with Arjun’s child, Arjun learns the truth from Neil.

Will Ardhika be together or will they be broken forever.

I know you will not like this, but I want to try something different, see how you will react, negative comment is welcome. I really want to here from you, please tell me if I should continue with this story. Love you all, bye now ta ta….

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