MMZ – A painful Revenge (The Reporter’s Diary) – Shot 3
Precap: Ardhika’s involvement in the murder. Radhika in dilemma to inform Venu or not.
Rads thought gets disturbed by a phone call. She looks at the number and immediately attends it.
Rads, “Hello”
Caller, “—”
Rads, “What? Again?”
Caller, “—”
Rads, “Ok don’t get panic. We are coming”
She disconnected the call and looks at Arjun who stands beside her. Arjun observes her and finds her upset & holds her shoulder saying, “Will go”. She nods and goes with him.
After hardly 45 mins of travel, they came out of an highway and now driving into a small lane. Since they are in bike, it is easy for them to drive on the one way path where in both the sides are covered with paddy fields. Since it is late night and no street lights it is little difficult task to travel with the dim headlight on the bike. They find a small isolated hut after 20 mins of journey and the hut is situated at the center of the banana fields where the outsider couldn’t find this hut so easily unless they are aware of the surroundings.
Ardhika stops their bike infront of the hut and once she gets down from there, Arjun pushes the bike inside the Hay which is kept aside and walks inside. Time passes and Ardhika spending nearly an hour and comes out locking the door and looks sad at each other. Radhika is in verge to cry at anytime and with sobbing voice, “Lets leave Arjun. I couldn’t stand here anymore. Only the screams are echoing in my ears”
Arjun gets his bike and again both started their journey to the city and It is midnight when they reach the flat. Rads mobiles peeps with a message..she opens it and finds Venu’s message in her inbox. She is surprised seeing his message at this time and shows it to Arjun. Arjun smiles reading it and looks Radhika saying, “So are you gonna submit the article tomorrow?”
Rads goes to the board, takes a boardpin and pins it against the Commissioner’s face saying, “How about giving a shock to the department? Especially this commissioner?”
Arjun spits the water from his mouth looking at her shockingly, “You mean?” he extends it saying and looks for her answer.
Rads smiles at him saying, “Arjun, Do you think Media is always giving only the true information? Never, it will always have the mixture of Fake information too….and sometimes only the fake news gets viral and overlap the truth. People will start believe the one which the media is pushing on them. They don’t have time to do Research to check whether we are really giving the correct news or not.”
Arjun, “Don’t judge everyone like that Radhika. People are there and is capable enough to differentiate between Fake and Truth”
Rads, “I Agree your point but that is maximum of 30% people but what about 70%?. They still believe the news what the media shows or tells them. They are very busy in their own life to increase their life style and status of their family. Not worrying about the Country or the other victims who suffered till death.”
Arjun observes her the tone is changing in her and she looks little terrific now and anytime she will burst out in anger. Her eyes clearly showing how much hatred she has now and she is ready to pour it to anyone. Arjun in a calm tone, “Radhika…you are exaggerating it. It is our responsibility to show the truth to the common people and we should guide them what is right and wrong. If we feels that it is fake then we should not take it to them at first place.”
Rads a plain smile occurs at her face which gives him a sign that she decided something already, and she says, “Arjun…do you know who is Dr. Udo Ulfkotte?”
Arjun, “ idea”
Rads connects her laptop and searches for that name in google and shows him the results saying, “He is a German Journalist. He is one of the popular Journalist in German. He wrote a book called “BOUGHT JOURNALISTS” and this illustrates how the CIA and other secret services pay money to journalists to report a particular story in a certain light. He quoted everything clean and clear in that book by stripping the media and journals true identity of being a puppet in the supreme’s hands. And adding to this in one interview he dropped a bombshell by admitting that media gives fake news on one’s favour. See this site he admits everything when he stated that the mainstream media writes under direct CIA pressure.”
Rads starts reading the content of that interview to him ,”I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.
-Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades”
She stops and looks at the pale face of Arjun. She pats his shoulder asking, “Do you need to know anything more than this?”
Arjun looks blank and she continues, “Why to go to German Arjun? We have a solid proof in our country itself. We have N number of news channels who is telecasting only the news favouring only for their supporting party. If they don’t like the opposition then saying all bad things about them and spreading it to the common people. And as a common man we are also believing those bullshit news at certain point. We people know everything around us but we are not reacting for it. To be Frank, i don’t know how many will accept this…actually we are following Gandhi’s 3 wise monkey’s principles correctly. See no evil…Hear no evil…speak no evil.
And the ultimate is Evil is happening infront of our eyes, but we are walking away from there of not seeing it…Innocents are crying, screaming for help but we just pass away of not hearing it…And when it comes to speak against evil we all become dumb. This is what is happening currently. Who is there to stand against the crimes in the society? No one will stand with you. You have to stand on your own and raise your voice if you need justice otherwise they will think you are a dead body and just walk by stamping you.”
Arjun is jaw dropped seeing her arguements and leaves a sigh saying, “What you gonna do now?”
Rads smiles, “I am gonna follow the same route which Dr. Udo followed initially. Just HIDE THE TRUTH and PUBLISH THE FAKE”
Rads looks at her laptop again and starts modifying her article. Arjun also sits with her and they both discuss something and completes the article. Arjun gone through once and shows thumbs up to her. She smiles and sent this copy to the Printing Section without sending it to the review of the Cheif Editor Venu. She really needs this news to be published on the next day’s morning paper itself. She knows very well that Venu never reviews her articles coz of the confident he has on her and she always sent the article directly to the printing section to post it and his confidence never broke up before. But for this even god does not know how he gonna react after reading the article tomorrow.
Arjun, “Do you think it will work?”
Rads, “Hope so. Because we pointed the department here and they will not keep quiet right. They themselves will start digging the truth”
Arjun finds radhika’s tensed face, “Get ready for the punch tomorrow by Venu”
Radhika rolls her eyes and goes to her room to sleep. Arjun stares her the way she goes saying, “Now i have to be more responsible and careful to keep you safe. I am sure what is gonna happen after this article gets published”
Next day, Rads mobile is ringing continuously but she is damn care to pick it up. Next it is of Arjun’s mobile, he attends the call in the sleeping mode but gets jerk hearing the voice from other side.
Yes it is Venu who is screaming at him his high pitch.
Venu, “Arjun…i don’t know where that girl is now. She is not picking my call also. I want you both to be in office in another 1/2 an hr.”
He finished and disconnected the call..he still did not come out from his sleep completely. He goes to her room and finds her sleeping cuddling herself in her pillow.
He murmurs saying, “How can she sleep so peacefully after what she did yesterday? Now venu is shouting in a high pitch…what she gonna explain him about this”
He wakes her up and after a long struggle she gets up and he informs her what Venu told. Since she expected this did not react much and goes to get ready. Arjun also gets ready and both leaves from there to office. Both knows what kind of a cyclone they have formed yesterday and they are thinking how to handle Venu in this matter.
Precap: Commissioner gets tensed reading the news and dials to some one immediately. Rads smiles seeing the message from an unknown number asking her to move out from
the murder case.
***************End of 3rd Shot**************
Thank you all for the support and pls give me your reviews for this 2nd shot also. Waiting eagerly. Love you all I just poured my heart out in this episode coz seeing all the nasties created by some media who always works for their favoured ones and hide the complete truth behind the dark. Just wanna convey it and don’t know how much i did justice to this part. If you have any concerns on the content which i gave..pls forgive me and i am not blaming everyone and this is the truth which is happening which we cannot deny it . So guys..pls don’t come for fight with ME if you dis agree it..just take it as a fiction itself and enjoy reading it.
Wow satz u truly wrote it from ur heart definitely.. Itd depicting in ur writing… U have studied each details n work on them. Radz in full mode of anger…she is adamant…truth about media is true.. Sometimes i laughed on their insane news… M really very excited wht hav aradhika done n consequence of it… Post it soon.. Love u lots ? ? ? ? ? ?
Thank u so much Dipu…all are our frustration only came n words. Thanks again dear. Will try to post it soon
Thank u subha dear
Wow…. mindblowing sisy… i am dumbstruck… ur an excellency… i dnt no hw to express ur wrtng skill… great….
And by the way sisy my name is HUMERA…
Thank so much humera dear
Outstanding shot, you rock it, yes media hides the truth to convey such a way that people believe it without research. You nail it Sathya, well done.
Thank u so much Brin dear
U think u exaggerated….don’t think that else for the second time I’ll become angry on a sissy…this I purely truth what u said about media…and yup..i don’t know that journalists but I know how many misdeeds CIA did…and the most mysterious is world trade centre attack….nowadays even I stopped watching many news channel…u wrote a complete truth regarding it…i think Arjun has a soft corner for rads…he will keep radz safe…but which kind of cyclone coming I wait for that …update other story soon….u know what I mean?? this kind of stories I loved much…
Thank u so much Rosie dear
i also read somewhere about that and any our local medias r the proof for this fake news right. i kept those in mind and wrote it. Thanks for ur amazing support dear 
Well done sathya it’s so beautifully written it. I loved it. Excellent work dear Sathya.
Thank u so much Arti dear
Thank u so much for this good epi.waiting for the next epi.
Thank u so much angel :). Vl post next soon
thank u sravya dear
Hey satya…..sorry yaar due 2 sem i cudnt b here vry often….bt 2des epi was truely mindblowing…….d words dat radu said abt society n press truely d current senario ovr here…..n as always waiting eagerly 4 d nxt
Thank u so much Dev dear
its ok np…whenever u get time…comment it. don’t say sorry n all,. vl post next soon
Plot is super
Thank u do much dear
Satzzzzz….dear…. why did u hide this plot these many days….Rads dialogue was highlight..
Do happens in reality…The courage or determination few journalists gets s commendable..but wonder why they write after their retirement…I had read one.. to be honest journalists before 80’s did say it openly.. can’t believe? wonder what in modern age made ppl to hold back or bow down.. they get lured by fame more than money…and here Radz.. is using the reverse therapy..good… love it…. venu… nee gonnu…commissioner shock..Radhika rocks…super…Sammy dialogue that was…hut ke andhar kuch to
hai…Arjun aur responsible ka oath..ok..ok….nee nadathu da…. Eager for next… TC and love u loads..
Thank u so much jaaaazzzz… Hide lam pannala… Thidirnu thonuchu PA…
u write very true thing sathya. some times when i am watching news i feel like, that news creater should write script for films that much dramas are happening in news only to prove their fake news is correct. and i am getting more interested in this story in each chapter. who is there in that small house?? and why rads doing this?? i am eager to know what will happen next. post next soon
Thank I so much jewel for ur wonderful words. I ll reveal it in next coming chapters dear…
Its totally awesome… keep it up sathya… now i can’t wait for the cyclone…
Thannk u so much farjana dear
Satzzzzz my lovely sis….very well said. …I’m bowled out. ..ur words truly just sneer……directly from your heart to the readers of this marvellous story. ….my dearrryyyy u narrated it so brilliantly. …n it’s really very sad that this happens n very openly but no one try to investigate the truth behind all the fake news…it’s really needed to shake the minds of local public who believes in the media blindly….so they can know reality of the fakeness……I’m so happy to know your this side of thinking……this is very serious issue…n we have to understand the importance of this. …..the way you portrayed rads n arjun here…..I’m proud of you my sweetheart. …kudos. ….keep it up honeyyy. Love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart darling Satzzzz
Thank u so much roma darling… My sweeto u r… U never missed to make smile widely by ur comments… I always get double energy after reading ur words. Love u so much dear