Sorry Sorry nd lots of sorries……to all of them who had been waiting for d ff.
I have been very busy since the past few days so was unable to write….today also I wouldn’t have posted this if ppl wouln’t have started to blackmail me.
Thank you so much for all those lovely comments on the previous part….I was overwhelmed to read them. Couldn’t revert back to d comments nd I am sorry for that as well.
Here’s d nxt part
It had been a week since Twinj got married. In all these days Kunj had been busy in romancing nd spending quality time with his beautiful wife…..while Twinkle was always concerned about his health.
A bright sunny day with birds chirpping…cold breeze entering their room making the curtains fly…..Twinkle was infront of the mirror dressing her hair and trying to wake her handsome husband…..while Kunj had no effect of it and was still asleep.
Thinking of his heath She finally decided to let him sleep. When she was about to move out of the room….
” Babaji this is Not fair….I thought My lovely wife would use some romantic means to wake me….but she is walking away just like that….what sin had I done that u gave me such an unromantic wife” hearing to these words from the mouth of her husband she turned around in astonishment only to find her husband sitting upright on the bed with a cute baby face expression.
Twinkle bursted out into laughter while Kunj smiled by looking at her jovial face. After a few seconds Twinkle stood in silence with a serious expression and stared at Kunj while Kunj gulped down in fear.
T- So Mr. Sarna thinks that Mrs. Sarna is unromantic.
Kunj nodded in a yes…she walked forward sensually and stood in front of him and bended down a bit so that they are face to face. She moved her forefinger sensually on his face till it went down his neck nd reached his shoulder. She paused at his shoulder. Kunj raised his eyebrow with a naught smirk.
After giving a ‘whatever’ look to Kunj she pushed him on the bed nd ran out screaming “Keep thinking that I am unromantic….I cant change your thoughts”
Kunj ruffled his hair thinking about the last few minutes and a smile captured his lips.
The whole family was at d breakfast table spending a few happy moments over their bread nd butter.
K- Maa these paratha’s are yummm…..I think some people should learn how to make them( indirectly indicating to Twinkle)
Twinkle gave an angry glare to him….Kunj silently took his glass of juice nd drank it….while Usha nd Bebe giggled….In b/w the giggles Bebe managed to speak
B- oye khote….ye parathe Twinkle ne hi banaye hain.
Kunj stared coughing badly as he got chocked due to d juice he was drinking.
Twinkle gave a ‘did u get that’ smirk to Kunj
T- Bebe you know some people never know the true value of people around them…..avain khud ko baade genius samajhte hain (letting out a faint laugh)
K- Haan Haan….now stop taunting me nd get ready we are going to d nearby park.
Saying this he got up nd moved to his room while all the ladies laughed aloud.
Twinkle walked into their room nd saw Kunj seated on the couch meddling with his phone….She walked towards him in seriousness
T- Kunj
K-(still engrossed in his phone) Yes
T- I want to talk to u….look at me
K- I am listening
T- No u are not
saying this she snatches his phone from him nd hides it behind her back.
K- (trying to take back his phone)Twinkle I am trying to complete that level since 3 days….now its almost done….give d phone just 2min
T- No Mr.Sarna u are not getting it back until u listen to me.
Kunj knew that it would just be mere waste of time to argue with his stubborn wife. So he gave up and sat back on the couch. And within the blink of a second he pulled her arm and made her sit on his lap.
K- Now tell me sweetheart
T- Kunj were u serious about going to the park now
K- ofcourse I was….actually y waste time here lets go
T-(almost screaming) No
Kunj gave a baffled look to her
T- I mean Y now…..we can go in the evening….Its too sunny now…….Nd I dont want my skin to be tanned
K-(cupping her face) Ooo….So u dont want your skin to be tanned or u dont want me to go out as doctor adviced me not to go out when its sunny???
T- pls….lets go in d evening….something is stopping me to go out now
K- Twinkle dont worry….Nothing will happen
T- But….
K- No if’s nd but’s….we are going nd thats final
He lifts twinkle in his arms nd makes her stand infront of d mirror.
K-(whispers in her ear) apply your sunscrean u wont get tanned…..and giggles
He walks out of the room while twinkle gets a small grin on her face.
The grass seems to whisper in the spring, like a church full of people all saying ssssh together. The stalks sway with a salsa rhythm, nodding their heads in delight where our Twinj sat in peace with Kunj’s head resting on d lap of his love while she sat leaning to the bark of a huge tree.
Her fingers meddling with his hair….while his eyes had been sinking in d brown ocean of her eyes….Silence speaks a thousand words….is just so perfect to describe the senario
K- Twinkle…
T-(still meddling with his hair) Hmm
K- will you miss me when I wont be here
T-(a calm reply) No
Kunj smiled at her answer coz he knew the twist of d answer is yet to arrive
T- u know Y wont I miss u…..coz u will always be there with me…..True love never aparts….maybe at distance….but never at heart.
Kunj had a wide grin on his face….He sat up
K- on this note lets have a badminton match
Twinkle face had only 1 expression…..’What??’
Kunj pointed towards two young girls aged 8 or 9 trying hard to play a proper game of badminton.
They walked towards them nd sooner did they start playing with the girls….nd a simultaneous process of teaching them was also taking place.
After about half an hour twinj bid a bye to the girls nd sat on a nearby bench in d park.
T- It was so much fun na
K- yup it was but tiering as well…..juice or ice cream
T- Can that or be changed to and
K- It surely can…..only for u sweetheart….Wait here I’ll be back
T- I am also accompanying u
K- No need just be here nd I’ll be back in a few minutes.
Kunj walked away while Twinkle could do nothing other than wait for him to return. She preferred walking around than sitting ideal on the bench.
It had been a while since Kunj had gone….Twinkle was patiently waiting for him to return. After a few minutes loud honks of vehicals were heard to her…..It seemed as though there was a huge traffic jam….The intensity of the honks increased with every passing second…..Twinkle walked towards the road to see what went wrong within a few minutes that caused so much of traffic jam.
As d proximity b/w her foot steps and the road was reducing all bad thoughts were occupying her mind as Kunj had also gone in that direction to get the ice cream. Once she was infront of the road she could see a crowd of people. She heard a man speak
M- I think he must be taken to d hospital….he is not gaining back his consiousness at all.
By Clenching her fist, Keeping her heart strong and calming her mind she made way towards the centre.
All her bad thoughts had turned into reality….’Kunj’ she mumbled as she saw the love of her life falled unconsious on the road….without wasting another second….she ran towards him nd took his head in her lap…..(pating his cheeks)”Kunj wake up….see I am here….wake up…..someone pls call for a cab”…..she never realised that there was an endless flow of tears down her cheeks.
With the help of people around she managed to take Kunj to d hospital in a cab.
The doctor examined him….but couldn’t give a clear idea about the situation without doing some tests nd scannings. Twinkle had called and informed about the happenings to the family.
Twinkle was moving to nd fro in d corridor. Yuvraj Mahi nd all other members of the sarna family had arrived a few minutes ago. Usha was frantically crying while Bebe was trying to calm her. Twinkle was trying hard to convert all her negative thoughts into positive ones.
After a while the doctor came out…..Twinkle stood at a corner praying for everything to be alright….while the doctor spoke to Yuvraj
Dr.- I am sorry Mr. Luthra but Mr. Sarna’s condition has worsened….the clot in his nerve has bursted and affected many other nerves of his brain nd spine….I am sorry to say but he has only a few more hours of his life.
Twinkle couldn’t believe on what she heard….those words seemed as though someone had whipped the soul out of her….for a second it seemed as though her world came to a pause….the mere thought of a life without her love was killing her a hundred times. She stood isolated from everyone without expressing her grief to anyone….Her silent tears spoke louder than a million words.
The doctor had informed that they could meet Kunj….but he wasn’t completely consious…he was in a semiconsious state….For some reason Twinkle had decided to not meet him….She was seated in d waiting lounge….for a moment she thought that all her bad thoughts during the past few days were a reason for this situation….she cursed herself for not arguing with Kunj to visit d park in the evening….All her memories with Kunj were flashing in her mind…..her deep trance of thoughts were broken when she felt a weight on her shoulder.
She turned around to find bebe standing behind her….all she did was broke down into tears letting her grief flow down as tears.
B-(with tears) Puttar Kunj is asking for u…..he wants u beside him….go to him
Twinkle nodded in a no….still tears running down her cheek….Bebe wiped her tears…” U need to go to him”
Gaining some strength Twinkle nodded in a slight yes…..nd slowly made way towards the room where Kunj was present…..her hands shivered
while she tried to open the door….For a moment she wondered what would she speak when she faced him….shooing all the thoughts away she twisted the knob and entered the room and almost got fainted due to the strong smell of medicines that invaded her nostrils….soon her gaze fell on Kunj lying on the hospital bed with IV nd many other instuments and tubes attached.
She felt as though her feet were glued to the ground at the door itself….she couldn’t move an inch further….all her tears had dried by now….trying to over come that emotional friction….she kept tiny steps forward….silently she sat on the stool kept beside the bed
“Tw…iin…k…lee” Kunj spoke with utmost difficulty. Though his eyes were closed he sensed her presence….within the flash of a second Twinkle hugged him with her head on his chest nd her arms wrapped around his waist….Kunj slightly opened his eyes nd whispered ” I…L…ov…ee….U…ti..ll….m..y….La..s…t…Bre…at..h(I Love U till my last breath)”
” And I will Love only u till my last breath….pls dont leave me”….Twinkle spoke b/w her sobs.
” I…wil…l…ne…ver….le…ave….U….I..will….al…way…s……I.n…yo…u..r he…ar…t…A..s…U…s. ai..d”(I will never leave u I will always be in your heart As you said) ….”True Love never aparts…maybe at distance but never at heart” Twinkle completed his lines as she sensed his difficulty to speak.
After a few minutes of silence “B…y…eee” He spoke….”Pls dont leave me Kunj” Twinkle said crying frantically…..But all she could hear was a long continuous beep……
Love and death are 2 un-invited guests
When will they come nobody knows
But both have similar effects
One takes the heart & other takes its beats.
“Twinkle listen to me baby….Its was a project I had to write something” yelled Kunj
” Go to hell” Twinkle screamed nd got into a cab and drove away before Kunj could catch hold of her.
Kunj sat on a bench in the park….the place where he was reading out his project to Twinkle(Me: All of u happy now??)
Kunj-(self talk) Y are these girls so emotional….it was a mere story….nd upar se ye stupid university wale….Use real life characters nd write an imaginary story….What sense does that make….Project karo toh girlfriend ka gussa jhelo…nahi karo toh university walon ka gussa + report card mein ek badaaaaa sa anda…..Ab banda itna talented hai ki common wali happy ending ki jagah sad ending likhdi toh appriciate karo na….Lekin nahi madam ko toh emotions ki queen banna hai…”Go to hell”(mimicing twinkle) Chal beta Kunj shuru karde apna Mission Tantrum queen ko manaofy…….
I know it was terrible….I have written it in too much hurry…I am not even sure whether I have use the words that suit the context….Please ignore errors.
No time to do bak bak….Will try to post the nxt one asap
Loads of Love
Loved it You almost had taken the life out of me when You had written that Kunj died I actually had no idea how to react …. I had My eyes glued to the screen wishing for something else to happy …. And then … the assignment part … Gosh you installed life back into me … that moment …
Love you and Post soon
U know what kruti when I read that kunj dying part my tears were flowing
But when I read next part i was dumbfounded like what Is this
Well it was unexpected one
But one doubt in real from were the story is
Do continue

.. Plzzzz post next soon,,???..
Hey kruti…
MARVELOUS MARVELOUS MARVELOUS,,?????????????????????????????????.. Happy nai m soooooooo much happy yrr,???.. Thank god yeh sirf project tha,,???.. But u knw project wala story bhi just MARVELOUS tha yrr just BRILLIANT,,???????????.. My heartbeat just bitten like drum after reading this epi,,???.. No word’s to describe anything,,?.. I just loved it soooooooo soooooooo much,,
It was nice and for second u scare as kunj in bed but it just story love each Moment of twinj.
Hey are matlab u scared us to the hell!!!!!. But it was just a story… Omg but seriously I was crying ? till the first part but when I read the second part I was just surprised + happy
… Wat a twist…
Loved it…
Love u…
dude it was so emotional tears were running do continue
Wow yaar kruti really a marvellous episode yaar my eyes now filled with tears u scared and shocked us yaar loveddddddd it to the core yaar kunj is alive loved it …
Do cont soon ?????
????now this an EPIC twist?????i am just herann !!! And it was bang on???? emotional anddd emotional ?
But the next moment was like ??wohooo …….amazing??
Post next veryyyyy soon???
Diiiiiiiii sirf or sirf Aapke liye cmnt kr rhi hun main aapko pata hai itna aacha main nhi likha skti Jo words aapne use liye hain wo main to use nhi kr skti hun meri pahunch se bahr hai Lenin ye epi ufff na Jane main kya kya soch rhi thi ki twinkle bhi suicide kr legi or Dino heaven main milenge ???but koi na no fear when rudi is here bbye padha hai mujhe marks lene ke liye ??????
Haiiiiiii wait wait… What was that… That means it was a story… Ohhhh God what a story… When doctor told Kunj have only hours… I was not able to control my tears… It just touched my heart.. And when u told Kunj is no more… I felt to cry hard.. Bechara… In twist project bcoz of that project u killed me for a second… Fathi what you thought about ur self… Haan writing so well and make as ur fan… This is not fair… And I want ask to tu… Who gave u right to write so well… Mind blowing, fantastic, marvelous, fabulous episode…
Congrats this episode was the best…. I must say ur ff is my favorite ff… Love you so much ff… Take care… Jazakallahu khair…
Wow kruti I never expected this yaar I’m on cloud infinity yaar fabulous twist I loved it
and I loved it! Although it was so sad and tragic but I loved the way you depicted their feelings! and that sudden twist has left me baffled! Can’t wait for what you’ve stored for us! Update soon!
Much Love!
Amazing awesome emotional epi…bt twist bhot shaandar tha
Kruti u gave me a heart attack
I was praying ki tu kunj ko Bacha le
But u naughtygirl ur idea was amazing
Means all d story was friction one awesome but pehle mujhje Sach mai beart attack aa gaya I mean I was having tears
Awesome dear
N last lines of kunj were amazing n it suited
Love u keep smiling
Omg my EK tumne toh mera heart beat badha diya tha haye yaar main itni dar gayi thi ki is episode ko padhne ka mann nahi kar raha hai nd jab open kiya phir padhne shuru kiya toh starting mein toh khush thi but hospital wala scene padhkar mera dil jor jor se dhak dhak kar raha sachhi I was almost crying ????????????? bus tears behna start nahi hua tha ???????????? but last line hayeeeee muahhhhhhhhhhh ????????????? kya surprise diya hai Dil khush kar ditta tune mera ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? means now we’ll see a new story of twinj ??????????????
Well it was awesome mind blowing fabulous superb nd emotional episode. Loved it sooooooo much ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? please try to post next part asap.
Lots of love ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Haha hahaha……

Awwwwwiiieeee….I thought muje bhot saara rona padegaa…..hehe….yiiipppeeeeee….
Mein roi toh bht sara wen I read d ending of dat love stry… wen dis project thing came den I also had a big wala smile dat my jaws r paining…..hehe……..srsly dii beautiful adorable super emotional voh jo love stry thi voh toh thi hi naa alag ek….or now m ssly crying fr dat one…….bt m happy also……vry happy fr dis new one…….awwww….my kruti dii…..u were vry late bt u were busy naa… back wid a bang…..jst loved it speechless amazing…..
Lods of love diiiii……….
Wow. Yrrr tune toh mujhe firse speechless Kr Diya……Ek min k liye MERI darkane ruk gyi yrr ye padh k ki KUNJ is dead … ..I was crying so much reading it….PR next part jab padha ki ye sab asingnment tha…… Mai BTA ni Sakti I was happy…..Agar tu mere samne Hoti to Mai tujhe bone crushing hug deti yrrr……Tu itna acha kaise likh Sakti h yrrr
Love you too infinity babes ?????????????????????????????????????? it was soooooooooo amazing superb excellent outstanding emotional episode or last part was funny jab tw KUNJ se gussa ho gyi…..I really loved it…..Plz Post next one soon my sweeettt…..?????????????