Hey guys I am back with d next part.
Thank you everyone for all d love nd support u have been giving thru your comments.
P.S – The concept of this story is not mine….Its from another book that I read a month ago….Taking the concept from that book I will be writing this story.
Here’s d nxt part
I am a ruthless business man to the world but the fact is I love my family a lot and most importantly my life…my wife…my Twinkle. I never wanted to loose her but my behaviour towards her broke us apart. I am trying hard to gain her trust and love back but I am failing miserabely….I dont understand what other ways I could use to get her back in my life.
I went to her office nd opened her cabin door. She gave an intense stare to me.
“Good Morning Twinkle”
“Dont u have manners Mr. Sarna?? Can’t u knock d door before entering?” and her lecture begins…nd I know about her and have got used to her shoutings. I silently sat on d chair.
“Am I a stranger to u that I need to knock d door before entering?”
“Yes u are” came d reply making my blood boil.
” Don’t forget that I am your husband”
“U were my husband….did u forget about d divorce”
How could she give such a cold responce….Am I of no importance to her now….I agree that my mistake was huge but she already pubished me a lot for it…What else does she want??….Letting go of all these thoughts I decided to make her understand calmly.
” Twinkle Didi and Jiju(Yuhi) will be very happy if we get back together…..we can atleast try for once ”
” Love can’t be compromised for anyone or anything….u may leave now I have lots of work” she took a file nd started checking it while I silently walked out.
I took a seat on the sofa in the waiting room….I can only think of how to bring back my old twinkle. I remembered the Twinkle who’s smile makes everyone happy. Her smile, her happiness, her playfulness I miss everything. I love u so much Twinkle. Why can’t u give another chance to make u happy…Why are u so stubborn….I can never forget u I love u forever.
I closed my eyes as I realised that tears are appearing in my eyes.
I was afternoon by now nd I thought of having lunch with Twinkle. I went to her cabin and was about to open the door but remembering her words in the morning I stopped nd knocked d door.
“Yes, Come In” she said
I opened the door and went inside
“Kunj?? What are u doing here at this time??”
“I want to have lunch with u I am very hungry” I said sitting on the chair infront of her
“Sorry Kunj I already had my lunch if u had informed me in the morning I would have accompanied u” she said
” That’s perfectly alright u can just have a few bites just to accompany me??”
” Sorry Again… I can’t come with you I have an important meeting…I need to go” saying this she stood up nd walked out of the cabin with a file in her hand.
After sometime
I was still in her cabin when the attender came in with food.
” Sir where is Twinkle mam?”
” She has gone for a meeting”
“Meeting? But mam doesn’t have a meeting today” her PA said entering into the cabin
“Sir she had told me to bring the lunch” attender said
“Dint she already have her lunch??”
“No sir”
I took the lunch from him and went around searching for her. She is nowhere to be found. I thought of checking once in her personal room….goshhh there she is…..wait what the hell Y is she crying now. She dint notice me I went forward nd placed my hand on her shoulder. She jerked
” Why are u here now can’t u leave me alone for sometime?” she screamed
“I can’t leave u bcoz I love u”
She pushed me away
“Enough How many times do I need to tell u this I dont love u I hate you I hate the word love I hate relationships We are already divorced so u have no rights on me Just get lost from here” she said squeezing my heart.
I held her by her shoulder ” I dont care about the divorce Remove your Mangalsutra and then I wont ever show my face to u” I spoke controlling my anger.
She pushed me away “Just get lost from here Kunj please just leave me alone please.” and she started crying frantically.
My twinkle is crying and I cant see that anymore. I went near her and wipped her tears and started kissing her to divert her mood. She clutched my shirt. I buried my head in her neck and Kissed her. I dont know what happened but she started responding to me.
Suddenly she pushed me away
“Get lost from here Kunj I dont know why my heart still loves u and responds to u I hate u and I hate myself because of you”
she said seriously
“I will never leave u You are my wife and I will convince u for sure. For now I am leaving. Take care baby” I said and left from there
How was the episode….Hope u all liked it
Do share your views in the comment box
will try posting d nxt one asap
Loads of Love
Wht ws that
I mean oh god such a drastic change In the story
Kruti u jst nailed it I swear yr I m becoming yr fan really
Cant wait fr the progress in the story
Jldi jldi post krna plz……
nice one . Waiting for next epi post soon
Kya bolun…..
Nahi samajh aata…
Kya likhun….
Nahi aalfaz kaam paad jate…
Actually I am your zabra fan… Actually na zabra bhi kaam hai. Better ye bolun ki you rule in my heart. Haan saach bol rahi hun. I just hope kadwi na lage. Abhi ek new name for you suspense queen. Jaldi post kar dena. Iss fan ki baat mann kar.
Teri tareef karun toh alfaz kaam pad jaye…
Tere liye kuch likhun toh lafz samajh na aaye…
Tere baare mein binn sonche aab toh jiya na jaye….
Mujhe samajh nahi aata mera dil toh tere pass hi hai aab kya chahiye?? Marna chahti ho apne iss katilana ff se?
If yes then sorry lyf nahi de sakti bcaz woh bhi tu hi hai. Last cheez toh baachi hai na mere pass wo toh baksh de. Aur plz iss masoom si fan ko jyada intezaar maat karwana…
Do post soon…
Love you.
A song for you….(i really mean this song)
Hamein tumse pyar kitna ye hum nahi jante magar jee nahi sakte tumhare bina…
Suna Gham judaai Ka, Uthaate Hain Log,
Jaane Zindagi Kaise, Bitaate Hain Log,
Din Bhi Yaha To Lage, Baras Ke Samaan,
Hume Intazaar Kitna, Yeh Hum Nahi Jaante,
Magar Jee Nahi Sakte, Tumhare Bina,
Hume Tumse Pyaar…
Tumhein Koi Aur Dekhe to jalta Hai dil,
Badhi Mushkilon Se Phir, Sambhalta Hai dil
Kya Kya Jatan Karte Hain, Tumhe Kya Pata,
Yeh Dil Beqaraar Kitna, Yeh Hum Nahi Jaante,
Magar Jee Nahi Sakte, Tumhare Bina,
Hume Tumse Pyaar Kitna, Yeh Hum Nahi Jaante,
Magar Jee Nahi Sakte, Tumhare Bina,
Hume Tumse Pyaar…
Dosti ki pechann ho tum….
Zindagi ki ek armaan ho tum…
Humein toh hansati aur rulati bhi ho tum….
Jitni durr ho utni pass ho tum…..
Tera ff is just like you….
My favorite….
Words kaam pad gaye naa…
Chal bye… It’s quite late…
Love you bcaz……(tu hi jane)
See you soon.
Hey kruti….
Its just awesome….
Just loved it..
Such a vast nd darastic change….
Hoping for the best…
Post soon…
Love u….
Shocking amazing epi….
Nice felt bad for kunj as how twinkle talk with him but hope kunj win her back do post soon.
Awesome … I just loved the Epsidoe. ..
Interesting twist… it was like wow …
Loved the line where Twinkle said she hates Kunj and herself for loving him …
Love you post soon
Heyyy ????

??….fabulous episode buttt full of suspense ??and love?????..but you posted after ages?but I don’t care because I loved ITT??…….well well
Pyaar hai par takraar hai,
Ishq hai par kehne se inkar hai,
Ye dastaan hai doo dilo kii,
Ye hai mohabbatein Twinj kii???
This is for your lovely ff?…though not a writer but yaa I tried…?
Hii Kruti…
Commenting for 1st time on your ff..
I have rode all the previous episodes but had never commented but don’t know why today I feel like. So basically I was your silent reader. Now I am commenting so I am not. First I want to question you.. Will you be my friend?
Your ff is just amazing, superb, mind blowing, fabulous.
Just loved it from starting. One of the best ff that I have ever read. So please do post soon. Much excited for twist… Jisne juda kar diya mere kukle ko…(don’t be shocked… Kunj+Twinkle= kukle)
Do post soon
Waiting for it
Lots of love
Awesome amazing kruti
I didn’t expected dis change ufff
I don’t know whaat happened btwn den but ita amazing
Love u keep smiling
Ahhh what was that wait let me clear my eyes it’s new twist omg kruti can’t believe yaar u are giving shocks in every episode ?????….
Amazing epi yrr….
Tune Kamal Kr Diya….
Saadi k baad shidhe divorce…
Itna Bda twist……
Plz AB zaldi SE post Kr yrr…Meri curiosity badh rhi h….
Post soon
LOVE you ??????
Shocking twist yet interesting
Poat soon
Awesome episode Kruti..
Do post soon
ohhh god kruti di ae ki hogya
oh my god
amazing soooo emotional
sdnly hey bhagwaan
luvd it osm marvelleous u
love u di…♥
osm speechless emotional jst crying…..
post nxt soon…love u♥