Hey guys I am back with d next part.
Thank you everyone for all d love nd support u have been giving thru your comments.
Here’s d nxt part
__Twinkle’s POV__
We both got married happily with the blessings of our well wishers. I am beyond happy. I went into his room hesisting a bit. I dont know the reason but I never felt like this before. Today I am going to be his in all means. I smiled and blushed at the same time.
Kunj came to me as I was standing near the door of the room. He closed the door and came to me . I looked at him. His face is serious and rude . There is no sign of love on his face. Till now I never saw him like that.
“Ku…Kunj” I said slowly
“Look Twinkle I dint marry you with love. Dont expect that I will accept u as my wife. Stay away from me, if u dont want to get hurt” said Kunj confusing me
What did he say? Doesnt he love me? But how is it possible? When I proposed him, he said ok. But now y is he lying to me?
“No..It’s not..True” I said with tears hoping it will be a nightmare or a prank played by Kunj to tease me.
“No I never loved u I accepted your proposal just to take revenge on you. I married u to make your life a hell” Kunj said
“But y do u hate me that much?” I asked
“Its not necessary for u to know the reason and you better dont try to know about it” he said gritting his teeth.
I stepped back in fear as i never saw him like this till now.
He pinned me to the wall
“Tomorrow we are shifting from here It’s your duty to convince didi and jiju for this . If u say one word about me to them, I will kill u. Till this knot is in your neck you are my wife and I will show you, your place after shifting from here” he said and laid on bed.
All my dreams about marriage were shattered. He hates me. He married me to hurt me. But Why?
The next day I convinced everyone and shifted to a new house with Kunj. House is far from the city completely in outskirts. I dint know why Kunj took a house at this place. I dint question him because I dint want to provoke him unnecessarily.
I brought coffee for him
He took it.
“How is this house? Did u like it?” He asked
“Its nice” I tried to lie.
He got up from the chair and held my hand and squeezed it. I screamed.
“Don’t dare to lie to me. How is the house?” He asked squeezing my hand again
“Its far from the city. I din’t like it” I said.
“Good. I know u wont like it. But u have no option but to stay here. I choosed this house because no one should listen to your screams. You should feel all alone and lonely. Here you can’t even run away to escape from me. Except me , no one can help you” he said smirking.
Days and Months pass by. He started frightening me every now nd then. But I dint stop my efforts to win his heart. I obeyed all his words and bore all his punishments.
But when I ask him to give me my rights as his wife he starts romancing with me. I can’t give myself to him after knowing that he doesnt love me.
When Bhai and Bhabhi visited us he pretended to be kind towards me. But he always scared me not to tell anything to Bhai.
After few days he went out of town for a business meeting and thankfully he allowed me to go to my home till he is back unlike other times in past where I had to stay alone at home.
When he returned back he called me and said to reach home as soon as possible. I could sense the anger in his voice. I reached home and found him seated on the sofa. I went to him. He came near me and pinned me to the wall holding my wrist tightly.
“What were you doing these days?” he asked keeping his face close to me.
“Wha…What?” I asked
” Ok let me ask you in another way. With whom were you these days”
“With Bhai nd Bhabhi” I said.
“Apart from our family baby”
“No one” I said and the nxt second he tightened his grip on my wrist. I winced out of pain.
” How dare you talk to him? Who is he?” kunj shouted holding my wrist tightly digging his nails into my skin in rage.
Tears formed in my eyes due to his tight grip then I remembered going to an Ice Cream parlour with my college friend in the morning. But how did he know that and what’s wrong in talking to my friend?
“What did I do? He is my friend and what’s wrong in talking to him? After all who are you to order me?” I asked seriously.
“Dont you know who am I ? Atleast do you remember who you are? YOU ARE MY WIFE. Though I dont love you, I want you to remember you are my wife” he said shouting
“Tying a knot doesnt describe our Relationship Kunj. Only love can. You have no rights on me to order” I answered seriously and tried to leave from there pushing him away.
But Kunj pulled me towards him and kissed me.
I got shocked and tried to free myself from his grip. But he held me tight and kissed me roughly. I unintentionally kissed him back as I love him. But later on I started to struggle for breathe but he dint leave me. He bit me on my lower lip I screamed in pain and he took complete access of my mouth and kissed more hardly. I became numb due to his hard kiss and tears are flowing continuously from my eyes. He left me for few seconds and again kissed me hardly. I dint have energy atleast to move or struggle. He left after sometime. I am scared of him as I will faint if he kisses me one more time.
” Now do you understand what rights I have on you? Dont try to irritate me” he said and left the house.
I sat on the bed crying. I decided to leave him. I went to my home leaving him. I said bhabhi that I just came as I forgot my belongings. I went to my room and cried again remembering his merciless behaviour. He called me but I dint receive his call. After one hour, I heard door knocking sound and I opened thinking it to be bhai or bhabhi but Kunj stood infront of me.
“If you take your belongings shall we go” he asked
Maybe bhabhi said this to him. I just nodded and followed him as I cant reveal it to Bhai or Bhabhi and make them get hurt. We went home. He dint talk anything to me. He dint come into our room. He slept in another room
Morning I woke up and got ready. I am preparing coffee and he came to kitchen. I looked at him. He dint look at me and took water from refrigerator and went off. 2 days passed by with complete silence. He dint call me for anything. He is doing everything by himself including cooking. I quit cooking for him. He observed but dint ask me anything nor forced me to do his works.
After a week, he came home and settled on sofa. He dint get up from there even after 2hours. Is he ok?
“Kunj” I called but he dint reply. I tried to wake him up and found his body burning with temperature. I called doctor immediately. Doctor came and checked him.
“Is he undergoing any stress Mrs.Sarna? He is so tired and needs rest. He is so weak as if he is not taking food properly from few days. Anyways give him complete rest and proper diet along with these prescribed tablets” he gave the prescription and left.
Is he not taking food properly? What a wife I am? I thought he is having food properly by himself but dint notice that he is neglecting his food and health.
“I am sorry Kunj. I am really sorry Because of my carelessness you fell ill today, I am sorry” I said kissing him on forehead as I made him sleep in my lap
As doctor gave injection for immediate relief he came into conscious. He is sleeping in my lap when he woke up. I smiled at him.
“Are you ok?” I asked
He nodded. I kept his head on pillow and brought food for him. I fed him slowly and gave medicines. I am leaving but he held my hand I turned towards him. He said something but its inaudible as he is so weak. I bent towards him. He kissed me on cheek making me blush. First kiss from my husband with love Yes I felt love in his kiss. My heart started dancing. I touched my cheek. Even when he is sick he wont stop romancing with me. But he says he doesnt love me, how is it possible?
“I am sorry for kissing you forcibly. I am really sorry” he said so cutely mocking a kid with tears.
God, why my Kunj is crying? No i cant see tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears.
I smiled and nodded
“Please dont go leaving me”he said again pouting. He is so cute. I cant stop myself from kissing him. I kissed him softly.
“Where will I go leaving you my dear husband? I wont go anywhere. I will just come having my dinner. You please take rest” I said
He showed his forehead.
“Give me another kiss with your love, only then you can go” he said.
I placed a kiss on his forehead and went to have my dinner.
How was the episode….Hope u all liked it
Do share your views in the comment box. Kunj’s POV of the past and the reason for his behaviour will be revealed in the nxt part and so does the past continue
Will try posting d nxt one asap
Loads of Love
Hii yaar kruti
I’m happy to see ur ff
I loved the episode
I’m curious to know the reason behind kunjs behaviour towards twinkle
And their cute romance was awesome
Waiting impetiantly for the next update
Do continue and post soon
Luv u
Interesting….. Waiting for d next…..
Loved it so emotional plz post fast can’t wqit
intrsting epi
post soon
It was just awesome amazing
I loved it
But feeling sad for twinkle I will be waiting for next part
Plzzzzzzz post sooon
Hi Kruti..
I was dancing seeing ur ff..
Thank god u posted…
Just loved the whole epi..
Felt lil bad for twinkle..
Nd the reason behind his behaviour eager to know..
Post soon
With love
ohhhhhh my god…….kruti dii………..♥♥

I am missing u……….
ohhh my love it was sooooo emotional n soo cute……….
cant wait to knw d rsn behind kunj I want kunj pov asap………
diii I knw u r busy as u get free do post…….♥
love u soooooooo mch amazing it was speechless…..♥
Amazing interesting shocking too
Hey kruti..
Its awesome..
Just loved it..
Curious to knpw kunj past..
Post soon..
Love u..
Really interesting Di
Post soon
Loads of Love
Beautiful and cute episode love twinj scene.
Hi kruthi
Loved yours felt sad for twinkle
Waiting to know kunjs past
There was love in air in the last part
Heyya kruti babes,,??…I was waiting 4 it so much,,??…Thank u so much 4 posting it,,??????…Episode was Marvelous..Fabulous,,?????????Love it to the coreeeee,,

…Kunjs devilish side twinkle emotions you portrayed everything with is soooo much beautifully,,?????… Well done good job yarr,,?????…Plsssssssssss post next soon m waiting again 4 next epi,,??..
Load’s of love,,
Interesting. Upload next part soon.. waiting eagerly..
I am also interested to know the reason behind his weird behaviour
please post the next episode as soon as possible.
I am also interested to know the reason behind his weird behaviour
please post the next episode as soon as possible. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Awesome… Emotional past… Post nxt asap…. Plzzzz sorry for short cmnt a bit bzy…
Awesome kruti amazing
Wowv kunj is changing
I want know kunj pov
Love u keep smiling
Kuch kahungi toh tareefein kaam padegi..
Likhungi toh kitabein kaam padegi…
Dhudho aakhir kahan se wo lazf…
Jisse main kar sakun bayan apne shabd…
Sweetness ki dukaan its just and just and just…. No words. Lekin kripya kar jaldi post kar dena warna ye bachari marr jayegi intezaar mein…
A line to my favorite writer, favorite person, favorite writer and most importantly for bestest person i have ever meet…
Heyy kruti…
It was amazing yaar…
Wanna know twinj past eagerly…
Post soon….
L9ve uh???
Hey Kruti Darling ???????
Sorry for commenting late….
Too emotional epi ??????????
Well portrayed…..
Feeling bad for twinkle…..
BT I think kunj has some reason behind his this behavior…..
Plz give kunj pov of past soon….
PLZ plz plz post asap ??????
Love you ?????
Hey Kruti Darling ???????
Sorry for commenting late….i
Too emotional epi ??????????
Well portrayed…..
Feeling bad for twinkle…..
BT I think kunj has some reason behind his this behavior…..
Plz give kunj pov of past soon….
PLZ plz plz post asap ??????
Love you ?????
Marvelous episode
Felt bad for twinkle
Do continue
Superb episode
Post soon
Nice episode
Zayada lamba hogya na I know ?
This epi was emotional as well as sweet I don’t know why but aisa lg RHA hai ki much to gadbad hai kunj ka koi past hai ya phir koi misundertstanding hai
I know ki mere ye guesses koi kam ke nhi hai but still
App an jaldi she post krna jab free hinge OK
Love you loads
Guess me ??
please post the next episode as soon as possible.