Hey guys I am back with d next part.
Thank you everyone for all d love nd support u have been giving thru your comments.
Belated Happiee B’day Priya…Hope u had a grt blast.
Here’s d nxt part
P.S – Ignore d errors as I havnt re- read it
__Twinkle’s POV__
The past haunts me even till date. I dint say this to anyone till now except Adi as he is an IPS officer. No one can imagine what I went through. I can surely say my life was the happiest one before that incident. Small fights are common b/w any couple and I too had few issues with my husband. But I know he is a loving and understanding husband.
My eyes filled with tear remembering Kunj and his Love on me.
Adarsh patted on my shoulder.
“Its ok, please relax. U have done what is right. Lets end this once in for all. I need to arrest u for that” Adi said.
“But can I make a call to Kunj once. We never know when I will be able to talk with him again” I said with water in my eyes.
Adi nodded nd I called Kunj.
“Twinkle, All d best. Whatever maybe ur journey dont forget I am ur deatiny. I will b with u. I love u” Kunj said shocking me.
” What are u talking abt?”
Did he know the truth? God no please help me.
” I know that you killed Raghav. Though I am unaware of the reason. I am sure you wont do anything wrong. I will hire the best lawyer to free u” he said
Thank god he dint know the truth.
“Kunj, please dont do anything. Its my problem I will be dealing with it” I said strongly.
” Happy to see u this confident. But still I cant leave u alone. I will interfere only when situation slips from your hand” Kunj said
” This is the confidence given by u Kunj” I said
” Dont forget that i am waiting for you. I love u nd will always do” he said making me unable to speak.
Are you going to love me in the same way even if you know that we lost our baby and I am a r*pe victim?
I disconnected the call. Adi arrested me. I mailed a copy of the proofs to Kunj though I know Adi wont betray me its necessary to be careful.
__Kunj’s POV__
I was in my room the news flashed on the news channel that Twinkle was arrested. I dont know y she killed Raghav but I know she can never do anything wrong. I always thought to save her from any har that reaches her but i am so helpless now bcoz she tld me not to interfere in the case.
Didi nd Jiju were so tensed. They thought of hiring a lawyer but I stopped them. If twinkle asked us not to involve I am sure she has a better plan with her.
But I dont understand where it started. Why did she kill Raghav? Why is she going away from me? There is something else which is missing. She wrote a letter saying she is leaving me.
Whenever she use to be angry she use to go to didi’s home. She never went anywhere else. But last time she dint. Then where did she go? How did that accident happen? How does she know Raghav? Somewhere the link is missing.
I must find out what happened that day which made her leave me. Till now I thought she is angry on me so is trying to hurt me. But no something else is hidden.
I got a notification that I recieved a mail from Twinkle. I opened it and watched the clipping of Raghav’s original character. I got shocked. As I know he always use to say he was in Australia. But when did he do these in India? I thought he was a good person. But he is a womaniser. He harassed girls. How can he? My blood started boiling in anger. He is dead otherwise I would have killed him.
Twinkle did the right thing. Killing him is not a crime but leaving him even after knowing about him is a big crime. Today I will surely support My Twinkle in fighting for justice.
__Twinkle’s POV__
Tomorrow is my trial. I am not worried abt myself. But I dont know how are bhai bhabhi and Kunj. I must say I have a supportive family. I am sure they will support me even now. However as soon as I get free from this case, I will leave Kunj and go away from everyone.
“Someone came for u” the constable said. I found bhai bhabhi nd Kunj in the visitors room.
” We saw the clippings Twinkle. We know u can never do any wrong we are with u” Bhai said
“We are proud of u twinkle.” Bhabhi said.
They both left leaving Kunj to talk to me.
“Twinkle I dont know why u Killed raghav. But please comeback into my life again after releasing. I will love u no matter what happened” he said holding my hands.
“I need to go Kunj. Time’s up'” I said.
“Cant u forgive me Twinkle?” He said making me cry.
I cant forgive myself Kunj. I love you but cant say that to u.
I left without answering to him.
Next day I was taken to the court. Adarsh produced the proofs. My lawyer said that I killed raghav for self defence.
Court released me considering the proofs against Raghav.
I got released from the jail. I met Aditya , Alisha nd a few other frnds to thank them for their help. We know we are wrong as per law, but out conscience said what we did is nothing wrong.
“Adarsh I have a doubt. How did Twinkle kill Raghav?” Alisha asked
“This question will be answered by Twinkle” Adi said
“On that day as you came to meet Kunj as per our plan I acted being angry on Kunj and went to Raghav. I found him drunk. He started talking unnecessary stuff and finally confessed he is that blackmailer who blackmailed me before marriage and made me do those disgusting things so that there are differences b/w me and Kunj. He confessed that he liked me since the time Kunj and he were room mates in Australia where he use to stalk at me when I use to skype with Kunj. He was the one who spoiled my life. I shot him with my revolver and as he was drunken he got no chance to escape” I said to them as a lone tear escaped my eyes.
” Twinkle atleast now tell everything to Kunj. He is a mature person. I dont think he will leave your hand for the mistakes u dint do” Adi said.
“Yes Twinkle. Kunj loves u a lot” Alisha said to convince me.
How can I go to him and say this truth? Will he forgive me? What if he starts hating me and leaves me? No I cant face him. I wont say this to him. I will go away from him.
Hope u like it. Do share your views in d comment box
Will post d nxt one asap
Loads of Love.
Wow yaar amazinggggg loveddddddd it sooooooooooooooo much yaar kruti ???????????????…bechari twinki hope she tells everything to kunj and twinj convo was marvellous ?????…
Love you post soon ???
Awesome diii…
Loved it…
Too good..
Love u…
Emotional yet amazing episode
Liked twinkles spirit and confidence
Feeling really bad for kunj
Twist is fabulous dear
I knew it that raghav liked twinkle before twinj marriage
Very much excited for the next update
Do continue
awsm epi
Wowwwwwwww just Amazing, Fabulous, Awesome and emotional episode,?????????????.. I want to see more drama I’m so excited,,??? Post next soon babe,,??? and Thank you soooooooooooo much kruti babe 4 this episode dedication to me,,???????????.. Load’s of Love you babe,,?
plss.kruti can u give small summary. …plzzz
Awesome one. Just loved it from core. I know Kunj will support twinkle like always. The emotions of Twinkle you’ve mentioned seems to be perfect. No one can describe it more perfectly. Waiting for next episode. ???
Post when you’ll be free.
Love you to the eternity.
Take Care
Kaise Bataye Kyun Tujhko Chahe
Yaara Bata Na Paaye
Baatein Dilon Ki Zuban Aankhon Ki Tujhe Samjhayen
Tu Jaane Na
Tu Jaane Na
With lots of love
Your fan
Sorry for being late.
Awesome kruti amazing
I think kunj will support her.
She should tell the truth.
Loved it
Love you keep smiling
Awsm….. Emotions r shown very well ….. Luvd it. .. Hope twinkle tell kunj everything…. Sorry for not cmnting in previous yr i m bzy….. I will again say emotions r show superbly amazingly u leave ekta kapoor long back… Really u r superb writer. .. . Post nxt asap…. Luv u…. Byeee…. Tc….
Kruti loved the episode so much. Awesome mind blowing fabulous superb nd emotional episode. Bechari twinkle feeling really very bad for her ???????? nd Kunjjjjjj hayeeeee hum toh fida ho gaye us par so much mature nd understanding husband he is ??????????? I hope twinkle will tell him whole truth. Ab post next asap.
Love you ????????
Awesome epi. ..
ohhhhhh god kruti diiiii……..♥
pls twinkle sab kuch batadena kunj ko……♥
loved it sooooooo mch…….♥
amazing ♥
speechless ♥
nice case………♥
lods of love diii……♥
plssssss posst nxt asap srsly cant wait at all……♥