Categories: Molkki

Molkki 8th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Purvi tells Satyam’s truth to Virender

Molkki 8th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Virender insists that it’s true but Yogi says Bhabhi always does something for a reason. She cannot do something like this. Anjali seconds him. We should support her. Virender asks her how he can support someone who is refusing to support him in his worst right now. Juhi and Manas overhear them. Virender tells Yogi and Anjali that the kids shouldn’t know about his divorce. Manas asks Juhi what divorce is. Juhi is equally unsure. I only know that we must meet haathi.

Purvi calls the nurse. Nurse tells her that she isn’t afraid of her if she called her to threaten her. I will expose him at any cost. Purvi tells her that she wants to expose Satyam too. I want to know what proof you have so we can do it together. Nurse tells her to meet her at a tea stall at 7 pm. Purvi agrees.


don’t let the kids inside. Manas asks Juhi what they must do. Juhi says we will use formula no. 27 to meet haathi. Manas makes a window using his slingshot and the kids hide. Guards start looking for the person responsible for it. Manas and Juhi manage to sneak inside the haveli. They ask for haathi as they walk in. Purvi gets worried for them. She smiles as soon as she sees them but she ignores them the next seond. They hug her and tell her that they missed her very much. Manas asks her if she missed them too. Juhi looks at the food and asks Manas to look too. Let’s eat it as we are bored of the usual food. They fill their plates with delicious food. Satyam tells the kids it is good that they are here. Purvi will be happy now. Juhi nods. Let us stay with you as well if haathi can. Purvi talks rudely to them. This isn’t a dharamshala where anyone will come and enjoy a lavish life. Manas asks her why she is saying this. We lived at Chachi’s place alone. Why cannot we live together now? Purvi says it was my foolishness. I cannot do this again. You cannot live here with me and I cannot live with you in that poor house! Your father has ended relations with me. why should I take your responsibility now? Manas says you used to love us a lot. Why are you doing this now? Purvi replies that she used to love them but not anymore. She pushes them outside towards the guard. Leave now and don’t return. They are heartbroken and cry outside.

Guard scolds Juhi and Manas. I had told you not to come here. Don’t come back again! He pushes them out of the haveli. Manas hugs his sister and cries. Haathi is upset with us. We must apologize to her. Juhi disagrees. We dint do anything wrong so there is no need to apologize.

Satyam tells Purvi she shouldn’t have behaved like that. They are kids after all. Purvi agrees. They remind me of Mukhi ji though. I don’t want to be associated with anything that reminds me of Mukhi ji. I want to forget him. She turns and finds him standing near her. She is startled. Will you help me? He nods. She asks him to return her Molkki to Mukhi ji. Can you give me 1 crore for that? Satyam agrees to do whatever she wants. Mukhi is a righteous man. He wont take it easily from me. She advises him to leave Mukhi’s jeep and money outside his house. It is his decision whether to accept it or not. Think of it as a donation. I will return it to you. He caresses her hair and she steps back. He tells her to take as much time as she wants. I have a lot of time and money. I dint have you but now you are with me too. Don’t leave me ever. You give me strength. I feel very good when you are with me during my attacks. She thinks that the nurse has told her that all that is a drama. I will find out about it soon. she drops a candle and her dupatta catches fire. She screams. Satyam looks at it. She thinks that he will be exposed if he saves her from this fire today. It will be understood whether you are faking it. Satyam stomps on the dupatta and picks up a jug. Purvi shouts for help. Satyam suddenly panics. Someone save Purvi from the fire! Purvi thinks that his attack is genuine. He isn’t acting. She throws her dupatta and douses the fire. Satyam freaks out. Purvi thinks that he is indeed ill but she will wait for him to recover. Mukhi ji and I don’t want to commit a sin by hurting an ill person. We will gather proofs against you till then.

Satyam tells Purvi that he is fine. I panic whenever I see fire but I am fine now. She says I had to go for some work but I don’t think I should go now. You need me. He tells her to go ahead. She asks him if he is sure. He nods. She agrees to be back asap and goes to change.Satyam picks up his stick and takes out his lighter. He plays with the match.

Purvi is on her way to the tea stall. Hope the nurse will agree to give proofs to me. She looks at the stall and notices the nurse. I am sure to make you wait. The nurse remains quiet. Purvi touches her shoulder and she falls. She has been shot in the head. Purvi runs calling for help. She collides with Virender and hugs him out of fear. He asks her what happened. She tells him that the nurse has been shot. She hugs him again. Inspector tells his juniors to do panchnama of the dead body and call ambulance. He tells Virender that he will take Purvi’s statement afterwards.

Virender gives water to Purvi. why are you so freaked out and crying? Do you think you are responsible for it? She nods. Virender blames Gajraj. She must have proof against him and he did this to her. Purvi says it is still my mistake though. It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t called her here. She wouldn’t have died. He tells her it isn’t true and holds her hands. She withdraws her hands. He asks her what happened. She says I made a mistake. I forgot that our relation is over. Why am I telling you this? He tells her that it isn’t over. She is only pretending to hate her and break their relation. I don’t know why you had to do this drama. You could have told me beforehand. She says I cannot hurt you or the kids. I had vowed to get everything back from that Gajraj. I even swore upon Renu Didi that I will take revenge of her murder from Gajraj. He asks her why it is so. She tells him that he isn’t Gajraj but Satyam! Epi ends on Virender’s shocked face.

Precap: Satyam asks Purvi where she went that late and tells her to tell him if there’s anything. He was so concerned. He hugs her. Later, Purvi tells Satyam that they will have to do a havan to maintain peace in the Haveli.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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