Popular show Molkki is rumored to be under the scanner for a while now, however, there has been no confirmation on the same yet. Amidst the buzz about the show going off-air in February, Priyal Mahajan in a recent interview cleared the air and confirmed that the rumors are baseless and there is no truth to it.
When asked about her take on TRPs she shared, ”TRP doesn’t affect me or anyone on the set, of course, it is the call of the production team and the creatives to improve and all. There have been weeks where the TRPs have been low and they’ve risen but as an actor, we have to give our 100%, it doesn’t happen as per the TRPs.”
She added, ”It’s not anybody’s fault, it’s natural and you can’t force someone to watch the show. The audiences have been very supportive and I am glad for all the love we’ve received. Till the time you give your 100 percent, the TRP shouldn’t affect you. It’s all about your performance. Rumors, trolls, TRPs shouldn’t affect you because they aren’t your job.”
Molkki recently clocked in a year since it was first aired.
Pray the rumors come true
In case of Barrister Babu also, Rishi Khurana called the rumors baseless. But extremely unfortunately, they turned out to be true and the show went off air.
Hope the same happens with Molkki. And then BB was far more deserving.
Bacii usually I read your name as Bacil.
I wonder why……
pls stop this nonsense @Bacii I know that you are a bb fan and that bb had to suffer because of the channel that doesn’t mean that you hope others also suffers the same fate as bb so pls stop commenting here and go back to your show’s fan fiction stories.
Oh hi madam Malini!
Really missed you so much! Where were you all this while?
I wish Purvi and Virendra die together and end of this show………..
Oh hi madam Malini!
Really missed you so much! Where were you all this while?
i was busy reading the continuous hateful comments of bb fans on molkki’s updates
Oh I see.
Well, the one who starts all the hate shall not complain of it, you know.
So you get it, Madam Malini?
I ended it once and for all and now I am not speaking ill of any show so please you can also stop now what will you get by these continuous hateful comments? Clearly bb has gone offair and now pls leave molkki alone if you can’t stand it.
Oh so easily, Madam Malini?
So it is fine till the time you do it, and then you hate it when others start doing it. I am completely intrigued.
Molkki is getting crappier day by day, and is losing all its substance. What’s the point in dragging a show when there is hardly anything left in it?
You were saying that Molkki’s trp would overtake that of Barrister of Babu in a matter of time. Unfortunately, that seems to be far from real.
You said such I’ll things about Barrister Babu fans, and didn’t find them wrong. And now you don’t want to get the taste of your own medicine.
Anyways, I quoted Barrister Babu’s story only as an example. I still feel Molkki should go off-air, and that a similar incident may and perhaps should happen.
I didn’t reach your levels at all!
when I am saying everything on that topic was over and I even apologized for it then why are you repeating the old stuff? seems like you are in a mood of doing things like that. and my comments were only till 1 to 2 updates but you are continuously.
Fine then I’ll also not hold myself from being rude and speak about bb. bb was also being dragged and the whole batuk track was just pointless. the story was over long before and the makers were just wasting the time of the audience until the offair date. and I feel glad that sirf tum got 8pm slot, after all a new show should get a good slot and btw rashmi sharma show, that too vivian in it had to get the 8pm slot, remember shakti?
and talking about anything left in molkki, there are so many secrets and twists to unfold yet, so many unanswered questions in which one of them was where is yogi? and today’s ep solved that mystery too.
and I’ve seen u in almost all the updates, those who badmouth about molkki you support them, and those who defend the show, you speak about freedom of opinions. I know u don’t like molkki and you don’t even read the update you are just here to say how much YOU hate the show by your comments.
and talking about reaching my level, OFFAIR is a big thing and its a permanent bye bye and I never said about any show that it should go offair. bb fans like u said soo many times that about molkki still I never said even once about bb going offair. cuz I know its a hurtful thing which u guys have faced but now u have been continuously saying such about our show, which is not right.
and your first comment on this update
“Hope the same happens with Molkki. And then BB was far more deserving.”
this is literally cursing (which I never did so stop saying that tasting your own medicine thing) so stop that I am asking you politely otherwise we also have words.
Oh well madam Malini, let me counter your points.
So you say the makers of bb were simply wasting time and the show should have ended a long time ago. Well madam, I don’t think so.
You mentioned Molkki had several to be solved mysteries. BB had them too. Binoy’s condition and its final outcome, Chandrachur’s return, Tapur and Somnath’s marriage, Tupur’s fate, court cases, social issues etc etc etc are some of those mysteries.
They definitely outnumber Molkki’s mysteries.
The show definitely shouldn’t have ended. Had it ended without the leap, the story would have been left incomplete as Bondita wouldn’t have become a barrister by then. And then, it us also imperative to highlight the journey of barrister Bondita.
Coming to Batuk’s drama, all that happened because of the off-air news that came out or the blue. That is why the show had to bend hastily in an unplanned manner. Obviously, the makers could not hire a new actor for playing such a major role weeks before the show was going off air.
Yogi’s character had very little screen space, so he is not very significant anyhow. He was brought in only for spicing the Sakshi drama, which is too unwanted and dragged.
So Yogi doesn’t really form a fundamental part of the show, and hence is not a valid reason for continuing the show.
I don’t support people who badmouth. They were simply expressing their dissatisfaction with the storyline. They are entitled to do that. Bad-mouthing is what you did. You even attacked people supporting Molkki, which is not acceptable.
I only said things to those who called non-Molkki supporters toxic or accused them of spreading hate. If ever I used the word ‘begging’ then that was because you did the same with BB fans.
At least you should not talk about the pain of BB fans. That is not at all visible in your conduct. If you have sympathy or empathy for someone, you don’t badmouth them. But you did.
What is wrong in saying that Molkki should go off-air? It is better for a serial to be short and entertaining instead of being long and boring. Molkki is doing nothing but stretching the Sakshi drama endlessly. It started before May and is not over yet. BB at least had a good versatility of tracks.
Oh you really apologised? Please care to copy paste the comment in which you did.
Thank you.
And yes, I definitely didn’t fall to your levels. I didn’t insult people or use bad words for the show. I only called it dragged and said that the makers have run out of ideas. So please be watchful of your conduct before raising fingers.
I know you have words. You were the first one to use them. We all were being polite.
To tell you the truth, you are mistaken to believe that I don’t read the updates. Ask me any major detail, and I will answer it. You will be proven wrong.
A free piece of advice: “Don’t say things with such certainty when you have absolutely no clue about them.”
And also one more thing, Madam Malini (see the amount of respect I give you in spite of your conduct, I always call you madam)
Can I call your point regarding sirf tum null and void? It really doesn’t go against BB, nor does it favor Molkki.
Why quote it? Just for increasing the length of your comment?
Also, you started with all your drama when the off air news came. You said it was fair on the channel’s part to take Molkki off-air.
So you in a way said the same thing.
Don’t talk about understanding anyone’s pain because your conduct sharply contradicts that
ok ok I’ve been really bad happy now ? But that means you’ll become bad like me and take revenge ? I didn’t come to bb updates everyday like u are saying that the show should go offair, it should go offair!! that too everyday!! and what do you want to say about your cursive words ha ? look at your very first comment on this page. and fyi I never used any bad words for any show and for the people who felt insulted by my words I apologized them and you were not one of them so I didn’t apologized you and if you really care about seeing that apology then go find it yourself!!
and what you said about starting the drama, it was not me it was bb fans who starting badmouthing the show just because colors decided to end bb and just bec molkki’s trp is lower. and my first comments ever were replies to your fandom (to refresh your memory).
and yes you are the one continuously who is insulting people and instead of apologizing you are saying that I have to taste my own medicine? again, I apologized for my words yet people who insulted me and said you tasted your own medicine never apologized me and you are doing soo much favoritism you are only considering my words and what about the foul words used by bb fans ? u never say how bad were the comments to which I replied to. and you say you’re being polite? how is your CURSING politeness ???
and expressing dissatisfaction is fine but your CURSIVE LANGUAGE is a level even below mine!!!!
and you’ve been continuously saying that molkki is being dragged and i said that once for bb, and see you have posted a long argument how bb should have continued….. it clearly shows u can’t tolerate anything against bb, so when you can’t tolerate something about your favourite show, then don’t even talk about others’ favourite shows too. even I could write such argument for molkki but I don’t feel like wasting my time on haters.
feel lucky enough that molkki fandom is not active in the comments section of the updates otherwise you would have to hear from many.
Oh God, madam Malini! You have invented your own dictionary and changed the meanings of almost all the words! I am intrigued!
So you tell other people that they were begging and order them not to bark, and then say you did not say anything wrong! Wow, hats off to you! Using the word bark is so much civilized!
Well, you said that you had apologized for your conduct. So that means the burden of proof lies on you, and not me. If you want then prove it, else just let it be.
I think you need to refresh your memory. People from BB fandom were not as rude as you were to them. They only said that their show was going off-air because of Molkki and that was quite saddening as the former had a higher trp.
You called them beggars (because you used the word begging) and also ordered them not to bark (what are you comparing them with?)
I don’t think I said anything wrong to you. You were indirectly pointing me out, and hence I replied to you.
You are saying I do favoritism! God, I am amazed. You seriously need to refresh your memory then. Go check those updates. I scolded people who were calling Molkki garbage and saying that it had come from a dustbin. I told them not to indulge in any sort of badmouthing.
If you still feel I am biased, then that is not my fault. You are very much entitled to your opinion. But just for the sake of truth, I always called people using foul words wrong.
At least I never called anyone a beggar. Nor did I use the word barking. I never attacked anyone’s character (I did only after you attacked BB fans) So, I really don’t understand how my language is below yours. Will you care to explain?
Coming to the last line of your comment. Are you trying to threaten us? Well, do what you feel like. Go to the BB section and badmouth the show (I still maintain that we didn’t badmouth Molkki and just expressed our desire of Molkki going off-air) No one is stopping you.
You don’t have time for haters. That’s great! Then why are you wasting your time even now?
Whatever words of mine you are pointing out I have told you already but you seem to be ignorant. Again because you can’t hear properly, i know my words were harsh and I apologized for that. Now what r u trying to tell me by quoting whatever I said ha ?? And you think bb fd just said molkki should go offair. I would say u can’t even see what negative and harsh comments your fd does, actually u know what U don’t even have the guts to accept your fandom’s or even your own mistake. Atleast I have done that. You’re just keep on defending yourself
saying that I’ve done it so you will also do it and your replies are as if you are not even reading my reply properly.
anyways it said “i beg all the viewers to stop watching the show so that its trp go so low that it offair” and “this show should offair immediately why barrister babu should offair firstly this nuisance show should be offair”. So now tell me isn’t begging happening here? Aren’t they the one starting it all ? Aren’t they the one badmouthing firsf about molkki? And to these comments was only my reply. Again I didn’t commented, I REPIED to these people
what a good way of justifying you’re ill words. And what u said that you just expressed you’re desire of molkki going offair is just a big LIE!! Kindly read your first comment on this update, wait let me help you
You have pointed a finger at me now how will you justify your cursing ha ?? What about the 4 fingers that are at you ? I never cursed bb saying that hope it goes offair or writing #bbToGoOffair
And about the word beggers I used is just what u noticed, didn’t you notice the comment I replied to ?? How would you? After all it was a bb fan comment
And u r confessing yourself that u attacked someone’s character. That too you’re justifying by saying that i did it thats why u r doing it
“Hope the same happens with Molkki. And then BB was far more deserving.
This is not a desire this is praying that what bad happened to you happens to others also. You should never pray bad for others otherwise it returns to you in the end so mind your tongue okay!
Well madam Malini, look at yourself and then talk.
I very well know what you said and what you did not. You completely denied saying anything bad about the bb fandom and the show again and again.
I pointed those words out just to tell you that you had said a lot to us and that there was no need of denying anything.
There’s that.
You are saying I don’t have the guts for accepting my fandom’s mistake. Very funny, madam Malini. Do you even read the comments or simply react?
I very well said I scolded those people who used foul words for Molkki or any other show. I asked them to shape their behavior up and use better words.
But maybe you purposely missed that out so that you could get another finger to raise. Can’t do anything about that.
This laughing face goes to you:
You began with bad-mouthing. You didn’t reply to that. You replied to a comment that was simply criticising Molkki. It didn’t even mention Molkki’s viewers, let alone asking them to stop watching it. Get your facts right first.
If BB fandom does something wrong, I highlight that too and ask them to stop. I have done that in the past as well. But maybe you will never understand.
Oh madam Malini! The only attacking I did was asking sone viewer not to beg others to watch Molkki on TV. Never did anything else, quite unlike you.
At least I am not hiding facts to prove myself right.
Talking about my first comment, I did express my desire for the show to go off air. I too was a Molkki fan but now the series is not as good as it used to be.
And this Sakshi drama is very annoying. You always have a desire when you pray for something to come true!
I can definitely express myself. No one can stop me from that.
Well, I will bear the fruit of my actions, and you will bear it too. Law of Karma is universal and not selective. So no need of bringing that into picture.
Read first, then write. That is my mantra. I font know about yours.
So the discussion is over. Period!
Where is madam Malini?
Looks like I won.
wow what a misconception that you’ve won!!
after reading your reply I realized that you have not even read my reply properly and you are giving me completely absurd answers. anyways I wasn’t going to the old updates or even this website for that’s why I didn’t reply.
so i would just like to say that what you have written about your first comment, that its just expressing your desire for the show to go offair, is not at all a desire. Do you even know English??
“Hope the same happens with Molkki”
and again to defend yourself you’ll again point fingers on me. I defended myself without pointing fingers at you and justified myself but you will again say that I did this I did so and so with no proper explanation for your own CURSING.
your every reply is soo obvious. a person like you can never accept his mistake.
and If you’re finding all my harsh comments on the updates and pointing them out, why can’t you find my apology comment ha ? thats because you just wanna point fingers
and if you find my comments bad-mouthing, then why are you calling your comments as expression of opinions? I could also say that I was expressing my opinion about bb
So I apologize to you too for bad-mouthing about your favourite show and I have stopped commenting everywhere, but that doesn’t mean I’ll sit quietly and watch any bad comments and won’t reply to them.
So if you’ll say such cursing words again, and badmouth, you’ll also taste the fruit of your actions.
Oh well, you are saying I don’t read your comments properly. But honestly, I read them all and replied too.
Instead, I feel that you are the one who is not reading but just saying. Your replies are absurd and you are simply overlooking large chunks of information.
I did not consider your apology because it does not look like one. It sounded like formality, and also you did not stick to it.
If there is something wrong in your conduct, then I will object to it. So no need to say pointing fingers.
Well, it never sounded as if you were giving your opinion. It should have been decent. Moreover, it just looked liked retaliation.
Molkki is already having very low trp, which is 0.9 you know. The show is losing its substance and becoming ridiculous day by day. That’s why I want it to go off air. A new fresh show should grab the time slot instead.
If you want to call it cursing, then please go ahead. Does not matter.
You cannot have a taste of your own medicine, but want others to taste their own fruit. Wow! What an irony.
You got so offended when I used that phrase, but you yourself are using something highly similar to it. Love you, man!
Also you are saying you defend yourself without pointing fingers. Really? So from now on, ‘Do you even know English??’ is not pointing fingers. You are indeed fantastic.
At least I never questioned your competency.