Hello my dear readers.
Thanks for wonderful support you have showed. I am so happy that we are going to comply 25 episodes soon. So shall we read them fast and go to 25th chapter.
Pragya got ready and was waiting for abhi.
Pragya : abhi how much time will take. Being a girl I got ready before you.
Abhi: coming fuggi. 2 mins.
Pragya : who told you to have a nap after returning back from shopping.
Abhi: stop scolding me. For past 15 MINUTES you are scolding me. I really did not hear alarm.
Pragya : what can I do got a sleepy boyfriend.
Abhi: once we go back you will have a schedule follow it you will know value of sleep.
Pragya : come let’s go now.
Abhi: wait have something for you.
Pragya : what is that give fast we will be late.
He gave a peck on her lips. She blushed.
Abhi : you look pretty when you blush.
Pragya : really.
Abhi : but this should only because of me or when you are remembering me or someone teases you about me.
Pragya : I think some one is becoming possessive.
Abhi: having hot girlfriend should be possessive right.
She laughed turning a darker shade of pink.
They went to her college. Abhi wore dress which she gifted him. Pragya looked awesome in the dress. Abhi said he will wait outside as he was not comfortable in crowd.
Pragya moved inside while abhi was in car attending his meeting.
Pragya went to her friends. All were shocked to see Pragya dressed up so fashionable.
Harshi : prags you look awesome where did you buy the dress. And you look too hot.
Pragya : thanks Harshi. You look good.
Mrudula : should tell from tomorrow onwards competition for shyam will be more.
Valli : speak about the devil and the devil appears. (They saw shyam coming towards them)
Shyam : hi girls, hi Pragya. So where is your so called boyfriend. Didn’t get anyone. No problem I am there for you.
Pragya : well shyam he is not as useless and rogue like you. He is in important work will be here after it.
Shyam : is he that old that so busy in doing his work. How does he earn per month?
Pragya : shut up.
Shyam : why should I when you are trying to get a poor guy into your trap. I will never let it happen. If you want money I am here right.
Pragya : see we will talk later for now we have a work excuse me.
She went away unable to meet his gaze. She ran away unable to hold his gaze. She came back but his friends joined her friends and were chatting sitting around 2 tables which were pulled together. There was one seat left it was next to shyam. She didn’t have energy to fight as she was tired. She went to her seat and sat when she got a text from abhi.
Hey will you like to give your friends gifts now or end of the party.?
She replied “can give tomorrow or day after right “
Abhi “sorry for not telling, it skipped of my brain we are going to Goa tomorrow at 11.45 am ist and stay for 3 days after that to Mumbai from there to London. I am so sory please forgive me. Your Visa and Passport is ready”
Pragya blood boiled she wanted to kick him.
She replied ” it is not something small to forget. Okay will tell your punishment afterwards, for now get my gifts.”
Abhi replied ” I will send them with driver. Bye will come in after meeting “
Praneeha : prags stop looking at your mobile just enjoy.
Harshi : guys shall we play something. ” Never have I ever.”
Valli : yep perfect. There is time for program to start right.
Shyam: whom shall we start with?
Mrudula : you start shyam.
shyam : fine. Have you ever gone on date. Just you and your date no one else .
One of shyam’s friend drank, and pragya drank. All were shocked.
Harshi : prags you when?
Pragya : recently with my boyfriend took me out on date and long drive can say.
Shyam : definitely he is above 21 years because below 21 years there is no 4 wheeler licence.
Pragya : there is something called fake Id which he has.
Harshi : leave it. Now Pragya.
Before she could ask she got a call.
Pragya : yes, ……..oh where are you? ………..okay come straight …………..there will be lawn which is decorated and at its starting, there will be two tables joined come there. ………..yaa. done .
Harshi : who is it ? Is it your boyfriend. ?
Just then a man came. “Pragya ”
She turned around and saw gifts. She understood he was driver.
He kept them on table and left.
Shyam : I told you right he might be old.
Pragya : mister shyam. Hold your horses that is not my boyfriend but our driver.
Valli : we never saw him.
Pragya : he joined 2 days back it seems. Guys these are gifts for you from me in my memory. Wheneveryou see them you should remember me.
She gave them to her friends.
Pragya : sorry boys I didn’t think you will join us.
Friend 1 (of shyam ): just relax Pragya need not worry.
Shyam : for whom is this.
Pragya : for someone special. As return gift for gift.
Valli : what gift .
Pragya : will tell. Why are every one looking so shocked at entrance why.
They saw and were shocked to see purab and bulbul.
They looked awesome in dress.
Valli : he Purab Arora right, hero in the movie “THE LETTER”.
Harshi : we met them before 2 months, now they are celebrities.
Pragya : guys relax and enjoy. As cheif guest came so program will start.
Program started all were enjoying.
Valli : how do you think they came here. Definitely our authority is so stingy to call them.
Praneeha : maybe it’s just because of coincidence.
Harshi : let’s ask principle as he likes Pragya alot she will ask means no one will say no.
Pragya : I am not getting involved in this.
Just then The Host ” Hey friends all must be hungry though we had enough show of dance and other activities. We will have more fun after dinner. Now all to dinning room. ”
All students rushed except these.
Pragya : guys let’s go last. It will be to rushy inside.(she got up)
Harshi : yep, even i am not hungry.
Praneeha : BTW what are your plans for tomorrow. Shall we go out together.
Valli : Haa good idea, as our parents are here we can get outing. Let’s roam around.
Before Pragya could answer she felt hands closing her eyes. She knew it was abhi. Thought to play with him. All others were shocked he was so handsome and cute.
Pragya : puneeth remove your hands I know it’s you. (He didn’t remove. She smiled ) karthik is it u ?(no reply again. Abhi was so angRy because she was telling all names except his) aryan, Sid. ….kitu. …. preet……..ashh……..
Abhi: stop it. You are telling everyone name except me. (He removed his hands she smiled and turned to him to hug him)
Pragya : so are you jealous?
Abhi: yes I am jealous. So what
Pragya : same I felt when you flirt with sales girl in shopping mall today.
Abhi: is this revenge?
Pragya : tit for tat.
Abhi: but you know how bad i felt you cannot recognise me.
Pragya : I recognised you by your touch, by the way you hold me.
Abhi: sorry for flirting with her. I will stop here on.
Pragya : no, don’t stop. But find different ways to convince me when I get angry.
Abhi: I know a way shall I try it now.
Pragya : what way.
Abhi:(he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear) same kiss on lips.
Pragya : shut up (she hugged him )
All her friends were seeing this in aww.
Some coughs brought them back to the world. All turned to see them. It was Purab and bulbul.
Purab : liked the surprise princess. (Opening his arms )
Pragya :(ran into his arms and hugged him tight) loved it bhai. Thanks a lot for coming.
Bulbul : say thank you to abhi. It is his plan.
Pragya : really. Thanks abhi.
He came towards her and pulled her into hug.
Abhi: jeeju don’t hug her infront of me.
Purab : what! !!!! No way she is my sister. Then your girlfriend.
Abhi : no first my girlfriend then your sister. I saw her first.
Purab : because of me you found her.
Bulbul : stop it both of you. She is my sali then your sister or girlfriend. Am I right sweetie?
Pragya : exactly BB. If you fight like this we will sit together tomor row and you both cannot touch us for one week.
Bulbul : no more hangouts and mostly I will complaint mom and dad about your Saturday parties.
Abhi: what. No problem. I will tell jeeju made me drink by saying it as Apple juice.
Purab : what all are cornering me. Show some pity on this poor soul. Choti you atleast.
Pragya : ohhh bhai don’t worry. I am there for you. (SHE kissed his cheek)
Abhi : fuggi you just come here.
Purab : she is my sister. Till you are married she will be with me.
Abhi: jeeju you know this is the last week I am gone spend some time with her. Once we go back you know how tight my schedule is.
Shyam : how old are you?
Abhi: 17 do I look too old.
Praneeha : greek God whom every girl dreams off.
abhi chuckled while Pragya glared at her.
Abhi : shall we go I am Hungry.
Pragya : yaa sure.
Shyam : is this your boyfriend.
Pragya : sorry I forgot to introduce you guys. This is Purab, my brother and his love of life, meri pyarI babhi, Bulbul. And now my cute boyfriend, Abhi. And bhai, bhabhi and abhi these are my friends HARSHI, VALLI, PRANEEHA, MRUDULA. And shyam, KV, and Tej.
Purab : Hello everyone.
Bulbul : prags anyway we are going. Why don’t you invite them to dinner.
Abhi: that would be great.
Pragya : are you okay with it? (They nodded ) guys will u all join us for dinner tonight.
Harshi : we don’t have problem.
Pragya : shall we go then. Bhai I think you need to inform about leaving.
Purab : we already said them. Shall we?
Pragya : yep, bhai you take valli, MRUDULA and KV and Tej. We will get others.
Purab: fine abhi don’t drive rashly.
Abhi: jeeju I am not kid.
Bulbul : you are that. My baby.(she pulled his cheeks abhi whined)
Pragya : okay come let’s move.
They started ,
IN PURBUL’ s car.
Purab : so guys I think you are great friends of Pragya.
Valli : yes sir. We are. She is like a kid funny, wants everyone around her to be happy.
Mrudula : I think abhi is lucky to get her.
Bulbul : I don’t think so. She is lucky to get him.
Valli : hmmm. BTW did she tell about shyam
Bulbul : what is there to tell about him.
KV: he is behind her. Seeing her situation Tej and me started leaking his plans to them.
Tej: we managed to save her for 2 years, don’t know how she will manage with him afterwards.
Purab : well I don’t think he will cross her life again.
Valli : she should stay in college for 2 more months. It would be a professional.
Bulbul : no she is not coming to college anymore.
KV: why anything wrong at her home.? Or home preparation.
Purab : she is not giving her JEE .
Bulbul : also her college will start by then.
Mrudula : but which college starts this early.
Purab: well Britain university.
All in chorus : what!!!!!!
Bulbul : why are you guys shouting.
KV: she is leaving the country.? ?? ? ? ?
Purab : yaa. That is why we came.
Mrudula : that is what the note means. ? (They nodded )
Valli : how are you related to her. She is single kid.
Bulbul : well. It is long story. We can not share it. But he is her own elder brother. Blood relation. We came to know the day after we met her.
KV: then abhi.
Purab : he saw her in his claas 10 from then on, he is deep love or attraction whatever you can call.
Bulbul : but we want them both to end up as married couple.
Mrudula : hope so.
Other side in abhi’s car.
Abhi: will you introduce me your friends.?
Pragya : no don’t you dare to talk. I am angry with you. I don’t mind kicking you out of car it’s okay if we call met with accident.
Abhi : poor me I have to bear this angry bird life along.
Pragya : you call me an angry bird what are you then an chimpanzee from zoo.
Abhi: I told you truth. But I think it’s hard to believe. And me I am not chimpanzee, Miss angry bird. I am so handsome that girls go on their knees for me.
Pragya : well go with them why are behind me.
Abhi: ohhh well I said you I love you 3 weeks back, but it was you who proposed me today. I left it that day itself.
Pragya : means you don’t love me any more.
Abhi: I never meant that I will always love you.
Pragya : then what do mean you monkey king.
Abhi: what? ? ? Me ….monkey king…..? You are the Queen then whom this monkey king dies for.
Pragya : flattery. I know why you put this fight. But I will never forget to punish you.
Abhi gave caught look. Pragya smiled. Leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Abhi: wow. This is punishment then I want more.
Pragya : shut up. You were cute so I kissed this is not your punishment.
Abhi: what cute. I am not a baby to look cute.
Pragya : you are my cute little prince.
Abhi: then your prince wants a kiss.
Pragya : this prince is shameless.
Abhi: only for you. (HE leaned to her showing his cheeks )
Pragya : concentrate on driving.
Her friends cleared their throats.
Pragya looked away embarrased while abhi was cursing them for spoiling their moments.
Praneeha: prags where are we going.
Pragya : I don’t know. They take me to places even I don’t know. But they are beautiful.
Abhi: as if you don’t enjoy the place. You will love it.
Harshi : abhi can we know how you look so handsome.
Abhi chuckled and pragya turned away.
Abhi: well it’s secret i can’t tell that. Like you pretty girls don’t tell your beauty secrets.
Praneeha : I wonder how many girls will be behind you in college.
Abhi : well, not many because I hangout with boys maximum times. I have only one girl friend… (before he could complete Pragya cut off )
Pragya : what you have girlfriend. Then why didn’t you tell me.
Abhi: wohhooooo. I can smell someone burning. She is maya. And don’t worry ajju, maya and me are best friends from nursery.
Pragya : but still how can you have a girl friend.
Abhi : miss don’t worry she has her eyes on arjun and not on me.
Pragya : what i am so happy for them. I want to meet arjun. The Way you are telling about him.
Abhi : he is also dieing to meet you too. Maya is planning where to take you and spend time shopping. You will have them in college too. Need to learn how to bare their fights.
(Thinking : God this girl is getting on to my nerves. I love the way her eyes become big when they are suprised. And those lips I never get enough of them. I want to kiss her senselessly. God abhi control yourself man. Pragya you changed me completely. The arrogant Abhishek Prem Mehra is gone, now love sick puppy is here. Love you soo much. But she has weird mood swings.)
What is going to happen next?
SEE you in next episode
Dude,what an episode…..great.please post daily. I’m so eager to know what’s gonna happen next.
I will soon post next episode. Thanks for commenting bro
Thanks for updating…loving this episode a lot…waiting for ur next episode..when u will post ur next episode..?
Tomorrow I will post next episode. Glad that you liked it. Thank u for comments
Lovely. Waiting for your next episode
Hey pavi I will post it tomorrow. Thanks for comments
Bro very nice episode..Thank you for providing us with such a mind blowing ff..Keep up the good work
Hey thanks for wonderful comments
A very nice episode..Thank you JD for providing us with such a mind blowing ff…Keep up the good work
Thanks for comments. I will try to do betteer
Superb fantastic episode pls update next episode soooon
Hey thanks for reading and comments. I will post it tomorrow
Wowww.. JD.. Fantabulous episode.. This fanfiction is going to be the best.. Waiting for your daily updates… This fan fiction is mindblowing and romantic too..
Thanks for lovely comment. Tomorrow will be next episode. Please read and comment