Mr and Mrs Perfect Kumkum Bhagya Episode 30

Hello slient readers, I am extremely sorry for not updating. Got stuck in important work. I am back with an update again. So let’s get into the story. ……………………



Abhigya started narrating their parents about their college life. And how abhi visits Pragya without her knowledge in past…..


FLASHBACK starts………..

Next day Pragya got up with a bright smile. She got a beautiful dream where abhi visited her and wished her all the best for their future. But she was disappointed as it was not real. She turned and was shocked to see red roses bouquet with chocolates. Her smile grew bigger. Pragya immediately to the bouquet and read the card attached to it….

“Hey fuggi,

I am extremely sorry for not telling you about my visit yesterday. I thought you would be awake but you were sleeping. So I did not get a heart to wake you up. Don’t get tensed you will succeed in everything. I am their to support you always. I love you a lot and I am missing you so much. All the best for first day of university. Arjun will meet you in college.

Bye babes”.

Pragya controlled her tears after reading it. She smiled thinking about him and rushed to do her daily chores. Finally she came to dinning table and greetEd everyone.

Purab and bulbul were seeing the change in her and were passing a teasing smile. Pragya ignored them and started talking to her parents. After having their breakfast Purab and bulbul dropped Pragya near her college as she did not want extra attention.

Pragya ‘s pov:

Oh God I am damn nervous. Where will I find arjun now?

I don’t know how he looks like. Abhi did give his number. Yahe. Let me call him. f**k I wrote it my dairy but did I save it or not? Great now everyone please applaud for the one and only Pragya Arora who forgot to save the number of only person she knew in the college. Yaar why should my luck be so bad. God please do something put me out of this. Please help me find arjun. Wait Purab bhai will have arjun’s number right. Yaa he was Abhi’s BFF means he would definitely have met arjun. Yes, yes let me call bhai. Shabhash Pragya you have great brain.

“Bhai, I need arjun’s number ” I asked as soon as he lifted the phone without any greetings. Who will greet a person who left you just 10 mins back. Bhai said he will message me his number. I was waiting for the message when I saw a group of boys. They were teasing someone.

Yaar here also ragging. Such bad luck. I hate them always bullying people.

A ping sound brought me out of my thoughts. When I checked the phone it was arjun’s number. Let’s call Mr. Arjun singhania. How about we prank saying I am his long lost girlfriend or something else.

I was thinking of different types of pranks when I heard a deep voice from other side ” hello, is someone there online”. I cursed myself for not answering. Before I could reply he cut the call. Why is he in so much hurry. Yaa I forgot that he is abhi’s best friend. Like friend. Always in hurry. Come first lets go and attend class we can meet him in break or at home too. I went to administration block and collected my timetable and locker keys. Put my bag and things in it and started towards my first class. I was early. Still there is more than 15 mins time. Chalo let’s make some friends.

When I was going towards my class. I heard someone calling me . It was a girls and boys gang. I was not scared or nervous because i am what!!…. I am myself…….

‘Yaa yourself who doesn’t have confidence to face shyam.’

Mocked my self conscious.

‘Shut up you will come in unnecessary times. ‘

I shouted back in my mind.

‘I will be there always you just don’t listen to me. That’s it ‘

IT replied.

‘Will you do one thing to help me’

I asked.


IT asked eagerly thinking I will ask help.

Wrong guess Pragya Arora will never ask help.

‘Just sleep’.

I went towards them.

Boys were looking cool but girls I don’t know what their looks mean. Phew it is going to be difficult baby. All the best. Save yourself.

“What’s your name ” came from a girl wearing a off shoulder dress. What will we name her…. yaa chipmunk..

Chimpu. She looks like one.

“Pragya ” I said with out any hint of nervousness in my voice but who am I kidding. Back of my mind I was hell nervous.

“Indians? ?” Asked a boy with blonde hair.

“Heard indian girls are too shy. Why don’t you change my opinion “. Said a girl with blue eyes.

Seeing her eyes I think honey singh must have written blue eyes song. I love that song btw……. wait what I am thinking.

“What do you mean? ” I know I was giving her a confused look.

“Just go and propose a guy we show.” Said that chimpu…

What does she think. But she insulted me. Fine as if I will do it. I nodded my head thinking about the task.

“Okay, that guy standing near your class starting along with 1 girl and 2 boys.” Said another guy.

“What is his name?” I asked out of curiosity and also we can’t propose a guy without even knowing his name dude.

“Arjun. Arjun singhania “. I was finally happy that I found arjun because of this idiotic batch. But wait why are these two girls looking at him with a dreamy look. Maybe he is quiet popular .

“He is one of the hottest guys in campus. But he already has a girl friend whose in different country . So you don’t have any problem in future ” said the guy with blond hair.

Thank God they are not that bad as I thought. I was worried they may give me some other tasks. That too it was arjun so super chill. Let’s go and rock it. I nodded at theme and was going to arjun when they started walking towards us. Task is becoming easier. When he reached us.

” hello arjun, ” I said with a smile. ” You know you look so handsome and good that I started to believe love at first sight exists. I think you leave that girlfriend of yours and accept me. I love you dude”.

Arjun was first had a confused look then anger and finally a small smile. Maybe he recognised me.

“Surely. And I love you too baby “. He hugged me. All were shocked by that. But I understood he recognised me and hugged him back.

” You remember me ??” I enquired out of curiosity.

” I don’t want to die soon. Purab bhai just know messaged me your number, photo. So I know you. And yes I remembered your voice ” said arjun with a smile.

“Why will you die if you don’t remember me?? “. I wondered out aloud.

” Well my BF warned me about you more than 100 times before going. So I have to take care right”. He said with a smile.

Pragya understood and smiled.

“You are so beautiful just as abhi said. I am lucky to have you.” Arjun said while grinning widely.

” thanks arjun. I so badly want to call you bhai but it’s only for Purab so let me think of something else. ” I replied .

I put my finger on my chin thinking. Arjun pinched my cheeks , that really hurts. I was about to shout at him when he said ” you look cute when you do that” I smiled but still revenge is revenge. None escape from me.

” it hurts Jun. I am angry at you go ” I pushed him and started walking towards the class. Arjun was shocked with name. He went running behind me and pulled me into a private area where none saw us. I was thinking why he brought me here.

“Who told you about it” Asked arjun as though controlling his anger. But why is he angry. Did I do something wrong.

“About what?” I whispered out. I did not know why I was whispering but all I know is run from here. I am scared of him. That is it is ran pushing him out of way. I don’t why I ran. I went to locker room took my bag and called driver. I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t know why. I get scared when someone approaches me other than my family. But I was comfortable with Abhi from starting maybe we are made for each other.

What was arjun talking about? Let me ask bhai once I reach home. I wish abhi was there at home. I want to cuddle with him. Arrgh! I miss him badly. Chalo let’s have ice cream party once I reach home. But what will I tell at home. I was thinking when I saw arjun coming toward me. What now?.

” Why did you run away? ” Asked arjun with a poker face.

” I don’t want to be with you. So I ran away” I replied.

” Well just answer my question. I will not disturb you but that doesn’t mean that I will stop protecting you. I gave my friend my word that I will protect you. I will do it.” He said.

What the hell was he saying. I mean what question. He is behaving intimidatingly.

” I am not a kid so I don’t need your protection and he’ll get lost before I call Purab bhai.” I shouted at him. I hate the way everyone treats me as kid. I am 17 for chirst sake. f**k the age dammit.

” I will do it whether you like or not.” Came his reply. God why should he be like this. Can’t he understand I am not comfortable with people around. I hate attention. I saw Purab bhai and bhabhi entering the campus. What are they doing here?? I think it’s better if I runderstand to them. No one is even here. All went to class when the bell rang. And I am stuck with this intimidating monster.

Bhai and bhabhi came to us. Arjun was looking at them angrily. I don’t understand what happened to him. He was alright till half and hour back. Why ??











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