Fan Fiction

Mr and Mrs Perfect- Kumkum Bhagya Episode 9

sorry guys for delay. i was busy with work. btw next episode is abhigya meeting episode. what will happen if purab and bulbul are villans of the story. so let’s complete this episode fast to get into the next one……

what to do next ?🙏💭💭💭💭
pragya continued to read the letter.
disadvantages are less but are there . mainly we have extreme emotions sometimes controlling may be difficult. and we continue to stay in that emotion for a long time. and next is that the power in us keeps on increasing. that is as generation pass the emotions control become less a point may come where our future generations can be called monsters and they will be too sharp. why some other take our next generation . if a super human dna is crossed with normal human the result is us what if 2 super humans are crossed. i think you are understanding what i am trying to convey. if not i am telling about jeeju and di. they will not enjoy their parenthood. according to my estimation there are high chances of di getting a brain stoke or cardiac arrest while delivery and also heavy bleeding can cause her death. it is also that baby will be premature one . but it will be fully grown baby. you are thinking how right?

let me clear it not only this everything will be early. though his body may not grow faster but his brain will grow. he will be normal till max of 3 years after that he will be incredible to handle. i am always metioning baby as he because we planned that di and jeeju will have a boy and i will have a daughter and we will get them married. nice right. but now i can’t. .
it’s okay leave about me left us talk about this problem.
and the solution is that we have to make changes in the baby’s dna just as our grandfather did if we change it by getting the baby out on fertilisation may lead to the death of the baby or maybe it can have defects. so we have to do it exactly like what our grandfather did. we should find a formula which can give the baby quality we have and not let the formula progress in future.
for that we have to work together and really hard. and don’t tell this to anyone.
now i know that you are pmc stunent i want you to complete your course in 2 years instead of 4 years and simultaneously you have to complete pcbi 11th and 12th standard and along with that you have to learn business skills .after that 2 years you have to take cardiology and complete it also with 2 years. so by the end of 4 years you have to complete

⚫ btech.
⚫11th of pcbi
⚫12th of pcbi
⚫mbbs in cardiology

and after that you have to do your md in cardiology and mba in 2 years. i do not want you to leave your dream for our sake or our future generations sake
don’t worry about the arrangements i have already done them if you go to your college and tell your name dean will understand and it will be secret between you both and no one will know it. one more thing don’t tell about this to anyone not even parents let them be in their thoughts about your study. there will an envelope in your closet 3rd cupboard in that there will be some debit cards and credit cards. use them for your purchase of books or anything else also. i will be putting money into your account every month. use them with out our parents knowledge. and also there will be bag with some gadgets like a tablet and some pendrives and a laptop and power bank and some other useful gadgets. i bought them for you. i thought to give them when i meet you but i cannot meet you. one pendrive contains an old scripts of different places. please try to decode them when you are free. it will help us on research. all this have to be done with out our parents knowledge. in college my friend will help you. his name is arjun mehta, good guy. i told about you he will help you. he knows you and his photo is in tablet. and security pincodes of devices and cards are in the bag itself .
you need not worry thinking how to complete this much. you will complete all this and also enjoy your college life also.

i am sorry for all this but you are my only hope please help me in this.
it is difficult to believe a person whom you haven’t meet. but only once believe me and do this . if you are interested in any other course you can join. you will have time for all trust me. okay i will meet you exactly after 6 years. byee. “

the letter gave her mini heart attack . she didn’t know whether to believe him or not. but she decided to check on her skills before jumping into conclusion. she went and opened the cupboard to find almost all the things he said. pragya came back to her bed and sat thinking when she heard a knock on the door.

she opened it and found bulbul
bulbul : hi princess, how was your day? maa said you wanted to go for shopping.
pragya : haa babhi. if you are tired let’s go some other time.
bulbul : nothing like that. get ready let’s go.
pragya : okay bhabhi
they went to mall and brought all her necessary things. next day morning pragya and
prerana went to her college. as prerana left pragya decided to meet the dean first. in the dean’s room

pragya : may i come in sir?
dean: yes please. can i know how could i help you?
pragya: sir, i am pragya arora.
dean : so you are ready to do multiple courses in 4 years
pragya : yes sir. can i join them after 2 or 3 days.
dean: yaa sure i don’t have any problems. your attendance will be managed you need not worry
pragya : thanks sir i will take a short round around the campus and will leave. i will join next week sir
dean: okay i will tell john to show you your class and after that you can take a look yourself
pragya : thanks sir

pragya was amazed at the things happening around her . she started understanding everything slowly. everything fell into place now. how she got good scores in her test and how she got all india rank.. everything is because of her dna. she didn’t want to waste a single second knowing she was super human. she ran to parking area to go home and prepare for classes and her shedule to study
while she was running she bumped into someone before she landed on the floor someone caught her and made her stand.
guy: hey miss are you okay?
pragya : yaa thanks. i was in a hurry so i am sorry
guy : it’s okay. i am nicholas .
pragya : i am pragya arora

guy: indian right.
pragya : yes new admission
nicholas: ohhh. which branch. i am in first year business administrations
pragya : ohhh. first year technology
nicholas : come let’s go to canteen
pragya : sorry i have to leave. meet you on monday.
nicholas : okay bye . this is my number call me if any help.
pragya : yaa sure nicholas
nicholas : you can call me nicky that would be fine.
pragya : okay bye

she went home after meeting nicholas.
her thoughts were all about the letter and guy who wrote it. she just didn’t even get the thought of her love or the guy whom she cried for.

in nyc , a flat is shown fully furnished simple and elegant. books are all over the place.
a boy shown sleeping on the bed with his face covered with book.his alarm rang.he removed his book from his face. his face is revealed it’s abhi.
abhi’s p.o.v
“it’s been 2 months i left my house and my family. i am happily living here with friends but i miss them really i want run back home and sleep hugging my mom and depali mom. i really miss both of them . arjun said me about pragya that she joined the college. hope she agrees with me and work for my dream”(his point of view was broken with a calling bell.)

someone is continously ringing the bell.

abhi: who the hell is it early in the morning (he opened the door )
boy : yaar how long will you take to open
abhi: run away before i kill you idiot. spoiled my sleep
boy: show some mercy on me
abhi: that’s why i am just killing you.
boy: i am sorry for disturbing your beautiful sleep.

abhi : tell me what made you come to me this early
boy : nothing much i was thrown out of house for going drunk yesterday
abhi: you deserve it
boy : but they did not throw out bhai
abhi: you must have done something otherwise why will they throw you out
boy : you are also supporting them not fair
abhi: tekay karan . leave it my head is bursting can you make me a coffee
karan : okay i will go freshen up

abhi: thanks (he left to washroom )

karan pov
i don’t know abhi how long you are going to be like this but i will be here for you whatever maybe the situation as your best buddy. but i have to do something to make you forget your pain .

they had their breakfast and left to their college.
in college
abhi and his batch (preeta, vin, karan, rachel )
abhi was going to his class. when he was stopped by his seniors
s1: hey you are abhisheik right?
abhi: yes so what

s2: don’t you know to respect senior. you will need our help in projects remember
abhi: i don’t need anybody’s help. so now what do you want
s3: see how much attitude
s1: okay just agree to my sister’ s proposal
abhi: i told her already and i am telling you also. i love somebody else. i can’t accept your sister
s2: where is the girl then
abhi: it’s none of your business

saying this he left the place.
he went to library instead of his class and started preparing for his exam
he finished his notes and went to canteen
in canteen [guys i can’t type everyone name so using their names first letter i hope you understand ]
k: guys any plans for weekend
p: no yaar. we are still thinking
v: let’s all go somewhere

a: hi guys what’s the discussion about
r: planning for weekendal
a: ohhh
k: what ohhh u are coming this time no escape
a: karan you too started you know why i stay away
k:(pulled him aside from others ) abhi i can not see you like this how many days you will be like this i want that old abhi back that naughty kid back.
k: no but no if you are coming otherwise i will call and say about you to uncle
a: don’t do that i will come

k: let’s rock buddy

they all decided to go to hill station nearby
they enjoyed their weekend after a long time abhi was happy.
they went back to their college and got back to studies

in london
pragya joined her college and was planning how to study .
she got wonderful friends
her friends are , disha, nicholas, arjun, michael

they became close buddies
nicholas , michael lived in appartment near the college
disha in college hostel and arjun in his flat
disha, arjun, pragya mingled fast with each other. and became best buddies while nicholas and michael were good friends.
disha, pragya, arjun became so close.
arjun considered both of them like his sisters and pragya was so close to him and became his mother and father and true friend


so what’s going to happen next

how will abhigya meet?
how will they find solutions to their problem
who is the girl whom abhi loves ?
will abhi accept purab and bulbul after what they did ?

to all the questions answers in next episodes
please tell me yourviews about the story
is every thing clear if not tell me i will ratify

please post your viewstudy
thanking you all
signing off
byee everyone. …………..

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