Fan Fiction

Mr.Arrogant and Ms.Sweet (Kanchi ff) (Part 3)

Hey guys sorry for the late update but please enjoy and thanks for your awesome support
Kabir is at the airport and is waiting for saanchi
The flight lands and announcement is made
Saanchi : how will I find that guy
She is wearing a long skirt and a crop top . Saanchi sees Kabir holding a placard with her name and goes to him .

Saanchi : excuse me ???
Kabir : yes , *he is stunned seeing her*
Saanchi : hi , I am Dr.Saanchi Mishra
Kabir : *regains his senses* oh yes hello doctor .

Saanchi : nice to see you Mr… ???
Kabir : Kabir , Kabir Kapoor .
Saanchi : yes , Mr.Kapoor. sorry I am really bad with names .
Kabir : its okay Ms.Mishra and please call me Kabir
Saanchi : ummm… okay and you please call me Saanchi .
Kabir : well then Saanchi shall we go

Saanchi : sure .
Suddenly one of Kabir’s ex girlfriends comes and hugs him .
Ex : hey baby
Kabir : I am sorry but who are you ??
Ex : oh please stop being all shy you weren’t shy that night . In fact I was in pain for almost two days after that night and it was amazing . The way you held me that night oh my god I can still feel your arms……
Kabir : *interrupts her* I think you got the wrong person .

Saanchi : *to herself in her mind* oh god this guy is such a playboy . He doesn’t even remember her name and she is explaining how they spent the night . This is really awkward and I thought that he was handsome when I met him .
Kabir : Saanchi we should go .
Saanchi : yeah sure .
They leave from there

In the car

Dil mein chuppa longa song plays in the car . Both Kabir and Saanchi feels awkward .
Kabir : well since , you came on such short notice your accommodation is arranged in my home .
Saanchi : WHAT ??? * to herself* in the same house as this guy oh god , will he turn out to be a psycho , or a s*x addict or a derail killer , is he the real guy Dr.Anand told me or is he an impersonator ……..
Kabir interrupts her thoughts
Kabir : don’t worry you will be comfortable there . My mom will take special care of you
Saanchi : *oh so he lives with his mom thank god* I mean I hope I don’t trouble you and your family
Kabir : oh no , it will be fine
Saanchi : *smiles*
The song changes to jab tak
Both Kabir and Saanchi smile .
They reach Kabir’s home . Kabir’s mom is ready with aarti .

Kusum : welcome beta
Saanchi : ummm thanks Mrs.Kapoor
Kusum : please call me aunty
Saanchi : okay Mrs… sorry aunty but why all of this
Kusum : no beta its a ritual
Saanchi : but aunty
Kusum : no its and buts . stand still beta
Saanchi : ummmm……..
After the aarti
Kusum : come in beta

Kabir : yeah
Kusum : not you I am talking to Saanchi
Kabir : oh
Saanchi and Kusum smiles
Kusum : so Saanchi is this your first time visiting New York ???
Saanchi : yes aunty , its my first time
Kusum : great , we will show you New York today
Saanchi : aunty but
Kusum : oh I am so sorry beta you must be jet lagged right no problem we will go tomorrow .
Saanchi : sure aunty

Its evening and Saanchi gets ready . She is wearing a pale pink dress that reaches up to her knees . She comes down and is waiting for Kusum .
Kabir comes down and is mesmerised on seeing her . Saanchi also sees him and is stunned but covers it up very quickly .
Kusum : oh Saanchi beta I am so sorry , one of my friends is hosting her daughter in law’s baby shower and I have to go , but don’t worry beta Kabir will take you out .
Kabir : but mom today is Sahil’s birthday and I have to go so I cant take her out .
Kusum : well then take her to his birthday party , she will also enjoy there and meet your friends .
Kabir and Saanchi : but……….
Kusum : no its buts you are taking Saanchi to Sahil’s birthday and Saanchi you are going with him .
Kabir takes Saanchi to the party and introduces her to his friends . One of his friends mixes vodka in her drink .
Saanchi : *smiles*you know Kabir you are really cute
Kabir : Saanchi are you alright
Saanchi : yes , of course….

Aashiq banaya aapne song plays and Saanchi starts to dance
Kabir : whoa , she is HOT
Saanchi pulls Kabir to herself and starts dancing with him .

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