Fan Fiction


Hellooo sweeties!!!! This is Savanshi back with the next part. I would like to mention that this update is solely up here coz of Simin… sweetheart this one is for u????
Arshanya baby don’t scratch ur head so much or u will suffer from hairfall???
At last sorry for not replying to ur comments… and a heartily thanks to all those who commented..
I’m glad u liked my story….
Hope u like this too???


After spending a gala time at my favourite place,I returned to my flat. Being absolutely tiered I immediately feel asleep after hitting the bed.
New morning, a new chance bestowed to us for improving our previous mistakes. A gift we should feel lucky to have.
Birds chirping filling the atmosphere with their melody.. and our Suraj Chahu (uncle sun) trying his level best to wake all the lazy people like me.

I groaned but since I have college I have to get up, gathering all the courage I got up. I got ready, had the breakfast which my sweetheart has already prepared… how sweet of her.
I rushed taking my bag and bidding her a bye.

I reached college and immediately went to my class. There was murmuring all over in my class. I was wondering what has happened. When I heard some girl’s muttering about a new admission.
New admission in the mid session???
What is going on here?
Then I heard Kavita flattering herself.

“Do you know he is damn handsome and his body… oh gosh!! Breathtaking!!! How can someone be so heavenly”???

Oh!!! So he is a boy. I chuckled hearing Kavita’s flattery.
I buried my head in my book.
Suddenly there was some hustle bustle. Now what is it???
I’m fed up now. I raised my head only to be left gobsmacked.

“What is he doing here”???

Till then our Dean cleared his throat gaining everyone’s attention.

” So students.. He is Sanskar Maheshwari. Your new classmate. He is joining in mid-term due to some problems and I hope you all will help him cope up with the surrounding”.

“Take ur seat Sanskar”.

He scanned the whole class and our eyes met making a smirk adore his face.

“Shit…shit..shit!!! Not me.. not me… plz Ambe Maa…”
Shoo!! shoo!! Not here….”

But as alwaz my luck… huh!!! From which angle should I call it luck???
So my BAD LUCK again betrayed me and….

“Can I sit here”????


“Can I sit here Miss”???


He sat there and looked at me.

“What”???? I snapped.

“Vo I wanted to ask which class is this.. as I’m New here…”

I cursed myself for being so arrogant.


“Oh!! Thanks Miss…”


“Hii I’m Sanskar… u can call me..”

…”I think I have already named u..

“Oh!!! So u remember me”.

“Off course.. bad memories die hard”.

“Till when will we hold old grudges”???

“Uhhmm… Maybe Forever”.

“Oh! Come on Swara u shouldn’t have be so harsh… see how a handsome and dashing boy is trying to befriend u and you are rejecting it”.

I started looking here and there, bending under our desk, back and forth.

“What are u looking for”???

I didn’t reply him and continued my hunt. Finally being irritated he asked me again.

“What are u looking for”???

“U only told about a handsome and dashing boy trying to befriend me… I’m looking for him”. I replied innocently blinking my eyes.

He kept looking at me with his jaw dropped. I tried to stifle a laugh biting my inner cheek.
Then he started laughing out loudly which I joined gladly.

“U looked cute Swara”.
“U looked funny”.

We both said together. We looked at each other shocked. I turned my head avoiding his gaze and again digged myself into my book. Luckily the Professor entered the class and I let out a sigh of relief.
Next one-an-half hour were spent paying attention to the lecture.
The bell rang and our Professor exited the class.
I laid my head on the desk taking a lil rest. I was shocked when I felt something in my hair.

“Damn this guy… he won’t let me live in peace”.
I was about to shout on him when I found his seat empty. I raised my head to see one of my classmate standing there showing his total 32 piece. I glared at him.

“Vo it was a dare”.  He said handing me my band.

I was holding my hand nervously preventing them from falling apart. My bun was open. I was struggling to make it when I was startled by a sudden shout.
My hand left my hair and I closed my eyes.
Suddenly remembering something I started to make my hair in a bun.


I looked at him. He was looking at me with a shocked look on his face.
Is my secret disclosed???
I panicked. I touched my hairline and it was confirmed.
I immediately rushed to washroom managing to hide my hairline.

I returned after setting up my hair only to find Mr. Whatever looking at me with a straight face. I quietly sat on my place to avoid further interrogation.
But how can my BAD LUCK become merciful??

“So don’t u think I need an explanation”???

I remained quiet.


“I’m married…..” I mumbled.


That’s it for today….
Now plz don’t scratch Ur head coz all ur confusions will be solved in upcoming updates.
Just be patient….
Now shoot ur comments and let me know if u wanna read further…
Should I continue this????


.....And when I drop my PEN for the last time.... UR memories won't be strong enough to pick that back?

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