Fan Fiction


Hello guys….I m back

Epi starts

A girl was shown crying n sobbing….she was on the floor…

Girl:- Mumma …papa….

Just then a boy enters …..the girl stood up n hold him

Sirl:- why u do this….y saiyyam…..plz I beg u leave my family…plzz…saiyyam…don’t hurt them…plzz

Yah that was saiyyam
Saiyyam cupped her face n say..:- why r u doing…ur place is in my heart….not in my feet…

He hugs her….but she push him

Girl:- u r a monster….how can u do this…..u proved that u r a goon…

She cry n faints……

Saiyyam:- Krishna …Krishna

Saiyyam:- yuvaani …call the doc..

The doc checks Krishna n say :- she is stressed….

The doc leaves…..

Saiyyam sit near Krishna n kiss her lips……

Yuvaani:- bro….u love her….but that doesn’t mean u can bring her forcefully……

Saiyyam:- yuvaani but I can’t let her go….


Swara was getting ready for her wedding…..she were sitting on wedding mandap…just than saiyyam enters n gun fires their……his goons hold her family….

Saiyyam :- Krishna come with mW…..

Krishna :- saiyyam what r u doing plzz….leave them

Saiyyam:- come with me ….else u will loss them…

Fb ends….

Saiyyam:- I can’t let u marry that blo*dy yuvaan….

One hr later

Yuvaani:- plzz krishu khale…

Krishna:- no…I m not hungry….yuvaani ask ur brother to leave my family…plzz….

Yuvaani hugs Krishna….

Yuvaani went to saiyyam

Yuvaani:- saiyyam…Krishna will die…I can’t see her in this condition…

Saiyyam:- she eat something……?

Yuvaani:- no

Saiyyam takes the ptray…n wet to Krishna…..

Krishna:- I don’t want to eat….

Saiyyam:- m not asking…..?

Krishna:- what u will do….u will beat me…or kill me….I will not eat….

Saiyyam calls his goon n ask them to torchure birla family n saumya mathur…

Krishna snatch his phone….:- no no plzz…I will eat

Saiyyam:- good….leave them

Saiyyam:- uff ye gussa…..I like it….

He kiss her cheeks…..



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