Hello!!! Remember this story???? I know I’m posting after ages but I myself kept it on hold to cover my other stories. This was after swara lost her memory, serial tract and then she works in sanskar’s office and all that. Now will try to given its frequent updates hope so.
Let’s begin:
Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari
(SwaSan Reunion)
You Are My Wife—-Part 4
Recap: swasan went to party. Swara get to know that sanskar is married but don’t know who is the girl. She started getting little flashes when Sanskar touched her during dance. Swara got drunk and sanskar change her saree and slept with her only.
Next morning:
SwaSan are sleeping hugging each other tightly. Sanskar open his eyes slowly and saw swara. He looked around and realizes that he is at swara’s house.
Sanskar: I should leave before she wake up.
Sanskar made swara lie on pillow making sure not to disturb her sleep. He kissed her forehead before getting up. Covering comforter on her properly he went till door. He turned to see her and smiles as she is looking so cute he was not able to control so again came near her and tightly peck her lips. When swara slightly move he ran out.
Sanskar went to shomi and said
Sanskar: ma when she will wake up give her lemonade otherwise her head will pain.
Shomi: I will give don’t worry.
Sanskar: okay bye
Shomi: bye
Sanskar left.
Swara’s room:
After an hour, swara rubbed her eyes and got up. Her head was paining due to hangover. Then only shomi came inside with lemonade.
Shomi: have this you will feel better.
Swara: what happened to me??
Shomi: u don’t remember???
Swara: no I mean I went to party with Sir and we danced after that I don’t know.
Shomi: you were drunk
Swara(facepalm): what??
Shomi: no problem it was by mistake.
Swara (look at her dress); who changed my clothes??
Shomi: you only changed.
Swara: okay
Shomi: get ready you have to go to office.
Swara: hmm
Shomi went out swara once again look at her dress.She is smelling something different. She bend and smell her dress
Swara: where I had smelled this earlier.??
She put stress on her mind and then it strike her mind
Swara: this is Sanskar sir’s perfume. Yeah its same which I smelled when we danced. So did he came here?? And was close to me ?? Ohhh god Swara stop over thinking.
She signed and went to washroom.
Maheshwari House:
Swara came hurriedly as she is late.
Swara: may I come in sir?
Sanskar: yes
Swara enter inside when sanskar said
Sanskar (sternly): you are late swara.
Swara bite her lower lips in nervousness
Swara: I’m sorry Sir.
Sanskar was enjoying her tensed face indeed she is looking soo cute.
Sanskar: next time it should not happen.
Swara: sure sir
Sanskar: start your work.
Swara nodded.
Later, sanskar saw swara totally indulge in files he wants to know if she really feel something for him or not.
He took his mobile and keep it near ear and started talking loudly.
Sanskar:hello my dear wife
Swara looked at him and thought he must be talking to his wife. She felt pinch in her heart but ignored.
Sanskar: I’m missing you so much sweetheart.
Swara tried not to listen but how can Mr maheshwari let her live in peace. He was speaking so loudly that swara was not able to ignore.
Sanskar: aww my baby
Swara make faces listening cheesy lines. She is not liking it but she don’t know why!?
Sanskar: yes yes if you are also missing then plzz come soon I love you.
Sanskar cut the call and saw swara looking at him.
Sanskar: she is my wife I love her a lot.
Swara: ohh nice what’s her name.
Sanskar (thinks): what should i tell hmm(to swara): princess
Swara’ s head spin a little as she listened princess. She get flashes a man calling her princess. She tightly closed her eyes to see who is the man. She hold her head.
Sanskar panicked and ran to her.
Sanskar (held her hand): swara you are okay ?
Swara instantly open her eyes and look at Sanskar.
Swara(mumble): yes
Sanskar give her glass of water.
Sanskar: feeling better
Swara nodded.
Sanskar was not ready to leave her
Swara: sir you can continue with your work I’m fine.
Sanskar(unwillingly): okay.
Break Time:
Swara went to canteen and taking food got settle on the table. One man of sanskar’s age came near her and said
Man: may I share table with you??
Swara(smiles): sure nikil.
Nikil is an employee in sanskar’s office he is new so don’t know about swara.
They started eating and talking casually.
Sanskar came from meeting and look for swara but didn’t find her. He saw time and then realize she must be in canteen so he rushed to canteen.
Sanskar stood at the door and clear jealousy can be seen in his eyes seeing swara laughing with someone else.
Sanskar: she is my wife why I’m feeling jealous but still I don’t like her with someone else.(pout)
He went near their table and said
Sanskar: may I also join
Swara and nikil look at him.
Swara: yes sir
While nikil got scared as sanskar is very arrogant boss for others.
Nikil: I think I should leave.
Sanskar: why?? Sit here.
Swara: sir u won’t order anything??
Sanskar smirk seeing at nikil who was looking down.
Sanskar turn towards swara and held her hand and take the bite of food she was having.
Sanskar(huskily): I thought to share with you hope you don’t mind.
Swara was shocked but she can’t deny also after all he is her boss so she just nodded.
Sanskar move her chair close to swara and started eating from her plate.
Swara was hesitate to eat but got astonished when Sanskar place morsel of food in front of her mouth. She was not understanding what to do. She took the morsel closing her eyes. Swara is feeling different but it’s good.
Sanskar smiles and soon they finished eating and went back to work.
Sanskar’s cabin:
Swara came inside fastly and mistakenly her hand came in door
Swara: ouchh
Sanskar came near her and saw her hand which was red.
Sanskar: swara can’t you take care of yourself where are you running.
Swara (crying): sorry.
Sanskar melt seeing her tears and made her sit on couch. He bought ice cubes from ice box.
Sanskar: give your hand.
Swara slowly extend her hand. When he rub ice on her wound she hissed
Sanskar: sorry it will pain little then you will be okay.
He keep on rubbing ice till she felt better and pain reduced.
Sanskar: feeling pain??
Swara shook her head in no. She is already affected with Sanskar’s proximity as he is sitting hell close to her.Sanskar took her hand and kissed it. Swara closed her eyes as his lips touched her skin. Sanskar’s hand move around her waist pulling her closer. Both were not knowing what they are doing.
Sanskar softly kiss her forehead then eyes. He closed his eyes when his lips rub slightly against swara’s. She shivered feeling him but then she remembered their conversation in the party
(Swara: you are married??
Sanskar: yes
Then his words” I love my wife so much”.)
Swara pushed him making him stumble back.
Sanskar(thought): ohh shit what the hell I did.
Swara held her head tightly as it was paining severely.
Sanskar: swara
Swara(shouted):just stop it how can you do like this. You are married then why you are coming close to me.
Sanskar: its not ….
Swara(cut off): you claim you love your wife is this your love that to go close to other girl.
Sanskar was not knowing what to do. He don’t care for her words bcoz he know she is not in her senses but he is worried seeing her condition. Her eyes are red due to pain she is feeling in head. Her breathe is unstable. She is clutching her head.
Sanskar(came near): swara
Swara(move back): don’t come near to me
She said as tears are continuously flowing making her pale. Tears form in Sanskar’s eyes also feeling her pain.
He can’t see her like this so he sit near her and held her hand
Sanskar: swara it’s paining!?
Swara: leave me plzz why you are coming close to me
She said as her eyes started getting heavy.
Sanskar engulf her tightly in his embrace though she was struggling.
Sanskar(shouted): bcoz YOU ARE MY WIFE.
Swara looked at him shocked not able to digest the truth. She fainted in sanskar’s arms.
To be continued….
Precap: sanskar tell swara about their married life.
I had written this story after long time sorry if it was not up to mark.
Kindly share your views.
Thank you
Take care
Hey guys!!! Above is the link of first three parts. If you want you can refer.
It was amazingggg yaar really lobed it.. I mean awsm I even was going to comment to post this story but I forgot.. Sanskar is literally the best husband ever.. His love for swara iff??.. Omg what happened to swara.. I hope now swara dosent mistrust Sanskar.. Or any drama… I know ur not going to do tht but still.. Loved it..
Yeah sanskar is best hubby that’s why I love him?? his love for swara is beyond words????
There is no high voltage drama here so relaxxx???
Glad you lobed it?? thank you so much dear tc?????
Thank you so much dear tc??
Super duper awesome
Thank you so much dear tc????
lovly dear
Thank you so much dear tc??
Awesome and excellent dear
Thank you so much dear tc??
Awesome dear
Thank you so much dii tc??
Awesome dear

Thank you so much dear tc????
Marsu I am really sorry yaar yesterday I read all ur ff but I was not able to comment yaar I am busy with my hectic schedule ur all ffs r just amazing also the new story which u have started is superb .pls update daily I will surely try to comment if I am free marsu mujhe silent reader mein count mat Karna keep writing like this love u so much.
Firstly let me tell that the writer whose story you want to read has replied me she said she really wants to write but stopped due to very less response on her stories so now I had requested her to continue let’s see what she will reply then i will tell you. I got her msg yesterday morning but was not able to tell as u didn’t commented so hopefully she will complete it.
Marsu love u so much dear n also thanks for understanding me. I hope she will continue it .
Thank you so much dear its okay no need of sorry you can comment when you are free will update regularly tc????
Its my pleasure dear hope so she will continue love you????
Amazing dear loved it
Thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you so much dear tc??
Loved it marssu???
Thank you so much anuu dear tc????
Awesome ???
Thank you so much dear tc????
superb shot
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc????
Awsm Dr
Thank you so much dear tc????
Awesome dear
Thank you so much dear tc????
Superb. I just loved caring sanskar
Me toooo love caring Sanskar??? thank you so much dear tc????
incredible !!! mind blowing di .. that was superb . loved this episode .. M seriously focusing on ur last line … said by sanskar .. plz post soon .
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon tc????
Awesome dear I loved it
thank you so much dear tc????
It’s superb dear. And I’m so happy that u have posted this. I remember a bit of this story but was confused I didn’t remember the writer.
Hope swasan will reunite soon.
Ohhh glad you remembered this story?? swasan will soon reunite?? thank you so much dear tc????
Finally u posted this ff/ss! I missed this ff sooooooooo much.
Lovely update yaar. Sanskaar’s caring for Swara….ufff, mind blowing dear! Amazing part. Ending…..cliffhanger…..not good Marsuuu….not good!!!!
Sorry for cliffhanger but then only it will be interesting????? thank you so much gayuu dear will post next part soon tc????
Thank u so much dear for posting this story..
#SwaSan all memories fresh ho gai…. Plz continues this story plzz
Awww thank you so much dear glad you liked it will continue it soon tc???????
Awesome dear… Even though I forgot the story…??????? u posted after so many days… No worries it happens…
Coming towards the story. SANSKAAR thinks before making ur wife jealous, ???. She was very much hurt it’s bad habit SANSKAAR MAHESHWARI.
But finally u told her truth she is ur only urs…???????????.
Little and cute moments of SwaSan r very beautiful???????????? . feeding each other..?????
Sorry for the delay but I had given link in comment box check karlena tha ek baar. Sanskar thought to take out her feelings but something else happened.
Let’s see how swara will react after knowing truth thank you so much depuu dear tc????????
Chalo aj maff kr dete h SANSKAAR ko. Next time don’t make Shona jealous????
Yuppp but he also got jealous with nikil uska plan ulta parh gaya???
Simply Amazing dr……….????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Wowww after long time!!!!and epi was mind blowing….just loved it.
Thank you so much dear tc????
Seriously i had forgotten this story… but then i searched for this and read everything again…..??
This epi was superb…. Sanskar…… how can u make our Swara feel jealouse…. so bad so bad….??
But Sanskar also felt jealouse after seeing Swara n Nikhil together…. hahah…?
Feeding part was cute…??
So Sanskar is gonna say the truth…
Both swasan got jealous???? Sanskar’s plan got failed??? yuppp let’s see what will happen when swara will know truth will post next part soon thank you so much dear tc?????
Hey Mars dear…just read all 4 parts in a go… I must say this is splendid… ? Sanskaar is best husband whom everyone wishes for… Sanskaar’s antics to irritate her, the gifts, the call…everything is just awesome… ?? And SwaSan jealousy…enjoyed alot… ? Their pain st the end… ??Thank you for this story… Tc…
Yuppp sanskar is best hubby love his shona?? I’m glad you like it thank you so much dear tc?????
Awsm part marsuuu i hope swaraz memory cm back soon…..loved it drl
Soon she will remember thank you so much dear tc????