Fan Fiction

Mujhe tumse pyaar hai-RagLak ff few shots part 3

Mujhe tumse pyaar hai 3
Hi my dear so sorry I know I have took so much of time to update this ff…but finally updated…let’s enjoy the cherry…
Laksh keeps on staring her without blinking his eyes sleeping opposite to her berth…
Ragini while sleeping makes some cute expression in her face which makes laksh’s mouth opened…
“she is damn cute and innocent too…areyy lucky she is a doctor…and you are thief…she won’t heal your wounds when you got caught by police…”laksh pats his head and suddenly”good thief” echoed in his mind…
Ragini feels someone gazing her and she opened her eyes…with the sudden jerk of her expressions made laksh to close his eyes…
\*yaah he is acting…*\
Ragini sees his puppy face…
Ragini’s pov
What makes me to lie him that my brother is a doctor…
suddenly I got into the fear of volcano that I may lose because of letting him know the truth…
Yes…am sorry laksh my brother is an ACP…realisation strikes me…
“How can he will spend time with a girl who is from police background…after all he is a thief na…”my brain shouts at me
“yes he is a thief..but he is the one who saved you today…he is kind at heart…”my heart defends…
My heart and brain were fighting badly making me scream…that too for a man whom I met few hours before….
I can’t scream though…people are sleeping…shhsh I said to my brain and my heart to keep quiet…
They questioned me with bullets that it’s all because of me…
“yes if u didn’t pull him inside the train then this situation won’t appeared…we(heart and brain) are besties from the past 20 years but today we are fighting for silly you!!”they says…
“hey it’s all my mistake right…if i didn’t pulled him means then just think about my condition now…that badies would have spoiled me…don’t dare speak a word against him…”I shotted with the same bullets that they ached towards me…
Both remained silent which makes me smirk a little…
My brain again started it’s work “everything ok I agree it’s him who save you…you can just be thankful to him na…what’s the need to blabber your history geography to him…and followed by a lie…are you fallen for his action and kind hearted…”
“yes he is kind…what’s the big deal…just shut up ok…he is a good thief ok..”I shouted…
But this time not within me…i blurted out in high pitch….
“MiniJalebi..i mean Ragini you ok…”he tapped my cheeks by leaning towards my berth without getting down…
I nodded in yes…he got relieved…
##########pov ends…
“some bad dream hey na…”laksh said and helped Ragini in getting down because it’s upper berth…
“not a bad dream…it was just a…leave it…”Ragini gets down and goes near the washroom and washed her face…
Laksh offered her water…Ragini drinks it…
“so gonna start a clinic or higher studies…actually you are a gyno or…”laksh started the convo by holding the doors…
Raglak felt fresh air on them…
“no am not…I said you na I think you have forgotten…am an bds…i mean tooth plucker in your language …”Ragini giggles thinking the word she used to describe her profession…
“oh then…i need to defend myself inorder to prevent my teeth I think…”laksh zipped his mouth…
“what!!”Ragini amazes..
Laksh nodded in nothing…
He then remembers her scream and smiles realising the word”he is a good thief ok..”…
“not bad…she is so cute…”laksh whispers…
“haan!!”Ragini raises her eyebrows…
“wo…actually am smiling after so many years even I don’t remember when did I smiled last time..”laksh opened his heart out…
“so you’re saying indirectly that am looking funny to your eyes…hey na Mr.lakshman Kumar…”Ragini gave him a blank expression with a cutiee pout…
“hey don’t say it again you are more than funny and less than cute…”said laksh by controlling his laugh…
“am I funny…i just said but how dare you said me funny that too directly to me itself…”Ragini bursts out in anger…
“hey this is not fair…you only started the topic now ending up in fight…”laksh rubs his hand…
“haan…what you think about yourself…”Ragini got interrupted because she slipped a little because the floor is watery…
Yaah she is the one who unknowingly drop the water bottle from her hands while fighting with him…
Fortunately laksh holds her tight…
“see Ms.Ragini you are a mobile trouble who fall in traps by yourself…but I like this trouble…”laksh whispers in her ears and she felt his hot breath on her cheeks…
Still they are in same position staring into each other’s eyes…
People coughs…”do you completed with your romance means please clear our way…our station came…”they said…
Laksh pulled Ragini aside and apologies them…
Ragini felt embarrassed and left to her berth without uttering anything…
Laksh followed her…silence breaks his heart…
“Wo…don’t get embarrassed…it’s common in our society to gossip about others…i feel sorry for making you in that situation…”laksh holds his ears…
Ragini finally smiled…
“you don’t need to be sorry..actually you said right I am a mobile trouble ..”Ragini wipes her tears…
“hey don’t get saddened…i just said to tease because you…”laksh stops by biting his tongue…
“because I am…”Ragini got curious…
Laksh blinks and says”because you are so cute and that’s it..”in one go and he covered himself with a blanket and slept in his berth…
Ragini stunned with his answers…
\* with this I wanted to end but in last precap I said about their parting ways…so continuing further…*\
Raglak slept finally somehow and it’s morning…
Sunrays fall on them…Ragini woke up and opened the window and shocked to see the board”Mumbai Central”…
“omg..”she takes her luggage and found noone in train because it’s the final destination…
Ragini turns back and sees laksh sleeping with his mouth opened…she goes near him and closed it..he opens Again…
She starts playing with his mouth by closing it and again he opened…
Ragini starts giggling…with her sound laksh wakes up yawning by making his hand wide open and his one hand touched her face and his other hits with the ceiling of the train because he slept in side position…
“ouch..”Ragini rubs her nose…
“what why you were so close with me..”laksh crossed his arms…
“shut up…see we reached Mumbai…i thought of waking you up but you did…haha!!(cute laugh)you used to sleep by opening your mouth only ya…”Ragini laughs..
Laksh touches his mouth and rubs it…
“ok ok…get down fast and am leaving…someone will be waiting for me…”said Ragini and waves her hand…
“it’s really good spending time with you…you are really cute and funny..i mean it…”laksh shouts by smilingly…
“just good…that’s it uh…never mind…bye bye good thief..”Ragini waves her palm sidewards and gets down…
A man ran towards Ragini and apologized for being late…
“it’s good that you came late..”Ragini murmurs…
“ma’am…did you said something..”that man turns back and asked Ragini…
“nothing bhaaisa..chaliye…”she replied with a fake smile…
Ragini then turned back to see laksh but he didn’t got down yet..she then proceeds forward..
Laksh jumps downwards and searched Ragini but he found her entering into the cab….
Laksh was about to wave his hand but Ragini left without finding him…he pats his head…
To be continued •••

Doorbell rings…
Ragini opened it…
“MiniJalebi..”laksh amazes…
“tum..”Ragini sounds nervous…

So how was the chappy??do you like it??keep commenting…
Take care friends ?


It's been a year?..!!

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