Fan Fiction

Muquamal mohabbat ki adhuri dastan ab hogi puri!! (Character Sketch)

Hi everyone this is abhilasha…..I was a silent reader and a great fan of swasan and raglak … so I m going to write a few shots on these 4 lovebirds!!
Character sketch
Swara Mathur- 28 year cardiologist ..workoholic, strict and don’t tolerate any irresponsibility in work and a perfectionist…lost his charming bubbly nature some yrs ago and became an arrogant and strict doctor but golden hearted …..beautiful like an angel!!
Ragini Sharma – beauty with brain…..little emotional fool but golden hearted …a neurologist ….cousin and bestie of swara …she had a miserable past …loves swara very much and her life laksh ..misses him too much.

Sanskar Singh – A cosmologist by profession , decent and don’t like to talk unless necessary, loves his family and his work …misses someone too much.
Laksh sejwal- a handsome hottie …but a responsible NDA officer regrets of his deeds and misses her life Ragini!
Shekhar mathur- Father of swara loves her very much and wants her to achieve highest goals.
Sharmishtha mathur- mother of swara loves her most and trust on her …friend of swara too.
Jiten sharma – father of ragini…harsh to her but loves her too much
Janaki sharma-mother of ragini and always supported her..sis of sharmishta.
Parents of laksh – DP and Ap sejwal
Parents of sanskar- RP ad Sujata

Scene 1
Inauguration ceremony of MD hospital
Media is gathered all around the entrance waiting for Dr Mathur ….
A black Mercedes arrives …from which a beautiful girl comes with a pink anarkali, black silky straight hairs ..anyone would fall for him….someone called” Ragini u should be on time”
“What mom not today !” She replied
“Where is this swara all r waiting for her and she..’’
Soon a black bmw arrives ‘’ long straight hair and attractig eyes …in white gown but a sober one’’
Media announced ‘Welcome Dr mathur…

People talking ..look the only female doctor who achieved this much in few yrs.
Media started taking photos ..she stopped them …’’ I m not a celebbrity so plzz …….
Media- mam plz we want a small interview of ur success story
Swara- this is just starting …my dreams are bigger ..i wish in working than talking
Soon inaugration ceremony starts..she called shekhar and shomi to cut the ribbon and announced dr ragini as her co-head.
Ragnii-swara we will make this hospital a temple…noone wll go emptyhanded and hopeless.
Swara – ofcourse my sis

Then swara brought a sand mat and asked footprint of shekhar and shomi …
Both-may god bless u beta!!!

Scene 2
In isro
Weare launching a new satellite which will vdetect bombs in any part of india and all will get diffused automatically(imaginory)…..all credit goes to mr sanskar singh!!!
Sanska- its combined effort without my team it not possible.

Scene 3
Border (not specified)
War going on
An officer killed many terrorists and saved many lives …person revealed as laksh
Head-u did t again

Laksh- it was my duty!!!
I can do anything to save my motherland
After few hours
In his army camp…laksh- Sorry Ragu..i played with ur emotions but I m coming back to complete our incomplete story

So how was it…..swasan past will be revealed soon …plz give ur views..shoud continue…!!!

Plz avoid any grammatical or spelling errors!!


I m a crazy person...wants to become a doctor my parents My hobby writing!! My love Kanchi!!! Swaragini.......and the diva Shraddha Kapoor!!

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