Fan Fiction

MY 2 ANGELS *Shivika’s New Journey* (story by phanikiran) Chappy# 10

hi everybody….here is the next Chappy in Shivika’s journey.

a small note…plz dont avoid to read before u start ur reading journey…

A/N: i already mentioned that i am a mother to two children… in previous chapter i showed the fears nd wt r the actions to comeout from that fears of a couple in their new journey of parenthood… i showed the fears through Shivaay’s character ….in fact i faced those fears at the time of my first concieve…nd i heard alot who did like Shiv …that is the experience of mine…now in this CHAPPY i showed the reactions to the fearful act of Shiv through Annika’s character…in fact its also came from my experience..bcz at that time after thinking about my fears with a cool mind i laughed myself for my stupid silly fearful thoughts …i realised myself nd came out from the fears nd enjoyed the journey….so hope u all understand this…few incidents are from my experience nd others r imaginary…

thank you all for reading this note….imaginary is always beautiful than reality nd experiences…so plz understand nd keep ur love like this forever…thank you all.
if u want to ask anything regarding my stories u all r always welcome…
thank you once again for the love …keep smiling.
plz ignore any mistakes r there…humble request..

Sorry for not replaying to the comments as I am not feeling well from few days ….due to this reason my updates are delaying nd not only that i am not getting my previous posts on my telly updates page properly…i am facing problem in loading the previous ones….so i was little disturbed with it….

Once i will get normal …i will post regularly….thank u 

dont forget to give feedback….thank you.lots of love…

Chappy # 10

at first for Shiv’s act Annika felt happy….but when she realised about the fact nd fear of Shiv ….she became silent nd slipped into thoughts…..
after one hour when the ladies took leave from her saying bye …..she sat on the near by bench…..
seeing her ..RiVya felt as she is tired …
gauri: jiji…..may be u r tired….i will bring some juice….she said nd was about to move….
Annika stopped her….
“i am okay Gauri.dont worry….”…she said…

“why did u sat like that Bhabhi if u r okay”….asked Bhavya…
“i am thinking about Shiv nd wt he did…”she replied..
“matlab….Jijune jo kiya wo aapkeliye kiyathana….ismein pareshan ki baath kya hai….”Gauri asked in confusion….
“i agree..wt he did its all for me….nd his love on me made him to think like that….but in fact he had a fear inside ..that is loosing of me….with that fear he did it all…but is it correct…”she asked…
“wt do u mean Bhabhi…one side u are accepting bhaiyyas act which shows his love on u…nd another side u r saying that he had done this bcz of the fear …i didnt understand Bhabhi”….said Bhavya…
“haan Jiji too didnt understand…” said Gauri….

Annika looked at them….
“Gauri….in this world everything has its own limit…..even love also….but when fear dominates us nd it mixed with the love …anyone will behave like Shiv….i am not doubting Shiv’s love…..he is pure from his heart…but his fear of loosing me is a main drawback to him…..he is feeling its as protectiveness but in fact its a fear that filled his heart nd making him mad….first its time to remove his fear nd later make him realise the reality….then only we both will enjoy this journey…”she explained
“may be u r right Bhabhi….if fear dominates nd mixes with love …it became a hurdle to live life happily”….said Bhavya accepting Annika’s words….
“but Jiji….how should u explain it to Bhaiya without hurting him”….she asked….
“dont know but should do it”….said annika
later they came inside….
“Annika”…hearing it she looked at the voice….
“come to my room”….said Dadi..
“ji Dadi…”said she sighed to RiVya nd went to Dadi’s room….
after she went inside….
“aavo puttar…baito….”said Dadi….

she sat in one of the chairs….Dadi sat in an another chair beside Anika …
“Annika….i know wt Billu did it is all for u….but i tried to talk with him on this matter but he is not ready to talk….shayad Pinky nd Shakthi may be here they will make him realise as his fear is meaningless…but they both left to UK with Tej nd Jahnvi for business…..when i called them last week ….they said that they are tryiing to come before ur delivary….so now u r the one to make him understand the reality….i know he never hear anyones once he decided…but keeping the fear inside for long time is not a good thingna..may be it will shifts to other things nd it continues like this nd makes the life hell…..i think wt i am trying to tell …u understand it…..haina…’…Dadi asked…
“dont worry Dadi….i felt happy for wt Shiv did but u r right its not a good thing in long run….i will try my best to convince him nd make him understand the reality nd mein unka darr kobhi unse dur kardunungi….”…she said with a smile nd came out from the room….
when Annika want to go to her room….
“Bhabhi …we r here in the kitchen…”called Rudy..

she went there hearing it nd saw Shiv there…..
“Bhabhi ….juice piyogi”…asked Bhavya while taking the fruits from the fruit bowl….
“Annika looked at Shiv….
“from now onwards wtever i want i will get it in my room only….”said she was about to go….
“Bhabhi …r u alright”….asked Om..
“haan Om ..i am perfectly alright….but may be if i come out from the room there is a chance to happen anything…so its better to stay in the room 24/7…right…aa like today evening”..she said nd left from there….
they all looked at Shiv….
He silently starred at Annika …
few seconds later..”u all carry on…i will come”..said Shiv left from there….
OmRu looked at RiVya….they explained wt Annika said to them after evening’s incident nd about Shiv’s acts….
Om: somehow i agree with Bhabhi….he said….
“dont know how JiJu will react..”said Gauri…..

“lets wait nd watch”….said RuVya at a time….
they all r started completing the work that was left by Shiv …but their minds r thinking about Shivika…. nd Shiv’s reaction……
when Shiv entered in the room….Annika got fresh up nd came out from the wash room …she saw Shiv but without saying anything she came nd sat in the couch nd took a book into hands… she started flipping the pages….
Shiv starred at her for few seconds but he cant see her in silence…..he went near her …
she lifted her eye lids nd looked at him as “what”…
“wt happened to u…why r u silent”…he asked in a little anger as he can’t bare her silence….
“wt happens to me when i am in a secured place…”..she asked….
“wt do u mean”…he asked
“i mean wt i say….”…she said….
“Annika ..plz…'”he said
she looked at him……

she took a long breath nd sighed to him to sit….
he looked at her nd sat beside her….
she took his hands into her ….gently rubbed on them….nd slowly leaned on his chest nd closed her eyes as she is clearly hearing his heart beat which is always beating for her….
he didnt understand her behavior…he comforted her while wrapping hands around her…..
she felt happy for his protectiveness but at the same time for the first time she was scared of his protectiveness….
“Shivaay”…she called…

“haa”…he replied….
“aapne jo kuch kiya ussko dekh kar mujhe bahut achhi lagi…..u did it all for me…..the love on me made u to do like that ..for that i am happy…even i understand why u did like this”….she slowly started….
“i can do anything for u”…he said…
“i know Shiv….all these days i felt i am so lucky …bcz i got a loving nd caring husband….but today after seeing ur act for the first time i was scared….”she said…
“Annika!!!?”..he called in distrust…
she sat properly coming out from his embrace….he frowned at her…
“i know Shiv…why u did it like this….u scared after seeing that injured pregnant women in the hospital when we visited hospital for check up….am i right”…she asked…

he was shocked hearing it….
“how did u know”….he asked in shock…
“i know shiv…aapse pehle mein uss aurath ko dekhithi…but i know about u…so became silent….nd acted as i didnt notice…but mujhse jyada aap effect huva tha uss incident se…haina…..issliye from that day onwards u r spending time with fear….right”….she asked…
she took his hands in her nd holding tightly…
“relax Shiv….first relax urself….nd try to understand my words ..”she requested….
“annika…u r trying to take class to me like Om nd Dadi”….he asked
“no Shiv….i am trying to explain the fact nd how to see the reality”…she said…
“matlab”… he

“i will…..first of all….u visited that ladies houses nd requested them to come here …u all did it for me only…i understand…but i dont like this behavior of u….”….she took a gap…
“Annika…”he called her with mixture of feelings…
“yes Shiv …mereliye mere pathi important hai…wo kisi dusromke ghar jaake unke saath aapke darr ke baremein baath karna wobhi bina mujhse share karke….mujhe achhe nahi lagi Shiv….i know u did it for me phirbhi i want my husband shares his fears with me first ….mujhe bahaut bura lagi Shiv”…she said..
hearing her voice nd noticing the pain….he felt bad for his act…he didnt do it intentionally to hurt her ..but he hurted her…

“i am sorry …at that time my mind only concentrated on my fear only…. but truely i didnt want to hurt u Annika..”he said ..
she looked at him…to her eyes… he looks like a kid at that moment…
“even i dont want to hurt u shiv but its time to know about the reality nd throw away all ur fears “…she said…
he looked at her…
she agian started…
“Shiv…if I stay at home all the time really is it safe for me…..”…she questioned…

“Annika …wt do u mean..”.Shiv
“you felt that if i go out may be there is a chance to happen anything to me…right….issliye aap yeh sab kiyatha…haina”…Annika
he looked at him….
“you felt if i stay at home i am safe..there is no chance to happen anything to me which will hurt me…”…she asked…
“Annika ….i did it to save u from …”before he complete it…she stopped him….
“kya aap gaurantee desakthe ho…if i stay inside the home then also u can save me from any harm that will come to me….tell me Shiv…”…she asked…

he looked at her….
“Shiv….u cant ….bcz everything will never be in our control….sab ki control wo upar jo haina unke haath pe hothe hai…..we felt that we can control everything ….but when it comes to reality jo hona hai wo ho jayega….the only thing that we will do is just welcoming everything that will come in our way nd enjoy the each nd every moement nd face the every odd with courage…..”she said….
he became silent…..she felt may be he was hurted with her words….but she want to make him realise the fact…so she again started …
“in fact in u ..there are two persons….one is Shivaay nd the other one is Shivaay Singh Oberoi….in these two …i love Shivaay…do u know why….bcz Shivaay is a loving person…in simple words a lover boy…..but i love the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi more than this Shivaay….”she said…
he was surprisedly looked at her bcz he know that whenever he becomes SSO wt type of situations they both will face….he asked the same ….
she smiled …..

”SSO gets angry …his behavior is rude….do u know why he is like that….bcz he always wants to protect his family from odds….he loves his family…he want to keep his family happy….but these r not the only reasons to me to love SSO more than the lover boy Shivaay…above all these qualities…he has another quality….the most important one in the life…that is HE IS A FIGHTER…..”she said looking proudly at him…
he starred at her …he clearly noticed the proud feel in her eyes….
“yes Shivaay….SSO is a fighter…he never scares of anything …he always tries to fight with the troubles….even in odd situations he fights…..i want my baby be like u ….she/he never scares to fight….they always feels proud of u ….”..she said looking at him with an admiration….
he was surprised hearing her explantion….at the same time he started trying to understand the fact that hid in her words….
“waise Shiv….in this world every one should feel all emotions…..especially they come to know about fear….then only they will become fighters…yes Shiv…they fight to come out from the fear….at the same time if they dont know about any emotions how will they become strong ….we know the value of all emotions….we became strong bcz of it…its their turn to learn …if u feel fear about me….later it transfers to our baby after she/he will step in this world….may be ur fear will become an hurdle to their future…..plz think of it Shiv…..plz throw out ur fears …plz Shiv..”…she requested while resting on his shoulder….
he became silent bcz of the thoughts which were raised bcz of her words…she closed her eyes giving him time to realise himself……
time slowly passing…..


will Shiv realise the fact ? will he accept Annika’s words? or will he stay on his own?

well thank you for reading..
wt u all r thinking …
waiting to see ur response..
will meet with next….till then stay tuned to read….bye bye take care..
with love


hello All ...want to jump into my imaginary world which makes u feel relax then visit & follow my Wattpad account phanikiran9977. ?u will get more stories. DM me there 2 know me

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