Now ….I am extremely sorry for late update….as I was strucked at some scenes while writing them…..
Enjoy this family Chappy whole heartedly nd give me feedback….
If any mistakes are there plz ignore them….humble request…thank u..
Hello guys …dont avoid to read this note nd dont stop at the end of the Chappy …plz continue till the end where I posted an AUTHOR’S NOTE…nd dont avoid reading the note as it has an important points nd questions to know ur opinion….so plz …its a request from ur Phanikiran..
As usual plz imagine the scenes nd expressions of every character in the scenes while saying the dialogs...
Here is the link to read previous chappy’s…
Chappy # 12
After Shivaay’s mission of getting gyaan…OM filled with happiness….
Days are passing….Annika getting a beautiful glow nd shine day by day…..
Everyday ….every one trying their best to keep her happy…..as usual Rudra’s childishness continuing….
One day Rudy declared that by saying…
“until Pari’s entry into Mansion…he is the kid of the house …so they should bare his childishness”….
They all smiled for his words nd said…
“after Pari’s entry also…he should be treated as kid…but dont give chance to Pari to treat him as kid”….
Hearing it he kept a pout nd all laughed…
Annika entered into 7 th month…she clearly sensing the baby’s movements inside nd she started enjoying it…she told the same to all nd others also enjoyed feeling happy while sensing the baby’s movements by keeping the hand on her growing bump….
Shivaay became a child sensing baby’s movements…he cant express his happiness….seeing his happiness Annika felt more happy…even he started talking with the baby ….sometimes he talks with the baby in the night while Annika is sleeping…Annika smiled herself for his acts….
Dr.asked for a scan as Annika entered in 7 th month….They did as per Dr.s instruction ….after scan Dr. said no need to worry nd baby is growing in very well manner…
But Shiv asked Dr. as he has a heart problem…so is there any chance to it carry over to baby….
Dr. said to him that no need to get worry….Baby’s hear beating is perfect…still u have any doubt …u just do an another scan which is an advanced one in which we will get a clear picture nd discription of baby’s inner organs but dont try to know the gender….
Shiv said that…”he never bother about the gender of baby…for him both boy nd girl are equal…in fact if he blesses with girl ..he feels more happy….he is asking it to know about the baby’s health…he dont want any type of problem that arise in baby’s health…wtever he can do for it he will ….after that everything depends on god nd we welcome it”…
Dr. praised him nd she gave him the priscription writing the name of the scan…nd said after completing the scan …show her the report ..there is no need for Annika to come…
He nodded nd later they both reached OM….
when they all asked about the scan report he said wt Dr told to him…
“dont worry Billu….all will be well….”said Dadi
2 days later taking the report of the scan….Shiv went to Dr. to show the report accompanying Om
After seeing the report Dr. said “every thing is fine…baby’s organs are working in a well manner nd very healthy too”…
Saying thank u to the Dr. …ShivOm came out…relieving from the tension ..Shiv hugged Om…
Om patted on Shiv to calm down him nd said….
“Shiv…relax…nothing will happen to baby….its a good sign as every thing is fine…”…
Shiv nodded in yes…
Later they reached OM nd released the others tension too by telling them wt the Dr.said to them
They all felt happy nd Dadi did nazar utarneka programme to Annika
Days are passing very happily by enjoying each nd every moment….
One fine Day…
To give surpise to all…..
Pinky nd Jahnavi came …
Seeing them…
“arrey Pinky…Jahnavi…tum donom”…said Dadi in surprise…
“sirf aapke bahu nahi…saath mein humbhi hai”…saying Shakti nd Tej entered…
“Papa…Bade Papa”…calling Shivaay went near them..
They both hugged him saying congrats…
“waise u said u cant come until the delivery time”…asked Dadi…
“haan Mummiji….but 20 days back when we attended a baby shower function in our neighbourhood’s house…we decided nd declared to Shaktiji nd Jethji as we dont know wt u will do but with in 15 days we should go to India…we want to spend the time with Annika nd family nd want to enjoy every moment”…said Pinky
“in fact we are also eagerly waiting to come here nd joining in the happiness…so we fastly completed the matters nd packed up every thing sucessfully nd returned”….said Tej…
“we are very happy seeing u all…well aap sab jaake fresh ho jao…we will prepare dinner”said Shiv
After one hour they all gathered at dining for dinner….all enjoyed a lot…seeing their happiness nd love ….Annika felt more happy…
After dinner they all spent a quality time…by 10 pm Pinky said…
“Annika ..go nd sleep…we will talk tomorrow”…
All others also said the same…
Saying gud night to each other they all went to their rooms….
Next Day
After getting fresh up…
They all gathered at dining for breakfast…
“Mummiji…Annika is in 7 th month…so we will do baby shower”…said Pinky
“bilkul teek kaha…aaji panditse baath karke shub muhurth nikalvayenge”…said Dadi
*(u r right…talk with Pandit nd ask him for the muhurth)*
” u fix the date nd time…we all will make arrangements”…said RiVya
After completing the breakfast…Pinky contacted Pandit….after few minutes he said …day after tomorrow….morning at 10:30 is a good time for both mother nd child…so u can do it “…
Pinky informed the same to all…
“to do it wt we need:…asked Bhavya…
Dadi said wt to do nd how to do…
Hearing it …before they felt sad as there are no parents for Annika…
“we will bring everything for Annika as her parents …haan I know mein saasu maa hu per maabhi huna …so its my responsibility”….said Jahnavi…
Tej supported Jahnavi…..
“okay then I will arrange other things as Dadi”…said Pinky…
“thanks bade maa”…said Shiv…
“shut up shiv…u r our son too…in fact u all r our children…dont say thanks again…our happiness always lays in ur happiness …understand…so tayyari shuru karo…jao”…said Jahnavi…
Tej also said the same like Jah..
seeing it Dadi felt so happy like others…
From that day all became busy in making preparations ….
Annika nd Dadi sitting happily started watching them…
Every one engaged in some work as there is few hours left to change the date….
The Day of Baby Shower…
OM was decorated with flowers nd number of balloons too….the decoration is shining with lights…every one are so happy for it…its clearly refelcting on their faces….
Annika cant express her happiness experiencing their love nd affection….
Guests started coming…they invited important guests as they dont want to make Annika sophocate nd feel stress….
All family members got ready in beautiful attires giving challenge to each other….
Finally as per Dadi’s order….Annika came to hall with RiVya….
She is shining in red saree with an added glow…Pinky put a kala teeka to Annika to avoid bad nazar….
Shivaay was mesmerized seeing her….he starred at her losting himself….OmRu brought him into senses….
Annika sat in the decorated Queen’s chair….
As per Dadi’s instructions…..Jahnavi went near Annika nd she filled Annika’s lap with so many gifts nd both Tejvi blessed her nd unborn child….
Later Pinky made Annika eat sweet nd filled her lap with gifts nd along with Shakthi she blessed Annika ….
Everyone blessed Annika nd the unborn baby…
All felt happy…after lunch guests left…
All went to their room to relax….
*( Note: hello guys….here I wrote about the baby shower function….There are so many similarity in doing this function all over the country with small differences….so I was confused with them…Just I touched the topic…..If i hurted any ones feelings while writing it plz excuse me…..plz imagine in ur own way ….no objections **)*
Annika came to room….
She stood in front of the mirror nd looking at her reflection …she gently rubbed on her growned belly….
Shiv came nd standing behind her…taking her into his embrace…he placed a kiss in her neck corner…
“Shivaaay…wt r u doing “….she asked in husky…
“shut up.”…she lovingly scolded him….
He smiled nd tightneing his grip…
“all blessed u with so many gifts….but I didnt….bolo kya gift chahiye tujko”…he asked looking at her through mirror….
Holding his hands which r encirled around her bump…….
“isse bade gift aur kya hoga….aapne jo kuch diya wo kaafi hai…inke saath sab ka pyaar bhi mili mujhe….aur kuch nahi chahiye….zindagibhar yeh khushi aisahi rehna hai”…she said
*( u blessed me with this…there is nothing to ask ….even I got the love of all…i want this happiness stay for the whole life”)*
“sirf zindagibhar nahi….7 (saat) janmothak aisa hi rahega” he said placing a kiss on her neck again in hard….
“aah…its hurting”…said Annika showing the necklace while enjoying his lovable acts…
“oh…sorry…I will” …said he helped her in removing the jewellary…
Later when he held her pallu…
“Shivaay….wt is this”…..she asked
“I am helping u yaar”…he said very innocently hiding the naughty smile…
“achhaa..bas…thanks for ur help “…said she took away her pallu from him nd went to wash room…..
He smiled…
After taking some rest …in the evening…..all gathered in the hall….
Annika came there nd sat …Gauri gave her juice…
Rudy said …finally the video of function got ready nd now he will play it nd even photos also came…so untill he will set the video ….hv a look at the photos…”
He gave them the album…
After few minutes he played the video….they all involved in it…
After sometime….noticing Annika’s movements…
“Annika…wt happened” ….asked Pinky
“I am so hungry Maa”….she said
Pinky looked at the time nd it showed 8:15 pm…
“O my maatha..its 8:15…arrey chalo sab…Annika is feeling so hungry….bechare mere bachhi…lunch ke baad kuch khayi nahi…chalo chalo”….said Pinky
Hearing it Rudy stopped the Video…
“but we all sat here nd we forgot about dinner preparation…now wt to do”….asked Jah…
“Shivaay…where is Shiv?”….asked Om
“may be he is on call”….said Jah
“Papa aur Chote Papa bhi nahi”…..said Gauri noticing their absence….
“Okay …no problem…me nd Rudy will prepare dinner…tab tak..Gauri ..take some fruits nd give them to Bhabhi”…said Om while moving to kitchen…
Rudy nd Gauri followed him…
But the 3 were stood with a little open mouth after wt they saw in the kitchen when they reached there….
In the Kitchen:
“wo nahi Shivaay…yeh daalo…for both mother nd baby’s health its a good one.”…said Shakti while stirring a dish which is cooking on the stove
“are u sure Papa”…asked Shiv
“haan Shiv…wt Shakthi said is right”…said Tej while tasting a dish….
Shiv did the same as per Shakthi’s advice…
Bhavya who came there to bring water she saw OmRu nd Gauri who stood like statues…
She didnt understand wt happened to them….she went near them but hearing the Senior Obros nd Shiv’s voices…she looked into kitchen nd seeing the 3…
“Bhabhi…Mom”…she shouted …
Hearing her shouts Tej , Shakthi nd Shiv looked at her…
Annika , Pinky, Dadi nd Jahnavi rushed to kitchen nd seeing the 3 in kitchen who are preparing dinner ..they stood in surprise…
“mere pyaare bachhe”…said Dadi while taking away the nazar to them…
“Tej !!”…Jah
“O my maatha..shaktiji”…Pinky
Annika starred at them feeling happy….
Seeing Annika…
“Annika…go ..go nd sit at dining …just 5 minutes…will serve dinner”…said Shakti…
“arrey…aise khadake kya dekhraheho tum log…come here nd take that finished dishes nd arrange on the dining” ….said Tej to OmRu nd RiVya….
“Ji Papa”…said RiVya moved…
“O my maatha…Shaktiji…Jaha tak mujhe yaad hai…Shivaay jab kitchen duty liyethe tabse aap kabhi kitchen pe aaya nahi…but today u r preparing for Annika”…asked Pinky in surprise….
“Haan…I am giving advise to Shivaay as how to prepare a healthy soup for Annika nd baby'”…said Shakti while tasting the soup…
“Tej….aaj tak meine tumko kitchenpe kaam karthe dekhi nahi….lekin tu aaj yaha”…said Jah …
“of course…kyon…waise yeh tho mere betikeliye aur Pari keliye karrahahu…by the way Pari….is it right…tum sab issi naamse bulathena baby ko”…he asked to divert…
“yes Dad…Pari”…said Rudy
“lets go…take the dishes”…said Tej went to dining….
“kya ho raha hai”…asked OmRu, JahPinky nd RiVya at a time…
Dadi nd Annika smiled nd moved to dining…
Shiv nd Shakti shrugged their shoulders nd went to dining…
They all sat at the dining…
In fact half of Annika’s hungry left away after experiencing Tej nd Shakti’s affection towards her…
After serving the dishes….RiVya sat with their boys…
Gauri tasted the soup…
“wow Chote Papa…its really delicious” said Gauri
“when u will concieve…at that time I will prepare this soup for u ..promise”..said Shakti…
Hearing it Gauri blushed nd Om downed his head feeling embarassment…
“haan Gauri …waiting to hear from u both” said Pinky…
“Chote Maa …plz first Shiv …then me”…said Om to divert…
“haan first Shiv, then u nd later Rudy”….said Pinky
“mein …mein tho abhibhi bachha hu”…said Rudy with a pout
*(“me…I am still kid “)*
All laughed…
“bachha …koun …tu”…asked Pinky
“Chote Maa….bhabhi ke baaremein sochlo…wo tho bahut bhuki haina”…said Rudy to divert the topic…
*( Chote Maa…first think about Bhabhi….she is so hungry na”)*
“O my maatha…dekha …I forgot it”…said she looked at Annika
Annika is enjoying their nok jhok without eating anything….
“Maa ..ye aise khayegi nahi…inko khilana padegi”…said Shiv while taking the spoon to feed Annika…
“u dont worry Shiv….I am here to take care of her…”said Pinky sat beside Annika nd taking the bowl into her hand she started feeding Annika….
Seeing her affection….a thin layer formed in Annika’s eyes…
Noticing it….
“Annika …wt happened…is it hot”…asked Pinky
“nahi Maa…ye bahut tasty nd mitah bhi ….aapke pyaar jaise”….said Annika
*(“no Maa…its so delicious nd sweet too…like ur love”)*
“paagal ladki….khalo”…said Pinky fed her until Annika said its enough….
Later spending some time together by sitting in the hall…..all saying gud night to each other left to their respective rooms…
After sometime….
“Shivaay….” called Pinky standing at their door step…
“Maa…why did u stand there…come inside…”…..said Shiv while coming near to her…
“kya Annika sogayi”….asked Pinky
“haan just now…kya unse kuch kaam hai….i will wake ….”….before he complete it…
“no no…no need to wake her up…i came to give this milk to u….if she feels hungry in mid night ….give it to her…..when months increasing ….she cant eat more…its better if we give her in intervals …so it helps to her if she feels hungry”…said she gave Milk glass to Shiv….
He starred at her….
“aisa kyon dekh raheho”…asked Pinky
“aap sach mein maa hai maa”…..said Shiv
“o my maatha…tujko aaji patha chala yeh…chalo chupchapke so jao….haan take care of her”…said she left hiding her smile….
He smiled nd closng the doors he came near the bed nd keeping the milk glass on the side table ….he laid on the bed beside Annika…..nd keeping hand on her while moving close to her…..he closed his eyes…with a joy filled heart…
Thank u all for reading it….hope u all like it nd enjoy this family Chappy….
Dont forget to give feedback….this time I am expecting more votes nd comments too…
Will meet with next chappy… but before write that Chappy I want to know ur opinion …so here is my questions on which I want to know ur Opinions…
1. Do u all want this story with the happy ending with Delivary of Baby….or U want the post delivery scenes too till the first birthday …..may be u all gets a doubt why I am asking it….bcz if u want the post delivery scenes too..the updates will take time due to the writing of perfect scenes which will come from my personal experiences nd also due to the Board Exams of my elder daughter nd the final exams of my younger daughter….so plz tell me ur opinion in the form of a comment….
2. which scene u want at the time of delivery….
Shiv standing in tension out side the Delivery room nd his silly acts after knowing the happy news or with Annika inside the room….
Plz dont avoid to tell the opinion bcz after knowing it I will start writing the scenes of next Chappy…
3. If u all want to read about the functions which will come in a baby’s life *(plz note I dont know about the details of the rituals that takes place in different communities ..esp in Punjab…so I will write them as per my experience)*….pls suggest a beautiful name to the baby (to both boy nd girl) apart from Pari…after seeing the suggested names will choose one …
And the last one but not least …if u all want to read journey of Shivika with a Baby …plz bare my late updates….humble request.
Nd the next Chappy’s update will take time as I am going on Pongal vacation ….so after my return …I will ….thank u..
Firstly epi is khidkithod.. Now coming to your questions.. 1) I want to read till baby’s first birthday.. 2) I want him inside operation theatre.. 3) I would like to read about those functions.. And lastly enjoy your vacation to the fullest akka.. Take care..
Thank you so much dear

Hii dii… Update is awesome…I am agree with itsmreprabha…
thank u dear