congratulations Mrs and Mr singhania you two are officially and legally an couple now”
These words…these few words grew riddhima highly impatient and nervous..she was married now, married to the man about whom she knew nothing except his name…
If a few months back someone had even asked her to imagine such a situation she would have died laughing…but now she was standing there with her husband , having marriage certificate in her hands bidding bye to her best friend…
Externally this decision looked like investing few thousands and internally her life.. she just hope that this investment did not let her to any regret…
“Aangre will brought your luggage ”
Vihaan’s this statement left no room for argument… honestly she was so nervous that she already had created an excuse in her mind of getting her luggage investing whole day in it . inspite of the fact that she had already packed her things a night before
The ride back to vihaan’s home ( which she had no idea where was)
Even feel more silent if possible then previous one was…
The car passes by many buildings, hotels and motels
After about 45 minutes that feel like an eternity
” We are here Mrs and Mr raisinghania”
Aangre’s voice caught riddhima attention she could clearly see the wide grin on his face but before vihaan could have a look at it, it was gone…in a flick of second… vihaan just got his head out of laptop…it must have taken a maximum of 4 seconds…and it was gone the grin that expressed his victory, happiness was gone
Vihaan got out of car and before she could the door was opened revealing it to be vihaan who has opened the door
Vihaan’s this action surprised riddhima…she never thought the person who himself get out of the car when someone opens door for him was opening the door for her..
Riddhima couldn’t help herself but fall for him even more if possible
Wait….fall where that come from… this marriage has affected you drastically riddhima… otherwise you Know that love and all is just in fairytales…and real life could be anything but fairytale riddhima mind chuckled..( while thinking)
Riddhima’s knew the way he behaves,he speaks,the restaurant and taste he preferred he was rich but the building in front of her left her mouth wide agap…the Dream land Villa it was, the sign board shows… the building was no less than a 5…no 7 star hotel not in sense of richness but the locality,the cleanliness,it was not like too much big or something but was something that gives a sense of comfort in just a sight
Inspite of all the things the most attractive thing was the garden… momo will surely like it…
Getting into the building they lead to the uppermost floor…
The apartment was cozy… comfortable and enough large for a family of two..
“The second left room is ours…you may go and have rest”
“And wait your luggage is still not here so there are some clothes for you in the closet,get comfortable”
“Umm..sure.. thanks”
Their first conversation after riddhima knew would be uncomfortable but this much…
The room was no less than heaven was neither too large nor too small.. just perfect riddhima couldn’t help but feel excited looking at the interior of the room… the most beautiful thing was the gaint window,the view was wonderful from there just like that’s made in the sense that the owner can look at the whole city.. the balcony attached was just glorifying its beauty..
Being hell tired as riddhima could not sleep the other night thinking about her marriage and all she had taken an emergency leave from the office…it was quite difficult in all that new boss commotion going on.. but it’s for the better as she didn’t know how the new boss was..
Taking a cold shower and wrapping a towel over her body riddhima moved into the closet…to riddhima’s surprise all clothes were of her type.. like she used to wear,all casuals, party wears even night wears too, she couldn’t help but think about the bathroom incident that she brushed off thinking that to be a coincidence,all commodities were of her taste only the shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and all others things too… moreover the clothes fitted her properly like they were specifically designed for her… but..was she over thinking again…
Brushing all her thoughts and scolding herself before she made some mind wild theories she went to sleep
“Ma’am, ma’am”
A soft knock threw riddhima out of her deep slumber
“Yes” asked riddhima
“Mam the lunch is ready”the young girl may be the maid spoke..
“What” it’s lunch time
” Yes, ma’am it’s already 2 in the noon”
“Okay you may leave, will surely there in a while”
“Sure ma’am”
It’s been a long time riddhima had sleeped this much..she was always an light sleeper even a slight noice would wake her up and then she could not go back to sleep..
Picking her phone up from the night stand riddhima checked for any mails and messages..
” Ohh! The phone was on silent, that’s why it didn’t ring and I didn’t woke up”( riddhima spoke to herself)
But I don’t remember putting it on silent,
Maybe you have riddhima you have forgotten in this stress and all,
Strange because I never do it,no… not over thinking again
There were a few messages and mails messages from sejal and mails from her office
Taking a yawn she tapped on message icon…
“Hey babes!”
“You got there”
“Riddhima,are you with vihaan”
“Just tell me I will not disturb you then”
“Huh!! Okk you don’t tell me,I still Know because you always reply to my messages,no matter how busy you are”
“So, enjoy”
” Arre,I will be there with aangre and momo with your luggage”
Riddhima quickly send a
” Will talk to you later”and rolled her eyes on this girls idiotic thinking,then
get fresh n up and moved out of the room
The lunch was set was a combination of contemporary,Italian and Indian food..
Riddhima stomach growled looking at the food… isn’t it obvious as she had missed her breakfast too
Riddhima was growing impatient looking at the food..she was truly hungry
“What happened ma’am,do you need anything”
“Umm… isn’t vihaan coming for the lunch”
“Ma’am sir is not home…he got an important meeting ,he asked me to make sure you eat your lunch”
” Ohh..sure and yaa call me riddhima”
“But ma’am”
” Otherwise I will tell vihaan that you spoiled all the food…and I had to remain hungry..”
“No, ma’am (riddhima glares) I mean riddhima…”
“Yes.. perfect and you”
“Ohh … sorry mam…I mean riddhima m ritikaa,works here”
Dinner was good and riddhima honestly liked ritikaa’s company she was 21 and working here along with studying… she told her that vihaan was the one who was sponsorsing her education and in order not to let her feel indebted he offer her this job… riddhima knew she shouldn’t trust anyone easily on account of her terrible past but vihaan is different… she was not accepting it earlier but now she’s ,she trust him that’s the reason she agreed to marry him…yes she trust him somewhere that’s why her heart asked her to marry him..
It’s been evening neither sejal,aangre , vihaan or her momo was home.. just then riddhima’s phone popped with a message it was sejal
” Sorry riddhima can’t come today…stuck in an emergency, already informed aangre and I think momo is already missing you… will bring her tommorow with me”
Riddhima sighed but that’s not a big deal as she had clothes here
” That means aangre is also not coming”
It was dinner time and vihaan was still not home so riddhima decided to make dinner for herself
She told ritikka to study or do something else inspite of her requesting again and again to make dinner
She kept the dinner light..with some soup
It was 11 already and vihaan was still not home riddhima thought of calling him but restrained herself thinking he might be busy and she need to sleep as the next day in office was gonna be hectic..
Riddhima wake up the next day feeling relaxed and fresh she wander her eyes searching vihaan but got surprised when she didn’t notice him
“Has he not returned yet”
” He must be using washroom”
She checked the washroom but he was not there
” I need to call him, it’s not like that he had waken up early after working so long”
Riddhima got fresh n up and was going out of the room ,she was walking looking into her phone, scrolling caller list as she haven’t saved vihaan’s number yet..
That’s when she collided with something or someone…it was vihaan dressed in a 3 piece suit..
He was home but being a light sleeper she knew he was not in the room
She wanted to ask him but noticed something
he came out of a different room… this gesture warmed riddhima’s heart just for her comfortness he compromised his..he slept in different room… riddhima was nothing but glad… she just hope it’s just how it’s looking… just like she wants…
After breakfast when she was leaving for the office
“Take this, it’s no is 7875467 in case you need anything”
It was a black credit card that vihaan offered her…she was pleased that vihaan trusted her to that extent to gave her his card and sharing personal details like card no.irrespective how their relation is…
Wait isn’t it a black card….a black card that is an unlimited credit card..
Riddhima couldn’t help but wonder how rich he exactly is?
There was a hustle bustle in office,all employees were lined up
Riddhima was standing at the entrance analyzing everything going on
” I don’t think riddhima I asked you to stand there and watch”
Rashmi arora’s stern voice brought riddhima back to reality
” Just get in,and look at the preparations, you are responsible for media, just make sure that everything is set up, the board of directors along with the new boss will be here soon,so it’s better you get to work asap”
” Sure ma’am”
Rashmi arora was a good person it was not like she was jealous or something… just a bit professional she didn’t take carelessness lightly and riddhima clearly knows she was upset because she was on a leave yesterday
..inspite of such important works me being on leave seems being careless so she is right on her place
Riddhima was oraginising everything when her Friend siya spoke
” Riddhima you were on leave yesterday,is everything all right”
“Yup,why are you asking like this,siya”
” No,I mean as far as I know you,you didn’t take leave unless it’s something important”
” Yup some work so”
” Anyways you work,varna Rashmi ma’am ne dekh liya toh Gaye Kaam se(if Rashmi see us talking,we are gone)
Siya was right riddhima didn’t take too much leave and would have not got one yesterday if Ms.kratika hadn’t allowed and covinced rashmi ma’am for it, she was head of her department and liked her an…
“Not again riddhima, from when did you started day dreaming”
Rashmi’s voice snapped again
” M sorry ma’am, just thinking something about arrangements”
“What ever, listen riddhima I Know you are our company’s one of the best and your department’s best employee,so I m giving you the most important responsibility,you need to show the office to new boss and assist him for few days..
Riddhima wanted to backout but rashmi’s stern voice and expression told her not to
So, she reluctantly agreed
” Tell me something riddhima,you aren’t planning on trapping the new boss right”
Spoke ruhi one of riddhima’s colleague,who god Knows why was jealous of her
“Shut the hell up and behave”
Boomed rashmi’s voice,”you Know what I also think about it and that’s why I didn’t assign you for it
So now, get up to work and if anyone had a issue with anyone’s task come to me, it’s me who have assigned them”
Riddhima knew Rashmi didn’t liked her but she respect her for her nature.. disliking someone is a different thing and playing cheap tricks is different… Rashmi disliked her but never have she discriminate her
” They are here , everyone position”
The head receptionist voice boomed over walkie talkie
Making everyone become highly self conscious and everyone started adjusting their clothes subconsciously..
Riddhima was not nosy, but this new boss was mysterious she was not a fool to not understand that the company had tried it’s best to know who he is ? But remain clueless so she herself was curious
Riddhima closely followed Rashmi to the entrance,
There he was , their new boss
He was a man dressed in 3 piece just like her husband…. not again riddhima… ,
flashing shoes walking elegantly surrounded by men’s in black, everything was fine until her eyes meet his
Her husband’s attracting eyes
Amazing episode dear eagerly waiting for next update
Superb,same here eagerly waiting. For next update.pls update soon.
Awesome episode

please post soon
Superb episode
Wow brilliant

Amazing update post aSAp please
Wow amazing EP
, post next one soon
. Post soon 
Amazing post next part soon
Nice dear
post soon 

Wow amazing

Thanks for updates


Wow fabulous

Fantastic episode
