My love (Riansh) (Immj2) Chapter 19

Authors pov ..

She opened her eyes with jerk and looked around , a light was hanging over her head , sucking out the left over strength in her .. She took a deep breath .. Tears rolling down her eyes , she is tied to a chair and blood dripping off her lips .. but the most troubling part of this is ..

The man who is kneeling down , hands are tied up with a rod .. whereas there’s a continuous flowing of blood from his wrist and with a thin line of his forehead … Is her husband ..

Who is in such a condition , just because of her .. She never thought in her wildest dream that one day .. she will on verge of lossing everyone ..
Her husband , her daughter ..

It’s all her fault .. If she didn’t argued , didn’t let his words unheard .. then might be … All the things would be in control .. she chuckles softly ..

Still what to do ?? .. she is mother .. and mother can never leave her baby in danger , just for her own safety ..

However , now not only her two lifelines are at risk but also .. a another life which is growing inside her .. unknown to everyone, except her …

It was just the matter of some hours … Some hours , but screams of her baby which was continuously ringing in her ears .. led her path to this turn …

A splash of cold water , broke the chain of her thoughts .. While she felt a burning sensation on her arms and lips which has a several cuts .. she closed her eyes not to tear out ..

Hey , Riddhima !! .. ” called a man standing there with a smirk …

She smiles sadly on her fate .. the person , she never imagined to meet again .. was here Infront of her .. The only villain of her pretty fairytale story .. Kabir …

And soon she drown in the past from where it was left …

14 hours back…


Missing your daughter VR ..

This message led Vansh confused and heartbroken with teary eyes .. it means .. it means Her little angel is kidnapped ..

But the phone call from the same number brought him in the reality .. and with a trembling hands , he picked the call , gathering his all strength ..

” Who the hell are you ?? .. And if it’s true that you kidnapped my daughter , then be careful .. it’s me VR .. ” and by sudden voice Vansh immediately put a hold .. that voice … It was her angel ..

She was crying like hell .. by her cries Vansh heart was breaking in several pieces ..

Unaffected to him .. all other just heard him mummering .. Riddhima was the one to sense that Vansh is turned numb and so she to ran to him .. took the phone on speaker ..

It was too late before he could react .. his Sweetheart is not in the sense take such news ..

Her angel’s cries was heart aching .. Riddhima got mumed for a while .. the call was cut off from the another side .. and with this she loses her consciousness ….

( Kuch zaada hi drama ho Gaya 😗 )


Kabir snap his fingers .. ” come to earth girl .. Riddhima you look more s*xy and hot than before .. ” he eyed her with full of lust .. while Riddhima turn her head in disgust ..

” so I think you are not bore , my men’s are entertaining you … Isn’t it ?? .. ” he smirks at the end ..

” You might be feeling satisfy na , see I’m here in your trap … But you did wrong .. ( she looks at Vansh ) you held my Vansh as captive .. you will pay for this … ” And with this a long tear escape from her eyes …

” Shh Riddhima .. Don’t cry for a stupid person .. ( he wiped her tears ) you remember … that before we would get married you ran off .. isn’t it ?? .. but now , I will marry Riddhima .. just get ready in next 1 hours .. you will be Riddhima Kabir Rai Singhania .. ” and laughed like manic .. ” for sometime you can see your ex husband .. bye sweetie .. ” and walk off …

” Hi , Riddhima .. ” her inner reflection mocked on her ..

” Who are you .. “

” Your inner reflection , Riddhima .. let it be .. “

” So happy , Riddhima .. see see , because of you , your Vansh is lying in pool of blood .. but still you can’t do anything , shame on you Riddhima , shame on you .. “

Riddhima closes her eyes .. she cries more and more .. ” No No .. no you .. ” but found no one , when she opens her eyes .. which led her drown in her past again ..


She found herself in their room , when she opens her eyes .. the last thing she remembered is that she lost her conscious after the call .. there was no one beside her .. She cares the bedsheet , were her little devil had created a havoc last night … Crawling from one end to other .. with a loud giggles ..

Riddhima holds the photo frame placed at the table near the bed ..

This photo was clicked by our artist Vansh .. after whole three hours afford .. This art was captured ..

She have a doe shape eyes , hairs and her little nose just like her .. and rest features are of Vansh .. her attics , her smiles , her dimple , her every single thing ..

” May I come in .. ” the voice broke her thoughts…

” Yeah , Rishi come in .. ” her words just showed emptiness , and with that Rishi marched in with a cup of coffee …

” Riddhima , Vansh is trying , just calm down .. ” CALM DOWN !! this is the word she hates the most ..

Without taking any sip of coffee .. she walked out of the room ..

Riddhima with a cold eyes , walked out and recalls the word of doctor ..

Mrs. Ria Singhania , congratulations you are one month pregnant .. ” she places her her hand on her flat tummy .. how badly she wanted to share this news with them , but she decided to surprise them ..

She took a seat on the couch in the lawn and drown herself in thoughts , but suddenly she found Vansh and Angre discussing about something ..

She took a small steps to them … And hide herself behind a wall ..

” Angre , did he tracked that number ..  who is he ?? .. ‘ Vansh eyes was red blood shot ..

” Boss , I had asked one of my men to track it .. but we can’t track the number .. if we tried then our whole system will be hacked by him .. ”

” Then , do something .. The blo*dy rascal as kidnapped my daughter .. what he wants ?? .. ” Vansh punches the wall near him .. While Riddhima flinch back ..

” Boss , he want the weapons till 9:30 am next morning .. which we are going to export tomorrow .. if not then he .. he … Will Kill Aayu ”

” What !! .. ” ( whom it might be )

” Riddhima ! .. ” Vansh whispers seeing at Riddhima who was hidding behind the opposite wall ..

” Vansh , what’s .. what’s the weapons and if you .. you won’t ,.. he will kill .. kill my daughter … ” She tooks a baby steps to her .. while Vansh immediately took her in embrace , calming down her ..

” Shh ! Riddhima , your baby will be fine .. I’m trying .. she will be with you .. just keep your fate in me ..” but she pushes him ..

” Vansh give everything what he’s asking for , just bring my daughter .. ” buried her face in his chest and cried ..

but VR if you somehow got failed to supply the weapons … then remember , We won’t leave you or your family and I came to know , you have a beautiful wife and small daugh…… ” This was the word which echoed in his ears …

” Don’t worry Riddhima … Don’t worry .. ” he kissed her forehead …


Haan ji , toh kaisa laga …
So I have a question .. but remember you can’t kill or else , this story will remain incomplete ..

So whom should be saved first Riddhima or Aayu ??? ..
Answer me ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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