My love (Riansh) (Immj2) Chapter 5

Vansh’s pov …

At last .. I am at my home .. VR Mansion .. I slowly move out of car .. stepped to move in while riddhima followed me .. As we reached the door Sia was already there waiting for me .. she took my Aarti .. My little sister ..😊

Authors pov ..

Later Vansh was taken to his room .. where riddhima had already made the arrangements for his convenience ..

Vansh watched her all the way how she was roaming in the room .. from here and there … While sitting on bed taking the sip on juice .. which made riddhima extreme nervous ..

” What is this .. Why is he staring me .. ” riddhima thought .. and then with a lots of courage she turned toward Vansh .. only make him look away .. this time riddhima started glaring him ..

Vansh : ” What ?? .. β€œsaid , looking straight in her eyes , while getting bore from this silence ..

Riddhima : ” Yes .. what ?? .. why are you staring me .. ” said , shooting angry glares at him ..

Vansh : ” Nothing , Just thinking why are you in my room .. ”

Riddhima : ” It’s my room too , did you again forgot I am your wife .. or should I make you write hundred times .. Riddhima is my wife ..” raising her eyebrows .. while Vansh just hmmed and say ” No need .. ” ..

Riddhima : ” Emm , Would you like to have something .. ” riddhima asked looking here and there … ( Avoiding eye contact .. )

Vansh : ” Obviously .. I am hungry .. ” wondering is this a question ..

Riddhima ( sigh ) : ” I expected this only .. ” mummured herself …

Vansh : ” I Heard .. ” said , flipping the pages of magazine ..

Riddhima : ” So what .. ” and without any further word she storms out ..

While here Vansh grins a little ..



In kitchen ..

Sia was working there … When Riddhima arrives..

Riddhima : ” Hmm .. wow what a smell .. What are you cooking .. ” looking all the while ..

Sia ( smile ) : ” Thanks Bhabhi .. but I am tried plz can you cook .. And so I like to eat your cook foods .. ”

Riddhima : ” Ok … ” That’s when something strikes her something .. ” Sia , How long it will take Neil to bring aayu with him .. ”

Sia : ” He told .. till the lunch he will be here .. ” while riddhima nodded ..

Riddhima : ” Ok .. so you go and rest .. I will make something .. ” , soon Sia leaves from there .. while decided to check on Vansh ..



Vansh was engrossed in his laptop .. that he didn’t even saw Sia at the door …

Sia : ” Bhai .. I don’t think I am invisible .. am I ?? .. ” said , while she was leaning at the door ..

Vansh ( startled ) : ” Sia .. O come in … ” while passes a smile to her …

Sia : ” So .. all well Bhai .. ” as soon she sat beside him on bed ..

Vansh : ” Yep .. Any important work .. ” asked raising his eyebrows ..

Sia : ” Offo Bhai .. I can’t just come to see you , will there be any work then only I should come na .. ” crossing her hands over her chest .. with a pout ..

Vansh ( sigh ) : ” Ok meri maa .. I am sorry .. ” said joining his hands …

Sia : ” Hain .. now it’s fine … Bhai let’s go down , dinner would be ready … ”

Later they leaves for the dinning area ….

Vansh sat on his master chair … While Sia on his right hand side ..

Sia : ” Let me go and check … ” While he nodded ..

As soon she stood up ..

Riddhima : ” No need Sia .. I am here .. ” and one by one she kept all the dishes ..

Seeing this many dishes .. Vansh was ready to attack ..

Sia : ” chole bhature , kadhai paneer , ras malai , chicken biryani .. wow wow Bhabhi .. but Bhabhi ( frowned ) chicken biryani .. is it for Bhai .. ” but before riddhima could say ..

Vansh ( interrupted ) : ” Why Sia you too like chicken biryani .. and why only for me .. ”

Sia : ” Because Bhai .. riddhima Bhabhi is vegetarian .. while I … ” But stops in the middle …

Riddhima : ” You what Sia .. why can’t you eat .. it’s for you only .. ” while Sia lowered her head …

Sia : ” Actually Bhabhi … Woh .. ” but got interrupted ..

” Because As we all are vegetarian , Sia had Decided to leave Non vegetarian foods .. ” comes a voice .. while all looks toward the direction .. to just see Neil standing with Vanya in her arms .. playing with her hand .. when she saw Riddhima .. she giggles a little waving her hands ….

While riddhima had a Tears of joy , seeing her baby this happy after so many days ..

She just ran to him and took Vanya .. and started kissing her all over the face .. then she spoke ..

Riddhima : ” Didn’t you miss your mamma .. Hain .. are you hungry aayu .. ” on which the little girl nodded …

Due so , all just forgotten Neil ..

Neil ( frown ) : ” Aaa .. I think Di .. I am here too .. ” and smile sarcastically … While sia giggles a loud and later joined by Vanya clapping her hands ..



At abondon place ..

P : ” So Jon now what the news .. β€œ

Jon : ” Boss .. he is back home .. should we do something .. β€œ

P : ” No Jon .. wait ..I have a better idea … Wait a little Vansh Rai Singhania .. enjoy some more moments .. ” and laughs evilly ..

At the dinning table ..

Neil : ” Wow !! Di .. I missed this all .. While This three days .. I couldn’t eat properly .. ” and took plate …

Sia : ” Why ?? .. I had prepared the food in these three days .. Didn’t I cook well ?? .. ”

Neil : ” That’s the reason .. ” mummured Neil .. but Vansh heard it .. he looks at Neil horrified .. while Neil smiles sheeply ..

Shrugging off the thought Vansh decided to just concentrate on food ..

Vansh’s pov ..

Wow !! I just wanted to jump in .. so I raised to take biryani .. only to be pulled out ..

When I raised my eyes to see whom dare to do it … I only one is … Riddhima ..

” What now ?? .. ” I asked her .. and rolled my eyes ..

Riddhima : ” You can’t eat it .. ” said straight to me ..

” And why so ?? .. ” I mocked her ..

Riddhima : ” Because you gonna eat this .. ” she said passing a bowl to me …

What was it .. Oatmeal .. ( Dalia )

” I am not gonna eat it .. sorry to say .. ” and turned my face to another side ..

While slowly I eye her … As she sighs and took the bowl away and moved towards the kitchen .. that’s was it …

I again started to jump on briyani .. but stops at the every next moment ..

Riddhima : ” Eat it after half an hour .. but if you dare to even touch any food on the table .. I will rip you for sure .. ” and I just moved back ..

What if she really .. No … I am her husband .. I Am na … ?? ..

Not having any other options I ask her to bring that oatmeal to me … And unwillingly I ate it ..Utter nonsense food ..

Soon Sia and Neil left for their home … While I was left with riddhima and this kaju .. O sorry aayu .. Well she is quite well better than any other kids .. As she don’t makes hardles like every kids .. Just like her father .. ( proudly )

Hope so you all like it ..

And I very happy for your comments and appreciation ..

Thanks a lot my dear reader πŸ’–πŸ’–.

Have a happy day ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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