My love (Riansh) (Immj2) Chapter 8

Authors pov ..

At dinning table …

It was pin drop silence , as just Vansh and Riddhima are for the breakfast .. and also because of the kiss which they had a while ago … Riddhima didn’t dare speak anything .. while Vansh was anxious thinking the possibility of this silence ..

Vansh ( to himself ) : ” Is she disappointed that I kissed her .. Or .. is something different .. but how will raise the conversation … Hey it’s been days I saw dad ?? .. ”

So now As he got the topic .. he cleared her throat to grab her attention … Which worked actually ..

Riddhima : ” Emm .. do you want something ?? .. ” glancing at him just for once .. then she again hanged her head down ..

Vansh : ” Actually .. it’s been quite days .. I have saw dad .. ( riddhima looks at him ) So I wanted to ask .. Is he with us .. or God .. ” but was cut off ..

Riddhima ( amazed ) : ” Vansh .. ”

Vansh : ” No .. I mean .. it’s been three years .. so there could be any possibility .. ” He said causally .. while Riddhima’s mouth was hunk down ..

Riddhima ( recovering ) : ” Let it be .. he is at London .. for a project .. and Hain .. dad don’t know that you had a accident .. So plz don’t say him too about it .. it’s not good for his health .. “

Vansh ( instantly ) : ” So is he unknown that I had memory loss .. ”

Riddhima ( shocked ) : ” Vansh … Are you gone crazy .. if he don’t know that you met with a accident then about your health is far away … Something I feel nothing has happened to you .. you didn’t even had a memory loss .. ” while he raised his eyebrows .. ” The way you care for aayu , the way flirt with me .. and the kiss .. ”

( I too have to remind me that … Vansh had a memory loss .. so write the story according to it .. )

Vansh’s pov ..

That’s it .. what was the mean to divert the topic when she has to end up on it ..

O God .. what was need to get married me .. when I can’t even flirt with me ..

With this end of the conversation .. she was rushing to the kitchen .. when I hold her wrist and pulled to me … Which lead to her to sit on my lap .. while she was all astonished ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh .. what are you doing let me go .. ” as she was struggling in my arms …

Without any further word .. I captured her lips .. kissing her aggressively … After a while she to reprociated .. she wrapped her arms around my neck .. while I pulled her more close to me via her waist ..

I was kissing her while roaming my hand on her belly .. I can feel it .. it is delicate , milky and soft ..

And soon we broke the kiss .. we both are panting like a hell …

” Why are you ignoring me .. ” I directly asked her ..

Riddhima : ” I don’t want to make you uncomfortable .. I thought it was just the flow .. nothing else … ” she spoke more like whispering while all the time her head was low down …

” You are and will always be silly .. Dumbo .. ” And peck her lips .. while she smiles shyly …

Riddhima : ” Ok .. now let me go .. I have wake up that devil .. which is sleeping till now … ” Now this is annoying ..

” Sweetheart .. why are you hell bend on making my angel a devil .. ” I made a pout while she giggles ..

Riddhima : ” Is it .. then you yourself .. do that .. ” said on a serious note ..

” Ok .. I accept .. ” then I stood up but ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh .. at least put me down .. ” Yeah .. actually I am still holding her in my arms ..

” No sweetheart … Let it be .. I can carry you .. your not that heavy .. Hain but much then my angel .. ” while I started moving toward our rooms …

Riddhima : ” Huh ?? .. Vansh she is just 8 month .. while I am 25 .. don’t you get the difference .. ” she asked with a pout .. while a laughed at her expression …

Riddhima: ” You do one thing .. put me down .. down .. I said down .. ” she literally pounding .. if by chance I loosen the grip .. she will directly kiss the ground ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh .. put me down .. ” she shouted at the top of lungs .. with eyes closed … So I just dropped her ..

Riddhima : ” Ouch .. Vansh why you let me fall .. huh ?? .. ” O man … I think it was just she who asked me do so ..

” Sweetheart you , yourself asked me .. ” and every next moment I got scolding from her ..

Riddhima : ” So will you do this .. you know.. now you don’t care of me .. I will go my house .. and you stay here with this devil .. aannhh ” and started crying …

Vansh : ” Sweetheart sorry .. I am dumb plz .. let me get one chance .. ”

Riddhima ( childish ) : ” First give me a kiss .. ” , ” huh ?? .. ” I asked her in disbelief .. while she nodded ..

And captured my lips .. and without any teaser she started biting my lower lip .. which lead to open my lips .. then she entered her tongue .. while I too played with her .. And after a long time we separated … I never knew she was this bold ..

Riddhima : ” Now what are you staring .. make her up .. ” said pointing toward the cuddle ..

I silently moved toward my angel …

Aww she was looking so cute .. and here she wants to make aayu up .. I turned to her ..

” Sweetheart she is so small .. why you want me do a sin by disturbing her sleep .. ” while she raised her eyebrows ..

Riddhima : ” I asked to wake her not to lecture me .. do As I say .. ” and started shooting angry glares to me ..

Taking a deep breath I took her in arms .. and sat on the bed .. slowly waking her .. or you can say acting like ..

” Aayu .. angel wake up .. aayu .. ” I said slowly patting her back .. while I glance at Riddhima who’s eyes were filled by rage …

I gulped .. And shouted little which made her wake up .. while she started crying ..

” I am sorry angel .. your mamma forced .. ” I mummured to her .. but she hell bent on crying …

That’s when Riddhima took her in her arms and faced back me .. looks like she is feeding her …

After that she took her the bathroom … And locked it .. I slowly kept my ears on the door .. to listen what she up to .. ( Vansh Started spying too 😳 )

That’s when I heard the sound of shower .. O how stupid I am she took her for the shower ….



After a while she came out with her … While my angel was smiling ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh get ready we have to hospital .. For her vaccination .. ”

Vaccination … To my angel .. O No …

I quickly stood up ..

Vansh : ” We are not going … ”

So do you think that his words gonna work Infront of riddhima ..

Let’s see in next chapter ..

Till next chapter bye ..

Stay safe and continue reading my ff 😜 ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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