My love (Riansh) (Immj2) Chapter 9

Authors pov ..

Riddhima : ” What !! .. ”

Vansh : ” yes .. we are not going .. and that’s final .. ”

Riddhima ( confused ) : ” Vansh but what’s the reason .. ” and stood up with Vanya in her arms .. who was playing with her nuptial chain ..

Vansh : ” Riddhima .. they will inject her .. it’s .. it’s very painful .. so it’s cancel .. ” while riddhima’s jaw was drop ..

Riddhima ( firm ) : ” Vansh aayu is a baby and a baby needs to be vaccinated , to build their immunity strong .. ”

Vansh ( worried ) : ” Still riddhima .. my angel is a cotton ball .. the injection is so dangerous .. “

Riddhima : ” Vansh listen it’s needed for every kids .. so we are going and that’s final .. and no more talk or you will won’t go with us … ” and dashed out of the room with Vanya .. while Vansh took a deep breath and choose to follow them ..

( Who’s decision got final Vansh or riddhima 😎 )



At hospital ..

Vansh was praying all the way that somehow this vaccination just get postponed or more better cancel ..

If he could do something he would have vainshed this hospital right now , or would have turned it into ash .. but to his disappointment his wife is been the biggest wall in between …

That’s was the time when a nurse arrived ..

Nurse : ” Vanya Rai Singhania .. ” asked him .. and to his luck riddhima is been to washroom .. this was the only time .. to do something ..

Vansh ( happily ) : ” Sorry .. I don’t know any Vanya .. and .. ” , ” VANSH !!! .. ” growled riddhima from back .. which terrified Vansh at the core ..

Riddhima took a step near them …

Riddhima ( to nurse ) : ” Aa .. we will be in a minute .. ” and as soon the nurse left , riddhima turn to him , while Vansh gulp ..

Riddhima ( angrily ) : ” What was that Vansh .. huh ?? .. ” while Vanya giggles .. who was in her arms ..

Vansh ( stammer ) : ” Woh .. Woh .. riddhima they are calling let’s go .. ” and ran out off the her eyes ..

While riddhima sighs and and took her steps to the doctor’s cabin … Where Vansh was already present …

Riddhima : ” Doctor .. you can start .. ” making Vanya lay on the bed ..

Doctor : ” Aa Mrs. Rai Singhania .. Vanya is too small .. you can bring her another day .. I don’t think it’s needed .. and infact her immunity is strong enough .. ” removing the sweat buds from his forehead .. while Vansh was standing with a bright smile on his face but he soon hide it ..

But to their bad luck this was already caught by our eagle eyes riddhima ..

Vansh : ” sweetheart I already told you now let’s go .. ” and was about to pick Vanya when ..

Riddhima : ” Doctor .. can I know the words from which he threatened you .. ” while that’s was it .. Vansh was all numb ..

Getting all the assurity from Riddhima that Vansh won’t do anything .. doctor started explaining all the things …



The doctor was in his cabin while checking Vanya’s file .. about which

dose of injection should he give ..

When vansh dashed in and without any warning ..

He held his collar and said him or you can say threaten him ..

Vansh : ” If you dare to give any of the injection to my angel .. I will rip you off .. and very well how am I .. Vansh Rai Singhania .. so think wisely ..

Your this hospital will be vanished in air and no one will ever doubt .. mark my words .. ” and as the doctor is very well aware of Vansh Rai Singhania .. he Silently nodded ..



Now there is a dead silence in the cabin .. which could be only broke by riddhima and so it happens ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh I don’t want any burst out here .. so silently move out from the cabin .. ” while Vansh did so .. he moved out without any other word ..

He was pacing here and there when he heard a slight cry from the cabin which is not unfamiliar to him ..

While the door clicks revealing riddhima .. As soon he saw Vanya crying bitterly , he immediately took her in his arms pacifying her … On which riddhima could not resist smiling …

Later when they where about to wake out of the hospital .. they came across a unfamiliar voice calling Riddhima ..

As soon they turn .. to get face to face him .. that man immediately hug riddhima making Vansh super angry .. while riddhima was shocked by this act ..

While riddhima pushed that man when her trance got broke ..

Riddhima : ” Who the hell are you .. ” said in stern tone ..

Man : ” Uffo .. riddhima you don’t remember me .. that’s not fair .. Aaa let it be .. where were you this many years .. ” asked making super confuse both , riansh ..

Riddhima : ” See I don’t know you ?? .. and how come you know my name .. ?? ”

Man : ” Oo .. riddhima it’s me .. Rishi your college friend yarr .. who was a nerd .. ” that’s when Riddhima … recover all her past memory ..

Riddhima ( thinking ) : ” O yeah !! .. Rishi the topper .. OMG .. you are doctor now .. Well that is excepted but see you are so handsome now .. ” staring him from head to toe ..

Rishi ( flirty ) : ” And what about you riddhima .. you was and is the most beautiful women .. not even changed a bit .. ” while she hits him playfully ..

While Vansh , even Vanya seems like alien between them … But Vansh has to make them aware of his existence ..

Vansh : ” Emmm .. sweetheart you know him .. ” while rishi was cube less .. as if WHO THE HELL IS HE ?? ..

But keeping his thoughts aside he decided to ask him directly and spoke before riddhima could answer ..

Rishi : ” And may I know .. who are you .. ” said with a stern tone ..

Which really irked Vansh .. and before this cold war turned into a world war .. riddhima interrupted ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh relax .. Vansh he is Rishi my colleague ( pointing towards to Rishi ) , and rishi he Vansh my husband .. ( to Vansh ) ” and that was it .. Vansh was in cloud of nine while rishi’s face was pale by now .. on which Vansh smirk extending his hand to him ..

Vansh ( smirk ) : ” Hello Dr. Rishi .. ” while rishi replica to him but with a fake smile ..

Riddhima : ” Ok and rishi this my cotton ball .. our daughter Vanya urf aayu .. ” said taking Vanya in her arms ..

While this time rishi genuinely smile ..

Rishi : ” Hii !! Aayu .. can I be your buddy .. Hain ?? .. ” on which she smiles and claps her hands ..

Then Riddhima and Rishi bid their farewell .. or you can say Vansh forced her ..



In riansh bedroom ..

Riddhima was playing with Vanya .. while Vansh was having a shower ..

Vansh’s pov ..

Aaaaaa .. I am damn irritated .. why that good for nothing rishi came ..

Why all the problems are stored for me god .. Let it be .. ( shrugging off )

Then I quickly closed the tab and wrapped a towel around my lower abdomen and moved out ..

Only to witness a beautiful scenery ..

Riddhima was playing with Vanya .. No .. she was doing something but what ?? ..

I sat on the bed and asked her ..

” Sweetheart what are doing .. ” I asked the every next moment ..

Riddhima : ” I doing baby massage .. ” and rubs her nose in my angel tummy .. on which she giggles ..

While my angel again started playing with her toe .. my little cotton ball ..

Riddhima : ” Because my baby had an injection and after massaging she will feel less pain and will have a good sleep .. Hain mela bachha .. ” she was talking with her ..

She stood up while my angel was in her arms and placed her in cuddle ..

Now this my time .. before she step to the bed … I pulled her towards me .. due to she lands on my lap ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh what is this ?? .. ” She uttered in shock ..

” Oo sweetheart .. you played with your baby na .. now I will play with mine .. ” I said caressing her hairs ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh .. ” and before she could complete I took her lips in mine ..

Taking it deep and deeper .. and then I pulled her towards me .. while I slid my hands in her nighty .. roaming it from her waist to belly and last to her br*ast ..

So hope you all don’t mind if I keep the next chapter mature ..

Till next part bye ..

Stay safe and continue reading my ff 😜 …


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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