My Obsessed Husband #Riansh (Chapter-19)


Riddhima’s POV starts:-

When I got up with a jolt seeing such a strange dream. Why I saw that dream? I should call dreams as my best friend not Aryan. Then I saw Vansh on the floor what is he doing over there in early morning he was shouting in pain. Was he sleeping on couch and because of my shout he fell from there?

Oh no, what I did, he must be hurt now. I went to him and gave him my hand to get up as soon as he asked me. No wait, he is the Great Vansh Raisinghania do he need my help, really?

I was laughing at him and he, he shouted on me and his shout was as if he was really too angry but when he burst out laughing. Ohh, so he was joking but I was really scared. Even I joined him and after a while he again shouted in pain.

I helped him sit on the couch, and asked him why he was sleeping over here while passing the antiseptic. He instead of directly answering the question took me for a roller coaster. I feel pity on his employees how they must be handling him. No wait, why they will be the one to handle him. According to Aryan’s research Angre had to listening to his horror voice.

His voice is like yeah when I saw a horror movie with Roshni that day, when that girl shouted after watching that soul in front of her, his shout is like that only. After a lot of questioning session. I left to get ready.

I was roaming in the corridor after having the lunch as after 1 hour, we need to leave. Aryan came in front of me out of nowhere. He asked me do I need his help, why will I need his help and for what? I can walk even and we aren’t going by walking. Don’t tell me, being a multi-billionaire he is going to make me travel till there by walking. That’s not even possible I’ll die in the middle only and I don’t want to die this soon.

Aryan then said that he was talking about Angre. Angre why? I turned around and saw them engrossed in a file while Angre was carefully listening to his orders, why is he following his always like this? He came to me and eyed Aryan and me. I burst out laughing after watching Angre but when none joined I stopped that was really embarrassing.

Riddhima’s POV ends:-

Aryan’s POV starts:-

I was putting some of my men after Saanvi and her mother. Don’t know what they will plan now already they are psycho. Government should keep these people under strict observation they can get these type of attacks anytime.

I saw Riddhima coming from front playing with her bangles. I thought to tease her, I went to her and got the surprise. Oh my God, she is getting intelligent by staying with my brother, Good. I then asked she need my help. You know I’m 100 % aware what’s going to happen there. I can see the future, but let’s keep it as the secret. I then saw Angre who was carefully listening to bhai’s order while following him. Riddhima started laughing, what happened to her now? On asking she pointed at them and Oh they. Bhai after that was about to take her when Mom called her. He left and I saw him leaving.

I need to give her a danger alert. I stopped her and was talking when mom called her. I heard Bhai’s voice and before he could see her she left to the dining hall. Now I’ll have to face him.

Aryan’s POV ends:-

Author’s POV:-

Aryan turned around and saw Vansh questioning look.

Aryan: I have done more than a bit.

Aryan said while trying to form a proper sentence.

Vansh: But What?

Vansh asked confused

Aryan: Parties bhai, I guess now I should focus on company even.

Aryan said and saw a shocked reaction on his face.

Vansh: Had you taken your lunch? I mean if you are hungry then go and eat something as I think your hunger is now reaching to your brain.

Vansh said and patted on his shoulder.

Aryan: Bhai I’m serious.

Aryan said trying to be serious.

Vansh: Great then, as I’m going you’ll help Angre in the work. Anyway where is Riddhima?

Vansh asked and he pointed towards the dining hall where he saw his mom and Riddhima talking to each other he moved to them.

Aryan: That’s called hitting one’s own feet, Idiot.

He said hitting himself and followed Vansh to dining hall where they saw Riddhima and Uma talking about something. They reached there and saw Uma glaring.

Uma: Are you both my daughter-in-law?

Both looked at each other and then at her shook their head.

Uma: Then why you both came over here.

She said while Riddhima was controlling her laugh.

Aryan: I came to take this, apple. I learnt in school that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Aryan said picking up an apple and showing it to them.

Uma: Thank God you learnt something. I thought it was useless to send you to school.

She said and then looked at Vansh.

Uma: Why you came? To take oranges and what does it helps to keep away.

She asked raising her eyebrows.

Vansh: No, I came to take Riddhima. Actually packing is still left.

He said and looked at her.

Riddhima: But I did that, bags are kept there only.

Riddhima said and saw him squeezing his eyes as if he was lying then.

Uma: So now anymore excuses or the list is over.

Uma said and looked at him while Aryan interrupted in middle.

Aryan: No mom, the list just begun.

He said while taking a bite of the apple and got the glare of Vansh.

Uma: Riddhima, go and get ready.

Riddhima nodded and left. Vansh was about to leave when Angre came in middle.

Vansh: Now what Angre?

He said totally frustrated.

Angre: Boss actually that meeti……….

He was interrupted by Vansh in the middle.

Vansh: Angre I’ll talk later about this.

Vansh said and left to his room while Angre tried to stop him but surrendering left when he saw him taking a turn. He threw his hands in air murmuring.

Angre: But boss, you are going on honeymoon. How will you see this matter?

He said and was leaving when he heard Aryan’s voice.

Aryan: You know what, Angre I should give your name in some book for being the most boring person of the world.

He said smiling and munching on his apple.

Angre: You know what, Aryan I should give your name in some book for being the freest person of the world.

He said and looking at Aryan’s glare.

Angre: Wait, I heard you saying to boss that you’ll help me in his absence. So before he orders me let me give you some work.

He said and looked at him who was shocked.

Aryan: Wrong, Very very wrong.

He said and threw the leftover of apple in the dustbin.

Angre: What’s wrong?

Angre asked confused by his question.

Aryan: Eavesdropping, you can’t listen to our talk.

Aryan asked trying to save him from work.

Angre: I wasn’t eavesdropping actually at that time I was just crossing so I heard you. If you have issue come I’ll ask boss.

Angre told and moved when Aryan pulled him back.

Aryan: Ooh…….If we went now he’ll kill us…..Leave them. You can ask later Bye……

He said and left as soon as he found Angre distracted.


Vansh entered in his room and didn’t found Riddhima there, he looked around and heard the voice of water from washroom. He sat on the bed scrolling through his phone.

Riddhima came out wearing red net salwar suit. Seeing him engrossed in his phone she slowly moves to the dressing table.

Vansh didn’t noticed her moving and was looking at the door after every min. He got up and was about to knock when he heard a low voice from his back. He turned around and was shocked to see her there.

He moved to her and pat her on her hand making her look at him.

Vansh: You were in washroom. How you came here and when?

He asked confused and looked at her face.

Riddhima: By walking and just 2-3 minutes before.

She said and picked up her earring.

Vansh: What are you trying to do?

He asked pocketing his hands.

Riddhima: I’m trying to wear them.

Riddhima said and pointed at them.

Vansh: I’m talking about what are you trying to do since morning?

Vansh asked and kept his two fingers on his lips questioning her.

Riddhima: What am I doing?

Riddhima asked confused.

Vansh: Are you ignoring me?

He asked still standing in the same position.

Riddhima: And why will I do that?

Riddhima asked confused while continuing her dress up.

Vansh: No, I’m noticing since morning.

Vansh said and raised his eyebrows.

Riddhima:When I ignored you? I didn’t.

Riddhima told and completed her dress up.

Vansh was again about to say something when a knock disturbed him. He went and saw Angre standing there.

Vansh: What Angre?

Vansh asked on watching him there again.

Angre: Boss, actually car is ready and we need to leave.

Vansh nodded and as soon as Angre left he closed the door and taking his clothes from the cupboard left to washroom.

Riddhima came down and saw Uma ordering the servants something. She smiling moved to Aryan who was playing a video game and stood beside him.

Aryan: Oh Hi Bhabhi.

Aryan said looking up and then again turned back to game.

Riddhima: Hii….

She said a bit bored.

Aryan: What happened? Why are you saying like this?

Aryan asked keeping his game in his pocket.

Riddhima: At home my whole day used to went in doing some work and over here I don’t get a single work to do.

Riddhima told making a sulking face.

Aryan: You should be happy and you are sad here.

Aryan asked confused by her reaction.

Riddhima: I’m feeling bored.

Riddhima told him and saw him hitting his head.

Aryan: You are here just for 15 minutes so chill and sit here and see the view.

Aryan told her and made her sit there on the sofa and pointed at Uma.

Riddhima: Which view?

Riddhima asked confused.

Aryan: See mom’s reaction when she’ll scold any servant. She looks cute. See that and I’ll come after attending this call.

He said and showed his phone to her.

Riddhima: Whose call?

Riddhima asked confused by the name.

Aryan: Bhai’s secretary. She must have called to give some flight details. Bye…

He said and left from there before telling her.

Aryan: Riddhima offer is still on and I’m sure you’ll need my help.

He said and left without waiting for her answer.

Riddhima: He is going to flirt with her now.

She said there looking around.


Vansh came down after 10 minutes and saw Riddhima sitting on the couch alone. He looked around and saw everyone was busy in something. He moved to her when Angre again came in between.

Vansh: Angre now what you want?

Vansh asked frustrated by his every time appearance.

Angre: Sorry boss, actually there is a meeting.

Angre told while taking out a blue color file.

Vansh: Angre, I told na I’ll do all the meetings later.

Angre was again about to say something but till then Vansh had already left.

Angre: Now what will you do, Angre?

He murmured to himself and left from there to see other arrangements.

Vansh came to Riddhima and was about to say something when again someone interrupted him. He looked up to see driver.

Driver: Sir, Car is ready.

Vansh nodded and then again looked at Riddhima. Until then all had arrived there.

After bidding them a bye both of them left while Angre went to leave them till airport.


After boarding there private jet, both were sitting there looking at everything except each other.

Riddhima was enjoying the outside view of the high mountains which were covered with white snow. She wasn’t used to this luxurious life. It was really very difficult for her to be so calm while travelling in the plane for the first time. A smile crept on her face as she saw a flock of birds in front of her eyes flying.

She then kept her head on the seat side and enjoyed the view, when she drifted into a deep slumber.

After a while when Vansh saw her sleeping he pulled her slowly towards himself and closed his eyes.


Hope you liked the chapter …………

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Next Chapter will be soon here…..

Sorry for any grammatical mistake……..


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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