My Obsessed Husband #Riansh (Chapter-26)


Author’s POV:-

Riddhima looked at Vansh lying on the bed in front of her. She saw his hand which was covered by arm sling as the bullet had passed through his shoulder. She was continuously looking at him without blinking her eyes.

Vansh: Riddhima, I know I look handsome while sleeping but that doesn’t mean you’ll keep on staring me.

He said and she looked at his face but neither had she showed any expression nor sad a word to him.

Vansh: What are you thinking about?

He asked and as she heard his question, she just shook her head in no and getting was about to leave when he held her hand. She turned around and looked at him.

Vansh: Say it Riddhima.

He asked and she sat back on the chair in front of the bed.

Riddhima: Vansh, what are we doing here when doctor had said to keep you under observation few days?

She asked and looked as he held her hand and pulling it to his lips, kissed on them.

Vansh: Riddhima, I had asked him to discharge me as I thought it would be uncomfortable for you to stay over there and See I’m completely fine.

He said holding her hand close to his heart. She was about to say something when he held his arm and let out a shriek in pain making her panic.

Riddhima: Vansh, are you okay?

When he didn’t said anything, she got tensed.

Riddhima: Let me call the doctor.

She said and moved to leave when he tightened his hold on her hand. She looked at him.

Riddhima: You were acting.

She asked as she saw him laughing holding his arms.

Vansh: Look at yourself, how easily you got scared.

He said and looked at her face and saw her aghast by his behavior. She looked around the room trying to cover up her emotions.

Vansh: Riddhima, I’m sorry.

He said and she held his hand by which he was holding her wrist and removed it.

Riddhima: Its ok, I’ll bring your lunch.

Saying so she left the room leaving him alone. Picking up his phone, he dialed to Angre.

Vansh’s POV starts:-

As soon as I got to know that she had brought me here, and Angre had asked to drive. I felt like to kill Angre, how can he ask her to drive when he was aware that even she had been drugged for so long. If anyhow she would have lost her senses or we would have met with an accident then?

I need to talk to Angre, so I took the discharge from doctor. But it was really very difficult as he was hell bent to keep me under observation. Now who will tell him that one bullet can’t harm the Vansh Raisinghania and on the other side I can’t keep my wife over here and that too in a different room away from me under the gaze of thousand people. Hell that’s not going to happen ever.

Leaning to the bed post I saw Riddhima leaving the room, she is angry for my behavior. But I had just tried to cheer up her mood. I dialed to Angre and waited for him to pick it up.

Vansh’s POV ends-:

Author’s POV:-

Riddhima came to the hall, with her red nose showing she was angry. Moving to the kitchen, she peeped in to look around if someone was there. That incident had scared her like hell, but taking up her courage she went in. Looking around she found many servants busy in their own work making her feel as if they are ignoring her.

Shrugging her thoughts she was going to keep the pan on the gas stove, just when she heard someone phone’s ringing. Scared she looked around to find no one was there. Leaving the pan there only she followed the direction from where the sound was coming. Coming to the hall, she saw the landline phone ringing. Thinking for several time, she finally picked it up.

Riddhima: Hello.

As soon as she said with low voice, she took a deep breath.

Aryan: Riddhima, thank god it’s you. Where is your damn phone?

He asked her angrily and she looked at her hand to not find her phone anywhere.

Riddhima: I guess it’s in the room.

She said and looked up at their room’s door reminiscing about Vansh getting hit by the bullet.

Aryan: And where are you?

She heard his irritated tone, confusing her the reason of him talking to her in that tone as he never did.

Riddhima: I came to prepare lunch for Vansh. Why?

She asked to know the reason of him using this tone which wasn’t liked by her.

Aryan: Bring your phone from your room and call me. I want to talk to you something urgently.

Saying so next moment he disconnected the call without waiting for her to say something. She silently came back to her and was about to enter when she heard Vansh shouting.


As soon as Angre picked up his phone.

Angre: Hello boss. Are you okay now?

He said only to rise his anger to another level.

Vansh: Do hell with that. How dare you to ask Riddhima to drive even on knowing she was kidnapped and was drugged? Why you didn’t allowed her to call the ambulance?

He asked him and Angre knew he need to give a perfect reason or his life would be at stake.

Angre: Boss Ahaan was there only, if anyhow ambulance would have come there then it would have been a police case and as you were unconscious so I thought why to stuck bhabhi in police cases over there all alone to asked bhabhi to drive.

Vansh clutched tightened his grip on his phone.

Vansh: Still Angre, I wouldn’t have left you alive if she would ha…..

Before he could continue, he saw Riddhima at the door step. Disconnecting the call, he kept his phone at the side table. She entered in and looking around saw her phone on sofa.

After picking up her phone, she came and stood in front of Vansh. Arranging the pillows comfortably on the bed she made him lie down and picked up his phone.

Vansh: Why are you taking my phone?

He asked her confused.

Riddhima: Because I don’t want Angre to hear your nonsense.

She said to him with a smile and left from there. He passed a smirk at her retreating figure.

Vansh: After all she is my wife, this much attitude is normal.

He said and closed his eyes with a smile on his face, reminiscing her face.

Riddhima came to the kitchen and dialing to Aryan kept it between her ears and shoulder while with other hand she kept the pan on the gas stove.

Riddhima: I did, now say.

She asked and released a deep breath.

Aryan: Now you tell me, Angre said you to drive and you did? Can’t you call the ambulance? For god sake anyhow, if you would have lost your consciousness in the way and it would have happened worst then?

He said while his tone was increasing with every word.

Riddhima: Aryan, calm down. Nothing has happened to me. And don’t worry Angre was telling it in a calm and good way.

Riddhima said trying to calm him down as she knew his anger it was completely visible when he was beating them, but the anger she saw in Vansh’s eyes was making her confused. She knew he loves her, his behavior was telling it perfectly but his way to show it, it was not right.

Aryan: Leave all that, how are you now and bhai?

Aryan asked making her come out of her thoughts.

Riddhima: We are fine now, He was kept under observation for yesterday only but don’t know why Vansh took discharge today only even when doctor had said to keep him under observation for few days more?

She said with a frown and getting drowned in the thoughts, how he convinced that doctor.

Aryan: Riddhima, stop thinking so much. Bhai must be feeling awkward there or due to other things. Don’t worry and tell me when are you both coming back?

Aryan asked eagerly and she remembered that they even need to go back. A smile crept on her face.

Riddhima: I’ll ask him and will let you know.

She said and bidding him a bye she disconnected the call. Taking the tray in her hand, she moved back to her room.

Entering in she saw him looking at the blank table and being in some deep thoughts that she felt her presence didn’t affected him. She came and stood in front of him, he looked up at her and a big smile easily came on his lips.

Getting up he sat straight and holding her hand pulled her to sit in front of him. She looked at his face as he kept the plate on the table and slowly snaking his arms around her waist, pulled her close to him making her breath hitched. She tried not to hold his shoulder for support but her hand automatically held his right shoulder by which he pulled her.

She looked as he came close to her and moving to her ears, inhaling a deep breath filled his nostrils with her scent.

Vansh: I’m sorry for that joke.

He whispered and being so close to her ears, she felt few deep sensations passing through her nerves. Being close to him wasn’t the first time for her, but each time he made her feel a new sensations arising in herself. She wanted to say him that it was ok but their proximity made her engulf her own words.

Coming back to her face, he looked into her eyes and moving to her forehead kissed her. She closed her eyes feeling his beard piercing through her delicate skin and making her blush. Holding her hand, he moved back and sat straight looking at her face.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. Looking around, she picked up the tray kept on the table and taking a deep breath held the spoon. She was about to fed him when he held her hand and made himself had it while perfectly holding her wrist in his grip making her to hold her breath. She looked at his face and removed his hold gently not to hurt him.

After feeding themselves that not so tasty soup, she got up and was about to leave the room to keep the plates. When she turned back hearing her name coming out of his mouth.

Vansh: My phone.

He said and she nodding passed him his phone. After keeping the plates, when she came back she saw him indulged in deep thought. His looks were making her eager to know what was making him think so much.

Riddhima: What are you thinking so deeply?

He heard her and he smirked, as for the first time she had genuinely asked him the reason of him thinking about something.

Vansh: Nothing. Btw can you pick up that fourth file?

He asked her and she turning back saw the piles of files arranged on the bookshelf. She picked it up and was about to move to him when she changing the direction kept the file on the top shelf and passed him a smile.

Vansh: What? Give it.

She heard him and coming to bed sat on her side.

Riddhima: Look at the time, you need to rest right now.

He heard her and she made him lie down. He was thinking to take her in his arms but his arm sling wasn’t helping in it. Closing his eyes frustrated, he tried to sleep.

After around an hour, his irritation reached to its peak.

Vansh: Riddhima…

He said softly murmuring her name and saw her sleeping peacefully. He called out her name again with a bit high


He truly yelled, making her get up with a jerk. She looked around trying to find the reason of him waking her up. Then she looked at him.

Vansh: I’m not able to sleep, come on the other side of the bed.

He said and saw her giving him are-you-serious look. Giving her a please look, he saw her coming. As she came and laid on the other side, she thought him to move on the other side of the bed but when he asked her to lift her head. She did and putting his hand under head, he made her turn around towards him cuddling with her.

She looked up at his face shocked, being hurt with that bullet. Since morning he was pulling out different stunts, first asking that doctor to give him discharge, then he again and again pulling her so easily and effortlessly as if he wasn’t hurt at all and there was no pain. She saw a satisfactory smile on his face after she was sleeping in his arms.

Shrugging all her thoughts to be just her assumption, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath.


Aryan looked at the file while taking the pen in his mouth. He looked up to see Aadhya yawning but adjusting herself she took a deep breath and again tried to focus on her work.

Aryan: Aadhya, come I’ll drop you. We can do rest of the work tomorrow.

He said gaining her attention. She opened and closed her mouth trying to form a sentence.

Aadhya: No sir, there is no need. I’ll call the cab and there is little work left, I will go home after doing that.

She said and kept the laptop on her lap. Thinking for a while, he agreed to her as he don’t want to make her uncomfortable. He left from there.

After half-an-hour, packing her bag. Aadhya moved out of the cabin to see no one was around, everyone had already left. Obviously, it was too late and just because of that important meeting which is going to be held tomorrow they had to work for so long. Coming to the lift, she was about to press the button when she felt someone walking into Aryan’s cabin.

She figured it out to be someone from office staffs or watchmen who came to check if everyone had left or not. But realization hit her when she remembered that he had already checked it and what he said to her.

“Ma’am I had checked all the cabin only you are left here. So please before leaving can you lock this door and inform me?”

She remembered and got out of the lift clutching her hand bag in a tight grip, looking around. Moving back towards Aryan’s cabin, she felt her heart beat increasing with every step she took. Holding the door knob, she turned it and peeped in. She was about to get in when she felt someone hand around her mouth, before she could turn around and see who it was. Something hits on her head and she was only able to see black spots forming in front of her vision.

Aryan who was waiting inside his car, to see if she had reached her home or not. He panicked when it was about an hour, she didn’t came out. Moving out of his car, he moved to the watchmen.

Aryan: Did Aadhya came out?

He asked when he saw watchmen getting up with a jerk.

Watchmen: No sir, even I had asked ma’am to tell me when she’ll leave. So that I can close the door but she didn’t came out for so long.

Aryan ran back inside the office. Opening the door, with a huge jerk. He was about to get in the lift, when the lights went out. Getting out, he chose to go with on the staircase. Climbing two stairs at a time, he finally reached to the floor. He moved back to his cabin, to find it to be locked.

Frustrated he ruffled his hand through his hairs messing them. Moving around the cabin, he finally remembered to call her. As he did, and anger rose when he heard her phone to be switched off. He was again about to move back to the ground floor, when he saw her lying unconscious in the lift with her dress in the revealing state. He rushed to her and lifted her up not trying to hurt her.

Coming back he made her sit on the chair, patting her cheeks softly he whispered her name trying to wake her up.

Aryan: Aadhya….

He said continuously and when nothing happened he moved to the cafeteria and picking up the water bottle, he came back to her and sprinkled water droplets on her. As soon as chilled water made its contact with her eyes, she slightly opened her eyes and saw him sitting in front of her knees.

Before she could say anything to him, he forwarded the water and made her drink it. She gulped it down slowly while looking at him.

Aryan: What are you doing here?

He asked angrily and threw the bottle in some of the corner.

Aadhya: Sir, I was leaving only just when I saw someone over there and just came to check who it was but after that I didn’t remembered what happened.

She said and pointed towards his cabin. He looked behind and saw it to be closed, frustration was clearly visible on his face. He removed his coat and making her wear it, lifted her up from the chair.

She was shocked, but didn’t said anything. Walking to the dark corridor, Aryan heard a low sound of hitting something but didn’t turned back thinking to be Aadhya’s safety as his first priority. Coming out he saw her face in the moonlight, dried blood patches were formed on her head but didn’t said anything to her.

Eyeing the watchmen, he moved to his car and made her sit comfortably. She looked as he came and sat on the driver’s seat. He started driving while Aadhya was looking out at the passing trees.

Aryan: Now tell why you went back?

He asked breaking her view.

Aadhya: Sir, I just went to check who it was. But after that I just remember someone’s shadow walking by and I loosing conscious.

She said and waited for him to say something but she saw him lost in his own thoughts. Keeping her head on the seat, she looked in front.

Slowly and gradually she felt her eyes getting heavy. Aryan looked at her side and found her trying hard to be steady. Speeding up the car suddenly, he saw her getting up with a jerk.

After a while, he stopped the car in front of the Mansion. She looked out to find herself in VR Mansion.

Aryan: Tonight you’ll staying over here, I’ll ask mom about that. And I don’t want any type of argument on this.

He said and led the car inside. Stopping the car, in front of the mansion. He looked at Aadhya, she clutched the sides of his coat. He came out and picked her up gently. She looked at him as he pressed the doorbell.

After a while, she saw the door opening and a women standing in front of her.

Uma: Aryan, look at the time. Is this the time to come home?

Her eyes fell on Aadhya and on seeing her messed up condition, she led him in.

Aryan: Mom, can you stay with Aadhya tonight? she is my secretary and she is hurt. Already it’s too late so I thought to bring her here.

He said and she smiling nodded at him. Aryan led her to the guest room and slowly made her sit on the bed. Moving to the drawer, he took out the first aid box. After dressing her wound, he passing her a smile left from there to let her have her dinner.

She was delighted by his behavior and a smile came on her lips.


Riddhima opened her eyes listening to the phone’s ringtone. She turned around and saw herself in Vansh’s arms. His grips were making her muscles tensed. She tried to remove it but instead he woke up. Looking around he saw her struggling so he removed his grip from her to let her sleep comfortably.

Riddhima passed him his phone when it again rang as he saw her moving to the washroom. He smiled on seeing Aryan calling him.

Vansh: Good morning Aryan.

He said softly but frowned when he didn’t get anything in reply. Usually Aryan would reply in the most cheerful voice that could easily make anyone’s day best.

Vansh: What happened to you now? I didn’t freeze your card.

He said and again no response. His silence made him angry, he was about to shout when finally he heard his voice.

Aryan: Bhai someone is following me.

He said as if he got relived by making Vansh tensed.

Vansh: Who?

He asked completely unknown to what he was saying.

Aryan: I said someone that means I don’t know. I felt like that.

He said munching on the apple.

Vansh: Ask Angre to find out and take bodyguards with you.

Aryan just hummed and Vansh was about to disconnect the call

Aryan: When are you both coming back?

Aryan asked suddenly making Vansh frown.

Vansh: Why are you so concerned about that? Focus on your life.

Aryan heard and made weird faces copying Vansh.

Aryan: Bhai, Why you took discharge in just one day?

He asked making Vansh confused.

Vansh: Just a second, I didn’t told Angre even about this. How come you get to know?

He asked looking at the blank wall.

Aryan: Riddhima told me.

He said and Vansh tightened his grip on his phone.

Vansh: When did you and Riddhima talk?

He asked and looked at the washroom’s door.

Aryan: Yesterday.

He said and next second, Vansh disconnected the call without saying anything.

Leaning to the bed post, he closed his eyes. After a while, he heard clicking of bangles sound and opened his eyes, roaming them around the room saw her standing at the vanity drying up her hairs.

He looked at her and got down from the bed, moving close to her he stood just behind her while she was completely unaware of his presence. Getting up she saw him in the mirror, she was about to turn around to ask him about the reason of him standing there.

But he held her arm and stopped her to turn. She looked as he bent to pick up her mangalsutra. She saw his arm sling, so holding the other end of it she helped him made her wear it. Picking up a pinch of vermilion, he applied.

Vansh: Get ready and wait for me here, I’m coming.

He said and moving back picked up the file she was asked to bring last night. She saw him leaving the room without telling her anything more.

After around an hour, Riddhima who was pacing around the room felt a hand holding her wrist. She looked up to see Vansh he was still in his night dress.

Vansh: Change my bandage.

He said and sat on the bed. She was shocked by his statement but seeing his strong gaze on her with trembling hand she took the first aid box and keeping it beside her helped him remove his arm sling.

Gently removing his white shirt, she saw the bandage around his shoulder. Moving to the washroom, she came out with water in a bowl and a wet cloth. After she was done, he pulled her with him out of the room.

She looked at his face as he brought her out of the mansion, looking in front she saw guards standing at the gate with their heads bowed down. He made her sit in the car and got on driver seat, again shocking her.

Riddhima: Vansh, how will you drive you’re hurt?

He turned around her and eyed the seat belt, she looked at it and wore it.

Vansh: I can work with both of my hands. So don’t worry about that.

She blinked her eyes looking at him to believe that he is really an ambidextrous that’s why he was able to do everything so easily with the other hand. Driving the car, she was continuously trying to focus at something but her gaze was again and again moving to him.

Finally grabbing her phone, she thought to do something on it. Finally opening Aryan’s chat section. She was about to send him a message when she felt her phone flying in air, not actually it was Vansh who leaving the car’s steering snatched the phone from her.

Riddhima: Vansh, what are you doing?

She asked as she looked at him leaving the steering he kept the phone in his pocket. Then held the steering. Finally he stopped the car at a side. Looking around she saw nothing just snowfalls covered at the side while the deserted road as there was no vehicle around her.

Again looking at him, she saw him taking out her phone and moved it out of the window.

Vansh: You are not going to talk to Aryan until I gave you the permission or I’m going to throw this out.

He told looking straight into her eyes with a big smirk on her face. She blinked her eyes repeatedly trying to believe what he said.

Riddhima: Vansh, what are you saying? Are you turning insane?

She yelled at him, literally he was not joking he threw it out and without saying a word started driving leaving her jolted. She didn’t moved her eyes from his trying to digest what he just did. Did he really threw her phone just because he don’t want Aryan to talk to her? But why?

Licking her lips, she looked in front when he stopped the car in front of the other villa. She saw as he moved out, she really wanted to bang his head with the wall for throwing her phone like that only. Well it was actually none of her use, when she won’t be able to talk with Aryan.

Riddhima: But even I’m also Riddhima, let me also how will he stop me from talking to Aryan.


Hope you liked the chapter….

Do comment guys….

Sorry for any grammatical mistake…


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist đź’–đź’–đź’–

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