My Obsessed Husband #Riansh (Chapter-33)


Author’s POV:-

She saw the door of the study open so went there. Opening the door, she saw Vansh shot at his back while Ahaan was standing there. Her breath hitched seeing him.

Running to Vansh, she shook Vansh trying to wake him and saw him closing his eyes.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She yelled shaking him and looking at his wound.

Riddhima: Vansshh…

She yelled and heard him mumbling her name in a low voice but it was audible to her and suddenly he shouted her name, making her open her eyes.

Looking around, she saw Vansh standing in front of her tensed holding her arms. Getting up on the bed, she found herself to be in their room only. Looking at him, she hugged him instantly making him more tensed about her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist as she saw standing on the bed. Bending down, she engulfed him into a tight hug.

Riddhima: Don’t leave me ever, I-I can’t live without you.

Being scared she said it out easily but these words made his heart go for a marathon race. Placing a kiss on his forehead, she didn’t let him come out of the hug while she looked at the wall blankly.

Closing her eyes, she didn’t wished to even think about her dream. Whereas he was gently stroking her hairs making her calm down, he got tensed when she came out of the hug and looked at her face.

Vansh: Dream?

He asked in a simple word knowing this time she won’t need a long explanation. She nodded hearing his low voice. She saw as he broke the hug and placed her down on the bed although she didn’t wished to come out but then saw him taking her in his arms while he settled on the bedpost and by his wished closed the lights. She felt herself calming down and kept her head on his chest. 

He didn’t imagined her to calm down being in his arms. Looking at her face, he saw her tensed.

Vansh: What was the dream?

She heard him and looked up. He wiped her tears and placed a kiss on her cheeks. 

Riddhima: Nothing, I just saw you leaving me.

She said and again wrapped her arms around him tightly. He didn’t find it to be the perfect reason but still nodded. 

Looking at the moonlight falling on the floor of the room she recalled her actions, then she felt his protective arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand still on her back while she was sitting on his lap. Feeling it to be awkward, one side of her wished to come out of the hug and other was willing to stay there forever.

Not getting anything, she looked up at his face and saw him looking at her. She looked in his those deep oceanic black orbs, her eyes didn’t left his face. She wished to look at him forever, his eyes fixed with her. 

Moving from his eyes to his lips, she felt a new sensations in her body. His chilled hands seeping in through her top roaming on her bare waist, which made her to take deep breaths. She felt him pulling her to him and looking into her eyes. His lips curved into a smirk seeing her moving closer to his lips on her own, but on instant she turned away shattering his dreams with it. 

Heat rushed to her cheeks as she turned away. He looked at her blushing and smiled. Moving closer to her he placed a kiss on her cheeks.

Vansh: Let’s go for lunch.

He said and saw as she got down from his lap. He picked up his phone and looked as she left from there.

Vansh: I know now what I exactly have to do.

He said with a smirk and got down from the bed.



It was evening, Riddhima was roaming around the pool. When she felt someone’s figure towering over her. Turning back she looked at Vansh who was looking at her.

Riddhima: Vansh, you want anything?

She said and saw as he nodded, moving close to her he saw as she took a step back. As she was about to take another step, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She looked shocked at his attempt.

Riddhima: What do you want?

She asked confused.

Vansh: You.

He said and saw as she raised her eyebrows giving him a questioning gaze. Without saying a single word, he lifted her up in his arms.


Uma looked at Aryan who entered in the Mansion. She saw his disheveled state, while he was again and again shaking his head as if bringing himself back to earth. His shirt was coming out of his pants, tie hanging loose around his neck.

Uma: Aryan? From where are you coming?

She shouted moving to him and held him by his shoulder.

Aryan: I don’t know.

He said and saw her making a confused face.

Uma: Aryan, are you drunk?

She asked seeing his state.

Aryan: I don’t know.

He said and saw as she made him sit on the sofa.

Uma: What’s this ‘I don’t know’? Where were you?

She asked and gave him a glass of water.

Aryan: I said, I don’t know.

She saw as he gulped the glass.

Uma: It was your first time, right? Since when you started drinking?

He heard her and looked up at her.

Aryan: I don’t know.

He said and saw as she gritted her teeth.

Uma: I’ll give you a tight slap, if you repeated your ‘I don’t know’. Go and rest, I’ll send your dinner in your room.

She said leaving from there. He looked at his dad who was laughing at him.

Aryan: I’m not drunk.

He said looking at him sadly.

Ajay: Are you in love with someone?

His mouth wide opened hearing his father. Looking around, he didn’t got what to answer.

Ajay: She rejected you? It’s ok, that happens.

He said and looked as Ajay came and sat beside him keeping his hand around his shoulder.

Aryan: D-Dad?

He stammered and looked at Ajay shocked.

Ajay: Don’t worry, ok. Who was she? 

He asked and saw as Aryan removed his hands, getting up from there.

Aryan: I haven’t had a breakup. And who is going to refuse my charm?

He said adjusting his collar and was moving towards his room.

Ajay: Lucky one.

He said seeing his retreating figure.

Moving to his room, Aryan closed the door. His head started to hurt as he looked around his room.

Aryan: Where was I until now?

He said to himself and looked at himself in the mirror confused. 


Riddhima looked as Vansh brought her to the living room, she looked confused as his face was expressionless. 

Riddhima: What’s wrong with you? Why you brought me here?

She said and saw as he made her stand on her feet. She looked around to see the hall to be covered with darkness. She turned back and saw him nowhere.

Walking towards the place they came from, she searched for him. Suddenly her legs got entangled with the something and she was about to fall down when a strong grip came in front of her stomach, balancing her properly. Turning back, she looked at him.

Vansh: You don’t have patience, right?

He said making her stand. Tapping on the remote buttons, he lightened the hall. She saw the hall to be decorated and a huge board was placed in front of her. Reading it she turned back at him.

Riddhima: See even I told you that we’re over here from one month.

She said keeping her hands on her waist.

Vansh: Read it clearly Riddhima, it’s written ‘Happy One Month Anniversary!” not since when we are here. 

He said correcting her. She nodded passing him a smile, not willing to argue more.

Moving to the table, she looked at the cake placed in the center of the table with their photo in the center. A smile came on her lips as she saw the big photo frame kept on the sofa. Excited to look, what it was she moved towards it. 

Picking it up, she unfolded the ribbon and then removed the sheet with which it was covered. Her eyes widened seeing their photo frame. It was of their reception, she smiled. 

Turning back, she looked at him as he was on his knees with a rose in his hand. She felt goosebumps as she guessed it.

Riddhima: What are you doing, Vansh?

She mumbled and licked her lips as he looked at her. Bowing his head again in front of her.

Vansh: I love you. I really love you so much Riddhima. To that extent that you can’t even imagine. I don’t know how I fell in love with you, I just know I love you. I don’t want you to go anywhere leaving me, I want you beside me forever, for every second, every phase. I saw you for the first time, the thing I fell in love with was your eyes. Even they had a power to attract me towards you. Call it a destiny or a mere co-incidence but before I could think of searching you I got you. I know, I did wrong by marrying you forcefully I shouldn’t have behaved like that. But, when you ran away leaving me alone, I f-felt like someone killed me. I know it might be nonsense for you but since then I’m loving you to infinity. I love you, by your heart, by your soul, by your everything. 

I just want to soothe you when you have a nightmare. I just want to hold you when you are scared. Although, I won’t let anything happen to you. But if anything will pain you, I’ll destroy that pain without any second thought. I can’t say that I would let tears come into your eyes, but even if that happens. The next second, I would be there to hold you and wipe your tears. Every phase of my life I just want you to be beside me, I promise. Please accept me or I would die craving for you. 

She heard him and felt a shocks being given to her. Standing rotted there for few second, she tried to analyze whatever he said. Looking in her front, she felt her vision getting blur due to tears. 

Falling on her knees, she came to his level and looked at him. He looked up at her face and then saw as she came closer to him. Her hands trembled as she took the rose from him and kept it aside. He felt a pang in his heart thinking she was about to refuse him. Not wanting to hear a ‘NO’ from her he was about to go when she held his hand.

Riddhima: I’m ready to be with you forever. Just like birds make their own nest, I’m ready to make a nest with you. May be with time, may be by your care, I don’t know how, I just know I can’t stay without you even for a second now. I love you, Vansh. I’ll always be there beside you. You are right, I was mad at you for marrying me that time but that night, when you saved me from him. I gave it a thought and Aryan helped me to accept this relation. Even when you were shot, I had lost my senses as if you’ll leave me. I was scared that day. And since then only I love you.

She said and saw as he kept sitting in the same position for a while. After a while, he waved his hand in front of himself.

Vansh: Are you sure? Or Am I again day-dreaming?

She heard him and looked as he held her by her shoulder.

Riddhima: What?

She asked and felt as his broad hands got wrapped around her waist.

Vansh: Just confirming, Thank you so much. I love you too.

She smiled being in his embrace. Snuggling closer to him, she looked up at him to see the beautiful smile on his face.

Riddhima: BTW, Why were you confirming?

She asked and saw as he looked down.

Vansh: Nothing just like that, come get up.

He said and held her by her waist. Slowly holding her he left her only to confirm when her legs were ok, but getting up he felt nothing in his. She looked him holding his legs.

Riddhima: It’s hurting. Who asked you sit like that?

He heard her and thought she would care for him but she turned her face away.

Vansh: You didn’t told me before that it will hurt this much.

He said and held her hands for support, she chuckled hearing him.

Riddhima: Even you didn’t told me that you’ll propose me.

She said and saw as he finally stood straight. 

Vansh: Ohk fine. That’s it now…

Pulling her closer, he made her look at him. She looked as he caressed her cheek smoothly. Moving closer to her placed a kiss on her forehead and then travelling his lips from her forehead to her eyes, he kissed there, then her nose and then as he was he about to kiss her.

They heard his phone ringing. Moving apart, she saw as he took out his phone mumbling few curses. She rolled her eyes on seeing Angre’s name flashing on the screen.

Riddhima: Byee…

She said waving her hands to him as he actually moved to a corner for talking.


Coming to a corner, he connected the call and first thing was to shout on him.

Vansh: Angre, what do you want at this time?

He asked looking straight.

Angre: You. 

He said making him confused more.

Angre: I mean, boss please come back.

He said and took a deep breath.

Vansh: Why?

Vansh said frustrated hearing his words.

Angre: We can’t afford losing more deals boss. Aryan is a newcomer in business, he is not able to handle everything perfectly. We had lost a deal today, cause of Aryan’s carelessness. He hadn’t checked the presentation even properly.

He said and Vansh grew confused.

Vansh: We can even conduct the meetings online. Next time, do tell me if there is any such kind of meetings. I’ll handle it from here only.

He said and was about the disconnect listening to his ‘Yes boss’.

Vansh: And Angre, there is an application used for messaging. Use it.

Disconnecting the call, Vansh turned back to find no one around. Picking up the tray on which their cake was kept he moved to search for her.



On reaching their room, he looked around and finally saw Riddhima there. Keeping the tray on the side table, he looked at her and saw her.

Unknown to his gaze, Riddhima was busy in removing the photo frame from the wall which was behind the bed. As she took their photo frame to put. She felt his hands crawling over her hands from her waist. She looked as his face came in her view.

Vansh: What are you doing, Sweetheart?

He asked looking into her eyes.

Riddhima: Was just placing it here, look it’s so beautiful.

She said and placed the frame with his help.

Vansh: We look beautiful.

She heard him and nodded feeling him kissing her cheeks.

Vansh: Come let’s cut the cake.

He said pulling her from the bed. Holding her hand and then the knife, they cut the cake.

Picking up a piece he forwarded it to her and saw as she had it with a smiling face. As he took the cake inside his mouth, he felt her taking back her hand and then forwarding his tongue to her fingers he licked it. Locking her fingers around his lips, he saw her wide eyes as she turned away. Leaving her hands, he pulled her back to him by swirling her.

Feeling his ravishing gaze over her body, she saw him bending to her level.  Closing her eyes, she gave him the person to move. Moving closer to her, he let his free hand hold her shoulder, slowly tracing his fingers over her arms he made her shiver. 

Joining their lips, he closed his eyes while slowly moving forward. May be it wasn’t their first kiss, but first kiss after she had finally accepted his presence in her life. 


Next Morning:

Feeling the sunrays falling on his face, he turned around hiding his face in the pillow to block them. Moving his hand on the other side of the bed and his arms, he felt it to be empty. Being shocked, he woke up and looked around the room. 

Finding her standing in front of the mirror, he released the breath he was holding. He saw her wearing the long jacket as if getting ready. Getting up he moved to her and stood behind her. Removing the hairs from her shoulder, he wrapped his arms around her waist. His actions were so fast that for a while she also was shocked. Inhaling her scent, he looked at her in the mirror.

Riddhima: Good Morning!

She smiled saying as he nuzzled his nose on her cheeks. Mumbling a ‘Good Morning’ he moved his hands to her and took the left hand in his. She looked as he bent a little and took out a necklace from the drawer. Tying the chain around her neck, he looked at her reflection to see her looking at it.

Vansh: From now, you will be wearing this forever.

She frowned but then thinking it to be his love for her she blinked her eyes at him. He was about to turn to go to the washroom when he saw a notification on his phone. Moving to it, he read it to be of Angre. 

Riddhima: Vansh, what are we going to do today?

She said and saw him busy in his phone.

Vansh: Meeting…

He mumbled to himself and then looked at her excited expressions.

Vansh: Now, Meeting or she…?

She gave him a questioning gaze and saw as he took slow steps towards her.

Hope you liked the chapter….

Do comment and vote guys..

Sorry for any grammatical mistake…


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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