My Obsessed Husband #Riansh (Chapter-7)

Hope Many missed me, I thought to end it so I’m back I know it was too short break……..😅😅


Aryan’s POV starts:-

Is My bhai possessed well I guess so he send me in a meeting, I’m shocked I had never seen meeting room and he sent me there. When he said not to come back tomorrow, I got to know he is possessive about Riddhima, Good Bhai. But I want to know why Riddh… Bhabhi said yes for the marriage. Did Bhai forced her? Yes today even God is with me, that dealer is having fever. Good Job Bro, love you.

I came back and saw Bhai and Bhabhi indulged in an eye lock, well great it’s only approximately 3 hours and they came to eye lock, God knows what is going to happen within their lifetime. Well I cough and they broke, I can see bhai is shocked. Yes, Aryan Raisinghania succeeded in scaring the great VR.

He asked the reason and then took me to study. Oh wow, he would be the first brother on earth to send his younger brother to club. Now party, wait there are three parties kept, First of Bhai’s golden jubilee, Second my Bhabhi’s birthday, third I don’t need any reason.

Well Bhabhi tomorrow is your birthday, and Wedding. Good, so right now I’m going to celebrate first two and third one I need not to think something special for celebrating.

Aryan’s POV ends:-

Riddhima’s POV starts:-

I woke up and was moving towards somewhere well I want to check where is aunty she said to take jewelry, I know I’m mad I’m planning to run away and where is Aryan, he had to help me. Well first aunty matters here. I was moving and suddenly I felt someone pulled me and hugged me

God it’s not someone, it’s a nail Oh my God, my dress. How will I go to my room? I saw around and see many were there. Can’t they go somewhere else and this Vansh whole day he used to shout great VR and he can’t fix a single nail. I need to complain about this to uncle. Where to go now?

I saw a room, well is it store room. Lights are off, windows closed. Who can live in such condition? I enter to hide, I don’t have phone. Great. I need to something.

Riddhima’s POV ends:-

Vansh’s POV starts:-

I was in my study when Angre came, isn’t he too late. I called him for information last night and he came now. Oh so tomorrow is my sweetheart’s birthday. No worries it would be the best birthday of hers. Well she had unique choices, favorite books, colors, all are unique.

Good job Angre, he does all his work perfectly. I moved to my room and closing windows and light I slept. Suddenly I heard bangle voice. Is mom there but door was closed? I guess no I haven’t close the door. But Mom why will she come here? Let me check.

I moved to the door and saw no one there. But I heard the voice. I was moving back when my back hit something. Something or someone?

Vansh’s POV ends:-

Author’s POV:-

Vansh and Riddhima was moving back and soon their back collides with each other and they turn back but as there was no ray of light, they weren’t able to see anything.

Riansh: Who is there?

Both say at the same time and soon they realize the respective voice.

Vansh: Sweetheart, wait to be my wife. After that you have all right to enter my room.

Riddhima rolled her eyes at his rubbish talk but then realized something.

Riddhima: Wait, Isn’t it store room?

Vansh was confused by her words

Vansh: Well I guess I know my room very well.

Riddhima was shocked to see him staying in a room without lights.

Riddhima: Do you have any heart break? I mean did any break your heart?

Vansh was once went in shock but before he could say anything she continued.

Riddhima: No I had seen in some movies, when a person had heart breaks he or she used to stay all alone in a room where there is no light as they think that there life has just loneliness.

Once again he was about to say something but she didn’t let him.

Riddhima: Look there is no need to make that person jealous by marrying me, ask the reason from her. Wait, were you in love with Saanvi? See Vansh, if that so then Saanvi is very angry. So why don’t you guys sit and talk and dissolve the matter. If you marry me then 3 lives will be destroyed here.

Vansh was in complete shock as if someone had blasted a nuclear bomb in front of his face.

Vansh: Riddhima, there is nothing like that. You are misunderstanding. Where the hell are you now?

Riddhima wasn’t understanding him and felt him roaming his hands in air as if searching her.

Riddhima: I’m here only and see I can understand you don’t want to let anyone know this I’m sorry you felt hurt but in this case why do you want to marry me.

Vansh was now irritated by her suggestion

Vansh: Shut up Riddhima, Just Shut up.

Riddhima was shocked when she heard him shouting and just then she felt a wooden material hit her leg and she fell on something soft which was the bed.

While Vansh was still searching for her while shouting her name.

Vansh: Riddhima, Are you there? Riddhima, Answer me.

Riddhima was irritated by his continuous shouting.

Riddhima: I’m here only and could you please stop shouting. It’s hurting my ears.

Riddhima said it casually but it didn’t went right with Vansh. But Riddhima unaware of it started talking once again.

Riddhima: And you were saying that there is nothing like that so tell why you have closed all lights and even windows.

Till then Vansh finally found something soft under his palm and grabbing it pulled but as it was one of the side of bed instead of moving to him, he fell on the bed. Vansh fell over Riddhima’s figure.

Riddhima: Aahh…..What the….? Can’t you even stand straight?

Vansh was shocked to see her continuously speaking.

Vansh: Are you drunk? Till yesterday you weren’t able to say a word from you mouth and now a word doesn’t stay in your mouth.

Even Riddhima was shocked to see herself talking continuously.

Riddhima: Will you get up?

Vansh smirks on hearing her irritated voice.

Vansh: Why will I and what are you doing here?

Riddhima pushed him but he held her hand in a tight grip.

Riddhima: Why should I tell you?

Vansh lose his grip a bit and says smiling as both aren’t able to see each other still.

Vansh: Because you are in my room, without my permission.

Riddhima wriggles in his hold making him irritate.

Riddhima: I was going to aunty for jewelry and saw the room and came. Will you tell me why you made room as a store room?

Vansh left his grip when she stopped wriggling

Vansh: Now you tell me who sleeps with lights on.

Riddhima understood he was just sleeping.

Riddhima: Oh so you don’t have any heart break, my whole knowledge given to you went in vain.

Vansh was shocked to see her talking too frankly and he tries to get up to see his watch stuck to her dress so he immediately removes his watch and got up without letting her notice.

Vansh moves to the switch board and opening the light turns around and watching her he immediately turns around closes the light once again.

Vansh: What the hell happened with your dress?

Vansh tone only held obsession but Riddhima took it as care.

Riddhima: Woah….nail….

Vansh understood everything and taking out his coat kept on the table and left the room with lights closed. Riddhima was delighted by his gesture.

Riddhima’s POV starts:-

I came to the room and saw the lights closed and then my back hit with something. No wait it was something hard. I turned around but due to lights closed I wasn’t able to see anything and then I heard. Both the voice echoed but the power his voice held was enough for me to recognize him, I heard his voice. Is he mad? Did he had any heart break? I said and saw his irritated gasp. Oh my god, I’m right. Yes, Riddhima you are right. This guys had a heart break and to make that girl jealous he is marrying me. I saw in many movies and shows. I said the same to him and he didn’t give any reaction. That gives the proof that I’m right.

Riddhima, Oh no that means that girl is Saanvi, she even Saanvi was angry with this alliance and she loved Vansh since many months. Now Riddhima you have to get it all correct or three lives are going to be destroyed and I started making him understand and then being irritated he shout. Ok I can understand he don’t want to let anyone know about his heart break.

But its 21st century, heart breaks are common. Well I never had and I don’t want it even. But to make her jealous he is marrying me, Idiot Raisinghania.

I then felt a something hard and fell on bed and this man didn’t heard the voice and was shouting, Aahh…. It’s irritating. Soon after that he fell on me is he mad… God, I pushed him and he held my hand in a tight grip and started asking why I’m talking this much. Well even I don’t know from where I’m talking this much but it’s my mouth my mood I will talk as much as I want, I started wriggling and he again tighten his grip and soon I heard him again, was he smirking, wait that’s ok but he said he didn’t had any heart break. No Bappa, Can’t he have he wouldn’t be the one to marry so plan is still on. Soon he left me and went to open the lights and I got up, he saw me and turns around switching off the lights.

Oh shit, I had completely forgotten about my dress. He asked me and I was in short of words being embarrassed he understood and taking out his coat left the room. He isn’t that bad but not for me. You still have to run away.

Riddhima’s POV ends:-

Author’s POV:-

Riddhima wore it and moves to her room to wear something else meanwhile Vansh moves to his study and saw Angre standing there waiting for him.

Vansh: Bring it Angre.

Angre nods his head and left and Vansh sat on his chair laying back on the chair.


Precap – Vansh gets angry.

Hope you liked the chapter…………

Do comment guys if you like the chapter……..

Sorry for any grammatical mistake………


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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