Hi sissy’s.. today m here with a ragsan os as my birthday treat for u all. And on my sissy demand also. Nive dear, as u said I gave my treat. I hope u’ll like this story. I tried to complete it in one part but cudnt. It’ll be of two parts.
A big marriage hall is shown which is fully decorated. Everyone is in hurry in doing their work. Manager planners were checking if everythingis done perfectly. Guests starts to arrive. All were from big and rich background. DJ were all set ready. It was seen everything perfect.
@ bride room
Girl is getting ready. 3 beauticians were making her ready. She was nothing less in her beauty. She was blushing seeing herself in mirror. She was nervous and as well as smiling thinking abt her partner.
Girl’s pov
Today m very happy. I never thought that m going to marry u, whom I have loved at first sight 3 months ago in mall. U dint see me. I was admiring him till u disappeared. Last week I heard someone coming to see me, I was upset thinking of u. But when I saw that u came to see me I was super happy. But I had a fear of wat if u reject me. I was getting nervous in my room waiting for ur response. It was like a child waiting for result desperately. When I heard yes from ur side, I was on cloud nine. After fixing our marriage date u dint talk with me still, don’t know y. U din’t even took my mob number like other couples used to talk with eachother before marriage. I think u r shy. But today we r going to start our new relation. I know u may also thinking abt me now. Only few hours left for our new journey.
End of pov
Shekhar comes to brides room.
She: Ragini (yes it’s Ragini) r u ready?
Rag: yes papa.
Ragini comes down in her blue lehenga, diamond jewellery. Everything was shining which increases her natural beauty more. Ladies guests were jealous by seeing her.
Ragini comes down and sits beside groom.
Pandit chants mantras and finally they got married. She was happy. They took blessings from shekhar.
She: (to groom) sanskar (he’s sanskar) . Pls take care of my daughter. She lost her mother in childhood. M only his everything. And she’s my everything. Today m giving my life to u. If any thing mistake done by her then forgive her. She grown up in very sensible way.
Sanskar nodes.
Suj: don’t wry bhaisab. she’s not our DIL. She’s our daughter.
Ragini left with sanskar to maheshwari house happily to start her new journey with him.
Leap of 5 yrs
Sanskar was waiting on his dining table for breakfast.
San: come fast. M hungry. Bring food.
A maid comes and serves food.
San: where’s madam?
Maid: she went to shopping sir.
San: wat? Shopping? This early?
Maid: Madam’s frnds had come. She went with them.
San: ok. U go.
Sanskar getting ready for office in his room. Just some one enters room and hugs him from back.
Girl: hello Janu. Did u had breakfast?
San: Wats this? Last week only u did shopping. Again today? That too 6laks u spent.
Girl: that was for Nikita’s marriage. Tmrw is simi’s marriage. I’ve to look gud. U don’t want that all shud complement ur wife.?
San: turns to her. Ofho Kavita ( sissy’s how many of thought this is Ragini? Mention in comment) I didnt mean that. There’s limit for everything. Y to spend unnecessary? U know na coz of u only I changed company. now they’ve decided to increase my salary seeing my performance.
Kav: really? Great news. Love u kaan.
San: love u too.
Both hug eachother. He left for company.
@ xyz company
Sanskar reached company. He sees company is decorated in simple way. He goes inside. There also everything was decorated with balloons.
San: hey Sahil (his friend and colleague) Wats going on.? Everything is decorated. All r busy.
Sah: u don’t know? Yesterday night only boss sent msg to all. U dint saw? Our company is owned by others. It means now one more boss will come who will b above our boss. So for welcoming new boss these all preparations r done. I’ve work to complete. U also complete if any work is not done.
San: ok. Thanku.
He checked his mob. Msg was there. As he was tired yesterday he din’t see msg. He started to complete his work.
Boss: attention everyone. Boss has arrived. All of u come near our main entrance to welcome.
All went and stood in line. A big car arrived. A lady get down from car in formal attire. Everyone was welcoming her giving flowers. When she came near sanskar, he was shocked to see her.
Boss: sanskar, give flowers to our new boss
Sanskar came in sense and gives flowers to her.
San: we…l..c.o..m..e. b..o.ss.
She smiled wierdly and goes to stage.
Boss: welcome ms.Ragini Gadodia. Now this company is urs. U can make any changes according to u.
Rag: thanku mr.mehta. hello everyone. I want my company gud as others do. So I hope his work from all. Thanku.
She went to her cabin and sends everyone out saying she need rest. She sits on her chair and closed eyes. Tears starts rolling from her eyes. Her mind goes to past. Everything was flashing like movie
Ragini was sitting in sanskar’s room in her wedding attire. She was so many emotions inside. She was waiting for sanskar. He enters room. Ragini holds her lehenga tightly. Sanskar comes changed himself took pillow from bed.
San: u may b tired. Change ur self and sleep
He slept on couch. Ragini was still sitting in her position. She was feeling like crying. She didn’t knew y he did like this.? Her all dreams shattered in a second. She looks at sanskar. He was sleeping peacefully. She again thought may b coz of tiredness he did this. She too got changed and sleeps on bed.
Next morning she woke up and sees sanskar. But she found him nowhere. She got freshed and goes to kitchen.
Suj: arey Ragini. U woke up. U cud have taken rest.
Rag: no maaji. M ok. Shall I prepare sweet?
Suj: as u wish beta. U do whatever u want.
Rag: maa. Where is sanskar ji.?
Suj: he already went to office.
Ragini feels sad. She prepared food for all. All praises her food.
Sanskar comes at evng.
San: mom. Prepare tea for me. M tired. M in room.
Ragini takes tea for him.
Rag: sanskar ji. Tea.
San: I told mom. Y u brought?
Rag: maa gave me.
San: keep there. I’LL drink.
Ragini was abt to go. He stops.
San: wher r u going?
Rag: to prepare dinner ji.
San: my company frnds kept party for us. Get ready by the evng
Rag: ji .
All joined at dining table for dinner. Sanskar’s dad ram and sis uttara. Sujata and Ragini serve food. Ragini was expecting sanskar to say something abt her food. But he dint tel anything. Ram and uttara were happy with Ragini. Trio were treating her as daughter of house. But Ragini was thinking abt sanskar.
That nite also sanskar slept on couch. Next day mrng before Ragini he woke up and went to office.
Ragini came to kitchen. SukaSu noticed her sad face.
Suj: wat happened Ragini? Is everything gud between u and sanskar?
Rag: everything is gud maa. Sanskar ji told that evng we have to go for party kept by their frnds.
Suj: gud beta. After marriage first time u r going out. Spend some time together.
Rag: ji maa.
Evng Ragini got ready in saree with open hair without any make-up. She was waiting for sanskar. Sujata sees her.
Suj: arrey wah Ragini, waiting for my son ha?
Ragini blushes. Sujata smiles and goes from their. Sanskar comes and sees Ragini. She was luking beautiful even without makeup. He kept on staring at her for few seconds. Ragini bends her head down blushingly. She thought he will praise her. But he didn’t. He dressed himself.
San: let’s go.
They reached party place. Everyone wished both. They told to introduce his wife. They were teasing him.
San: she’s Ragini my wife. (To Ragini) these are my frnds.
His friends were abt to shake hands , Ragini said namaste ji to Al by folding hands. They just smiled at her.
Then sanskar joined his friends leaving Ragini alone. One of girl comes near Ragini and says in English.
(Ragini is not well educated. She just passed school. She doesn’t know English and she’s full traditional)
Girl1: which is ur native?
Girl2: when did u meet sanskar first?
Ragini dint get wat they’re speaking. She goes to sanskar.
Rag: sanskar ji they are asking something. Pls help me. M not understanding.
Sanskar friends heard her making gossips within them that sanskar married a village type girl. Sanskar was bending his head. He was getting angry that he had to get insult coz of her. Ragini was scared seeing all and the way they’re looking at her.
Rag: (to those girls) sry ji. I don’t know English.
Sanskar got angry and went from there leaving Ragini alone. Ragini got scared. She didn’t find him. She was roaming on road alone. She never came out of her house alone. Today first time she was alone. It’s started raining. She started to cry. she didn’t bring mob also. She thought sanskar Wil b with him then y to take mob. She somehow reached home. Sujata ran to her.
Suj: Ragini, Wats this? Wat happened? Where is sanskar?
Ragini hugged her and cried. Sujata thought to ask her later. She took her to room. She told her to change. And went to bring soup for her. Ragini changed and sits on bed. She was thinking sanskar’s behaviour towards her. Now little bit doubt cleared for her. He’s upset with her coz she’s not modern. She can’t speak English like others. Yet she want to clear her doubt. She was waiting for sanskar. Sujata was worried for Ragini. She makes her drink soup. And asked her slowly wat happened. Ragini told her everything.
Suj: don’t wry. I’ll talk with him. May b it’s work stress. U take rest ok.
Rag: ji maa.
Suj went. Ragini remember abt her previous day’s. How she was pampered a alot by his father. Shekhar gives her everything whatever she wants.as she was getting everything her interest towards education got less. She completed her 10th. She doesn’t want to study further. Shekhar also dint force as they’re very rich. He thought they have everything then no need to wry. Ragini left educational in middle. She didn’t know abt outside world. She grown up between love. Now she was thinking that she did mistake by not studying.
Thinking this she didn’t know when she slept.
Mrng when she woke up she heard noise from hall. It was Sujata, ram and sanskar.
Ram: how u can behave like this with ur wife.? U know that she is very innocent.
San: dad. It’s my personal matter. Don’t give suggestions.
Suj: sanskar he’s ur father. Talk in proper way. Wats Ragini’s fault in this? She’s innocent. We’ll cultured girl. She’s like gem. U r lucky to get her.
San: mom pls. I don’t want to discuss abt this.
He went to room saw Ragini with teary eyed.
He went and slept. Few days passed like this. There was no conversation between Ragsan. She was waiting for him keeping a hope that he may talk. But he never spoke.
Ram and suj also Tried but no use.
One day sanskar was in washroom. His mob rings. Ragini luks at mob and received slowly.
Girl: hello dear. Come soon. Don’t forget we have to meet at 5 at xyz restaurant.
She cuts call. She looks at time . It was 3. Sanskar comes after getting fresh and got ready went out.
@xyz restaurant.
Sanskar was sitting with Kavita. after few minutes Kavita starts laughing seeing someone behind sanskar. He looks behind and got shocked seeing Ragini in different attire. Ragini was in short dress upto knee. Hilled sandals cudnt able to stand properly. She had tried to do makeup but as she didn’t know anything so it was luking in funny way. All were laughing at her. Sanskar felt embarrassed. He hold ragini’s hand and goes to home. He enters thier room and throws her on bed angrily.
San: wat is this? Wat u want to prove? He shouted.
Rag: in fear. U like makeup and short dressed girls so I thought..
San: angrily. Wat u thought. That in one nite u’ll become miss India? I fold my hands. Leav me to live.
Rag: sanskar ji m ur wife. It’s my duty.
San: it’s ur duty to insult me infront of others.?
Rag: no.. actually..
San: stop. It’s enough. I can’t take it anymore. Let me tell u. I always wanted well educated modern girl who can be of my level. U r nothing Infront of me. No one told me that u r in educated. On day of marriage I knew it. I cudnt do that day anything. M regretting now. U can’t even speak English. Don’t know make up. Don’t know dressing properly. Everyone r laughing at me. My parents agreed seeing u r cultured. But only culture is not everything. Now I’ve decided it’s better to get apart. Divorce is gud decision. Tmrw I’ll bring papers. Then u r on ur way and me on my way.
He left. Ragini was crying listening this. She never thought her wedding life wud be like this.
It was late night. she didn’t sleep yet. Sanskar came to room. She woke up. It was 12. He was full drunk. He comes near Ragini.
San: u un educated girl. U don’t know status. How to behave. I destroyed my life by marrying u.
She holds him as he was abt to fall. But he was so both fell on bed.sanskar started to kiss her.
San: in drunk state. U r gud girl. But not upto me. Again kissed.u shud marry any village boy. Again kissed.
He was abt to kiss her lips. She stops him.
San: wat happened. U told na u r my wife. U’ll do ur duty. This is not ur duty?
She knew that he’s talking in drunk state. But as a wife she does as he says.
Mrng he woke up with holding head. He remembers wat he did last nite. He was feeling guilty. Ragini comes with lemon juice. She only had a last hope that after that nite may b he’ll change. But she shocked after listening him.
San: sry for last night. Just forget it. My lawyer is coming u just sign papers and go to ur home.
Glass fell from her hand.
Glass pieces fell on floor.
FB ends.
Ragini opened her eyes and saw wat glass of water fell on floor. She stood from her chair. She goes to washroom and washed her face. Her mob rings.
Rag: yes meri Jaan.
OPP: y u did like this? U know na I don’t like this. I wanna be with u.
Rag: after one week u can come here. Only one week. After that u r coming to me only.
OPP: ok. I’ll forgive u.
She cuts call and smiles.
Hi sissy’s how’s your part? Next part will update if u like this one. I hope u dint get bored.
Love u all.
Awesome. Plz Update next part soon .
Thanku cute girl
It’s nice but if I would be ragini place ,I would never go back to Sanskar.msy be love is blind or what ever.
But still I want yo knew what you will write
Thanku Sindhu. I’ll post it in next part
Amazing….. Sad for Rangini. But I was waiting for you are only mine ??
Thanku karishma. It’s already posted
Thanku Vini
Belated happy birthday
Thanku Lovely 7
Just Amazing. ?
Thanku Anu
Amazinggggggggggg concept.
Thanku Ragsanian
Awesome di.. Update next part ASAP
Thanku ria. Wil update soon
Superb dear, want to know how u r going to end it
Thanku Rehna. I’ll hope u’ll like next part too
Hate that sanskar ?? BTW awesomeeeee
Thanku Keerthi
Feeling bad for Ragini. Sanskar doesn’t deserve Ragini. Superb.
Thanku Ishu
Awesome Amazing update.
Thanku PriyaS
Amazing dear. Poor Ragini.
Thanku vani
Amazing with whom ragini is talking??
Thanku geet. Next part it’ll b revealed
Awesome. Now what will sanskar do? Me ?
I thought that girl is ragini ?
Thanku Tara. I had thought atleast few of u Wil think it’s her?
Awesome and Amazing ?
Sanskar should repent for what he had done?. He was showing attitude Now he is not worth for Ragini ?.
Thanku Sonu. Yes. He’s not.
Awesome yaar. Please post soon.
Thanku Aditi. Ya will post soon dear
Its so amazing. I’m also thought ragini.
Thanku Shalini. One more ?
Please yaar don’t send Ragini with sanskar.its like another Silsila baldte Rishton ka.she deserves better person than Sanskar although she have a child with him.its like accepting man’s mistake for sake of child and love sacrificing self respect.she is independent,let another deserving lead come.or else the morale of your story goes down.
Thanku sagarika. I agree abt moral
Awesome dear
Thanku Ammy
Superbbbbbbb even I too don’t want Ragsan patch up. But being a Ragsan fan I can’t say ?
Thanku maha. U can’t say being ragsan fan. Even I too. But m little sure that u’ll like ending.
AMAZING please let sanskar beg for ragini’s love.
Thanku moni. Sanskar shud beg for wat he done
Ossssssssoommmmmmmmmmmmmm this story is outstanding.
Thanku sug
Amazing.. I just want ragini to torture sanskar.. Now ragsan had baby ?
Thanku Tanvi. That u’ll know in next part
Superb dear please update next part
Thanku Mounia543. Ya. Wil update soon
Thanku Mounia543. Ya. Wil update soon
Thanku Anu
Mind blowing.
Thanku pinky
Plz update next part siooooon…. Its superb….. Marvelous…… Amazing…. Lovly……..
Thanku Annn. Ya will post soon
Yaar when are you going to post it.im eagerly waiting for your story.hope Ragini won’t be united with Sanskar at any circumstances.she deserves better.
Will post today only dear.