Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

My Possessive Lover (RagSan) episode-41

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Sanskar wakes up nd does not find ragini on bed..he got worried nd gets up frm bed calling ragini name,jst then he sees ragini who is entering into room
He hugs her..
Ragini:kya hua sanskar..
Sanskar:where did u went..
Ragini:i jst went down
Sanskar:kyun..u should have wake me up na..i would have taking u..what is d need to go alone.. fine… nothing will happen to me..
Sanskar:not do this agin.if u want to go anywhere ,tell me.. i should go home as i have to go clz today..
Sanskar:no need
Ragini:no need??

Sanskar:no need to go anywhere..
Ragini:sanskar telling u na nothing will happend to me..parth will be with me na..
Sanskar:but i dont want let u go..if anything happens to u..i cant live..
Ragini:sanskar plz try to understand…
Sanskar:no..plz be with me only..
Ragini requested him last he agreed to go clz..

Parth comes..sanskar drops them to clz..
Sanskar:parth…take care of her..
Parth:uff..sanskar its 50th time u r telling..dont worry ..she will be fine..
Ragini doesnt like his overprotectiveness…
Sanskar nodded.he kissed her forehead..
Ragini:now go..

sanskar doesnt want to go leaving her..
Ragini:sanskar plzzzz..
sanskar nodded nd goes unwillingly..
rag,parth goes to clsroom..

It has been passed 1hour but sanskar messeges to parth 20th time to ask how is ragini…
Ragini gets angry by this..
every 5min parth getting a message frm sanskar..
Parth:omg this sanskar na..u should have stay there only ragz..
Ragini:he behaving like im kid
Parth:he scared by that incident ragzz..

Ragini:i knw..i can understand..but y cant he understand karan would never feeling sick
Parth:dont wry he will understand..
Ragini nodded..

time passed..parth inbox filled with sanskar sms..

its evening,rtagparth comes out of clz nd sees sanskar who already present there..sanskar smiles at ragini who gives a faint smile..
they gets in car..
Ragsan reached home, after droping parth..

Ragini turns to go her home..
Sanskar:where r u going..come with me..u should stay with me..
Ragini:sanskar,not only parents also loves me so much..i didnt go my home since i came parents will feel bad..

Sanskar:they can understand..
Ragini:plzz sanskar..
Sanskar nodded seeing ragini face..
Ragini goes to her home..sanskar goes to his home helplessly..
Ragini gets a sanskar was his 10th call with in 2hrs..
Sanskar:what r u doing
Ragini:getting ready to go out..

Ragini doesnt get any reply..she noticed he cutted the call..
After 5min sanskar ws in ragini room..
Sanskar:ragini where u want to go..i told u na..if u want to go anywhere u would hav told me..
Ragini:im not going alone going with my dad nd parth..
Sanskar:whoever..i dont care..u shoud not go anywhere

Ragini:sanskar..he is my dad nd parth..they loves me equally same as u..they also care for me..
Sanskar:i knw ragini..that day too laksh nd swara wr with u..but u knw what happend..
Ragini:sanskar what had happend,happend..plzz forget about that..karan is in jail..plz be free..
Sanskar:fine..chalo i will come with u..
Ragini:jst stop it sanskar..

Sanskar:kya hua ragini..
Ragini:what happend to u..why r u behaving like this..i feel like im in cage..
Sanskar:im scared to loose u..i love u..
Ragini:i too love u so much sanskar..but plz forget about that incident..stop being over not liking it..
Sanskar:what u r not liking ragini..what in it that not liking thing..i care for u..i want u be safe …am i wrong in it..
Ragini:i can understand sanskar..but u r jst over thinking..
Sanskar:plz dont argue with me as i say..
Ragini:no sanskar..try to understand..i cant live a life like a bird in cage..
Sanskar:matlab..dont u like to stay with me..
Ragini:are u mad..i love to stay with u..but not like this..try to understand sanskar..
Sanskar:u try to understand me ragini..u r important to me..i want u in my whole life..i cant let anything happens to u..

Ragini:let me live my life sanskar(she said being angry by his behaviour)
Sanskar:ur life???
Sanskar (holds her by shoulders):ur life u r asking me to not involve in ur life
Ragini:its not like that sanskar
Sanskar:then what ragini..

Ragini jst tired to explain him..
Sanskar:its not ur life ragini..its my life only..u hav no right to say that its ur life..did u got dammit..
Ragini:fine..i wont go anywhere..will u plz leave me alone for sometime..
Sanskar:no i will not leave u alone..
Ragini:im in my room itself,not in strange place..plzzz go
She cries..

Sanskar cupped her face nd asks plzz dont cry..
Ragini( jerks):i want to be alone forsome time..plz give atleast 5min.. going..u dont cry..
Ragini wiped her tears nd nodded..
Sanskar (kissed her forehead):i love u
Ragini jst stood without affecting by that..

it pained sanskar..
he goes unwillingly….

Note:if u have loss interest on my ffs..plzzz tell me..i will stop it…as im getting low comments nowa i felt like that…plzzz i wont feel bad tell me clearly if u r interseted i will update..orelse i will quit…
thank u so much whome ever commented on my ffs..thank u for giving ur valueble time…


Im Tejaswihollic & a crazy ragsanian/tevarian... Wattpad id -Lahari_RS

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