Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

My Possessive Lover (RagSan) episode-42

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Ragini wakes up nd found herself in sanskar’s embrace..she recalled last night their fight..After sanskar left she jst slept on floor thinking about sanskar behaviour..she
can sense what must be happend..
[Sanskar left to his home for the sake of ragini but he could not able to wait to see her,so he came aftrer 1hr nd found ragini on floor sleeping,he lifts her nd takes her to the bed nd makes her lie on his chest,hugging her protectively]
Ragini smiles staring at sleeping sanskar..she kissed his forehead nd drags him close nd hugged him tightly..
Sanskar:good morning

Ragini:u r awake
Sanskar nodded
Ragini:then y didnt u get up..
SAnskar:if i woke up..i wiuld have missed that sweet kiss nd ur warm hug..
Ragini smiles.
Sanskar:gussa chalagaya still angry

Sanskar:then..u kissed me nd hugged me like this
Ragini:kuyn,cant i do this being angry..
Sanskar:u can do anything..
Ragini:sorry,i should not have talk to u like that..i understand,the love which u had on me made u like this..
Sanskar (pecks her lips):no need to say sorry..i can also understand..
Ragini: u understand,that means.. can i be free as like before..
Sanskar noddeed smiling..
Ragini smiles widely nd hugged him more tight..
Ragini:but(she looks innocently with pout)
Sanskar:but .u will have to inform me, where u want to go..
Sanskar kissed her cheek..

Ragini:shall i go to clz today
Ragini(pouts) only u told na..
Sanskar(angrily):i said naa..dont go

Ragini makes annoyed face
Sanskar:areh today tho sunday can u go to clz
Ragini hitted her forehead ,she looks at sanskar nd crushed him by hugging him in her sootheing embrace..
Sanskar:i jst want to be like this forever..
Ragini smiles..
Knock on door

Sanskar pouts..
Sanskar:plzz,stay for sometime..
Ragini:maa..plz let me sleep for sometime naa..dont distirb me
Janki:fine..but dont sleep much..come nd hav bf..

Ragini:haa maa
Janki leaves..
Sanskar kissed on her forehead..Ragini ruffled his hair affectionately..Sanskar drags her even more close by hugging her..both stayed for some,feeling eo warm embrace..

Ragini called sanskar..
Sanskar:kya dear..bolo
Ragini:im going to pub with papa nd parth..(that day cancel hogaya na..again they planned to go)

Ragini(rolled her eyes as he didnt say anything): love u so much baby..
Sanskar(smiles):take care
Ragini nodded..
At night Ragini parth nd shekhar came to pub nd sits having cold drinks..
Parth:it has been long, since we trio came together..
Shekhar:ha..u two became busy with ur partners leaving me alone(shekhar pouts)
Ragini(holding her ears):sorry onwards na we will continue outings..
Shekher(smiles):im just kidding..
Parth:but we missied ur company

Shekhar smiles
Parth:ok..leave it all…dude(shekhar) see those hot they are
Shekhar:huh parth they r really hot
Ragini gives them unbelievable look
Girls:hii uncle
Shekhar pouts..

parth laughs
Ragini,shekhar glares at him…
one beautiful girl came to them..
girl:hii..can i dance with u handsome
parth (widened his eyes nd forwarded his hand):sure baby
girl(pushed his hand):not asking him(shekhar)
shekhar nodded nd goes with that girl showing toungue to parth,who is pouting..Ragini smiles nd shouts enjoy papa..

Parth:is everything fine bw u nd sanskar..
Ragini(told whole incident):now we are ok..
Parth( smiles):u knw ragz im very happy for u having sanskar in ur life..he loves u so much..but im jealous of him..

Parth:he loves u more than i do..
Ragini(smiles nd pulls his cheek):thats enough for me..
Parth smiles..they share a friendly hug…
Ragini:fine..go nd enjoy ,ur hot girls r waiting for u..
Parth:no way..i wont go leaving u alone..if anything happend to sure sanskar will kill me..
Ragini(pouts):nothing will happend go nd enjoy
Parth:no..u come ..we will dance..

Ragini nodded..both dances..shekhar too joined witnthem..trio dances enjoying themselves…Ragini met a old friend there nd she is talking..After a while she came
to Parth nd shekhar,who sits there..
Shekhar(with drunken voice):come princess sit
Parth(with drunken voice):do u want drink

Ragini looks at them angrily..
Both pouts..
Ragini:did u both got drunk
parh/shekhar:haa..after so many days we came celebratin tho hotha hai na..
Ragini:what is this..i hav already warned u both na..
Parth:plzz ragz just 2pegs
Ragini:shut up u duffer..y dont u both listen to me..
she is scolding them continuosly bla..bla..bla..
Parth nd shekhar holds their ears..
Parth(with normal voice):stop ragzz..
Ragini:what stop huh..i wont stop today..
Shekhar:princess listen to us

Ragini:no i wont listen
Both stood nd looks at ragini holding their hands near chest..
Ragini:y r u both looking at me like this..
Both looks at eo nd laughs..
Ragini rolled her eyes,then realized they r normal..
Parth:we jst acted..its just juice..
Ragini glares at them nd makes aangry pout..

Shekher:sorry prince
Ragini turned her face
Shekhar:it was this duffer idea only..
parth gupled glaring at shekhar..
Ragini looks at parth angrily nd hits him playfully..
Parth:sorry yarr..dont his me..all girls r watching us..dont ruin my respect in front of girls..if u want ,u would hit me in ur home..

Ragini stops nd laughs seeing parth face,nd murmurs duffer..
Shekhar:he is really duffer
Parth pouts..

Rag shekhar smiles..
Ragini came back to her home nd got changed..when she came frm washroom she sees sanskar there..
Ragini:how do u knw ..i came
Sanskar(pulls her on him nd encircled his hands around her neck):i knw..
Ragini:what u did this mean time..
sanskar:kuch nay..jst thinking about u,sitting in my room..
Ragini:ha..u only

Sanskar:but what i d(before he complte)
Ragini:i saw u in pub

[Sanskar sent her..she love him but she loves her family nd pareth too..she love to spend time with her papa nd parth..but he was still affraid sending,he followed her without knowing her..he doesnt want to confront her as he wants to give her some space to enjoy herself with her family..he was her around only hiding himself..he was happy seeing her cute antics with parth nd shekhar..he was jst admired their bonding..when they reached home..sanskar too reached home nd after parking the car he goes to ragini room nd behaves normally]
Ragini:not only u,i can also sense ur presense..
Ragini(looking into his eyes):y u loves me this much sanskar
Sanskar just smiles
Ragini:tell na..

Sanskar:bcz u r special..very special..i have never seen a girl like u..i love every quality of yours..i love the way you are..u r best in everthing…im blssed to have u in my life….
Ragini hugged him placing her head on his chest nd gives a plenty kiss on his heart….
Sanskar wrapped his arm around her affectionately nd kissed her hair..


Im Tejaswihollic & a crazy ragsanian/tevarian... Wattpad id -Lahari_RS

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