Hello Immj2 diehard fans yesterday was the most painful moments for Riansh fans so I literally want vansh to receive his life’s biggest shock not only from Sia but From Riddhima and I think you guys will love my concept

Its starts from that evening

Dadi was sad because Ahana was in the place of Riddhima she can’t think any one as Vans’s wife other than Riddhima,  she always seen her as her own child like vansh sia and Ishani, everybody knows Riddhima’s truth, gets a call and attends it

Sia’s room

Sia’s hands start to move she gets conscious


Riddhima reaches VR Mansion she comes to know that Vansh have made decision to announce Ahana as wife she first got shocked then she made a plan to make this party successful for her

After kabir introduction, Vansh was about to announce suddenly lights goes off and spotlight was falling on entrance of the door there standing 5 small kids and shouting at Vansh as “Papa”

Everyone was shocked and many of them startled the kids again shouts “Papa” they start running towards him drags and hugs his legs

A small girl was asking – Papa how are you

Vansh – who are you?

Chanchal – what happened papa why you are Angry we are your kids know

Vansh – what nonsense

Dadi – its not Nonsense Vansh beta congratulations you have become legally dad for this kids I’m so proud of you

By giving him an adoption papers of the kids

Angre was taken aback he checked the papers and nodded yes

Vansh also started to check if its his sign and it was His SIGNATURE

Reporter – Mr.VR are they your kids you gone for an adoption

Vansh was shocked to the core Ahana was Startled and Glared Vansh

Ahana – it’s a lie

Ishani – yes they are lying hey kids who are you where are you from

(Guys just remember Kids from Kya haal Mr. paanchal )

Buddhi – Ishani Bua what happened to you why are you angry this much angry is not good for your health

Chanchal kid – Leave it Buddhi it’s bua’s nature right you know na I will do chanchal Attack on her she will become extra normal ( making other kids to giggle )

Ishani – Bua?? Who is Bua?? I didn’t know you are not my Bhai’s kids what are you doing here

when she was about to come near them a person from Behind “Stop it Ishani di”

yes that’s Sia The children comes and hugs Sia she reciprocates it

shakthi  – bua you know Chanchal was desperately waiting to play chanchal Attack on you

Other kids nodded yes

Sia makes a pout

They giggle other family members hugs her one by one

Ishani was first was Happy to see her sister but angry to confront her why was she stopping her

Ishani – what’s going on sia is this a drama I’ll oust this kids from this home

Sia glared Ishani –Enough Ishani Di this is how you behave with kids that to they are our Nieces I think di you must be tired (Angre ) jiju please take Di to your room I think she is hungry that’s why she donno what to speak where to speak and how to speak

Ishani was about to vent her anger Vansh stopped her

Angre – Calm down Ishani (Vansh signs Angre ,angre takes ishani left from there)

Sia Smirks on this

Reporter – Mr Raisinghania will you answer our questions is these kids are your kids

Sia Glared Vansh and Towards reporter – ah they are Bhai’s kids our nieces

Reporter – Mr.VR your Wife??

“I’m here” Riddhima with full Attitude standing beside Vansh whispering him “how is my move Pati Dev” smirking at his reaction

Vansh was about to talk dadi interrupted – she is Riddhima Vansh Raisighania my first daughter in law and from now on they are my great granddaughters legally


Shakti Vansh Raisighania

Surili Vansh Raisighania

Buddhi Vansh Raisighania

Chanchal Vansh Raisighania

Dhariya Vansh Raisighania

Ahana- no this is not true check the couple name in the papers

Dadi – Its RIDDHIMA AND VANSH check it (she showed to reporters and it was true Mr.&Mrs.VR are the parents of the children )

Ahana was about to sit in a shock Chanchal kid Done her Act she removed the Chair ahana fallen down

Everyone was laughing

Riddhima also laughed

Ahana was about to hurt kid chanchal

Vansh – enough Ahana they are my kids my family so please stay away

Dadi continues –and Ahana beta what happened to you you are our guest

Reporter – who is she mam wearing same as Mrs.Vansh Raisinghania

Dadi –  she is our family friend and kabir’s Fiance I hope you all got the information you needed and Riddhima beta this is the surprise for you

In the projector they play Riansh’s wedding some moments five kids with a riansh was attached

Sia and Dadi was happy since vansh will understand Riddhima and kids soon and will have his own life

Dadi – this is called a happy family now will you please excuse us media I would like to have my moments with my family

Dadi make Riansh with kids and click photos other family members were confused the party got over, media left the kids went to dadi Vansh went to Sia’s room

Vansh – sia ( was about to hug her she moved back )

Sia – sorry Mr. Vansh Raisinghania its my room I don’t allow anyone other than my family members

Vansh – but sia I’m your Brother

Sia – Brother (sarcastically ) which brother I had a brother who had not hurted anyone badly for his revenge for me he died long ago

Vansh – you are taking mr wrong and supporting Riddhima who trapped me under murder case

Sia – why not she is innocent Anupriya and kabir fooled Riddhima and the mother and son duo Attacked me and she went to save Ragini so that she could save you (vansh was speechless) they trapped her she just wanted to live a happily simple life but Kabir trapped her to spy on you and you forcibly married her why are you guys behind her life and her decision she deserve happiness so I helped her

Vansh – means you??

Sia – yeah I signed adoption papers and through this she dragged you in her web in which you cant escape from this web for your lifetime Mr.VRS not for me atleast from now on don’t show your spy mode specially infront of my angels for godsake


Sia – Arey my Angels have came ah ??

Buddhi – Ah Bua I want to listen to your poems

Shakthi – Buddhi you will get bored Bua tell us stories please

Chanchal kid – No no please I want to tell my naughtiness to you bua

Dhairya- on remembering naughtiness I was thinking ..

Surili –Enough enough Bua if she started this it will not end next two days too

All the children laugh at Dhairya Sia was chatting with kids and she didn’t care for Vansh


Riddhima was thinking how she was able to convince dadi and Sia


Dadi phone ringed she attended – hello

Riddhima – Dadi Mei Riddhima

Dadi was about to cut

Riddhima – dadi please I have to talk to you ( dadi already know about her truth )

She continued – please dadi I know I have hurted him but believe me I tried lot to convince him

She narrated how vansh conspiracy with Ahana and said Ahana doesn’t love neither vansh nor any person just she want the nam eand power

Suddenly nurse called her sia is awake

Dadi rushes to her and sia  sia confessed everything and they thought to get vansh trap I the web so they three made the plan to flop the plan of Vansh

Riddhima reached VR mansion with groceries and she brought the kids too and adoption papers

FB ends

Thinking this and vansh Betrayal she was sure to go work from the next day if she is here then it  will be with her earnings and only for her kids didn’t  know how but she slept due to her stress

Vansh was shocked and speachless from Sia’s confession and riddhima’s truth

He reaches his room to find Riddhima slept on the bed

Vansh’s pov

“if its her web of trapping me then I’m happy in getting trapped” im sorry riddhima I have hurted you a lot I’ll try to bring back your happiness and about kids they are mine too I’ll try to become a good father I’ll earn your forgiveness

Pov ends


Kabir and ahana was joined hands in real to destroy the happiness of Riddhima by hurting the childrens

Riansh’s room

Riddhima was standing near the window looking at the moon After finding Vansh was slept

Riddhima’s pov

why bappa why i oly have to face this im here only for my kids , why they are destroying my happiness but this time I came here only to make vansh that how it hurts when one takes lifetime decision of other person he married me in a tight spot now im making him to accept the children and the situation in same spot now he would have understood the real meaning of getting trapped

pov ends

The End


Thanks for supporting my stories I hope you love this story guys all your tomatoes and slippers are accepted

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