Hi friends…
A big sorry for being super late… What would I do, first my health issues, second my family works and finally a get together with whole family after a very, very long time… Couldn’t help it… I hope you all understand…
My lovely readers, please pity on me and keep reading and commenting as always… Silent readers, a special thanks to you all…
Let’s get started… Happy reading…
Finally, it is the most awaited time, WEDDING. All were running around to finish the final arrangements. The brides and the grooms are in their rooms, getting ready for their big day.
Arjun and Radhika were beaming. Shivaay was tensed and Pari was unreadable. Anika was running away from both Shivaay and Pari. The rest involved themselves, either in helping their friends or the elders in arrangements.
Daadi called out for all. The brides and the grooms were separated by the wall of screen.
Daadi: Lets go… Or else we’ll be late to reach the venue…
Haider: But Daadi… Where are we going…? Atleast tell us the venue now…
Jhanvi: You’ll know, when you reach the destination… Now all of you shut up and hurry up…
Elders walked out and the youngsters followed them. All were seated in the allocated vehicles and they started from the Oberoi Mansion.
Our guys found the path familiar, but couldn’t understand exactly. Radhika enquired the same to Neil who was with her in the car. He too couldn’t point out exactly.
Finally, the vehicles came to a halt. Elders stepped out and came forward. Youngsters too stepped out.
Dilshad: (Towards Sammy, Meera, Anika, Gauri, Anju) Take the brides inside and make them comfortable in their rooms dear… (Turning to a buter behind.) Take them to their allocated rooms…
The girls stepped in, following the butler.
Dilshad: We have few more minutes to start the rituals, till then relax in the garden… (And gestured towards the garden on their left.)
Guys tried to ask about the venue and why they feel it familiar. But she assured them to talk later, after the marriage rituals. They agreed and stepped towards the garden.
Now it was time to welcome the groom. The bharat came taking a round around the venue. Our brides’ mothers, Sakshi as Radhika’s mother and Ankita were waiting for the grooms near the doorstep with the aarthi thaal.
As the grooms reached, they welcomed them and took them inside the hall. It was a massive hall, with the portraits of MehBerMalHan family hung on the huge wall facing the mandap. Guys were emotional to see their missing parents’ portrait. The hall was filled only with family and close friends. Yash and Aarthi were also there.
Pandit asked for the first groom to take his seat in the mandap.
Arjun was guided to the mandap by his brothers. He was doing the rituals.
Pandit asked for the bride.
Dilshad: Sakshi… (And gestured her to bring Radhika.)
Sakshi: (Went forward towards the brides’ room.)
After a minute, a beautifully dressed Radhika stepped down the stairs, with her friend cum sisters. Pari was the one missing, as she is the other bride and her groom was downstairs. Pari was accompanied by Anika, who agreed to be with her little sister.
Arjun was mesmerized to see his lady love descending the stairs like an angel from heaven. His breath was stuck, unshed tears filled his eyes. Radhika lifted her gaze to lock with her man, and found his glistering eyes, she inhaled a deep breath and reciprocated with few drops of unshed tears in her own eyes. They smiled wide.
Neil was beyond happy, few drops of tears rolled down from his eyes, seeing his little devil sister, descending the stairs. He remembered his mother at the sight of his little girl. Rest of the guys too had few drops of tears in their eyes, seeing their sister, buddy, as a beautiful bride, bride of their brother.
Shaurya, who was the new addition to their brotherhood, embraced Neil in a side hug.
Radhika was seated beside Arjun. The pandit started with the rituals.
When it was time for the gathbandhan,
Daadi: Sammy puttar, go dear, fulfil the ritual…
Sammy: But Daadi, me…?
Anjali: (Stepping forward.) Sammy di, we’re family, now stop wasting time and do the ritual…
Sammy: (Stepped in the mandap, took the pink cloth offered by pandit, placing it on Arjun’s shoulder she tied it’s end to the end of Radhika’s chunari.
It was time for the pheras. Arjun and Radhika stood up to take their steps around the fire, promising each other for a lifetime togetherness. Radhika’s leg got stuck by her lehenga, but Arjun was fast enough to hold her. They shared a deep eyelock. Without breaking the eyelock, he carried her in his arms and started with the first round. They took all their vows together, with Radhika in arms of her man, Arjun.
All had a wide smile seeing the adorable couple.
As the seven rounds around the fire was done with their vows, Arjun and Radhika took their place back.
Pandit offered the mangalsutra (nuptial chain) to Arjun.
Arjun: (Tied the nuptial chain around her delicate neck.)
Radhika: (Tear drops rolled out of her eyes, and a wide smile adored her lips.)
Pandit offered the sindoor to Arjun.
Arjun: (Took a pinch of sindoor and filled Radhika’s partition.)
Radhika: (More tears rolled out of her eyes.)
Arjun: (Wiped the tears delicately and kissed her forehead.)
Radhika: (Giggled and embraced him into a tight hug.)
Arjun: (Was initially shocked, but soon composed and pulled her more into his embrace.)
All the guest and family giggled.
Neil: Oh hello, patience love birds… You have time for your romance to start…
Radhika: (Fake angered.)
Pandit spelled them husband and wife completing the marriage. He asked the bride and the groom to take blessings of the elders.
Arjun and Radhika, together took blessings from their elders. Later they stepped towards the portraits and got blessing from their dead parents and grandparents too.
It was time for the next marriage, Shivaay and Pari’s marriage.
Pandit asked the groom to take his seat. Shivaay walked towards the mandap slowly. As he reached the mandap and took his seat, pandit started with the rituals.
It was time for the bride to make her entry. Ankita brought Pari downstairs, followed by our ladies and Anika too. Anika was fighting inside to stay strong and be happy for her little sister. Shivaay’s averting eyes landed on Anika, and got stuck on her only. Pari who lifted her eyes to see her groom, found his gaze fixed on her Anu thaai. She felt pained, but controlled herself as she is the third person among the three and she wanted her Anu thaai’s happiness.
Pari was seated beside Shivaay and that’s when he realized Pari, his bride. He gave her a apologizing look. She offered him a soft smile.
Our youngsters could feel the tension in the air. They prayed for the best to happen.
It was time for gathbandhan, this time Sammy took Anjali along with her and they completed the ritual.
As it was time for pheras, pandit asked them to stand.
Pari’s gaze was fixed on Anika, who had her head hung low. Shivaay’s gaze was fixed on the floor. The started with the first round. Throughout the six rounds Pari’s eyes were fixed on Anika, Anika’s eyes on her toes, Shivaay’s eyes on the floor. It was time for the seventh and last round, but Pari stood still, slowly turning towards Anika, she walked towards her, breaking the gathbandhan.
All were shocked and confused on what is happening. Hearing the chaos Anika lifted her gaze to see Pari a foot away from her.
Anika: Pari… ?
Pari: Why…? Why couldn’t you fight, thaai…?
Anika: Pari…?
Pari: (Turning towards the elders, joining her hands and gaze held low.) I’m sorry… I can’t get married to Shivaay…
All gaze were fixed on her. Few guests who were there started murmuring within them.
Shivaay: (Stepping beside Pari.) Pari…?
Pari: (Turning towards him.) Your heart only beats for Anu thaai and your gaze is fixed only on Anu thaai… This marriage is baseless…
Shivaay: (With head hung down.) I’m sorry…
Pari: (With a sad smile.) What are you sorry for…? For falling in love…?
Anika: (Cutting off Pari.) Pari, there is no love here… Even if it is there then it is baseless… Don’t forget I’m wife of…
Pari: (Cutting her off.) Wife of a blood sucking monster… Wife of a s*x craved animal… Wife of a heartless a*sh*le… Don’t pluck words from my mouth thaai…
Anika: Pari… (Warningly.)
Pari: What…? Want to hit me, here go ahead… (Took Anika’s hands and hit herself blindly.)
Anika: (Pulled her hands from Pari’s grip.)
Pari: The truth doesn’t change with your high pitch, thaai… And by the way, you’re no more wife of that devil and I made sure about it… (Turning towards Prateek, she extended her hand.)
Prateek: (Handed her an envelope.)
Pari: (Thrusting the envelope into Anika’s hands.) Here is your freedom, lead your life atleast now, thaai…
Anika: (Opening the envelope, her gaze was fixed on the divorce agreement, that was signed by Daksh and her. She gave her a questioning look.)
Pari: I’m not sorry for doing this…
Anika: (Slapped her hard.) Do you even realize what you had done, Pari…? Do you realize the consequences of your dumb act…? How many lifes’ are in danger…?
Pari: (Cutting her off.) I’m sure about your and kids’ safe life with Shivaay…
Anika: It is not about only my kids and me…
Pari: (Again cutting her off, locking her eyes with Anika.) And I don’t give a shit about the life of that unfaithful sister…
Anika: (Was shocked.) Pari…?
Pari: Whom are you trying to save, thaai…? That sister of yours who cheated on you, with your so called husband…? That sister of yours who didn’t bother about sleeping around with your husband, when you were carrying your little bundles in you…? Then I’m sorry to say thaai, I don’t care about her and will even bring her to dust, if that is necessary…
Anika: Pari, she is my little sister, a part of my life…
Pari: Absolutely, a part of your life… A part of your life who was hell bent in having affair with your so called husband… Right thaai…?
Anika: (Was shocked and didn’t know what she should tell.)
Pari: Try how much ever you want thaai, but the truth is you’re trying to save someone who is not worth it, someone who is not in danger at first place…
Anika: (Was confused with the new revelation.)
Pari: Tiku… (And nodded at him once.)
Prateek: (Walked off the hall and came back with half conscious Daksh and Anila.)
Anika: Anila…? (She was about to step forward, but was stopped by a grip on her upper arm. She turned to find AR beside her.)
AR: You won’t run towards her, to save her at once you see what you’re going to witness…
Anika: I didn’t understand…
AR: You will… Soon…
Prateek: Anu ma, your darling sister was having fun with your monster husband in your same bedroom, when I caught them red-handed…
Anika: Kya…?
Pari: And here is the proof… (And extended a pendrive in front of her.)
Anika: (Pulled it out of Pari’s grip and threw it into the holy fire. She broke down crying.)
Anila: (Groaned in her semi-conscious state.)
Anika: (Stood up, wiping her tears. She marched towards Anila and SPLASH. A glass of water was emptied on her face.)
Anila: (Woke up startled.) What the hell…? (She saw Anika.) Di…?
Anika: UP…
Anila: (Was taken back at her sister’s sterness and fire spitting eyes. But composed and got up.) Thank God Di… Finally I found you… (She tried to hug her.)
Anika: (Stopped her, by showing her palm on her face.) Tell me onething Ms. Sinha, were you really under his trap or a master plan, as the previous one…?
Anila: Di, you’re misunderstanding…
Prateek: Oh yes, now you would even tell that I didn’t get you red handed with your so called brother-in-law, right…?
Anila: Shut up… Di, (shaking Anika by shoulders) don’t believe him… He is trying to separate us… You know right, this man, (pointing to Daksh) is a monster…? How would I fall in to the hands of a monster knowingly…?
Anika: (Showed no reaction.) Exactly the same way you fell in his arms years back…
Anila: Di…?
Voice (from entrance): Shut up… How dare you speak to my daughter like that…?
Anika: (Stood unfazed.) Mr. Sinha, so finally got to see you…
Lady: Don’t forget you’re talking to your father, young lady… Such a shame you’re as a daughter…
Anika: (Smiling.) Oh yeah right… So would you like to explain the shame that I brought up, Mrs. Sinha…?
Mr. Sinha: You have grown guts to speak to us, after all your sick deeds…?
Shivaay: ENOUGH… Not a word more, Mr. Sinha…
Mr. Sinha: Mr. Oberoi, it is my family issue, and I would recommend you to stay out… (Turning to Anika.) How characterless you had turned to be…? I thought after marriage you’ll change, but no, you became worst…
Mrs. Sinha: I just hope those kids aren’t of any stranger…? (Pointing to the kids.)
Now that was the limit. THAPPP…
All were frozen at their spot.
Mr. Sinha: (Screamed.) ANIKA…
Mrs. Sinha: Have you gone mad, Anika…? Stop it…
Anila: Stop it Di… Why are you slapping me…? And how dare you…?
Her words were cut by another THAPPP…
Mr & Mrs. Sinha tried to step forward and stop Anika. But was held by Shashank and Ankita. Anika was at the peak of bursting and the slaps never stopped. Anila was shivering at this point seeing her silent, older sister, fuming out of anger. None stopped her. From nowhere a pair of hands came and pulled her to his hard chest, holding her close and tight.
Shh… It’s fine… I had got you…
Anika: (Clinging on to the person.) Why…? Why is it always me…? Why Baaba…?
Shashank: It is okay, bachcha… They don’t deserve even your hatred… (Pulling her head lightly and gently.) It is time to show them how wrong they are…
Anika: What is the use…? No Baaba, I don’t want to…
Shashank: Not for anyone, but for those two innocent souls…
Anika: (Turned to find her two kids, frightened and clinging themselves on to Krishna and Anjali. Inhaling a deep breath, she walked towards her biological parents and stood a foot away from them.) Do you remember the day when you got me married to this so called gem of yours…? You said few words, words of accusation on my character… And I gulped in everything silently… (Stepping back and standing in front of Anila.) Care to explain, little sister…?
Anila: What…? (She asked blankly.)
Anika: You still have the nerve, the audacity to stand with chin high… (And THAPPP…) A single minute, open your mouth yourselves… Or I’m showing you hell… This is a promise… And you know how good I’m at keeping promises…
Anila: (Stood silent. She was fighting within her.)
Anika: Your time is up… Now I’ll show you…
Anila: (Cutting her off.) No, no… I’ll tell everything… (She stuttered.)
Anika: Go on…
Anila: Dad, Mom, the other day, when you saw a man stepping out of Di’s room… (She gulped.)
Anika: I have no time for you and I have zero patience, Ms. Sinha…
Anila: The guy was with me… I brought him to our mansion… I didn’t want to take a risk taking him to my room and took him to Di’s room…
Mr. Sinha: What…?
Anika: You’re not done with your confession, Ms. Sinha…
Anila: Di, please…
Anika: Speak up…
Anila: (Was trembling by now.)
Anika: (Screamed.) I said speak up…
Anila: (Spoke instantly.) And the guy was Daksh…
Mrs. Sinha: What…? What do you mean…? Oh my God, Akash… (She turned towards her husband.)
Mr. Sinha: Continue Anila… (His voice was cold.)
Anila: (Cringed.) Daksh and I used to hook up often… You were having a good impression on him… You wanted Di to take up your business, and make her the CEO… I felt hurt… I wanted to be the CEO… Even Daksh wanted his hands on your business… So we helped each other… He would get married to Di and we’ll get what we want after making you and Mom believe that Di is…
Anika: Characterless… Unfit for being a CEO… And Daksh is a gem, an angel in disguise to save their name and respect…
Mrs. Sinha: Oh my God… (She stumbled a little, but was caught by Pari and Prateek from either side. Her eyes watered seeing her little sister’s kids after a long time.)
But Pari and Prateek turned their face to other direction, as they were hurt that their Maasi, their Anu thaai’s biological mother couldn’t understand her daughter and hurt her.
Mrs. Sinha understood their gesture and weeped silently.
Anika: How did you convince me into this marriage, Ms. Sinha…?
Anila: I… I black mailed Di stating, Daksh tried forcing himself on me and I saved myself… As he left mansion, Dad and Mom saw him going out Di’s room, where we were trapped… I made her swear not to tell anyone about it as my life would be spoiled and asked her to promise… (After a pause.) Di, didn’t accept and tried to convince me and say the truth to Dad, he would understand… But I pressurized Di so much that she finally gave in… Daksh and I, played our cards well and made this marriage happen, as Dad was worried for his daughter and the family’s respect… As he had the impression that Di was, Di was sleeping around, he grabbed the first chance he got when Daksh kept the proposal to marry Di…
Mrs. Sinha: Oh my God, what have we done…? Akash, we failed to understand… We forced Anika to get married to Daksh not giving a ear to her explanantions…
Anika: And after my arriage with Daksh, your little daughter never stopped to hook up with my so called husband… I don’t know how long it was happening… Finally, one day, I caught them in each other’s arms in the same bed where I slept every night… The heart breaking part is the same day I came to know about my angels existence in me… And that is when I realized, it was never Daksh who forced himself on Anila… It was mutual… (After a pause.) You played good, Ms. Sinha… But, you failed as a daughter and sister… I have nothing much to say… You no more belong to my life…
Anila: Di…
Anika: Don’t… (Showed her palms asking her to stop.) I didn’t want to punish you for the past, I thought you would have changed by now and wanted to save you from Daksh, as he blackmailed me by putting you in danger… But no… You cheated me once again… You’re still with this man and you planned to get me back in his life… Why…?
Anila: (Said nothing.)
Mr. Sinha: (Marched towards his daughter, Anila and grabbed her by her upper arm and turned her around. He was about to slap her across her face, but was stopped by a hand.)
He turned to see Anika holding his hand.
Anika: There is no use of punishing her now, when you couldn’t show her the right path when it was necessary… (After a long pause.) You did love your family, but you never shared anything with your family… You stayed away, always… You treated us as your sub-ordinates, instead of children… She wasn’t completely wrong… (Stepping back slowly.) I don’t know what made you to stay away from us, but you failed as a father and you as a mother… Trust is one important factor in any relation… But you both never had them in you… (Turning around she walked towards the stairs, but stopped, half turned and spat.) And the kids are mine, unfortunately the father is a monster, Daksh Khuranna… (And walked away.)
Daksh: (Thinking.) Oh God… This lady spoiled all my work… How am I going to escape… I can’t keep acting being unconscious for long… (His thoughts were interrupted.)
A glass of water was thrown on his face.
Pari: You weren’t drugged so much that you remain unconscious the whole day…
Daksh: (Stood up startled.)
Akash: (Eyes was spitting fire towards him.) I’m not sparing you… Even you… (Gave a side-way glance to Anila.)
AR: (Thrusting an envelope in hands of Daksh.) Sign them, now…
Daksh: (Opened the envelope and was shocked.) No, I’m not signing… I’m not signing the damn custody papers… Kids are mine and stuck with me for whole life…
Shivaay: (Had enough. He marched towards him and threw a hard punch on his face.)
Daksh: (Stumbled and fell on the floor.)
Shivaay: (Didn’t stop there. He bent towards him and blew few more punches.)
Arjun & Om: (Pulled Shivaay.)
Shivaay: Let go of me, Ajju… I’m not sparing him today… Because of him, I lost my love… Because of him my Anika suffered to death… He blo*dy damn tried to kill my little angels…
Arjun: Shh… Control, Shiv… We aren’t sparing him, but please control…
Shivaay: (Wasn’t ready to calm down.)
Sammy: (Ran towards Shivaay and embraced him tightly.) Shh, Bhaai… Please relax… (She was weeping badly.)
Shivaay: (Sensed her fear and pain. Composing himself, he gathered her in his arms and comforted her.) Sorry Sammy… Didn’t mean to scare you…
Sammy: I’m not scared seeing your anger, Bhaai… I’m just scared about your health… I can’t see you…, no, nothing could happen to my family…
All had a pleasant smile. Sammy mentioned them as her family for the first time.
Akash: (Pulling Daksh by his collar and spoke coldly.) Sign the damn papers, now…
Daksh: (Shivered. Still tried his last luck.) No… Think about your daughter, who will marry her, think about the kids, they need a father… I promise to stay faithful to Anika and kids…
Akash: (Pulling him closer and straggling his neck a little.) One more word, you’ll see the real me… SIGN.THE.DAMN.PAPERS.NOW.
Everyone there shivered at his coldness.
Daksh: (Shook his head negative.)
Akash: (Pulled him to his feet and punched him black and blue.)
AR: (Pulled Akash off.) Sir, please… Calm down… We can’t lose our control, it is about Anika and the innocent kids, please…
Akash: I want the papers signed… Nothing is important to me… My daughter had suffered enough and I had been the soul reason… Now, it is time that I give her a peaceful and happy life, with her kids… And that starts with her freedom from this demon…
Arjun: She will be free, very soon… Please stay calm… It is a promise of an older brother to a father…
Akash: (Looked straight into Arjun’s eyes. It held so much care and truthfulness that he nodded affirmative and calmed himself.)
Arjun & AR: (Shared a look and turned towards their other brothers.)
In return they smirked.
Haider & Neil: (Held Daksh from either side and dragged him off.)
Mrs. Sinha: Where are they taking him…? Akash, it is our daughter’s life…
Akash: And it is beautiful and peaceful without Daksh… Calm down Ananya… Her father is still alive to take care of her…
Ananya: For how long…? We are growing old… Think about the kids, they need both the parents’ love… Our daughters didn’t experience them to the fullest, please atleast not our grandchildren…
Akash: Neither Anika nor our grandchildren are going to experience the true love and care with that man… Hold yourself up, Ananya, because I’m not letting that man near my kids… (His gaze on Anila.) And you young lady, I’ll make sure that you learn you lessons… (And walked off.)
Anya: Maamu… (Scratching Krishna’s chin.)
Krishna: Yes bachcha…?
Anya: Why they fight…? (Why are they fighting…?)
Krishna: They aren’t fighting, bachcha… They are just talking… Just they had their voice high…
Anya: No, you lie… Mamma cried… Mamma bet that Aunty… (No, you’re lying…)
Anjali: Anoo, bachcha, Mamma was crying because she met them after a long time… And Mamma bet that Aunty because she did a big mistake…
Ansh: Oh… That Aunty did wrong, and Mamma bet…?
Anjali: Yes…
Anya: Ok then…
They sighed in relief.
Sammy: Oh my babies, aren’t you hungry…? Come, let’s have tasty, tasty food…
Anya & Ansh: Okay… (And jumped still staying in Krishna & Anjali’s arms.)
Sammy: Okay… Okay… Guys get them seated, I’ll bring food…
Krishna & Anjali: Okay Di…
In room,
Anika: (Was pacing the room tensed.)
Pari entered with Radhika, Meera and Gauri. Pari wasn’t ready to meet Anika, but the rest dragged her along to meet Anika.
Anika: (Turned facing the door, and saw Pari with rest behind, at the doorstep. She marched towards Pari with long strides.)
Pari: (Stuttered.) Anu thaai, I…, I didn’t mean to do all this… I just wanted your, your happiness and no…nothing else… (But she was cut short by Anika as she was pulled into a tight hug.)
Anika: Stupid girl… What were you thinking while planning all these…? You could have hurt yourself at anytime…
Pari: But nothing like that happened… So, no tension…
Anika: Shut up… And this is why you were behaving weird right from the beginning…
Pari: (Shrugged her shoulders lightly.)
Anika: (But she could read something beyond nothing in her little sister’s eyes.) Are you hiding something from me Pari…?
Pari: Why would I…?
Anika: Your eyes says there is something beyond to your words…
Pari: No, you’re just overthinking… Relax Anu thaai…
Anika: (Letting out a sigh.) Where are Sammy and Anju…?
Voice (from the door): They are with kids…
All turned towards the door to see Daadi, Dilshad, Sakshi, Ankita, Jhanvi and Pinky. The ladies walked in and stood in front of our young ladies.
Daadi: (Extened her hands and welcomed Anika for a hug.)
Anika: (With tear filled eyes, embraced herself in hands of Daadi.)
Daadi: (Kept patting her head and rubbed her palm on her shoulder continuously.) Bus puttar… Ab aur nahin… Bahut roli thu, ab bus…
Anika: (Slowly calmed down in the arms of the older mother.)
All had a pleasant smile.
Lots of Love,
episode was fabulous fantastic no words to explain I hope I get to read next epi as soon as possible dear
love you
Thank you Shravani…
It is lovely
Thank you Nikita…
God i missed you and your story so badly…Glad that you are back with a Blockbuster epi…so many revelations from Anudi’s side..and Arjun and radhika shaadi was so adorable and admirable..will be waiting for the next..
Thank you Prabha… Will try to keep up your expectation…
Superb ? eagerly waiting for the next part
Thank You Hamna…
Super good..i like it..no no…i loved it..
Thank you Shubhadha…