Hi Friends…
Hope you all are doing good and enjoying my story… If not, please do let me know… I’ll see to it…
A big thanks to all my readers and supporters… Good or bad, please keep commenting…
Let’s get started… Happy reading…
Anila: (Thinking.) Why…? Why is it always she who gets the best…? Shivaay Singh Oberoi, she got her hands on the great business tycoon… What not I did so that I can take her place…? I pushed Daksh to take her back stating a false will of getting Dad’s empire on a condition of them living together, but it was failing terribly… I even let that Pari to play her cards well… Let her get his signature on the divorce papers in exchange of her fiancé… But that b*t*h, she showed me her over smartness… I won’t spare that b*t*h…
Pari: (From behind.) Angry…?
Anila: Leave before I kill you with my bare hands…
Pari: You don’t scare me, Anila… You played with my Anu thaai’s life… And I played with your own tricks… I will do anything and everything for my Anu thaai… Rectify yourselves, Anila before I plan doing that…
Anila: You b*t*h… (And jumped on her, throttling her neck.) I’m not going to spare you…
A hand pulled Anila, freeing Pari. The pair of eyes was spitting fire and blood shot. A hard slap echoed the whole hall. The person dragged her out of the hiding spot and pushed her to the floor in mid of hall. All were looking puzzled at the happenings.
Gauri: Ritu…? (She ran to him and hugged him tight. After few seconds, she lifted her gaze to see his red shot eyes only fixed on Anila. This scared her and hugged him tight once again.) Ritu, please relax… (She trembled.)
Rithik: (Sensing her trembling form in his embrace, he composed himself and gathered her close to his heart.) Shh… Baby, relax…
Krishna: (Stepping forward.) Ritu Bhai, is everything fine…? She…?
Mrs. Sinha: Fine…? Nothing is fine… How can he be so cruel to my daughter…? (She tried to step forward, but his words stopped her midway.)
Rithik: Cruel…? Is it cruel than murder…? This daughter of yours was trying to throttle this lady (side hugging Pari) to death… Now tell me, Mrs. Sinha, are my acts cruel than what she was trying to do…?
All faces were ghost struck. Anika and Ankita ran to Pari and pulled her into a hug.
Shashank: (Joining his hands in front of Sinha couple.) I plead you take this daughter of yours away from us… Already my elder daughter had suffered enough, I would never want my other daughter experience the same… I respect you both for the relationship we hold and your age, but I would forget anything and everything if it is about my daughters… (Looking straight into Anila’s eyes.) You’re lucky enough that your true face is in front of me in such an occasion where my daughter got her love and life back… If it would have been any other situation, I would have made your life hell…
Ankita: (Stepping towards her husband, held his hand tight.) Shashank, please…
Shashank: (Gave her a hurt look. Later composed himself and walked off.)
Ankita: (Followed him with tears.)
Anika: You only tell me, Anila… What should I do so that you end all your madness…?
Anila: Really…? You want to hear what I want…? Then listen…
Pari: Anu thaai, it isn’t necessary for you to listen to her… Let’s go…
Anila: What happened…? Trying to save your Anu thaai from breakdown…? (Faking an innocent face.) But I would love to see her breakdown…
Disgusting, was the only emotion that everyone in the hall felt.
Anika: What do you want, Anila…?
Anila: I want you, your destruction… Did you hear me, I want your destruction… You always stood as a hurdle in my way… First it was the love of parents, then popular and lovable girl of school and college, CEO post, Dev and now, now, The Shivaay Singh Oberoi…
It was like a death for Anika. Everyone were shocked to here Shivaay’s name.
Anila: Yes, you even snatched Shivaay from me… You will never let me live happily, you are a thorn in my way… I hate you… Did you hear me…? I hate you…
Mrs. Sinha: (Had enough of her daughter’s stupidiy, pulled her by upper arm and slapped her hard.) Enough… Now, not a word… You are sick…
Anila: Yes, I’m sick… You made me sick… You disgust me… I hate you… I hate you all… (She was turning violent every passing second and was breaking everything she got hold of.)
Kids were terrified and clung to Shivaay. Guys tried to stop her, but in vain.
Yash: (Came running with a syringe.) Guys, tackle her to the floor, it is necessary to calm her instantly… Or it may cost her life…
All our guys agreed and with much difficulty tackled Anila to the floor, locking her by holding her arms and legs. Yash injected her and within few second she fell unconscious. All let out a sigh of relief.
Mr. Sinha: Thank you, Doctor…
Yash: It was my duty, Sir… Just one request, get her treated… Or she may turn dangerous… So much hatred and troubled childhood brings out the worst… As of now, she needs a good counselling to save herself and to stop her from hurting others…
Mr. Sinha: (Exhaling a deep breath.) I understand, Doctor… Would you recommend me with some specialist…?
Yash: (Looked at Aarthi once and averted his gaze back to Mr. Sinha.) Sure Sir… I would let you know soon…
Aarthi: Yash ji…?
Yash: Nahi Aarthi ji… I can’t let you do this…
Aarthi: Par Yash ji, this is my work… And you know I love my work…
Yash: (Inhaling a deep breath, he walked towards Aarthi. Resting his hands on her tummy securely.) I can’t take a risk at this situation, Aarthi ji… She is violent, it is a little late and little difficult to handle… She may even try to hurt you and… Please, Aarthi ji I don’t want you to stress with your complicated pregnancy…
Aarthi: (Stood silently with her eyes locked to Yash. She nodded yes.)
Yash: (Gathered her close to his heart.) I’m sorry Aarthi ji…
Aarthi: You aren’t wrong, Yash ji… I understand…
Yash: (To Mr. Sinha.) I’m sorry… I…
Mr. Sinha: (Cutting him off.) No beta… I completely understand… And trust me, I would have done the same in your situation… And congratulations, beta…
Yash & Aarthi: (Smiled and took his blessings.)
Yash: (Gaze fell on Meera.)
Meera: (Eyes were filled with tears. Her face expression changed as something struck her mind and ran towards the stairs.)
All exchanged glances not knowing what is she up to.
Haider: (Was about to follow her. But stopped on seeing her descending the stairs.)
Meera: (She straight away rnoved towards Yash & Aarthi. Realizing something, she stopped herself and gave a helpless look to Haider.)
Haider: (Gestured her to proceed.)
Their silent conversation was noticed by both Yash and Aarthi.
Yash: (Thinking.) Is he the man…? I have to find it out, soon…
Meera: (Was still not convinced. She thought for a while and went towards Ansh and Anya. Kneeling in between them, she said something only audible to them.)
Kids: (Bobbed their head affirmative and took the box from her hands and ran towards Yash and Aarthi.)
Anya: (Pulled Yash’s hand and made him to kneel.)
Ansh: (Pulled Aarthi’s hand and made her to kneel.)
They together gave them the box in their hand and shouted, CONGRATS YU AND ARU BHABHI…
Meera: (Slapped her head with her palm.)
Rest chuckled at their antics.
Yash & Aarthi: (Smiled with tears brimming their eyes.) Thank you… (And kissed their forhead. Later averted their gaze to Meera, who was smiling with tears rolling down her eyes.)
Aarthi: (Placing a hand on his shoulder.) Yash ji…
Yash: (Turned towards Aarthi.)
Aarthi: (Gestured him to see her hand.)
Yash: (He obliged to once again end up with tears rolling down.)
Aarthi: Yash ji… (And pressed his shoulders.)
Yash: (Delicately touching the Lord Krishna’s idol in Aarthi’s hands.) You know, this is the only remembrance of Mammu and Mammijaan, Meera’s parents… In spite of being an Islam, she always respected our customs, culture and God… She used to do Pooja daily to this same Kaanaji till her last breath… She safeguarded it as her life… Because they were blessed with Meeru after ten years of married life, fortunately or unfortunately, that happened after Maamu got this Kaanaji… It was actually for Maa as she was expecting Pratik, but Maamijaan requested Mammu to get her another as she want to have Kannaji with her till her last breath…
Meera: (Too remembered the same incident which was narrated to her by her Maa, Gayathri Maa, Yash’s mother. She too smiled.)
Yash: (looking straight into Meera’s eyes, he repeated.) It is the only remembrance of Mammu and Mammijaan…
Meera: (Averting her gaze. Smiling.) Remembrance is related to heart and soul… So, yes I have them with me… This Kaanaji is a blessing, and the mother needs them more than me… I have belief on Ammee’s belief… All the complications in this pregnancy would vanish…
Aarthi: (Caressing her cheek.) You’re exactly as Mummy ji mentioned… No difference…
Meera: (Smiled shyly.)
Aarthi: (Letting out a sigh.) I know, you’re stubborn like your brothers, will not try to even have a word before fulfilling your promise… I’ll be waiting for the day to soon arrive… Even I want to experience the same masti…
Meera: (Smiling.) I promise…
Aarthi: (Nodded gesturing her acceptance.)
Haider: (Was smiling with lots of love in his eyes, seeing his lady love.)
Yash: (His averted gaze fell on smiling Haider, eyes filled with…? Love…?) (Thinking.) He loves her dearly… Only thing I should know now is if he is the guy whom Meeru loved or loves…
Meera: (Noticing Yash’s analysing gaze on Haider, decided to clear his confusions.) Haider…
Haider: (Gestured her what.)
Meera: (Stepping towards him.) Will you grant my small wish…?
Haider: (Reducing the gap between them. Cupping her face.) Order me, sweetheart… I’ll do it instantly…
Meera: Even unknowlingly we had been waiting for each other all these years… Now would you wait for me for few more days and be my support to win back my family…?
Haider: Meera, I already promised to get back your family’s love and blessings… Why this sudden request…?
Meera: I know… Still, would you promise me… Once again… (And extended her right hand towards him.)
Haider: (Without a second thought, engulging her extended palm with his both palms.) I do… Hmmm…?
Meera: (Smiled wide, with tears rolling down.)
Haider: (Gently wiped her tears and hugged her.) (Only audible to her.) Was this promise for what I’m suspecting…?
Meera: (Still being in his embrace, locked her eyes with him and nodded affirmative.)
Haider: (Grinned and pecked her forehead.)
Meera: (Buried her head in his chest and tightened her grip around him.)
Yash: (Thinking.) I was right… He is the one… Upto my understanding, he and this family, both are great… I’m sure Meeru will be happy with him and family… Now only thing left out is convincing, Babuji, Pankaj Bhaiya and Vidhi Bhabhi… I just hope it happens soon… And I will support her and help her to win them back… I should be careful that none knew about me behind her…
Aarthi: (Only audible to Yash.) Don’t worry Yash ji… You’ll bring our family together… I trust you… Meera is lucky to have you…
Yash: What are you talking about…?
Aarthi: I can understand you inside out, Yash ji… And I’m sure by now you would have thought about how to convince Babuji, Pankaj Bhaiya and Vidhi Bhabhi…
Yash: (Was staring at her wide eyed.)
Aarthi: (Giggled.)
Yash: (Smiled.) You’re dangerous…
Aarthi: Absolutely… Better be careful… (She played along.)
Yash: (Pulled her into an arm hug.)
Daadi: (Caressing Meera’s hair.) Puttar…
Meera: (Breaking from the hug.) Daadi…?
Daadi: (Wiping her tears.) Nahi puttar… Enough of shedding tears… Was six years not enough that you’re still shedding tears…? Have trust on my kids thay will do anything and everything to keep you happy…
Meera: (Hugging her.) I know, Daadi…
All the girls joined the hug.
Ours guys had an ear-to-ear smile on their faces.
Our mothers exchanged a look.
Sakshi: (To Dilshad.) Ho jaaye shuru…?
Dilshad: (Enquired the same to Jhanvi and Pinky through her eyes.)
Jhanvi & Pinky: (Acknowledged positively.)
Dilshad & Sakshi: (Shared a look. Their eyes spoke rest.)
<<What is it…? We should wait and watch…>>
Lots of Love,
Amazing Chappy…Loved every bit of it..par end mein toh Cliff hanger pe chod diya… ab Dil,pinky,janvi and sakshi kya plan kar rahe hai..? quite curious to know..Pls Post ASAP..
Hey Prabha… Thank you dear… I hope you would be happy when I break what it is… I’ll be updating asap…
It is lovely dear
Thank you dear…