My World Is In Your Love – Chapter 20

My world is in your love Chapter-20

If you haven’t read that previous chapter, The link is here-

Rohan called Ahana to the VR mansion. Kabir packed his things to go to syndey. He didn’t want to go, but because of Vansh’s punishment, he changed his mind to go to syndey. Everyone was in a sad mood. Rudra and Chanchal were crying. Dadi controlled her tears.

Kabir: Vansh, just give me a last chance. Dadi, please tell him. I can’t live without my family.

Dadi: Sorry, Kabir. It is Vansh’s order.

Vansh: Kabir, your passport and visa are with Angre. Angre will drop you at the airport. No one from the family will come to the airport.

Kabir: Vansh, what will I do for my job? I won’t go for syndey.

Vansh: you don’t need to go to work. You are just going to stay in our guest house at the syndey. You will be under house arrest at the syndey. No phone, no entertainment, you will have the feeling of being in the jail. Angre take all the luggage of kabir and drop him at the airport.

Kabir gave a hug to his parents. Kabir went into vexation. Ahana was entering the VR mansion. Kabir and Angre came to the entrance of the VR mansion. Kabir and Angre collided with Ahana.

Kabir: Ahana, don’t you have eyes?

Angre: Ahana, are you okay? Is this your handbag?

Ahana: Yes, Angre I am fine, give my handbag. Kabir, you were the one who collided with me.

Kabir: Do the Malhotra’s family habit always fight with me? First, Rohan, then you.

Ahana: That is not our family habit. It is a Raisinghania’s family habit.

Angre: Kabir and Ahana will you both stop it. Kabir just come with me.

Vansh went to meet Riddhima who was sleeping peacefully. Mrs. D’Souza was taking care of Riddhima. Vansh asked her to bring some water for him. Vansh thought, “Riddhima, I am always giving you pain. When I want to make you happy, all my efforts go in vain. Because of me this accident took place. Ragini’s father and Ahana’s father are trying to kill you because of me, they can’t tolerate the fact that I am close to you. Riddhima, If I tell everyone that you are my wife, then they will definitely kill you. I don’t want to lose you, Riddhima.”

Vansh just gave a forehead kiss to her and left the room. Soon, he came to the living area. Vansh was shocked to see Kabir and Angre in the living area.

Vansh: Kabir, your flight is at 11’00 o’clock. Now the time is 11:30. What are you doing in the VR mansion?

Kabir: My passport and Visa are lost.

Vansh: Again a drama, are you a small kid? Why don’t you have your passport and visa safely?

Angre: Boss, it was my mistake. I was holding it in my hand when I left the VR mansion. When I went to airport the passport was missing.

Vansh: How could it be? Angre recall every incident that happened today.

Angre: After talking with you, we went to the entrance. Ahana collided with us. Then we went to the airport.

Kabir: Angre, I think the passport and visa must be with Ahana. You gave her the handbag. The passport and visa must be in Ahana’s handbag.

Angre: Yes. Ahana, check your handbag.

Ahana: The passport and visa are with me.

Vansh: Angre, book the next flight for him.

Dadi: No need, let kabir stay in the VR mansion. See Rudra’s face, he is very happy to see his son. Don’t spoil their happiness.

Vansh: As per your wish, Dadi.

Everyone’s face turned into a smile. Everyone came and hugged Kabir. Vansh was happy inside, but he didn’t showcase it to everyone. Ahana made a grin at Rohan and showed a thumb up finger to Rohan. Rohan just gave a wink at her. It was Rohan’s plan to stop Kabir from going to syndey using Ahana. Kabir started to look at Ahana. Kabir thought,”Thank you, Ahana malhotra”. Vansh asked Rohan to come to his room.

Rohan: Vansh, anything important?

Vansh: why did Ahana show her thumbs-up finger to you and why did you wink at her?

Rohan: Dude, Ahana is my cousin. I just thanked her.

Vansh: For stopping Kabir, right?

Rohan (trembling): Yes…This Raisinghania family gave me a lot of happiness. How could I see you and the Raisinghania family with pain? Kabir will miss his family a lot. I don’t want the same situation to happen to Kabir. Vansh, it is very difficult to live without parents. I have experienced it. I don’t want Kabir to also experience it. I know that you are also sad when kabir left to the airport.

Vansh was silent for two minutes and slowly hugged Rohan.

Vansh: Rohan, Thank you so much.

Rohan: No thanks and sorry between friends. Vansh, I have a meeting. I will talk with you later, bye.

After one week, Riddhima was slowly recovering from the injury. For the past one week, Vansh tried to avoid Riddhima. Vansh came to her room only when she was sleeping. Riddhima had a doubt about him. Every time he went to Vansh’s study room, Angre was ready to stop her. Riddhima went to Vansh’s office. The Vansh’s bodyguard and Riddhima had a big quarrel between them. Vansh was in his cabin, he was informed about Riddhima’s appearance in the office. Vansh asked Angre to stop Riddhima and take her back to the VR mansion. After a few minutes, Angre told that Riddhima had a big quarrel with bodyguards and left the place.

Vansh heard a weird sound in his cabin. He asked Angre to check the cabin using a bug detector. Vansh had a doubt whether or not a bug device was in the cabin to spy on him. Angre gave a bug detector device to vansh. Vansh used the device slowly, he came near the window. He heard the same weird sound near the window. He checked with the bug detector device, but nothing was detected by the device. Vansh opened the window. It was Riddhima. Riddhima quickly came inside the cabin through the window.

Vansh: Riddhima, are you mad?

Riddhima: Angre, just go out. I wanted to talk with Vansh alone.

Vansh: Why did you come to my cabin through the window?

Riddhima: To see you. Vansh, what is this device? Whenever I come to meet you why are you pointing a device against me? Vansh, it is not looking like a gun. Whether it is a special device to kill a person.

Vansh: No, it is a bug detector. Have you seen me now? Okay, leave my cabin immediately.

Riddhima: I forgot to ask you something. For the past one week you haven’t talked with me. Why are you avoiding me?

Vansh: No, I am not avoiding you. For the past one week, I have been coming to your room, but you will be sleeping.

Riddhima: Vansh answer my three questions, just say yes or no. First, are you going to marry Ragini? Second, are you going to marry Ahana? Third, are you going to hide our relationship and give the divorce to me?

Vansh: I think you are watching more movies and series. For all your three questions, the answer is No. Okay, now you can leave my cabin.

Riddhima: Vansh, I need some water.

Vansh gave some water to Riddhima. Riddhima was not ready to leave his cabin.

Riddhima: Vansh, my neck is hurting a lot. I can’t raise up my neck while talking to you. See my height, I am on the ground floor, you are on the sixth floor. Please, shall we sit and talk?

Vansh just came near her. He clenched her waist, Riddhima held his shoulder. Vansh just lifted Riddhima and placed her on the table. Riddhima was astonished by his behavior, but she liked it. Vansh was standing and Riddhima was sitting at the table. Now it was easy for Riddhima to talk with him.

Riddhima: Please tell me why you are avoiding me. After that accident, you are not talking with me. I need to know the reason.

Vansh: Because of me that the accident took place to you. I don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart.

Riddhima: But you didn’t hurt me. It was Ragini’s father and Ahana’s father. Vansh let’s forget about it.

Vansh: How did you know about that accident mystery?

Riddhima: Rohan told me. I am hungry. You are also hungry, right.

Vansh: Yes. Let’s have our lunch together. Angre, arrange for lunch.

Vansh’s phone started to ring. The phone call was from the VR mansion. Mrs. D’Souza was at the other end.

Vansh: Mrs. D’Souza, anything serious?

Mrs. D’Souza: Riddhima is missing in her room.

Vansh: Don’t worry, she is with me.

Vansh came near to Riddhima. The lunch was arranged on the table.

Vansh: Riddhima, how did you come from the VR mansion to my office?

Riddhima: Just jumping through the window.

Vansh was changing into an angry mode. Vansh started to scold her, but before that, she placed a spoon of food in his mouth.

Riddhima: Won’t you feed me?

Vansh took a spoon and started to feed her. Both finished their lunch together. Vansh came with Riddhima to the VR mansion. Both were shocked to see ragini in a VR mansion. Vansh asked Ragini to leave his house. But Ragini told that she had come to meet Kabir’s family, and she would not stay in the VR mansion. Karthik and Ahana also came to the VR mansion to see Rohan.

Karthik: Let’s all play a game.

Sia: But what game karthik?

Rohan: Let’s play musical paper.

Ahana: Yes, we will play it, it is an interesting game.

Ishani: What are the rules of the game?

Rohan: Same as musical chair. The music will be played when the music stops, you need to stand in the paper. Before that, everyone should stand inside the circle if anyone comes out. Then there will not be in the game.

Ishani: Sia and Rohan will be the judge.

Karthik: Ok. Myself, Ahana, Riddhima, Vansh, Aryan, Ragini, Ishani, Angre will join the game.

Ahana: and Kabir too. Kabir will also join us. Nine members will play the game.

The game started with fun. First round, five papers were placed within the circle. Vansh, Riddhima, Kabir, Ragini and Ahana won the first game by standing the paper. Second round, three papers were placed this time. Riddhima and Vansh quickly stood on the paper. Kabir and Ahana collided with each other and had a huge fight to stand on the paper. Ragini took the chance to stand on the paper. Third round, one paper was placed. The competion was between Riddhima, Vansh, Ragini. When the music stopped, Vansh standed on the paper and Riddhima standed on Vansh’s foot. Karthik had a hole on his heart to see the couple in this position. Ragini went into jealous mode. Everyone was astonished to see Vansh and Riddhima like this.

Rohan: Vansh, we need only one winner.

Both came back to their normal position. Riddhima started to blush. Vansh started to stare at her.

Sia: Rohan, now fold that paper. Let’s see who wins. Definitely, it will be Vansh bhai.

Karthik: No, Riddhima will win in it.

Again the music started, Riddhima thought, “I wanted Vansh to win it”. Vansh thought, “I need Riddhima to win it. I wanted to see happiness in her face.” When the music stopped, both began to stare at each other.

Rohan: Have you both lost your mind? Anyone of you stand on the paper.

Vansh: Riddhima stand on the paper, so you may win it.

Riddhima: Come on, Vansh. You stand on it.

Both of them wanted to give way to the winner position. Vansh realized it. Vansh immediately pulled Riddhima’s arms and lifted her in his arms and stood on the paper. Everyone clapped their hands except Karthik, Kabir and Ragini.

Sia: So the winner is Riddhima and Vansh Bhai.

Vansh was still lifting Riddhima and whispered in her ears.

Vansh: We may be different people…

Riddhima: but our soul is one…

Both came to their normal position. Vansh got a notification message in his phone. The message was “Everything is going according to our plan, what is our next plan?”

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Stay tune for the next chapter…

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Winner never quits, Quitter never wins

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