Categories: Na Umar Ki Seema Ho

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 15th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Amba gets arrested for Rakesh’s murder

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 15th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vidhi coming to the jeweller to mortgage her ring. He tells the rate. Vidhi says you are saying the wrong date, I want to mortgaged it, and says you are offering me much money than its value. The jeweller smiles and gives her money. Vidhi takes ring and poses selfie wearing it. She gets emotional and tells that this ring was given to me, by my mother and says it is very precious to me, I will soon take it. The jeweller says you are honest and truthful, I will keep it safely. Vidhi tells that her mother says that if anything is taken extra then it is like stealing the money. Raab ji hears her and says you said right. He says he was going to Milapni Devi temple, but don’t know the way, as he came alone today. She says I will take you there.

Dev and Kaushik wait for

Amba to come. Amba comes there and looks angrily at them. Vidhi comes to Hariprasad’s house. Raab ji asks if she is your daughter and praises her. Vidhi tells that tomorrow is Dev’s speech and that’s why she had come to buy shirt for him. Amba threatens to kick Kaushik from his office. Dev tells her that she can’t do anything as Kaushik has her company’s 19 percent shares.

Raab ji tells Hariprasad that he is feeling jealous of him. He tells that he wanted such a family, but her son is spoilt and they have distanced between each other. He asks her to tell Vidhi if she finds girl like her. Vidhi says ok and goes. Kaushik asks accountant to tell Amba, what deal Yogesh had signed? Dev says as far as I remember, and says Yogesh has given 19 percent shares to Kaushik. Accountant confirms the same. Dev says we are just doing tit for tat. Amba says I will destroy you. Vidhi comes there. Amba says I will have brought you to balghar from Raichand Mansion, now I will bring you to the road. Just then Durga Devi comes there. Constable says you have to come with us, Amba Mehta. Amba says they have betrayed me. Durga Devi says you are under arrest for Rakesh Kumar’s murder. Amba says you can’t arrest me. Durga Devi shows the warrant and says it is not yet evening, and lady constable is also here. Amba says she wants to call lawyer. She calls lawyer and tells him that Police has come to arrest her. He says he will try to get bail, but court will be closed in 10 mins. He says you have to go from here and says he will take her out on Monday. Durga Devi asks her to cooperate else she will be insulted infront of her employees. The Media comes there and tells that Amba Mehta is arrested for Rakesh’s murder case.

Hariprasad, Satyavati and Yogesh hear the news. Yogesh panics as he is involved with her. Priya calls Yogesh and says I am afraid, if we get caught too. She asks him to take care and ends the call. She then smiles. The reporter asks Dev if he is doing this for revenge, and says today you are staying in balghar, where you used to give funds. Dev says he didn’t do anything. Vidhi says it is her karma, we didn’t do anything. She says Amba is just arrested, our house and office is still in her possession. Dev says we have to fight for it, and tells that they will wait for the law. Yogesh is shocked and goes from office. Vidhi says the evil devil tried, but her story is over. Amba is locked in the lock up and vents out her anger.

Precap: Vidhi comes to PS and challenges Amba that she will tie her with her crimes that she will never see the sky. Amba says she never loses. Vidhi says I won’t let you win this time.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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