Categories: Na Umar Ki Seema Ho

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 27th April 2023 Written Episode Update

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 27th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Satyavati cherishes the family picture when Vidhi comes and says I came to see if you are comfortable. Vidhi gives coil for mosquitoes. Vidhi sees Satyavati looking at Dev’s mother’s picture. Vidhi says I know this might be a bit awkward for you to stay here as it’s Dev’s maternal grandmother house, or else you want me to remove the picture. Satyavati says no not all, I have no issues and I am gaining more and more respect for Dev’s mom do I am completely okay with it. Vidhi sees ghunghroo in Amba’s box and asks about it. Satyavati says I used to be a classical dancer.

Vidhi says wow I never saw you perform, I also know classical we should dance together some day. Dev gives the mosquito coil to Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu and Dev laugh on it saying it still works. Suddenly the light

goes off. Dev and Vidhi go to check. Then Dev drinks water and Vidhi comes with a mosquito bat. They laugh at how the mosquito bat works. Amba comes inside hiding from the gaurd and watches Dev and Vidhi laughing and enjoying.

Amba gets irked, she gets Yogesh’s call and takes it. Amba says I am coming to you. Amba meets Yogesh and discusses how she is not happy yet as she wanted Dev and Vidhi separated. Yogesh says you have their business and home now what? Amba says I want the place they are happily spending time in, Baalghar. Yogesh is shocked. Amba smirks. Next day, Vidhi wakes up and finds Dev with a blackboard with a plan to take revenge from Amba. Vidhi says okay so that is why you are the superman for everyone.

Vidhi asks what’s the plan? Dev says when something goes in extra a person then that person loses the interest in it so same will happen with Amba when she sees us in extreme pain and once she gets relaxed then we will attack, first we will take back the house and then business. Dev says also for the house Priya has power of attorney till the time Priya doesn’t sign it the house is with her only for 3 months and Amba can’t do anything after that she can. Vidhi says after how Amba cheated on Priya I don’t think Priya will help her, she is definitely on our side. Dev says I hope so.

Here, Bimla gets all the fasting items in bulk from her saving to sell them. She thinks if Vidhi would have been here it would have been helpful. Hari sees all this and appreciates her effort. Later, Dev and Vidhi share the idea with Satyavati and Abhimanyu. They all worry for Chitra as Amba is using her as a pawn so Vidhi assures everyone by saying she has a plan for that as well. Vidhi and Abhimanyu help the Baalghar people in cooking to stay like a family. Dev comes to Kaushik to ask for help.

Kaushik says this is your company you are making me look like someone who is ungrateful by asking me for work. Dev says I am serious I am in urgent need of work please help me. Kaushik says okay then you take the Director chair. Dev says thank you for trusting me so much. Kaushik sags offcourse I do, you are like god to me. Dev says I need another help from you, do you know in detail what has happened with us? Then Dev tells the whole story. Kaushik is shocked. As per Dev’s plan. Kaushik calls Amba and asks her to meet him for business purposes.

Precap: Amba comes to Kaushik’s cabin and sees Dev requesting and pleading Kaushik for a job for him for the sake of his family. Amba is shocked to see Dev so vulnerable

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