Fan Fiction

Naagin – Love forever Episode 16

He hugs her and she hugs him back.

Ritik:I will make place for you in family’s heart.

He kisses her forehead.He is about to go when Shivanya stops him and says

Shivanya:Ritik I want to say you something.

Ritik:What you want to say?

Shivanya tells about Shesha and Sukanya and Ritik is shock.

Ritik:What!Be careful Shivanya they both can attack on you anytime.

Shivanya:I will be careful Ritik you don’t worry about me.

Ritik:Okay now I am going to office and take care of yourself.

He goes to office Shivanya thinks

Shivanya:I have to find Shesha and Rani Sukanya.

Shivanya takes snake form and goes towards forest.

Shesha and Sukanya are talking with eachother.

Shesha:We have to do something to kill Shivanya.

Sukanya:Yeah.See this knife.

Shesha:What to do of this knife.

Sukanya:With this knife it will be simple to kill Shivanya.

Shesha:It is simple to kill only Shivanya?

Sukanya:No we can kill any icchadhari naagin with this.Shesha thinks

Shesha:Oh so first I will kill Shivanya and then you.

Sukanya:What are you thinking?

Shesha:Nothing Rani Sukanya.

Sukanya:Now Shivanya will be out of my Ritik’s life and I will be in.

Sukanya laughs evily.

Shivanya comes in forest and Sukanya and Shesha sees this and hides behind tree.

Sukanya tells to Shesha

Sukanya:Today is Shivanya’s last day.

Sukanya comes behind Shivanya.


Shivanya turns and sees Sukanya with knife and is shocked.

Sukanya:Now you are gone.

Sukanya stabs the knife on Shivanya’s stomach.
Shivanya falls down.

Precap:Ritik to see Shivanya unconscious in forest.


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