Fan Fiction

Naagin – Love forever Episode 8

Sukanya:A queen of naagin has fallen in love with a human and it not a normal thing.

Shesha is very angry and thinks

Shesha:At any cost I will make Ritik my.I will kill that Shivanya and whoever will come between me and Ritik I will kill them also.

Sukanya sees Shesha and goes to her and says

Sukanya:So Shesha what are you thinking?

Shesha turns and sees Sukanya and is shock and sits down and says

Shesha:Rani Sukanya I was thinking nothing.Is there any work for me?

Sukanya:Yeah.Unfortunately I loved a human and now I want him at any cost. Whether by hook or crook.

Shesha:Who is that human?

Sukanya:His name is Ritik Raheja.

Shesha is shock and thinks

Shesha:What!How it is possible?How can three naagin’s love one human?

Sukanya:Shesha what are you thinking?

Shesha:Rani Sukanya I was thinking how much lucky he is that queen of naagin has fallen in love with him.

Sukanya:Yeah you are right.

Shesha:But its not possible.

Sukanya gets angry and says

Sukanya:Hey you weak naagin.How dare you that you tell I can’t make him my.

Shesha:He is Shivanya’s husband and loves her very much.

Sukanya:So I will not leave Shivanya.She has did a big mistake to take my love away.I will kill her.

Shesha:Rani Sukanya I will help you to kill her.

Sukanya:I don’t need anyone’s help but you can help me.

Sukanya and Shesha laughs evily.

Shivanya is working in kitchen and a sudden image comes in front of her eyes.The image is that a girl who’s face is not visible is taking away Ritik from her.She thinks

Shivanya:What was this?Is it telling that someone is going to take my Ritik away from me?

Shivanya gets tensed and tears rolls down her cheeks.

Ritik is in office in his cabin and is doing file work.A image comes in front of his eyes that Shivanya’sit life is in danger and he gets worried.He calls Shivanya

Ritik:Hello,hello Shivanya are you okay? (Worriedly)

Shivanya:Yeah Ritik I am okay but why are you worried?

Ritik:I saw that your life is in danger.



Shivanya:Ritik don’t worry I am fine.

Ritik:Okay then bye.


Shivanya cuts the call and thinks

Shivanya:Something is going to happen.

Precap:Sukanya and Shesha to attack Shivanya.


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