In the afternoon ritik comes with a usual tone he meets everyone but not shivanya. He straighaway went to change when he came back down everyone was earing but shivanya was not she was just serving food , ritik also did not asked her for food and just sath down and started eating.
Yamini, well i want to tell u all about something
Akush, yeah actually we both want to
Everyone laughed
Yamini, well me anki jee and angad and divya are going to kolkata for 1 months
Ritik, what but why maa (mom)
Yamini, baby because ur dad’s cousin’s son’s marriage has come and as u know they want us on the function so it would be good if me and ur dad and someone from our kids will go with and i think beat choice on amrita is angad and divya u and shivanya and amrita will stay here
Ritik, ok mom we will but u take care of ur self
Ankush, oye maa ke chamche (oh mom’s boy) enough ok she is not a baby sometimes ask ur dad also hmmm
Everyone laughed
After eating food ritik and shivanya both got into their room both slept seprately shivanya on bed ritik on sofa from the past three months same thing was happening but now it did n,t mattered for both
Actually something was between which would never let them be close
Sometimes life gives u oppourtunities, but most of the time we use them for benefit only for a moment but for that one moment we have to pay for a lifetime
Because this is the only meaning of love and life
If someone understands love he has won the life but if someone understands life he would never want to fall in love. Love is beautiful but life makes hurdles.
Ok so guyzzz i hope u like it and i will surely write the two more episode as i have promised???????
Wow amazing
The episode is nice
U r simply too good
waiting for the epi
Episode is simply superb…