Fan Fiction

Naamkaran – The tale of Avni’s sacrifice – Part 10

It is an unusually cold night. Women observing Karva Chauth are out on the terraces and yards for a glimpse of the moon, which has been veiled by the sparse clouds all evening. The Khanna family too, were preparing for the ceremonies of the pious day. Prakash Khanna, and his wife Shweta, with Bebe and Avni for company. Avni’s worries grew with every growing minute, there was nothing more she wanted than see her Neil again, know he is alright. Cold wind brushes on her shoulders but she didn’t seem to feel it.

BEBE: Of all days Tillu has to work late today! Didn’t you tell him to come early? [Avni shook her head] Koi baat nahin beta, try calling him. I’m going to scold him today for keeping you waiting like this.

Just as the moon peeked out of the clouds, Avni picked up the phone and called Neil. He didn’t answer it. She tried again, but no answer again. She wanted to call again, decided against it, wondering if he might be in a meeting. She sent him a message – ‘kahaan ho tum Neil. mujhe fikr ho rahi hai tumhari’. She wore a brave face in front of Bebe.
AVNI: He is busy with some urgent work it seems. I have messaged him to come soon.
BEBE: [shakes her head] Shweta, I’m going to take care of your Tillu today. You and Sunny do your ceremonies. [turns to Avni] And you come inside with me – don’t stand in the cold. [takes her indoors]

Neil’s phone, in the mean time was lying on the street less than a mile away, lighting up and ringing. DD noticed it, picked it up. He saw mixed calls from Avni. No, he doesn’t have time to call back – he needs to get Neil to a hospital as quickly as possible. He has been hit by a bullet on the right shoulder, which was bleeding, soaking his clothes in red. He had also hurt himself when he fell over the barricades. Conscious, but wringing ith pain, he hobbled into the jeep. DD turned the jeep around and tore off to the hospital.

Avni was pacing up and down in her room, looking at her phone every few seconds. Shweta walked in.

SHWETA: Avni, Bebe told me Tillu is busy with some work. Did he call you?
AVNI: No Maa Ji. I messaged. He is alright. Will come soon.
SHWETA: aane do. I will give him a good telling off. [her words brought a wry smile from Avni, just as her phone rang into life]
AVNI: Hello, Neil…. DD, where’s Neil, and? What?…. When did?….. Where?… I’m coming…. Is he?…. Ok… Stay with him, DD. I’m coming now. [turns to Shweta] Maa Ji, DD. Neil is hurt – they are in the hospital. [she gets another call, Ali this time]
ALI: [on the phone] Avni, just got a message from DD. I’m coming now, get ready, we need to go. I’ll come and explain.
AVNI: A…Ali… I know. Neil….
ALI: Don’t worry. Get ready, I am almost there.

At the hospital, DD is waiting outside the emergency room, clothes bloodied. His and Neil’s phones in his equally bloodied hands. HE was about to knock the door when it opened and the doctor emerged, followed by a nurse.
DOCTOR: Officer. He is fine, the wound isn’t little deep but he has lost some blood and hence gone weak. But he will be fine – let him get some rest here, we will shift him to a room now. Don’t worry, we will take care of him.
DD was relieved. He watched on as Neil was carried to a room. No sooner had he been shifted than he heard Avni, Prakash and Shweta rushing upstairs. They were about to go past the room when he called out.
DD: Bhabhi, here.

Avni saw her beloved through the door. He sw her, and through his pain, he gave her a weak smile. She couldn’t hold herself back. She rushed to him, bursting into tears. “Neil”

PREIST: It is destiny, and destiny can be delayed, cannot be denied. From the moment you entered his life, death has started following him.
Avni’s eyes drown in tears.
PREIST: Lord Maheshwar’s grace that he is still alive. It is a miracle he survived the very first night you lived as husband and wife.

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