Categories: Namak Issk Ka

Namak Issk Ka 11th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Kahani tries to do pooja with Yug

Namak Issk Ka 11th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ronak tells the family that this dancer called the media so she could gain their sympathy but she couldn’t do it so she ran away. Saroj says it’s good that she is gone, we are free. Dolly says we should call the priest and get this house cleaned of her remnants. Saroj says let’s do it but Kahani comes there and says stop. She tells Dolly that a wife’s happiness is in her husband’s house. Saroj says you are back? Kahani says I never left the house. Iravati tells Kahani that if I open my hand then I can make you leave the world, let alone this house. Saroj asks Kahani that if you left then why did you come back? Kahani says I have told everything to Yug so you can ask him, he is bringing my bag. Yug comes there with Kahani’s bag. All are shocked. Rupa

asks Yug that the media did all the drama because of this girl and you brought her back? Yug says Kahani didn’t call the media. Ronak thinks I have to do something fast. He tells Saroj that I don’t understand these people. He is saying that Kahani didn’t call the media but before he was saying that she did, in the future he will say that I called the media. Kahani says Yug never said it so why are you saying that? Was it true that you called the media? Saroj asks Kahani to control her tongue. Ronak says you have no proof against me so how can you blame me? Kahani says there is no need for proof, a person can be hanged from the roof to get the truth out of them right? Ronak gets scared. Kahani says I will start preparing for the pooja. Saroj says we will not call the priest for you. Kahani says I will get my priest here, she asks Yug to get ready as husband and wife have to sit in the pooja together. Yug tells Kahani that he will not sit in the pooja with her, stop doing drama. Kahani says doing a pooja is not a drama, just ready. She leaves with Rani from there. Gunjan tells Yug that he won’t sit in the pooja. Yug says I also said that so you don’t have to repeat. Iravati says because you say something and do something else. Yug tells Gunjan to not worry, he won’t do pooja with Kahani. Saroj says I don’t understand Yug, why do you keep running behind her? Just throw her out of the house soon. Yug says you are right, she keeps interfering between me and Gunjan, he asks Gunjan to have patience.

Yug comes to Kahani and says I will not sit in the pooja with you. What will you get? Kahani says you and I will get bhole nath’s blessing. Yug tells Kahani that this sindoor is a result of misunderstanding so don’t mistake it for something else. Kahani asks him to let her work. Yug pulls her closer and asks why she does all this? Sometimes I feel like… Kahani says killing me? You can’t because you help me in cutting wood. I know you are angry on the man who called the media here but I didn’t so don’t insult me for that. Yug says you can do anything but I won’t sit in the pooja with you. Kahani says bhole nath brought you in my life so he will bring you to pooja as well. Gunjan comes there and tells Yug she brought oats for him. Kahani says he will eat after the pooja only. Gunjan says Yug has nothing to do with your pooja. Kahani says you say you love him but you don’t know he is a loyalist of bhole nath and he won’t eat anything before the pooja. Yug asks Gunjan to put oats in the fridge, he tells Kahani that he won’t sit in the pooja with her, he leaves from there. Gunjan tells Kahani that you can do anything for money right? Kahani says if you read the history then you would know that a dancer can take everything from even kings. Gunjan says you won’t get anything from Yug. Kahani says love is about losing everything and not gaining. Gunjan tells Kahani that she loves Yug. Kahani says I respect your love but I have feelings too as a human. Gunjan says you are a dancer and talking about love? Kahani leaves from there.

Kahani comes to Ravi and says you know I am staying here just because I want to know who my parents are. Everyone here thinks I am staying here for money but you know the truth. She asks him to tell her who her parents were? Yug says that nobody would be happy if I stay here so just tell me the truth and I will leave this house. Everyone will be happy and Yug will with Gunjan then. She asks him who were her parents? Ravi tries to tell her but Iravati comes there so Kahani leaves. Iravati asks Ravi if he has become friends with Kahani? She says when you start talking then I will have to stop your breathing. Just remain deaf and dumb to live some more years.

Scene 2
The priest comes to the house and says Kahani called me here. Dolly calls Rani and says sinners are doing pooja not. Rani takes the priest from there.

Iravati calls some guests to the house and tells Saroj that they will see Yug doesn’t give any attention to Kahani. If we have to go to court then these people will be our witnesses. They go from there. Yug and Ronak look on. Ronak tells Yug to not have sympathy for that dancer, just throw her out of the house to save our respect. Yug says you called the media and now talking about our respect? He leaves from there. Ronak says how did he get to know? I have to do something clever.

Kahani comes to the house’s mandir and starts preparing for the pooja. The priest asks her to call her husband for the pooja. Yug comes there and pulls Kahani aside. he tells her that Iravati called the guests and you know why? Kahani says because she wants to show that you won’t sit in the pooja and I will be insulted but that won’t happen. Yug says you are not scared of insult? Kahani says why would I? My husband is there to protect me. She smiles at him. Yug looks away. Iravati brings all the guests there. She tells the guests that this dancer is like a dayan. Saroj says she does drama like this daily. Iravati says she thinks Yug will sit in the pooja with her as her husband. Gunjan says Yug doesn’t accept her as his wife so he won’t sit in the pooja, she asks Yug to come with her. Yug looks on. All the guests go to have tea. Kahani comes to Bhole Nath and prays. Iravati says today this dancer will be insulted and will breakdown. The priest says time is passing, we just have 30 minutes left to do this pooja. Kahani says till my husband doesn’t sit with me, this pooja won’t happen. Gunjan says then this pooja won’t happen at any cost. Kahani prays that I promised to do your pooja today with Yug, we are your loyalists so help me fulfill my promise. Yug says I am sorry Bhole Nath I won’t be able to do your pooja today. He starts leaving from there. Iravati says her ego will break today. Saroj says God will show her standard today. Rani hears all that and goes from there.

Rani comes to Pravati Maa and says you are Bhole Nath’s wife so tell him to do his magic and bring Yug in the pooja otherwise my didi will be insulted.

Kahani is praying to Bhole Nath and asks him to do some magic. Yug thinks I can’t come so sorry Kahani. Suddenly the wind starts blowing there is a windstorm. All are confused. The powder from the mandir blows and starts getting in everyone’s eyes. Kahani gets the hint and thanks Bhole Nath. She comes to Yug and puts parsad in his hand. Kahani tells him that he has Bhole Nath’s parsad and if you don’t sit in the pooja now then it will be an insult to him. Yug looks on.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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