Fan Fiction

Naughty Billo (SwaSan ff) Season 2 Shot 11 by Marsuu

Hello guys!!! Finally after long time I’m writing this one and very sorry for the delay to all those who have been asking to post naughty billo. Here I’m giving brief summary to memorize about the story.

SwaSan are married, sanskar is doctor whereas swara is nursing student. Kaveri, sanskar’s bua is very strict and swara always tease her. Sujata is in swara’s company and same like her crazy. Swara bought one little white kitten named, Hazzy.
Swara feel jealous when sanskar talk frankly with his colleague doctor Anita. So swara’s mind went to extra martial affair and she read about one man who tells on radio if there is affair of your husband or not.

Naughty Billo(SwaSan ff)
Shot 11:
Next morning(swasan room)
It’s sunday so kaveri asked swara to wear saree as they have to go to temple. Swara is sitting holding that bright red saree in her hands and hazzy is beside her in basket wrapped in the warm cloth.
” hazzy what should i do now, sanskar also went to hospital” swara was talking to hazzy while she was staring her back.
” think hazzy what work will sanskar have on Sunday. He must have gone to meet that doctor” swara got furious thinking about them.
Swara thought something and dialed sanskar’s number. After few rings, call was received
” hello swara” a lady’s voice came.
” who is this?? ” swara make faces. Then she see her mobile to check whether she called sanskar only.
” I’m doctor Anita we met in the hospital” the lady said.
” why are you picking my sanskar’s phone??” Swara angrily asked.
” actually dr sanskar is attending one patient” anita said. Then only sanskar enter inside the cabin.
” who is there anita??” Sanskar asked.
“Swara” anita said giving phone to him.
” yes swara” sanskar said.
” come to home now” swara was weeping.
” you are crying?? What happened swara?” Sanskar panicked.
” i got hurt and blood is coming” swara lied to bring him home.
” how?? Where is mom?” Sanskar asked.
” i don’t know you come please” swara pleaded.
” okay I’m coming” sanskar quickly took his things and left.

After 15 mins:
Sanskar hurriedly enter inside the room. He saw kaveri in the kitchen while hall is empty.
” swara” sanskar called as he saw her. She is playing and giggling with hazzy.
” sanskar i was waiting for you” swara got up from the bed.
” where you got hurt??” Sanskar asked holding her hand.
” i didn’t got hurt, i just lied to bring you home” swara closed her eyes waiting for his reaction.
“Are you crazy?? I was scared if something happened to you but you are too much swara” sanskar signed frustrated.
” sorry i didn’t thought it will give you
tension” swara look down in guilty.
” you never think just act without knowing about consequences” sanskar said.
” okay I’m sorry next time i will not lie promise” swara wrap her arms around his neck. Sanskar melted as she made cute expression.
” why you called me??” Sanskar asked.
” help me to wear saree” swara picked the saree and extend to him.
” seriously you can ask from mom or bua ji” sanskar said sitting on the bed.
” mom is not at home and bua will scold me” swara softly whisper.
” give me i will tie” sanskar said.
” thank you” swara excitedly hand over to him. Sanskar stop for a second thinking something
” what happened??” Swara worriedly asked.
” i think you have to wear blouse and other stuff yourself” sanskar said raising his eyebrow.
” ohh that’s ready” swara remove her top and long skirt below which she is already wearing blouse inside it. Sanskar roll his eyes.
Sanskar wrap saree around her. She is silently standing observing how neatly he is doing.
” sanskar may i ask one question?” Swara asked.
” hmm” he nodded still busy in his work.
” you were wearing saree earlier??” She asked seriously.
” swara don’t start rubbish again” he said.
” then how you know to wear saree??” Swara kept her reason.
” mom taught when i was small i was stubborn to learn it so she told me and see it’s helping my childish wife” sanskar explained and chuckle at last.
” I’m not childish” swara shouted.
” you are” sanskar teases her. Swara didn’t replied and make angry face. After almost the sanskar was done with saree, he saw swara is still angry.
” you look cute when angry” sanskar wrap his hand around her waist and pull her closer. Swara look in his eyes as his one hand caress her bare back. Sanskar lean and kiss her neck to shoulder then adjusting her blouse, he tied the open knot at back. Sanskar look in her eyes than his gaze shift to lips. Swara blink her eyes as her breathing got heavy. Sanskar press his lips on her talking her soft glossy petals into a sweet kiss. Swara clutch his shirt as he deepen the kiss. After sharing a passionate kiss, sanskar parted his lips and move back kissing her pinkish cheeks.
“Sanskar i told mom about our kiss earlier” she said innocently as she told to sujata.
” what mom said??” Sanskar smile.
” she started laughing” swara pouted.
” so you should not share our moments with anyone ” sanskar join his forehead with her.
” i also think same ” swara said biting her lips.
” great” sanskar laugh and pecking his lips moved back.
” how I’m looking?” Swara went near mirror and look at herself.
” beautiful” sanskar said sitting near hazzy who is also looking at swara.
” sanskar you also come with us to temple” swara said.
” why??” He asked.
” in case if saree will open you will be there to tie” swara seriously said.
” okay” sanskar laugh.
Later they went to temple.

Sanskar is in the study while swara is in her room listening to radio as the show is about to come where they will tell what are the symptoms of extra martial affair. She is curious to know but scared what if they will proof sanskar has affair with that doctor. The show started and she listened it very carefully. She even noted the main points on the paper. She start thinking what all is similar with sanskar.
” he shout at me, than get romantic and even say me childish and make fun of me” swara match all points and they are valid on sanskar.
” means he has affair with her” swara mumble as tears form in her eyes.
” then why he married me” she hugged hazzy and started crying.
After an hour, sanskar enter inside the room and saw swara sleeping in sitting position with hazzy in her lap. He went near and picked hazzy and kept her in basket. He made swara lie properly put comforter on her. He kissed her forehead and went to couch and started reading some book.
To be continued…

I hope it’s not that boring…only 4 more shots left so tolerate it.
Leave your comments if you read.
Thank you


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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