NAUGHTY BILLO(swasan ff)
SHOT 29:
Sanskar opened his eyes and saw swara lying on his chest.He peck her lips and smiles reminiscing her antics of being ideal wife. Sanskar lean and rub his nose on her cheeks.
Sanskar(whispers): swara get up.
Sanskar(said in her ear): good wife wake up early in the morning.
Swara(sleepy): I m not that.
Sanskar: ohh really?
Swara opened her eyes and realized what she said
Swara: no I m good wife see I will get ready now only.
She ran to washroom while Sanskar laughs seeing her.
Swara get ready in light pink saree looking cute. Later She came in room and saw sanskar sitting on bed almost ready for university.
Sanskar: swara come here.
She stood in front of him and said
Swara:yes sanskar Ji
Sanskar(extending tie to her): tie and make me wear this neck tie.
Swara(point to herself): me???
Sanskar:why u don’t know?
Swara:no I know but its very difficult.
Sanskar: so what u should try.
Swara: okay.
Swara took tie and put around her neck. Sanskar held her wrist and pull her as a result she sits on his lap.
Sanskar: tie it around my neck.
Swara make faces.She comfortably sit on his lap and wrap tie around his neck.
Sanskar nuzzles his face in her neck and started giving wet kisses. Swara got irked
Swara: sanskar why are u disturbing me. Let me concentrate.
Sanskar ignored her and continued his work.
Later swara finally tied it and in excitement swara jumped on Sanskar’s legs.
Sanskar: ouch Swara u will break my legs.
Swara: opps sorry …. No what sorry, u always say I m very strong now what happened.
She got up while Sanskar signed.
Whole day passed. At night also sanskar didn’t left single chance to irritate her.
Next day(Sunday)
Sujata and Ram had gone to some of their relatives and they are going to come tomorrow. So swasan are all alone in whole house.
Sanskar came down and saw swara sitting on sofa reading newspaper.
He was astonished that she is reading. He went closer to her and said
Sanskar: good improvement, u r reading newspaper.
Swara(giggles): who is reading I m just seeing pictures.
Sanskar: ohh how can I misjudge you.
Sanskar keep on staring her.
Swara: don’t u have any work that u r starring me.
Sanskar: I can do anything bcoz I m…
Swara:u r??
Sanskar(stretch his arms): HUSBAND.
Swara:huh!!(make faces).
Sanskar: so u r ideal wife??
Swara: yes.
Sanskar: then u have to follow my orders,so go and bring orange juice.
Swara glare at him seeing him ordering her.
Sanskar(raise his eyebrow): any problem.
Swara: did I said some thing.
She left to kitchen. Sanskar chuckles.
Dook she come with orange and give to Sanskar. He took one sip and said
Sanskar: is there any flavor its not that good.
Swara got annoyed firstly she can’t walk with saree properly and above his drama.
Swara: can’t u say once.(loudly)
Sanskar:u r shouting at your husband.
Swara (sweetly): when did I shouted, I will bring it sanskar Ji.
Sanskar(attitude tone): yeah go and bring.
Swara: going only
She give fake smile and again went and bring mango juice. Sanskar drink as she will kill him if again he said.
Whole day sanskar irritated Swara a lot.
Asking her to do this and that. She was fed up now but still not ready to surrender. Sanskar is celebrating his victory in mind as seeing Swara’s condition he knew she will soon give up.
Swasan had fast food in lunch so they were in no mood to have dinner.So swara escaped from making it.
Swara is listening songs and sanskar is busy on laptop.Sanskar called her and said
Sanskar: swara go and bring blue colour book its on the table in our room.
Swara(unwillingly): okay
Swara went to the room and bring the book.
Sanskar saw it and said
Sanskar: u bought wrong one.
Swara: but its blue.
Sanskar: yeah but I said blue and black.
Swara(point her finger): u didn’t said black.
Sanskar:I said u didn’t listened in music. Go and bring.
Swara stamp her foot on floor and again went to room.
Sanskar smiles.
Soon she again came.
Swara: now this one?
Sanskar: no its also wrong I think it was blue and grey.
Swara put book in his lap and said
Swara: I know u r irrigating me intentionally.
Sanskar: so u being dutiful wife should do all this.
It was enough for swara, she sit on the floor by crossing her legs.
Swara (wincing like child): no no I don’t want to be any ideal videal wife. Huh!! U had made me servant. U r very bad. I will not talk to u(pout).
Sanskar was looking at her with wide eyes. She is really a child. She is complaining like a baby.
Sanskar: swara listen
Swara(put fingers in her ears): noooooo I will not listen to u and will not get up from here.
Sanskar don’t know what to do with his kiddo wife. He thought if he will tease her she will stop acting but will do something like this he never expected.
Swara is blabbering to herself.
Swara:why should I change. I m good in my self. Why I will only become responsible wife, he should also become….
Sanskar signed and picked her in his arms. Swara got shocked
Swara: leave me
Sanskar: keep quite.
Sanskar took her to their room in bridal style. Her cute pout never leaving her pink lips. Sanskar smiles at her.
Swasan room:
Sanskar entered inside and close the door with leg and went to bed there he place swara gently. He came on her top and said
Sanskar(softly): swara
Swara turn her face other side.
Sanskar rub his palm on her soft palm.
Sanskar: so my sanskari wifey got angry.
Swara(warning): don’t call me that.
Sanskar:why?? U want to become that only
Swara: why should I become I was doing acting.
Sanskar (act as surprised): why??
Swara: bcoz I thought u will leave me as I m not good wife and u shouted at me so to prove u that I can also become responsible I did it.
She said with teary eyes. Sanskar got shocked. He is still lying on her. Sanskar join his forehead with her and said
Sanskar: I m sorry Swara I was angry at that time. Really I will never shout at u.
Swara: pakka
Sanskar: promise and I love my kiddo wife so don’t u dare to change her.
Swara(giggles): hihi I can never change.
Sanskar kissed her slightly wet eyes then at the tip of her nose. He sensuously give kisses from her cheeks to chin.
Swara (breathing heavily) Sanskar what are u doing?
Sanskar (huskily): that only what husband wife do alone.
Swara closed her eyes in shyness. Sanskar chuckles.
Swara(open her eyes): we will do here only?
Sanskar(confused): means
Swara:I thought we again have to go to honeymoon to do it.
Sanskar(laughs): u r seriously crazy.
Sanskar lean and kiss her neck. He remove her saree from shoulder and kiss there. Swara clutched his shirt. Swara hugged him tightly. Sanskar opened the knot of her blouse. Feeling his cold hands touching her bare back. She shivered in his embrace. Swara eyes are tightly closed. Sanskar made her lie on pillow and place his lips on her and both kissed each other passionately. Soon both got busy in love making.
After an hour:
After showing their love, passion and desires for each other, swasan are lying hugging each other. Sanskar is back hugging swara lying on bed.Her back is touching his bare chest and his hands wrapp around her waist. As its just early night so they didn’t slept and was talking
Sanskar: today u r tired Swara??
Swara: no now I m strong girl.
Sanskar: asha ji
Swara: hmm.
They were feeling heavenly lying beside each other.
Later, Swara giggles alone.
Sanskar (confused): what happened swara?
Swara:(lift her head little):may I ask u one question?
Swara:how do u get to know about this?
Sanskar:about what?
Swara: like how babies are born.
Sanskar: I get to know when I was in 6th standard. I used to read book and all so got to know then later when I studied biology then every thing got cleared.
Swara: OK u know when I was very small what I used to think
Swara: when two people marry that time pandit Ji speak some magical words and then after one year automatically babies come.
Swara(innocently): yeah
Sanskar started laughing like how can someone think like this.
Swara:don’t laugh I was small at that time.
Sanskar:okay (control his laugh)
Swara: when I grew little then I thought
Sanskar:now what stupid thing u thought?
Swara: u r making fun of me I will not tell.
Sanskar:okay sorry say.
Swara:u will not laugh.
Sanskar: hmm
Swara: I was thinking if someone kiss anyone then they will become pregnant even on cheeks.
Sanskar: Swara
Swara(noddes): that’s why I was never kissing anyone bcoz I was scared what if I get pregnant. What I will do of the baby?
Sanskar: ohh god Swara enough for today yarrr u r really hilarious.
Swara:u don’t tell anyone, I told u only.
She said slowly, he nodded like sincere student.
Sanskar: btw when u get to know the real reason.
Swara: when I studied biology.U know I was sooo shocked that what I was thinking and what it comes out.
Sanskar: thank god u get to know otherwise what will happen of mine.
Swara giggles.
Later, swara said
Swara: sanskar i m sleepy.
Sanskar: okay sleep now.
She turns and lie on his chest and closed her eyes. Sanskar kissed her forehead and soon both slept.
To be continued….
Precap: Sanskar’s accident.
Done with this stupid shot especially at last. Just tolerate it guys.
Thank you.
awesome ?
Thank you so much dear
lovly dear
Thank you so much dear
awesome mars dear and haan don’t dare to say it stupid .okay .i love all ur ff so much dear
Thank you so much dear and sorry will not say stupid
Awesome part yrr such a cute story
???? but y u called stupid story yrr Such a outstanding ff this is ?????
Plz post next part soon
Thank you so much dear and I said this update stupid just bcoz of last talks and I will post soon dear
Wow……long….Beautiful lovely update…..???

??? loved it….don’t say stupid……it’s amazing….
Thank you so much dear
It was awesome dear. Swara’s definition is quite good than mine. I can’t even say what what I assumed. Now when I remember those things, it makes me so embarrassed ?.
I just loved this shot!! My babies are hilarious. Waiting for next part. Continue soon. Thnk u..
Thank you so much dear and honestly saying this was my thinking when I was small and I used it for Swara.
Now when I remember I realize how stupid I was. But what to do i was small.
I will post next part soon.
Awesome ???
Thank you so much dear
Awesome dear
Thank you so much dear
When I was kid I thought, God comes and give a baby to parents… ???? then I got to know in 10 the class I was like yuk?????????????
Seriously whenever I thought about it, I mean all have to ?????? now I can’t say… ???? sorry…
But chappy is awesome. I like naughty Sanskaar????? and their sweet talks… ????? post soon… And again sorry ?
Ohhhh god depuu I can’t stop laughing. Your story is hilarious then mine. Why to say sorry we were kids yarr. Thank you so much dear i will post next part soon.
waaaa.. even i don’t want her to be changed
, uugghhh blushing on tie knot wala scene…
Thank you so much dear
Loved it..especially the last part..I used to think exactly like swara..I was so stupid at that time..Nw after thinking about that I’m like????
Enjoyed a lot..tc..
Thank you so much dear and its my thinking dear even now when I think I realize how much rubbish I used to imagine. Hihi
Awesome dear
Thank you so much dear
Awesome epi . Mars i am a big fan of yours .
Thank you so much dear and so sweet of you dear
Awesome part .
Thank you so much dear
awesome dear and don’t dare to say it stupid .i also thought same like you dear .then when i studied biology only i came to know .
lots of love to you.
take care
Thank you so much dear and all are same here lol. Even I get to know after studying biology in 10th.
U know what dear when I was small I used to think that God drops us from sky and our parents catched us???…Than when I grew up little, I thought when we kiss on lips than we get babies.. It was in 10th when I got to know how it happens????.. Bye the way, I really loved this part. It was amazing and funny….
Hahaaha your drop and catch story is funny and thank you so much dear.
Waahhh… once again a fabulous epi…
Oh god this Sanskar is really naughty…
Anyways finally swara surrendered….??
Last scene ofcourse damn funny….
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much di
awesome update next part soon
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon
I loved it…. Swara sachme pagal hai… Mars u know me tumhari Jabra fan ban gayi
Thank you so much dear and awwww so sweet of u dear
he he he marsuuuuu…. you know even i used to think that after marriage’s 1 or 2 years automatically babies are born..
now when i remember it i feel soooooooo embarassed…
the shot was amazing dear.. loved totally….
continue soon..
Thank you so much nepuuu hihihi u also think same all are crazy here.
I will post next part soon
Thank you so much dear
awesome dear…
Thank you so much dear
Marssssssss don’t laugh bt uk I also used to this like this *covering my eyes
It was awsm chappy drl
Thank you so much dear hihi one another who think same lol
Awsm Dr… Update soon
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
Awesome dr!!! Loved it
Thank you so much Shan di
mujhe to lagta tha ki hum babies hospital se late h…..jo cute lage le aao………nice episode btw …
no no cute no no naughty no no everything……….
Hahah babies hospital se late hai aur vo b cute vale lol Thank you so much dear
even me 2 thought same??loved it so much…nd precap is so interesting?
Seebu dear u also think same hihihi Thank you so much dear I will post next part soon