Hello!! Here comes the next shot. Thank you so much for your response on previous part. Sorry for the delay.
I get to know that some don’t want that naughty billo should end but I don’t want to drag it unnecessarily. So this one i m ending on 40th shot but if u all want then will come with season 2. The story will be completely new. So plzz tell me if u want season 2. I will go with majority.
Let’s begin:
NAUGHTY BILLO(swasan ff)
SHOT 35:
Recap: Sanskar rescue Swara.
Maheshwari house:
Swasan came from abhijeet’s house.
Swara came and hugged sujata.
Sujata:where were u swara we got scared.
Swara:I m fine mom.U know what happened there.
She start telling when Sanskar said
Sanskar:swara tell in the morning now come and sleep.
Swara: mom I will tell tomorrow.
Swara:good night.
Swasan went to their room.
Swasan Room:
Swara came out of the washroom and saw Sanskar lying on the bed lost in his thoughts. She went near him and lie beside him and asked
Swara:what are u thinking sanskar??
Sanskar turn and slightly came on her. He joined his forehead with her.
Sanskar: swara they didn’t do something wrong with you na?
Swara(laughs): no but u should ask this question to them as I torched them alot I think.
Sanskar(teary eyes): u know how much I was scared. U are my everything swara I can never think to lose u in my dreams also.
Tears fell from his eyes on her face.
Swara(wipe his tears): plz don’t cry I will never leave you.
Sanskar: i love u so much.
Swara:love u too.(whisper): may I kiss you??
Sanskar(chuckles): yes.
Swara place her lips on his and both kissed each other passionately. Sanskar caress her belly under her loose top. Swara closed her eyes as their tongues entangled with each other. After breaking the kiss both got busy in loving each other eventually leading to once again their union.
Later,both slept in each other’s embrace.
After one week:
Swasan are hurriedly packing bags as they are going to Mumbai. Swara is super excited to go to his home back. Actually sanskar and ram is having holidays for a week and they decided to go and meet gododia’s as its long time since they visited. They have flight at night.So all four are busy in packing.
Swara is giving things to Sanskar and he is setting in bags.
Swara bought her all the things present on dressing table.
Sanskar:swara we are going for one week u will take all things??
Swara(pout): I m not able to select what to take so thought to take all.
Sanskar(signed): I will choose.
Swara place things on bed.
Swara: u only do I m feeling very tired.
Sanskar (cups her face): what happened? u are okay we can cancel the trip.
Swara(shouted):noooo I m fine.
Sanskar: sure??
Swara nodded.
Later,Swasan and ramta left for the airport.
Next morning:
Gododia House:
Swasan are standing at the door. Shomi opened the door and swara hugged him instantly.
Swara: i m back mom. I missed you so much.
Shomi(teary eyes): I also missed you so much.
Swara met her dadi(parvati).
Shehkar went to bring them from airport. So he came with them.
Sanskar also took blessings from shomi and dadi.
Sujata and ram also met them.
They all came in hall and sit.
Shomi went to kitchen when swara said
Swara:I will go to kitchen as I had not seen it from long time.
She got up. For a second her head spin but then it become normal. She went to kitchen. Sanskar was shocked that she didn’t ran.
Later, shomi and swara came with snacks and tea. They served all of them.
Shekar:swara u started working, good.
Swara:no papa mamma said we should do all this when my in laws come to my house(shy).
Sanskar was smiling seeing her expressions.
They were taking casually while having tea. When all finished, shomi and swara went to kitchen to keep left over dishes.
Shomi:swara u had started working and doing household things??
Shomi:but why??
Swara:I dont know still.
Shomi: then when u will learn. Its almost one year over when u have completed your graduation. What u do at home??
Swara:watching TV
Shomi:(angry): u are not a kid anymore. Why are u not becoming responsible. Till when sujata Ji will do all this. If like this it will continue then they won’t keep you at home bcoz no one want such dil.
Swara ‘s eyes got filled with tears.
Sanskar who came to keep dishes listened them. After keeping dishes on shelf he stood beside swara.
Sanskar: ma don’t take tension swara will learn slowly.
Shomi:sanskar its three years since u both are married when she will learn?? Becoz u all has pampered her she is becoming careless.
Sanskar:with time she will do things I assure u.
Shomi: tomorrow u will have your kids then also sujata Ji will take care?
Sanskar: okay I will make her responsible. Trust me.
Shomi: sanskar I m her mother if she will be careless then all will blame that her mother didn’t taught her anything.
Sanskar:I can understand u ma.
Swara: I will learn everything pakka.
Shomi: good I also want to taste my daughter’s hand made food.
Sanskar:yes even I want to taste.
Swara:really then I will make tomorrow.
Shomi: okay. Now go and set your things in room.
Swasan went to swara’s room while sujata and ram went to guest room.
Swara’s room:
Sanskar was having two bags in hand.
Swara opened the door and both enter inside. Sanskar was stunt to see the room. For a second he felt that he came in teddy shop. Everywhere on couch, bed chair table at the top of cupboard there were teddies of different colour and sizes.
Sanskar:swara these many teddies??
Swara:see my collection its nice na??
Sanskar(chuckles): collection of teddies??
Sanskar place bags on side while swara started counting teddies. After counting, she shouted
Swara:sanskar there are only 78 teddies where 2 went?
Sanskar: (shocked)u were having 80??
Swara:yes.Let me ask from Mom.
She went out while sanskar was looking amazed at them.
Sanskar (mumble): i think all teddies of mumbai are here only.
Soon swara came.
Sanskar: yes where are the two??
Swara:they are inside the cupboard.
Swara tried to open it but it was not opening.
Sanskar: let me do.
Sanskar opened the cupboard and directly one teddy came and hit his head.
Swara:thank god I got them.
Sanskar signed.
Swara:u know Sanskar I was going to being all these after our marriage but then papa said it will be difficult then I bought only one.
Sanskar:thank god other wise I will be out of my room.
Swara laughs.
Swara: sanskar in the evening we will go out.
Later, swara got busy in showing Sanskar different things in her room.
Swasan came out for a walk.
Swara: u know sanskar I was very famous in my area. U just say I want to meet shona anyone will tell about me.
Then only there was mango tree.
Swara:Sanskar i used to climb this tree and one time u know what happened.
Swara: I fell down and my leg got fractured.
Swara:I was 10years old then I was strictly warned that I should not climb this tree again but…
Sanskar: u must have climbed again.
Swara(facepalm): how u know???
Sanskar(chuckles): I know u kiddo u will do that thing for which u are asked not to do.
Swara(smiles shyly): thank you
Sanskar: I was not praising you.
Swara(pout): then???
Sanskar (signed): leave it.
They were walking when from front one boy came of about sanskar’s age.
Swara:heyy rohan.
Swara suddenly shouted and sanskar got shocked as they are on road.
Rohan came near them.
Rohan(excited ): ohhh god shona u here.
Swara :yes
They hugged each other.
Sanskar(thinks): they could have shake hands also hugging was important??
Rohan:when u came??
Swara: in the morning only.
Rohan:u know since u have gone in our colony no one plays basket ball.
Swara: aww really?? Asha rohan meet him he is Sanskar my husband.
Rohan:ohh hi.
They shake hands.
Rohan:so he is the physics professor?
Rohan:did he passed you??
Swara:no I had studied myself.
Rohan:sad it means there was no use of marriage.
Sanskar got angry that how he can say like this.
Swara: no I love him so much and he also take care of me.
Sanskar smiles.
Rohan:ohh that’s good.
Swara:sanskar u know I and rohan used to play basketball and I was never able to put the basket and then he used to pic me up and I used to do goal.
Then they talks for sometimes and then rohan went.
While coming back,
Swara: Sanskar I m feeling tired.
Sanskar: swara I think we should consult doctor u r getting tired very frequently.
Swara: no I will be fine I don’t want to go to doctor.
Sanskar:okay but if u felt some thing wrong then tell me.
Swara nodded
They came back to home.
To be continued…..
Precap: Swara fainted
Seebu di I will give os on swasan tomorrow on fake marriage as I have to think story.
And plzz don’t forget to tell me whether u want season 2 or not. Don’t ignore bcoz I will give if maximum readers want.
Thank you
Take care
Awesome and excellent dear…… Need season 2
Thank you dear
Yes yes we want season 2 ..yeh bhi puchne ki bat hai kya…. ?
Coming to this it was really good… Loved it…
Update soon..
Thank you dear will post soon
Interesting part yaar.a big yes i want season2
Thank you dear
Awesome ??
Ofcourse season 2 marsu??
Thank you dear
Ohh so junior naughty billo is coming awesome part dear
Thank you di
lovly dear
Thank you dear
Amazing dear…..loved it….I think swara is pregnant…..yes want season 2
Thank you dear
Ohhh… i guess Swara is pregnant…???
Coming to update was awesome… 80 teddies…OMG…….??
Yeaaahhhhh i want season 2…..
Thank you dear
swara is pregnant i think?loved it so much…if u end this,we want SEASON2 OF NAUGHTY BILLO?
Thank you dear
Yeah good news aaraha Hai and yes a season 2 and I need to go back to wattpad and read other chapters also……………
Thank you dear
awesome…… want season two but will it be continuation of this ff or it will be new…..
Thank you dear and season 2 will be a new story.
Thank you dear
Awesome..yes want season 2 of naughty billo ????
Thank you dear
its one of my fav ff soo plzz dont quit …start wid a new fresh updates..all d best..
Thank you dear
Awesome!!! Yes come with season 2
Thank you di
Awsm Dr… And yeah we want season 2
Thank you dear
It’s interesting …..i guess swara is pregnant ….yes i want naughty billo season 2……
Thank you dear
And I think swara is pregnant
And I ???? want season 2
Thank you dear
Awesome dear and need season2
Thank you dear
hii dii….
the episode was awesome …i just love it…
i think good news..no no i m sure….
and yes we want season 2…..
post soon
take care
Thank you dear tc
Wowwwww.. An update of this story is just awesome and makes my day.. ??????.. And what an update.. The sweet convo between Swasan in their room about the kidnapping was so beautifully written.. ??.. He loves her soooo much now that can’t stay without her at all.. They are super sweet.. ??.. And then Swara going with entire family to her hour and teddies scene was so funny.. ??.. She had 78 of them and was worried about the other 2.. ??.. She is just one single piece and I love it.. Swara seems to be pregnant.. ???.. Yayyyy.. wanna see how our naughty billo will be with her mood swings.. Hahahahahs.. Super duper fun update.. Can’t seem to stop loving this story.. ????..
If you are ending it then we really don’t mind a Season 2.. ???..
Thank you so much dear tc
season 2 we want it
Alright thanks dear
Thank you dear
awesome excellent dont end it its superb and if u end it give season2 also
marsu i hope u wont end it
Thank you dear
I want season 2
Alright thanks dear
lovely nd i also want season 2
Thank you dear
abt this shot,it’s really amazing
abt season -2 ,if u hav time for that then we really want it
Thank you dear
Thanks dear
superb …… and for season two yes from my side
Thank you dear
I think naughty billo will have a naughty kid
And about season 2 I’m desperately waiting for ittt
Thank you dear will post soon