Hello guys! Thank you for your wonderful response.
Letâs begin
NAUGHTY BILLO(swasan fs)
Maheshwari house.
Swasan room
Swara got up and looked around and thought that she was in hall then how she came here.Then only she saw sanskar coming out of washroom.He was wearing shirt sticking to his chest. Swaraâs mouth remained open seeing him.
Swara: omg u r dam hot sanskar.
Listening to her sanskar got embarrassed but said
Sanskar: swara u start speaking rubbish in the early morning.
Swara: seriously I m saying truth.BTW u go to gym?
Sanskar: no
Swara: huh! Even I asking whom.if u will come out of physics books then only u can do something else.
Sanskar: u also remember it bcoz today is your exam.
Then swara thought again how she came here.
Swara: sanskar
Sanskar: hmm
Swara: how I came here I mean I was in hall.
Sanskar remembered how he bought her carrying in his arms and that his first forehead kiss, he smiles.
Swara(confused): oh hello why r u smiling alone I m asking u something.
Sanskar: I donât know.
Swara: then how I came here is there is ghost who dropped me hear(she mumbled).
Sanskar smiled listening her.
Sanskar: swara donât think about all this remember about your exam how u r going to pass(pitiful look).
Swara(got angry): u donât worry I will pass bcoz I had studied.
She left to washroom while sanskar stared her.
Swara sanskar ram and sujata were having there breakfast when sanskar thought to tease swara(naughty wife ke side effects)
Sanskar: mom dad u know today is swaraâs exam plz wish her good luck so that she can get some marks.
Swara glared at him and he chuckled.
Sujata: all the best swara I know she will score 100 marks.
Sanskar and swara coughed.
Ram: all the best swara beta do well.
Swara: thank you mom dad.
Swara(thinks): how he dared to tease I will show him now.
Swara: mom I m sad u wonât ask why.
Sujata: why what happen swara?
Sanskar looked at her doubtly.
Swara(fake tears): wo sanskar told me that he will fail me bcoz I just told u that he asked me to get out of his class and u scolded him so to take revenge from me he wonât give me marks.
Sanskar got shocked seeing her drama.
Sujata: what??
Sanskar: nothing like that she is just kidding.
Sujata: yes it should not be bcoz if swara will fail I wonâ t leave you.
Swara winks at him.
Both after breakfast was going out when swara said
Swara: sanskar what if I fail then what mom will do with u(act like thinking)I also donât know so be careful while checking my paper(said innocently)
She ran from there.
Sanskar(angry and shouted after her): u do whatever swara I wonât give u marks if u will not right correct.
Kolkata university
Exam room
Swara was sitting and praying to God for easy paper.some students were talking and discussing as there is no teacher till now.
Kavita : all the best swara.
Swara: same to you and thank you.
Kavita: thanks btw u must know the paper.
Swara: yes yes.
Kavita: hope so our examiner should be good not too strict.
Swara: yes hope so
Then the silence prevailed in room as the invigilator entered Ofcouse he was Sanskar.
Swara was looking down and joined her hand like praying.Sanskar smiled seeing her.
All students stand and wishes him and then sat down.
Swara then looked at him and got annoyed and shouted.
Swara: oh god u r our examiner why donât u leave me alone.
Sanskar and all other students looked at her.Feeling many gazes on her she realized that she is in class.
Sanskar (sternly):what r u speaking miss swara.
Swara (looked down): sorry sir
Sanskar: take your seat.
Sanskar distributed answer sheets to all. Then it was time for question paper distribution .all were tensed.
Sanskar Gave question paper to her.
Swara: huh! I m taking from this khadoos it will be bad only(she mumble).
Sanskar listen and glare at him.
She put her first finger on lips.
Swara saw the exam she got bit happy Bcoz she had studied and she can score passing marls hopefully.
Sanskar was keenly observing her expressions that whether she knew or not .
He went to her and asked slowly.
Sanskar: u know something?
Swara: why u r going to tell me?
Sanskar: no just asked.
Swara: then donât ask bcoz I wonât tell now donât disturb me.
Sanskar: ok
He went and stood in front.
Swara started writing and she wrote all answers she knew in 1 hour then she was free and looking here and there.
Sanskar saw her and thought she did also.
Swara was time passing sometimes playing with pen, keeping her head on bench.
She was playing with pen when it suddenly falls down.
All class got disturbed bcoz of noise.she showed her all teeths to all smiling sheepily and picked her pen.
One boy was sitting infront of her asking her some answer.
Swara(shouted): sir that boy is asking from me.
Sanskar: who.
Swara pointed to boy.
Sanskar : u get up and sit on floor.
Swara: see sir I m very obedient.
Sanskar: yes that I know very well.
Like this finally exam got over and sanskar collected answer sheets.
Outside class room
Swara was moving in corridor when sanskar came from front.
Sanskar : how was your paper.
Swara: good but not that good.
Sanskar: OK donât worry I will check.
Swara (looked at him ): plz have bit mercy on me while checking bcoz I donât want to give it again.(plead)
Sanskar:(laughed): okk
Then later left to home.
Precap: swaraâs result.
Sorry itâs just a short update and boring but donât worry will post soon big one.
Ignore mistakes .
Thank you
Take care.
the way swara said to sanskar-omg u r looking hotâ made me laugh so muchâŠswaraâs result..going to read next chappy
Thank you dear
awesome episodeâŠ!waiting for swaraâs results..running to next episode???